

How to whiten your teeth?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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How to whiten your teeth? This question puzzles many people. Today, whiten teeth using high-performance technology is a phenomenon widely known. The most common method of bleaching is tooth whitening in the clinic. This procedure helps not only to give teeth a white glow, but also to make them healthier.

As is known, there are many factors that have a negative impact on the state of the tooth coating - these are the various dyes contained in food and medicine, the harmful effect of nicotine - which causes teeth to change color, become darker, and the smile loses appeal. Often the cause of dullness of the teeth are also traumas or diseases of the dento-jaw system. But each of us, of course, wants to be the owner of a sparkling smile and perfectly white teeth. And here you can not do without ways that help whiten your teeth.

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How to whiten teeth with special devices?

You can whiten your teeth with the help of devices. This is a completely safe procedure, not accompanied by pain. Thanks to the power of the plasma lamp, the whitening substance quickly penetrates through the enamel, without harming it. In total, the procedure lasts about one and a half to two hours. Two weeks before the start of the procedure, professional training is provided - special cleaning and dental treatment.

How to whiten teeth with mechanical methods?

You can whiten your teeth by applying mechanical methods. This is an ordinary removal of plaque, tartar with the help of a sand-salt solution, ultrasonic action. Such a procedure doctors are advised not to spend more than once in six months, thanks to her teeth will become healthier, the risk of many diseases of the dentition will decrease. This method consists in the following: before going to sleep, special caps are put on the teeth, into which a clarifying gel is poured. It is worth noting that this method can both whiten teeth, and cause harm, increasing the sensitivity of teeth. Dentists this kind is not very welcome. The positive side is that the process is almost imperceptible.

Another tool that will help whiten your teeth is gel clarification. But this method has a positive result gradually, and the effect after it is not too bright. The folk method of how to whiten your teeth, for example, with a lemon - has no contraindications and does not require a cost method. However, the result is often negligible, the ideal whiteness is unlikely to be achieved.

You can whiten your teeth by applying hydrogen peroxide. However, this method is far from harmless - structural integrity is violated, and the effect can be much different from the desired one.

How to whiten your teeth in at home with activated charcoal? Very simple. The procedure is as follows: the tablet is dissolved in water and the tooth is cleaned with a solution two to three times a week. Doctors do not recommend this procedure more frequently, since it is possible to render destructive effects. The negative effect can also be caused by rubbing the teeth with soda.

To whiten teeth it is possible and toothpastes which possesses mechanical properties - a teeth thus do not become more light, there is a usual elimination of a plaque. In addition, it should be noted that it is desirable to use such pastes for no longer than 25-30 days.

How to whiten your teeth with lasers?

To whiten teeth it is possible by means of the laser which renders sparing influence, therefore such kind is recommended even to the people having a hypersensibility of a teeth. During the procedure, the bleaching gel is applied several times to the surface of the teeth and activated by a laser beam without causing any pain. The method of internal bleaching is used when there are traumas of the tooth row or darkening occurred, for example, after removal of the nerve or sealing of the canal.

How to whiten your teeth safely?

To whiten teeth is not recommended for people who are allergic to the components that are present in the bleaching substances, as well as pregnant, nursing women, young children of primary school age. Contraindication to this procedure is also parodontosis (defeat of the peri-toothed tissue), wearing bracket systems, taking strong chemical preparations.

It should be noted that in the presence of natural yellowness it is much better to whiten teeth than gray discoloration. The effect can last from six months to several years. A significant advantage of professional procedures that help whiten your teeth is that the procedure is carried out directly by a specialist, which in turn guarantees much greater safety than an independent procedure.

How to whiten your teeth, it's up to you. Just do not forget that after bleaching you must protect your teeth for the longest possible preservation of the effect.

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