Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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For the abdominal cavity, an abnormal anatomical and physiological abnormality is bowel entrainment, in which the intestinal loops (the total length of which is almost four meters) are displaced below the place where they are supposed to be.
The problems of disturbing the normal anatomical location of certain internal organs in most clinical cases are associated with their omission, which in medicine is called ptosis.
This pathology entails such negative health consequences as local disturbance of blood circulation, spasms of the muscular ligaments and limitations of the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Causes of bowel dysfunction
The omission of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, including the intestinal bowel, occurs for several reasons. An important role in the emergence of this pathology is played by genetic causes, in the first place, prenatal abnormalities of organ development.
An abnormality of the intestine can be caused by factors conditioned by the individual features of the human physique. These include a lowered tone of the abdominal muscles and weakness of the intestinal connective tissues (in particular, in stalwart people of asthenic type); low-located diaphragm (muscular septum between thoracic and abdominal cavities); reduction of convex forward flexure (lordosis) of the lumbar spine, etc.
An abortion of the intestine can also be acquired. It can happen in people who are engaged in heavy physical labor or experiencing significant overstrain and overstretch of muscles in sports (for example, for weightlifters). Often, those who have been overweight and quickly lose excess kilos face this problem. Removal from the abdominal cavity of the transudate in abdominal dropsy (ascites), surgical excision of large tumors or cysts, as well as repeated or multiple births can also cause displacement of the intestine downward.
Very often, the cause of bowel dysfunction is associated with gastric emptying (gastroptosis), in which normal digestion and movement of food masses into the intestine is impaired, and this leads to additional mechanical pressure on the small intestine. In this case, simultaneous gastric and intestinal dysfunction is diagnosed.
Symptoms of bowel dysfunction
Symptoms of bowel dysfunction (splanchnoptosis, enteroptosis, colonoptosis) are expressed in the form of periodically arising dull pain in the abdomen - aching or drawing character. The most common localization of pain is in the right iliac region, in the lower abdomen, in the lower back and groin.
Also, patients complain of unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity, which are noted in the standing position and pass in the horizontal position of the body. All this is often accompanied by headaches, fast fatigue and attacks of nausea. In addition, the omission of the small intestine and the omission of the large intestine causes excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine (flatulence) and chronic constipation.
To the signs of large intestine prolapse, men urinate more frequently, and in women - painful menstruation.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of bowel descent
To determine the causes of pathology, a comprehensive examination is conducted, in which - in addition to patient complaints, anamnesis, examination and palpation of the abdominal cavity - modern methods of diagnosing bowel dysfunction are used, among which:
- general survey radiography of the abdominal cavity (carried out in the horizontal and then in the vertical position of the patient);
- Irrigoscopy (X-ray examination of the colon with filling it with radiopaque substance);
- ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity (ultrasound);
- computed tomography (CT).
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of bowel dysfunction
Treatment of bowel desecration is carried out in a conservative way using dietotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, massage and bowel supporting the intestine.
Clinical practice shows that two cases are resorted to in surgical intervention in the treatment of this pathology. First, when all attempts to improve the patient's condition by conservative methods have failed, and the symptoms of the disease are manifesting themselves more intensively.
Secondly, when bowel dysfunction complicates blood circulation disorders in all organs of the abdominal cavity, as well as partial or complete intestinal obstruction. Such cases lead patients to the operating table. Although, according to doctors, the operation to fix the intestine does not guarantee the absence of relapses. Without the constant work of patients to keep the intestine in a position as close to normal as possible, persistent positive results are almost impossible to achieve.
Bandage at bowel descent
Much better feel those who wear a bandage when lowering the intestine (and other internal organs located in the abdominal cavity). The principle of its action is compression. That is, the retention of the intestine in anatomically correct position is assisted by an artificially created external pressure on the abdominal wall.
A bandage when bowel is lowered is selected by a doctor - depending on the individual constitution of each patient and the clinic of the disease. Bandage should be worn in the morning - without getting out of bed, lying on his back with a slightly raised pelvic area. He is also removed lying down - before going to bed.
However, according to many experts, after wearing the bandage and a fairly long period of improvement, the increase in the main symptoms of bowel desiccation is not ruled out.
Exercises for bowel descent
Strengthen the abdominal muscles possible. And here, to the aid come physical exercises with bowel lowering, which are designed to increase the tone of the anterior and lateral muscles of the peritoneum - transverse, internal oblique, external oblique and straight, and also the back muscles - square lumbar and iliac-lumbar. In addition, you need to strengthen the diaphragm and striated muscles of the pelvic floor.
At the beginning of the session (within two to three weeks) all the exercises are performed lying on the back - on an elevated inclined plane in the legs.
