Green snot in a newborn: what to do and what to treat?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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When a child is sick in the family, it is always a stress for parents. But if the newborn baby is sick - in most cases, the mother simply does not find a place. Panic is caused even by an ordinary runny nose - and it's not surprising, because little babies do not know how to breathe through the mouth, and nasal breathing can be difficult because of the accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity. Of particular concern can be caused by green snot in a newborn - such secretions are more dense and even more difficult for the baby's breathing. How to help the baby?
Causes of the green snot in a newborn
Green snot most often appear as a result of the following reasons:
- with the development of bacterial inflammatory process, with viral complications;
- with the development of purulent process;
- with a stagnant allergic reaction.
In any case, the presence of green snots indicates that the inflammation of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx or nasal sinuses has been going on for several days without proper treatment.
It should be noted that the runny nose, acute respiratory infections, or ARI in newborn babies are relatively rare, since they still have immunity, which was transmitted to them from the mother during pregnancy. Contribute to the development of diseases in newborns, such risk factors:
- frequent colds in the mother during pregnancy;
- poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, anemia, hypovitaminosis;
- smoking or taking medicines during pregnancy;
- systemic diseases of the mother;
- hypothermia of the baby;
- presence of a patient with acute respiratory infections in a single room with a child.
In bacterial infections, the organism is directed by leukocytes to the destruction of bacteria - blood cells that "devour" pathogenic microorganisms. Destroying the microbes, the leukocytes themselves are dying. It is the large number of dead leukocyte cells, as well as no less number of already non-viable bacterial cells, and give the nasal mucus secretions a green color. Moreover, the "greener" snot, the more ancient is the infectious pathology.
Why snot is green, not some other color? This is "guilty" of neutrophils - the most numerous representatives of leukocytes, which are involved in suppressing the inflammatory process. Neutrophils have a green pigment myeloperoxidase, which is released outside after cell death.
Coryza never begins right away with green snot. Initially, the discharge is mucous and transparent. And only then, approximately on the 6th day of the disease (sometimes a little earlier), the mucus becomes green and dense.
Symptoms of the green snot in a newborn
If the green snot appeared after the first signs of ARVI, then a few days before their appearance, the temperature usually rises, the baby begins to sneeze.
Explicit first signs are found after the beginning of the swelling of the nasal mucosa: the baby begins to snort loudly, "pohryukivat", it becomes difficult for him to breathe. During breastfeeding infants from time to time breaks off from the breast or nipples and tries to take a few breaths.
The child often and for a long time is capricious, cries, as if without a reason, can lose appetite and refuse to feed.
Additional symptoms that can be observed against the background of the appearance of green snot in a newborn can be:
- sweating of feet and palms;
- conjunctivitis;
- anxiety of the child, bad sleep.
Due to difficulties with nasal breathing, the flow of oxygen to the brain can be disturbed, which causes a headache in the infant.
Green dense snot in the newborn gives him special discomfort, as the nasal passages become clogged, and it is impossible to breathe through them. As a consequence, the baby constantly cries and worries, because he can not blow his nose out yet.
Yellow-green snot of a newborn is a congestion of pus - often their appearance indicates the imminent end of the disease. But to relax in any case is not worth it: it is the yellow snot that has the greatest viscosity - and this means that at the moment the child is very hard to breathe. At this stage, you should do everything possible to remove snot from the nasal passages.
Any runny nose always has three stages of development:
- reflex stage, at which the child begins to sneeze, experience dryness in the nose;
- catarrhal stage, accompanied by watery discharge and reddening of the nasal mucosa;
- the final stage, which is an infectious inflammation with condensation and a characteristic green coloration of nasal secretions.
Green snot in a newborn can arise as a concomitant symptom of such types of cold:
- an allergic rhinitis, which is usually accompanied by conjunctivitis, facial edema, dry cough;
- The physiological rhinitis that appears when the mucous membrane dries up due to its structural rearrangement;
- bacterial, fungal or viral cold, which is provoked by the ingestion of the corresponding infection in the body;
- Vasomotor rhinitis due to excessive vasodilation.
Complications and consequences
Coryza with green snot in a newborn can be complicated by other diseases:
- inflammation of the middle ear, as a result of penetration of mucous nasal secretions in a short way from the nasal cavity to the auditory canals;
- inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, as a result of small motor activity of the newborn baby;
- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis);
- stagnation in the lungs.
