

General information about constipation

Constipation prevention

Constipation is easier to prevent than to treat long and painfully. What is the prevention of constipation?

Over-the-counter laxative: use risks

Laxatives can help relieve and prevent constipation. But not all laxatives are safe for long-term use. Excessive use of laxatives can lead to addiction and decreased bowel function.

How to overcome dependence on laxatives?

What is the dependence on laxatives and how to get rid of it?

Danger of constipation for the thyroid gland

Constipation is a problem that can be especially dangerous for people with hypothyroidism - a disease of the thyroid gland.

What are dangerous constipation?

Most often, with constipation in the intestine, there are no particular changes. Constipation provoke violations of the colon. But constipation is not just a short-term violation of the chair. They can be dangerous other, more serious diseases. What are dangerous constipation?

Constipation is an early sign of Parkinson's disease?

People who suffer from permanent or unstable constipation almost triple the risk of developing Parkinson's disease than people with normal defecation

Myths and truth about chronic constipation

Constipation, the most common complaint of indigestion, can make a person’s life unbearable.

Symptoms of constipation

Let's look at this state of the body - we learn more about the symptoms of constipation.

Pain in constipation in pregnant women

Constipation can cause many problems in your life - above all, pain.

Symptoms of constipation in children

Since there are many other diseases that can cause abdominal pain, it is important to know the symptoms of constipation in a child.


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