How to remove dry calluses on the toes by alternative means?
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Alternative medicine is the experience of previous generations in the fight against diseases that have existed for more than a dozen years. The problem of the formation of dry corns is also not new, and over the years of its existence, many recipes have been accumulated for dealing with it.
Previously, there were no effective drugs, the names of which speak of their purpose, and people had to struggle with painful growths through what nature had bestowed. Many of these recipes that help our ancestors, came to us. So, we can use them if there is no opportunity or desire to turn to pharmacy chemistry.
What are the gifts of nature can help cure dry calluses on the feet :
- Onions and garlic, known for their stinging properties and ability to fight various pathogens.
Recipes based on garlic, onion, onion peel
- Grind unsalted lard in a meat grinder, add garlic, chopped in gruel to it, and apply the mixture to the corn for several nights, fixing with a film and a plaster.
- Take half a glass of natural wine vinegar, add 2 crushed cloves of garlic and insist the mixture in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Apply a cotton wool dipped in corn for a few minutes daily, and then let the mixture dry on the skin.
- Particularly resilient people apply a plate or a slurry of garlic or onion to the calluses, but in this case there is a risk of getting burned by nearby tissues. What will be accompanied by a strong burning sensation.
- As an option, you can regularly apply a piece of cut onion to the corns, pre-wetting it in vinegar.
- For those who are not keen on thrills, you can recommend a more gentle recipe with garlic. Chive you need to pre-bake in the oven until soft, knead it and mix with an equal amount of softened butter. The resulting composition must be applied to the corn for a couple of hours, after which it is removed along with the growth tissues. If for 1 procedure it was not possible to get rid of it, the treatment is repeated after 1-2 days.
- Washed onion peel insist for 14 days on 9% vinegar, closing the dishes with a lid and putting in a dark place. For the night the corn is lubricated with petroleum jelly or other emollient, we impose a husk on it, bandage it to the foot and leave it overnight. In the morning we steam up the leg and remove the softened tissues of the corn. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a couple of days.
- And this method usually helps to forget about the callus after the first procedure. Mix chopped clove of garlic with 1 tsp. Acetic essence. Add to the flour so much to get not a tight dough. We make of it a small cake on the size of a corn or a little more and put it on the corn, fixing it with a bandage and a plaster. It will be possible to remove the bandage in 2-3 days already together with the corns. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after waiting a few days.
This tool is quite aggressive and can damage healthy skin, so before applying the lozenges it is recommended to stick a patch to the skin around the growth, making an incision in the middle of the patch on the form of a corn.
- And this recipe, most likely already familiar to readers who are interested in how to remove a wart on the body. Eggshell must be filled with vinegar for 7-8 days, until it dissolves and becomes soft. The shell is removed, and the resulting composition we lubricate the corn, or impose on it a compress of cloth moistened in an egg-acetic mass. Apply a wrap over the compress and bandage to the foot and put on a warm sock. Periodically we change the compress, simultaneously removing the falling out parts of the corn.
For the treatment of dry corn without a rod, you can use another option. Mix egg, 1 tbsp. L Acetic essence and the same vegetable oil, mix well and store in the cold. Apply like the previous recipe after pre-steaming corn or natoptysha.
It is more convenient to use these recipes for the night, and in the morning to clean the ointment and parts of the corn with a napkin.
- To safely remove fresh corn without a rod, you can use regular vegetable oil, petroleum jelly or fat cream, which for a long time with massage movements need to be rubbed into the tissues of the corn, which will lead to their softening.
- In medicine, it is common to use acids to fight dry calluses. The same is done by the people, using acidic foods: the pulp of sour varieties of tomatoes or lemon (you can take juice, but use it less conveniently). You can lubricate the corn with juice or soak a bandage in it for applications, and make compresses out of the slurry, applying it to the corn and fixing it with a bandage from above. It is better to do compresses for the night until the callus is gradually completely exfoliated.
- In lemon, you can use the skin, imposing its outer side on the steamed corn and leaving for a couple of days. After removing the compress, remove the softened parts of the build-up. Repeat with an interval of 2 days until the corn has completely disappeared. Lemon and especially its skin contain a large amount of vitamin C, which contributes to the improvement of local immunity and reduces the activity of viruses, so recipes based on it are useful even for corn.
For those who do not have an allergy to honey, this recipe is also suitable. Scald lemon peel with boiling water and grind in a meat grinder or blender. Mix the resulting gruel with 3 spoons of natural honey and apply on the corn at night daily for 1-3 days.
- Recipes based on liquid propolis are also used to remove dry calluses on the legs. It can be wetted with a cloth and applied as compresses overnight for several days, or use a mixture of propolis and lecithin powder (4 spoons of propolis and 20 g of lecithin, apply for 10 minutes twice a day).
- And for fans of prunes, you can offer a simple recipe based on it. Prunes need to boil in milk and hot (not burning) to impose on the patient corn. When the prune cools, you need to put a new hot, and so for half an hour for several days in a row, after clearing the softened horniness after the procedure.