The period of green snot is the stage at which the baby should be given the greatest possible assistance. During the first month of life, the child should not wait until the runny nose with green snot will pass by itself - the baby does not yet have its strong immunity to cope with such a disease.
Diagnostics of the green snot in a newborn
At the very beginning of the diagnosis, the pediatrician will carefully question the parents about when and under what circumstances the green snot appeared, what preceded it, what diseases were before, and so forth. Then the doctor will begin to examine the nasopharynx using special instruments. Sometimes additional instrumental diagnostics may be required, which includes an x-ray examination of the sinuses of the nose and an immunological test.
In the hospital, the baby will take part of the excreta for microscopic examination. If they find a large number of lymphocyte cells, it means that the child is infected with a viral infection. If the secretions contain mainly neutrophils, then we can talk about a bacterial infection. In some cases, the infection can be mixed.
Blood tests will help to establish the presence of an inflammatory process in the child's body, eliminate anemia. Urinalysis will evaluate the function of the kidneys.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis with green snot can be carried out with a common cold, sinusitis, sinusitis, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, fungal infection, allergic rhinitis.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the green snot in a newborn
If the baby does not fever, his general condition does not suffer, and the green snot does not significantly affect the mood of the child, the parents should first take the following measures:
- maintain adequate air humidity in the room where the child is - this will prevent the mucous membrane from drying out in the nose and will facilitate the breathing of the baby (the most optimal moisture indicators are from 50 to 70%);
- often to give a drink to a baby - warm water, children's tea;
- regularly a few times a day to ventilate the room where the baby is usually located (of course, at the moment when he is not there);
- Remove from the premises all the likely allergens - flowers, fleecy carpets, etc .;
- in the morning and in the evening spend wet cleaning in the room;
- do not smoke at home, even in the next room;
- replace all detergents and preparations for hypoallergenic washing;
- protect the child from contact with pets;
- approximately every 2 hours to drip the baby in each nasal passage for several drops of saline (isotonic sodium chloride solution).
If, in addition to the runny nose and green snot, the baby is also concerned about other symptoms, then it is necessary to listen to the advice of a pediatrician who can prescribe certain medications. Such medicines can be:
- Immunomodulators - Viferon, Laferobion, Grippferon, etc.
- Antiseptic means - Octenisept, Miramistin.
- Means, which lower the temperature - Nurofen, Paracetamol.
- Vasoconstrictors - Nazol, Otrivin, Nazivin.
Medications can be prescribed according to the following schemes:
Dosage and route of administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Laferobion |
Turundas moistened with the drug are injected in turn into each nasal aperture for 10 minutes, 4-6 times a day, for 3-5 days. |
With topical application, side effects are considered a rarity. |
To obtain a solution of Laferobion, a powder in a 50,000 flask is diluted in 2 ml of water (a 100,000 bottle is diluted in 1 ml of water). |
Nurofen |
Assign 2.5 ml of suspension 1-3 times a day. |
Possible vomiting, upset of the chair, headache. |
Nurofen should not be given to children weighing less than 5 kg. |
Nazol |
Drip on 1 drop not more often than once in 6 hours. |
Sometimes there are burning sensations in the nose, palpitations, sleep disorder. |
Nasol can not be used for more than 3 consecutive days. |
Viferon |
Assign 150 thousand IU per 1 suppository twice a day (once every 12 hours), for 5 days. |
Rarely there are reversible eruptions and itching. |
When used in preterm infants, the dosage is adjusted by the physician individually. |
If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs. Self-use of the listed funds for the treatment of green snot in newborns is strictly prohibited.
Vitamins are very important for maintaining the immunity of a newborn baby. However, taking multivitamin complex preparations at this age is not entirely reasonable, since the baby's organism can react inadequately to a particular medicine. If the child is breastfeeding, then it is recommended to use vitamins to the mother herself: in this case, they will be given to the baby with milk and will be much better absorbed. Yes, and useful substances to my mother will not be superfluous.
If the child is fed by the mixtures, then here it is possible to solve the problem of the intake of vitamins into the body, having competently selected a quality vitaminized adapted mixture.
During the newborn period, special attention should be paid to the benefits of ascorbic acid (supports immunity), vitamin B (stabilize the nervous system and improve blood circulation), vitamin D (normalizes the exchange of calcium and phosphorus).
