

Effective exercises for back pain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 22.08.2024

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Almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be treated only if the optimal movement regimen is ensured. No treatment will not be effective if the patient leads an immobile lifestyle, does not perform the recommended exercises for back pain. Almost always used complex therapy, which necessarily includes various physical means of action.


There are quite a few indications for back exercise. First of all, it is pain. It is especially important to perform physical exercises if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, have to stay in one position for a long time. Indications are various lumbalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, lordosis, kyphosis, curvature of the spine. It is also recommended to conduct exercises if the pain is long enough, aching, dull, if it increases after a night's sleep, after prolonged sitting, staying in one position. In the event that the pain occurs during sudden movements, if it is quite prolonged: it is absolutely necessary to engage in physical culture.

But it should be taken into account that there are some diagnoses, such as hernia, acute sciatica, inflammatory and degenerative processes, in which exercise may be contraindicated. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor and undergoing diagnostics.

What exercises to do if you have back pain?

If you have back pain, you can do a variety of exercises to strengthen your back. For a more narrow, specialized impact on a specific area where pain is felt, you need to consult a doctor or physical therapy instructor and select special exercises. To work out the back as a whole, remove muscle clamps, blocks, eliminate inflammatory areas, salt deposits, and other substances, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, there is quite a large variety of physical exercises. Almost every system has a lot of exercises that affect the back, because it is the main sensitive and reflexogenic field, which is subjected to the greatest stress and requires careful workout. In addition, the broadest muscle of the back is located on the back, the condition of which determines the condition of the spine and many body segments, including the condition of the arms and legs, the severity of lordosis and kyphosis.

But it should always be borne in mind that it is better not to amateurize. It is necessary to consult a specialist who can give professional advice, and advise what exercises to do if your back hurts. To begin with, it is worth consulting with an orthopedist or surgeon, who will diagnose and determine the cause of back pain. In some cases, physical activity may be contraindicated. Sometimes preliminary treatment is required first, and only then can exercises be performed. Then the doctor will suggest who is better to consult. While in the past only physical therapy was traditionally used, today there is a wide variety of methods and systems that can be used to treat back pain.

Yoga and yoga therapy, qigong, tai chi, Chinese health practices, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, aqua aerobics, callanetics, shaping, fitness, kick aerobics, step aerobics, Pilates, and many other systems have proven themselves quite well.

You can try such exercises as bending forward, backward, sideways, squats, plank, jumps, lunges with one leg forward, twisting exercises. Bridge, bicycle, somersaults, push-ups from the floor are also good.

Exercises for acute back pain

In acute back pain it is not recommended to do sharp exercises, movements. All exercises should be slow, smooth, should be aimed at relaxation, relieving tension, unloading the lumbar and other departments. Especially well-proven breathing exercises that allow you to restore metabolic processes in the body, including in the back. Breathing promotes relaxation, relieves spasm and eliminates the inflammatory process. In addition, it activates the immune system, which significantly increases the overall resistance and endurance of the body. Accordingly, inflammation is eliminated much faster, recovery occurs, and pain subsides. Until the acute pain is relieved, it is not recommended to do anything but breathing exercises, because you can only worsen the situation, and increase pain and inflammation. In addition, the swelling and hyperemia of the tissues may increase, resulting in additional nerve entrapment.

Breathing exercises from the system of hatha yoga (pranayama) have proved to be the best. This is the most ancient system, which has been tested by time and practice, and came to us from ancient India. Let's consider the basic exercises (pranayama).

The first exercise to master for acute back pain is full yogic breathing. This is the foundation of proper breathing. As a rule, in our daily life, we are used to breathing incorrectly. We do not take a full inhalation, similarly we do not take a full exhalation. As a result, the body does not get enough oxygen, in the lungs remains quite a lot of carbon dioxide, which we never fully exhale. Respiratory muscles are underdeveloped. As a result, the whole body suffers, the muscles lack oxygen. Hence - spasms, pains, inflammatory processes.

Before you start full yogic breathing, you need to sit up straight, straighten your back, and relax. The position should be with crossed legs and a straight back, but as comfortable and relaxed as possible. If it is difficult to control the state of the back, it is better to start by sitting with your back against the wall. Your hands should be placed on your knees. Try to cover your eyes, relax, detach yourself from all your problems, turn off your thoughts.

Slowly inhale with your belly, trying to round it as much as possible, blow it forward. Control how the abdomen slowly fills with air. After you feel that the stomach is filled, start filling the chest. Try to expand it as much as possible.

We start to fill in the clavicle area. So, try to expand the collarbone area as much as possible by moving the shoulders and collarbones apart. Feel the air entering the clavicular area. Feel that your abdomen, sternum, bronchi, trachea and clavicle area are completely filled with air.

Now do the exhalation in the same sequence. First, release the air from the abdominal cavity (abdomen, diaphragm muscles). Press the abdomen smoothly against the spine, squeezing all the air out of it. Then exhale as deeply as possible, but slowly and smoothly.

