

General information about constipation

Food processing by the gastrointestinal tract

Nutrition is the most complex combination of processes within our body.

13 rules of proper nutrition

In order for food to go in your favor, and not lead to excess weight and poor health, you need to eat properly.

How to prepare food for good digestion

How to cook properly, so that the body can digest it and digest it?

The main components of food

What are the main components of food and how do they affect our health?

Ways to regulate appetite

Appetite - the desire to eat, feeling right to the heart (joke) stomach hunger is selected.


Appetite is a psychological desire to eat, and often refers to specific foods. From what we feel hungry, our life depends: work, career, normal sensations in the stomach and intestines and so on. Therefore, appetite is very important for someone who wants to be successful and in demand by a person.


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