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Despite the fact that physiotherapy procedures are considered relatively safe, not all of them are permitted for use during the neonatal period. There are only a few permissible procedures that can be prescribed for a newborn baby for the treatment of colds and green snot:
- sessions of electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs;
- laser therapy to improve blood circulation and lymph circulation, eliminate pain and signs of inflammatory reaction;
- magnetotherapy to accelerate tissue repair after the inflammatory process;
- massage and vibromassage of the wings of the nose and chest.
The effectiveness of these procedures is guaranteed only if the treatment is performed by competent qualified physiotherapists who have experience in the treatment of infants.
Alternative treatment
It is highly not recommended to drip a newborn baby in the nose of all kinds of plant juices, essential oils and other liquids (including milk and honey). Such drugs can cause a number of complications - allergies, irritations of the mucous membrane, bronchospasm and laryngospasm, bacterial infection. Also, in no case should you put a little baby mustard, give or drip garlic and onions, apply salt compresses, soar the legs, etc.
The only alternative means that can be used during the newborn period is the saline solution. To make it, you need to dissolve 1 tsp. Salt (can be sea) in 1 liter of warm water. The solution is dripped to the baby 2 drops into each nostril, every 2 hours.
What else can not be done to treat green snot in newborns:
- use sprays and aerosols;
- to drip in a nose solutions of antibiotics.
If the child has difficulty breathing, the snot must be sucked off using the smallest syringe (No. 1), a disposable syringe (naturally without a needle) or a special suction pump (the so-called nasal aspirator that can be bought at any pharmacy). However, it is usually sufficient to use a conventional cotton flagellum, which is inserted into the infant's spout by scrolling movements, taking out crusts and dense excretions.
Herbal Treatment
As we said above, the best alternative to green snot is the usual salted water - an analogue of pharmacy saline or other currently popular drugs Humer, Aquamaris, etc.
Can you still help the child?
If the doctor did not forbid bathing the baby, then you can add decoction of herbs from pine and spruce branches, chamomile, mint to the bathing water.
It is possible to lay out cleansed and chopped garlic around the house - this will purify the air of bacteria and viruses, which will positively affect the recovery of the baby.
Also, you can light an aroma lamp with the addition of a few drops of lavender, coniferous, eucalyptus oil extract. But remember: to drip to the child such means in a nose it is forbidden.
To enhance immunity, it is recommended to give the child warm tea on the basis of chamomile - these teas are safe, they can be bought in almost any pharmacy.
In case of an acute cold with dense green secretions, homeopaths prescribe Pulsatilla with a dilution of 3, but the best appointment for a newborn will be Sambucus with breeding 3, Dulcamara with breeding 3 and Hamomilla in breeding 3.
If the discharge from the nose is associated with the development of an allergic reaction, Carbo vegetalis or Salicia with breeding 3 and 6 can help.
Homeopathic drops have a complex effect on the child's body. They eliminate mucosal edema, strengthen local and general immune defense. Homeopathy is most effective at the earliest possible use, with the first signs of the disease. In neglected cases, the treatment of a child with only homeopathic remedies is unacceptable. A comprehensive approach is needed, with the use of all means to restore nasal breathing and eliminate the underlying cause of rhinitis.
Operative treatment
Even neglected runny nose and prolonged allocation of green snot in a newborn are rarely indications for surgical intervention. Doctors can think about the operation with the accumulation of purulent discharge in the nasal sinuses, and even in cases when drug therapy is ineffective.
The operation is performed only when there are parietal and hyperplastic processes in the nasal cavity - for example, sinusoidal fistula or polyps.
This operation is quite painful, and not all young children carry it safely. Therefore, all specialists unequivocally recommend doing everything possible to prevent the deterioration of the child's condition and to prevent the need for surgical intervention.
More information of the treatment
As a preventive measure, it is recommended, if possible, to adhere to the following rules:
- Do not allow a newborn baby to come into contact with allergens, as well as with people with cold and viral infections;
- often spend indoors wet cleaning, air and maintain a normal level of humidity;
- do not allow, like the child's hypothermia, and its overheating - the child should be dressed in accordance with the weather and the temperature of the air.
At the slightest sign of a cold or allergy, it is necessary to call the district pediatrician at the house - it is not necessary to go to a polyclinic with a newborn baby.
Timely measures taken, the constant presence and care of mom and dad will help the newborn to recover sooner. The main thing - to be patient and give the baby the maximum amount of attention, so that he felt himself under reliable protection. If all the procedures prescribed by the pediatrician are carried out on time, then the prognosis will be favorable in all cases, and the green snot from the newborn will disappear without a trace.
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