Then exhale with the collarbone area. This is one complete breathing cycle. From 3-4 breathing cycles, you should reach 15-20 cycles in one session. The maximum effect can be achieved by doing it for 20-30 minutes without a break.

Then, keeping the state of relaxation as much as possible, a set of static and dynamic pranayamas is recommended. Let's consider the basic static breathing exercises for acute back pain.

1. "Mighty Oak."

Stand up straight. Bring your feet, toes, fingers together. Line up your body as straight as possible. Keep your hands strictly along your thighs, lowered down. Close your eyes, relax, concentrate on your sensations. Check that your feet are connected and remain straight.

Begin to stagger slowly. Move slowly, smoothly. Imagine that you are a strong, powerful tree, which roots deep into the ground, standing tightly and confidently. As you exhale from your back, the pain leaves with the exhalation, going deep into the ground. The tree grows even more deeply rooted into the ground. As you inhale, warm, light energy fills your body, rises up through the roots of the tree, goes into your back.

2. "Flywheel."

Stand straight, bring your feet, knees, hips and thighs together. Hands are flat and down along your thighs.

With an inhale, clench your fists as much as possible.

Imagine in your mind that all the pain in the back area, accumulated in one point. Now, when you feel it, put your hands in front of you, unclench your fists (exhale). At the same time, imagine that all the pain in your back has left you.

3. "Kha Flow."

Your back is as relaxed as possible, straightened. Breathe calmly, evenly, and try to relax as much as possible. Feel your pain, and try to mentally collect it in one point. Take a deep breath. Then hold your breath. On the delay turn your head in a semicircular motion, try to pull your neck as much as possible. Slowly move your head from one shoulder to the other. At the same time, imagine how the pain is concentrated in one point. When the delay ends, take a sharp exhalation while making a sharp "Kha" sound. Imagine that with this sound all the pain comes out as a black, dirty stream.

4. "Harmoshka."

In a standing position, place your hands under your arms. Imagine that you are supporting your ribs with your hands. Take in a lot of air. Imagine it filling the entire space, spreading through it, and pushing all the pain out of your body. Begin to exhale air in small portions. At the same time, visualize the pain leaving you. Press your ribs (make small, springy presses, "accordion").

5. Pranayama "Lung Awakening"

Breathe in. Imagine: the air spreads throughout the lungs, throughout the body, penetrates into the back. Along with this, the pain becomes less and less. On the count of 2 do a delay, try to massage the lungs back as much as possible, tapping. We make a sharp exhalation, with which all the pain goes out. Repeat.

6. Pranayama "Squeeze"

Hold your breath, push up from the wall as much as you can. As soon as there is not enough air, make a sharp exhalation, imagine the pain leaving your back.

7. Pranayama "Push-up from the floor"

Perform the exercise similarly to the previous one, doing push-ups from the floor. Lie down on the floor, listen to your sensations. Try to take a few calm breaths, feel how clean warm air fills you, penetrates into your back, warms it, the pain goes away, your back is permeated with warmth.

8. Cleansing breath.

It consists of taking in as much air as possible, and then making several portioned exhalations, exhaling the air in parts. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose, and exhale through the open mouth. At the same time imagine how with each exhalation the pain becomes weaker and weaker. Repeat 2-3 times.

9. Mental "Ha-breathing."

Make a deep breath, then sharply exhale the air, throw your hands forward, and say a loud "Ha". You should exhale all the negativity and pain as much as possible along with the sound "Ha".

Finish the practice with relaxation, light meditation. Try to relax as much as possible, feel the relaxation of every cell of your body, enjoy the state.

Exercises for back pain at home

It does not require any special equipment, just the desire to train. You should start with simpler, warm-up exercises to prepare your body for the load. In the center of the class put more intense exercises. Finish the practice with stretching and relaxation exercises. Well-proven rhythmic gymnastics, various dance exercises that can be performed to music. If you relax, and begin to move at random pace. The effect of such an activity will only increase. Spontaneous motor activity is widely used, for example, within the framework of body-oriented therapy. It is understood that any manifestation of pain in our body is a psychosomatic pathology. Thus, we can not always express this or that emotion, we often feel stress and tension. All this forms pockets of tension, spasms in our muscles. Gradually a stable muscular skeleton in our body is formed, and pain arises. Allow yourself to move in the rhythm and pace in which your body wants to do it, improvise, and you will get not only pleasure, but also health benefits. Exercise for at least 45 minutes a day, without interruption.

Relaxation is mandatory after the practice. Lie down, relax. You should try to relax your body as much as possible. Feel how your legs become relaxed, heavy. Gradually the heaviness covers your hips, pelvis, lower back. Chest, whole back, neck, head. Try to listen carefully to your sensations. At the same time let go of all thoughts, do not think about anything. Enjoy relaxation, silence and calmness. You can turn on quiet, calm music. It is recommended to perform such an exercise for at least 30 minutes, as this is the minimum time required to distract yourself from extraneous factors, relax your muscles, and turn off the flow of thoughts.

At the same time, mentally imagine how together with the exhalation you exhale all the pain, discomfort.

Any exercises for back pain should be done daily, for at least a month.

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