Increased hemoglobin level in the blood
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Elevated levels of hemoglobin in the blood are found in every third person. Let's look at the causes of increased hemoglobin, the methods of its normalization and possible consequences for the body.
The level of hemoglobin does not stand still, it rises and falls. If hemoglobin is lowered, then this indicates iron deficiency anemia. And elevated hemoglobin is the body's signal that there are problems and even pathologies that require immediate treatment.
There are two forms of hemoglobin - fetal and glycated. The glycosylated form of hemoglobin - this form is formed due to the attachment of the hemoglobin protein to glucose. It is the increased form of this type of hemoglobin - the first indicator of diabetes. The fetal form is the hemoglobin of the newborn. As you grow older, this form of hemoglobin is gradually destroyed. But if an adult has a fetal form of hemoglobin, then this indicates serious diseases of the body.
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Causes of increased hemoglobin in the blood
The reasons for the increase in hemoglobin in the blood may be different, but, as a rule, an excess of red blood cells speaks about the excess of red blood cells in the body. This condition is called erythrocytosis, and it causes a number of complications in the body's work, as it disrupts blood circulation and leads to the problem of blood coagulability. Let's look at the main causes of increased hemoglobin in the blood.
Increase in red blood cells, which act as a compensatory mechanism for transporting blood throughout the body.
- Reduction of blood plasma volume.
- Living in a mountainous area (because of a lack of oxygen, the body begins to produce more hemoglobin, which leads to its increase).
- Bad habits. Smoking can cause increased hemoglobin due to a lack of pure oxygen in the body.
- Dehydration is another cause of increased hemoglobin. But as soon as the water balance in the body is restored, the level of hemoglobin will return to normal.
- The use of drugs and anabolic agents can lead to an increase in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Elevated levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin
Elevated levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin is the cause of blood circulation disorders. Elevated indicators may indicate a thickening of the blood due to dehydration, pulmonary insufficiency, congenital heart defects or long-term adaptation of the organism to certain conditions (found in pilots and climbers). Harmful habits, especially smoking, is another reason for the elevated level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
The increase in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is divided into relative and absolute. Absolute increase - calls Vex's disease, which causes chronic leukemia, that is, the usual erythrocytosis. This condition can arise due to oxygen starvation, an excess of hormones (androgens and adrenocorticosteroids). A relative increase is a pathological condition that arises from a decrease in plasma volumes.
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Increased hemoglobin in women
Elevated levels of hemoglobin in women can occur due to excessive physical exertion, smoking, the use of anabolic steroids or prolonged stay in the highlands. In this case, to reduce the level of hemoglobin, it is recommended to take vitamin B12 and folic acid. Elevated hemoglobin in women is extremely dangerous during pregnancy, as this is evidence of complications in the development of the baby or the presence of liver and kidney diseases in the mother.
In any case, women with elevated levels of hemoglobin should observe the principles of healthy eating, spend more time outdoors and consume vitamins. Such a complex and all available treatment will help to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Elevated hemoglobin level in men
Elevated hemoglobin level in men is 20-40 g / l higher than normal hemoglobin - 140-160 g / l. The main reasons for this state are bad habits. For example, smoking causes a lack of oxygen. A high level of hemoglobin causes blood clots and plaques in the blood, interfering with its normal circulation and causing strokes and heart attacks. Cardiovascular insufficiency and lung diseases, cardiac and vascular pathology, B12 deficiency is another cause of elevated hemoglobin in men.
Symptoms of increased hemoglobin are manifested in the form of rapid fatigue, loss of appetite, visual impairment and the genitourinary system. Redness or excessive pallor of the skin also indicate a pathological level of hemoglobin. Treat this condition with the use of medications that dilute blood, diet, rejection of bad habits and an active lifestyle.
Elevated hemoglobin level in children
Elevated hemoglobin level in children is a symptom of diseases and complications in the work of the body. In newborn babies, elevated hemoglobin is due to physiological processes, but with the child's growing up, it normalizes. The main causes of elevated hemoglobin levels in a child are: blood diseases, congenital heart diseases, cancer, and others.
The main symptoms of elevated hemoglobin in children do not differ from the symptoms in adults. The child feels constant weakness and drowsiness, quickly becomes tired, and the baby can pale or get a red shade of the skin. With this symptomatology, the parents' task is to take the child to the hospital and conduct a special examination.
Elevated levels of hemoglobin in the blood - a pathological condition, which indicates the presence of diseases or lack of vitamins in the body. Sometimes, elevated hemoglobin occurs due to bad habits, excessive physical exertion or staying in a high altitude area. Regardless of the cause, this condition requires compulsory treatment and medical supervision.
Products that raise the level of hemoglobin
Products that raise the level of hemoglobin is another reason for the unhealthy state of the body. Knowing which products contribute to increase hemoglobin, you can create a therapeutic diet that will allow to normalize the indices of this pigment of blood.
- If there is a shortage of hemoglobin, patients are recommended to consume products of animal origin, that is, meat, milk, butter, cream and so on. Therefore, with increased hemoglobin, these products should be tabooed.
- Some fruits and vegetables help increase hemoglobin, so they should be discarded. Nuts, grapes, bananas and pomegranate - contribute to the growth of the level of red blood cells in the blood.
- Regular use of dishes prepared from beets is another reason for increased hemoglobin. 150 g of beets are able to restore reduced hemoglobin, but with increased indices of this substance will cause problems with the body and blood circulation.
- At an elevated level of hemoglobin in the blood should be abandoned apples, watermelons and melons. Carrots also enhance this iron-containing protein, so it is not recommended to use it.
- Herbal decoctions and infusions can provoke an increase in hemoglobin. Broth of dogrose, tincture of mountain ash or nettle - can cause excessive growth of red blood cells in the blood.
Drugs that raise the level of hemoglobin
Drugs that raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood are used to treat iron deficiency anemia. The most popular drugs from this group of drugs are ferroplex and conferron. The course of treatment is appointed by the doctor after diagnosis of the patient's condition, the delivery of a complex of tests, and depends on the age of the patient and the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Please note that very often the use of drugs that raise the level of hemoglobin is prescribed in combination with vitamin B12, which also helps increase hemoglobin. Do not forget that any iron-containing drugs that increase hemoglobin, negatively affect the gastric mucosa and can cause an exacerbation of gastroduodenitis or gastritis. Also, these drugs cause constipation and flatulence.