It helps with dry calluses and herbal treatments, although it is not often used. For example, compresses from marigolds can be used to treat fresh corns. They need fresh flowers that need to be crushed and mixed with a small amount of hot water. The slurry must be applied to the corn for 10 days. The treatment is long, but safe.
Aloe juice is considered to be quite a popular remedy, in which you need to moisten a napkin and apply it on the corn for a night for several days, removing soft crusts in the morning. The treatment is carried out until the callus is completely exfoliated.
Well, the most common way to remove corns is to lubricate it with fresh celandine juice, which can be obtained from flowering plants from May to September or prepared for future use. Celandine juice has a cauterizing effect, in parallel destroying pathogens around the wound.
Homeopathy also does not stand aside from the problems of "corn", although in its reserves there are not so many means for the external treatment of pathological seals on the skin. Usually, professionals who deal with corns and dry calluses can recommend a special ointment “From corns”, and during inflammation of corns - ointment “Beladonna”, “Apis”, “Brionium”, which have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic action.
For the local treatment of corns, you can also use a mixture of effective liquid preparations: thuja, hypericum, ranunculus celerate, salicycum acidum. The proportions of such an external agent should be clarified with a homeopathic physician, who will additionally consider the issue of prescribing oral medications.
It would seem that dry calluses on the legs are a seal of the epidermis that occurs when it is regularly mechanically damaged (pressure or friction). What does the medicine for internal use? How can they help deal with a similar problem? And does it make sense to spend on such drugs, because homeopathy does not differ in cheapness, and the course of their reception is quite long?
The fact is that homeopaths, like most doctors of traditional medicine, agree that the appearance of corns on the legs is not accidental. Not without reason, some people do not have this problem, while others suffer from multiple unaesthetic, and sometimes very painful growths. In most cases, there are some internal causes that contribute to inadequate keratinization of the epidermis (metabolic disorders and nervous regulation, improper distribution of the load on different areas of the foot) and if they are not detected and not eradicated, the corns will appear regularly, and with the development of flat feet also take chronic form.
The location of the corns on the legs indicates possible internal problems. If a callus appears regularly under the fifth toe of the left foot, regardless of the shoe, it is possible that the person has heart problems, and the corns on the edge of the heel sometimes speak of vascular diseases. The growths on the pads of 1-4 fingers may indicate malfunction of the nervous system.
If dry calluses and natoptysh are found on the inside of the foot, it is likely that the patient has a poor bowel movement. And seals on the outside of the thumb may hint at various metabolic disorders.
It turns out that not only the fact of callus formation and the conditions that preceded it tells a lot about the homeopath, but also the localization of the seal on the foot, the presence of pain, particular constitutions and the functioning of the patient’s nervous system. Taking into account many factors, a homeopath with dry calluses on his feet may prescribe such drugs:
- Antimonium krudum (antimony tablets) - a drug that is prescribed for hyperkeratisation of the skin and the appearance of corns and corns on the heels. It is effective at sharp burning pain arising from pressure on the corn.
- In case of stitching pain in calluses with a rod, the following are also effective: Alumina, Brionium, Calcarya Carbonica, Hepar Sulfur, Fosforicum atsidkm, Nux vomica.
- If the pain in calluses occurs when lowering the legs to the floor, when the weather changes or humidity increases and is accompanied by arthritic pain, peroral administration of the Ranunculus sclerateus solution will be more effective.
- If acute piercing pain in callosities subsides from heat, and the patient is additionally plagued by rheumatic pains, a causticum may be prescribed.
- But in case of inflammation of the corns in people with excessive sweating of the feet and body and the temperature difference between the two feet, Likopodium or Sepia will be the drugs of choice.
- If a patient has sensitive legs and corns are extremely painful, i.e. They hurt like an open wound, you can try to take the drug Silica. Patients to whom this homeopathic remedy is suitable are peculiar: chilliness and hyperhidrosis of the feet with an unpleasant odor, while the limbs remain cold.
- For dry calluses, which are distinguished by a pronounced yellow color and appear on the feet of the feet, such means as Ferrum Picricum, Grafithes, Ranunkulus Bulbozus, Simfitum are also suitable.
Selecting an effective drug and its dosage, an experienced homeopath takes into account many different aspects, which seem insignificant from the outside. But in the treatment based on the activation of the internal forces of the body, every little thing is important. That is why the choice of your homeopath must be approached very responsibly.
Many consider homeopathy a pseudo-science, the effect of which is based purely on belief in that. That homeopathic remedies really help despite the fact that the dosage of the active ingredients in them is extremely small. But practice shows that if the treatment is prescribed by a charlatan, no faith will help to heal, and the correct selection of medicines will help to cure both the main and concomitant diseases. We just do not yet know all the possibilities of our body and are not very familiar with the levers that help it activate its strength.