Gymnastics for bowel descent
We begin with exercises in the supine position on the back, each exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
- on the stomach (between the ribs and the navel) put the book, hands stretch along the trunk, legs straight. Breathing with the participation of the diaphragm: a slow inhalation with the lifting of the diaphragm (the book should rise), the exhalation is longer than inhalation - with the retraction of the abdomen;
- arms stretched along the trunk, legs straight. Alternating raising and lowering of legs;
- Hands along the trunk, legs straight. On exhalation, both legs should be raised above the floor, holding them in this position for 5 seconds. On a slow exhalation, slowly lower the legs to their original position;
- all the actions of the previous exercise are repeated, but after lifting the legs, movements of the "scissors" are made with both feet - alternately up and down and to the sides;
- Hands along the trunk, legs bent at the knees. Leaning on the soles of the feet, elbows and nape, slowly raise the pelvis. Just slowly return to the starting position;
- Hands along the trunk, legs straight. On inhalation - bend the right leg in the knee, on exhalation - pull her hands to the stomach. The same is done by the other leg;
- hands along the trunk, legs straight, on exhalation bend both legs in the knees and press them with both hands to the stomach, then return to the starting position;
- foot movements, imitating cycling.
Exercises for bowel descent in a standing position:
- Walking in place with a high hip raising (for one minute).
- feet together, arms lowered; on inhalation, straight arms are raised upwards with simultaneous retraction of the leg (alternately left and right), while touching the floor with the toe of the foot. The exhalation assumes the starting position.
- legs together, arms lowered along the trunk; on inhalation, straight arms rise to the sides with simultaneous retraction of the leg to the side, touching the floor with the toe of the foot. The exhalation assumes the starting position. Repetition with each foot - 5 times.
- stand with your back to the wall (at a distance of 35 cm), feet shoulder width apart, arms bent at the elbows; Turn the upper part of the body with the palm touching the wall and a 10-second delay in this position, then the body turns in the opposite direction.
Gymnastics during bowel descent is done every day (two hours after eating) for 10-15 minutes, after which it is recommended to lie down on an inclined plane elevated in the legs for a quarter of an hour.
Treatment of bowel swallowing with alternative means
If partial strengthening of weakened muscles supporting the intestine is achieved with the help of proper physical exercises, then treatment of bowel descent by alternative means is performed solely for the control of constipation and flatulence.
For this purpose, infusions and decoctions of various medicinal plants are taken. Here are a few of the most effective means of phytotherapy to stimulate the process of freeing the large intestine from the waste of life.
Long since the constipation, they use the fruits of a laxative hopper and a sheet of hay (cassia narrow-leaved). To prepare the decoction of the zoster one tablespoon of fruit should be poured a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Then close the dishes tightly and allow to boil for a half or two hours. After filtering the broth take half the glass - before going to bed. And the hay is used in the form of water infusion: a tablespoon of a dry plant to brew a glass of boiling water, give a couple of hours to brew and strain. Take a sip before drinking.
Sensible laxative effect appears after 2-3 days. But it should be borne in mind that both zhoster and senna are not recommended for women during lactation and for those who have any inflammation or acute bowel disease.
The bark of the buckthorn (brittle or alder-like) is also a proven remedy for constipation. His recipe is simple: pour a tablespoon of crushed bark with 250 ml of boiling water and cook until half of the liquid evaporates. Cool, strain and add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Take should be half a glass - in the morning and at bedtime.
It helps with chronic constipation and flatulence of cumin seeds. For its preparation, it is necessary to brew one tablespoon of seeds of this spicy-flavored plant with a glass of boiling water and let it infuse for at least two hours. Infusion should be drunk on the throat several times throughout the day. The same method applies to the seeds of ordinary dill and fennel.
Prevention of bowel descent
Change your somatotype or "correct" the anthropometric indicators of a person can not do it: it is inherent in every genetically. So all the measures to prevent bowel dysfunction due to constitutional features are reduced to a healthy lifestyle - with proper nutrition and possible regular physical activity.
With regard to the prevention of acquired intestinal dyspnoea, experts advise not to raise the severity, monitor their weight and not seek to lose weight "in a short time." Very useful to swim, ride a bike, walk. During pregnancy, it is better for women to wear a special antenatal bandage, and after the appearance of a child - postpartum.
Forecast of bowel descent
An abortion is a serious problem. If it is not solved, then the negative consequences will not keep you waiting. The prognosis of intestinal dysfunction for men is connected with the fact that pressure on the bladder and prostate can cause incontinence of urine, prostatitis or prostate adenoma. For women, the pressure of the lowered intestine on the uterus, ovaries and bladder is fraught with infertility, menstrual irregularities and various inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. And for those, and for others, bowel swallowing creates conditions for inflammation of various organs of the digestive system, and also provokes the development of a life-threatening intestinal obstruction.