Effective alternative treatment of angina in adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Angina is popularly called acute tonsillitis and this is a serious pathology, expressed in painful sensations in the larynx, a jump in temperature, often an increase in lymph nodes, the formation of purulent congestion and an tonsil attack. The disease can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, viruses, fungi against the background of weakened immunity and is dangerous for its complications. [1]Its main treatment is the use of antibiotics, abundant drinking in combination with bed rest, but in complex treatment there is a place for alternative means.
Alternative remedies for sore throats
Medicinal herbs and plants with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anesthetic characteristics - exactly what is needed for treatment. Among the alternative remedies for angina are chamomile [2], calendula [3], kalanchoe, eucalyptus [4], St. John's wort, oregano, elder, sweet clover, sage, linden, altea, anise, sweet flag. [5]They can be used as a separate component for the preparation of decoctions and infusions for rinsing and drinking, and as part of herbal. Propolis has a powerful disinfecting property. [6]Alcohol tinctures of propolis well purged purulent plugs and disinfect the surface of the tonsils and larynx. [7], [8]In the arsenal of remedies also red beet juice, lemon, honey and many other ingredients.[9]
Useful recipes
Alternative remedies for tonsillitis include many useful recipes, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly tested in practice:
- chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula put together in equal parts, take a tablespoon of the collection, pour 350 g of boiling water, hold for a few minutes on the fire, remove, wrap the container with a towel. After half an hour, drain, periodically rinse with warm infusion;
- scroll through Kalanchoe leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze juice, add the same amount of water, rinse is ready;
- prepare elder flowers during flowering, dry. Brew 3 tablespoons of boiling water;
- chew lemon zest every 3 hours, then eat nothing for half an hour so that the essential oils have their healing effect;
- put a piece of propolis in your mouth and periodically throw it from side to side, at night leave behind your cheek;
- gargle with alcohol and aqueous solution of propolis. To make it, crush 10g of substance and pour it into 100ml of alcohol, leave for a week in a dark place. You can get water by diluting it in a ratio of 1:10 for adults and 1:20 for children.
Treatment of tonsillitis with garlic
Garlic is known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effects, and works as an antipyretic agent. [10], [11] It is scientifically proven that it contains antibiotics, and allicin - essential oil in its composition, which determines the smell of vegetables, is a powerful antioxidant. All these characteristics speak in favor of its use for the treatment of angina. [12]You can get the therapeutic effect by simply putting and biting a clove of garlic in your mouth. Chewing is not necessary, but just suck a little. Another recipe: chop 3 slices, put in a glass of hot milk, insist until it becomes warm and drink in small sips. You can use the following composition for rinsing: crush 4 slices of garlic, put it in a mug, add a teaspoon of salt to it, pour it with hot water, and leave for 20 minutes to infuse. The procedure is repeated up to 6 times a day.
Treatment of angina with alternative means at home
Manifestations of angina, unlike a cold, in which a person does not always resort to bed rest, are forced to fall out of the normal mode for at least a week, are placed in bed. Perceptible sore throat, head, weakness, fever make not only to call the doctor, but also to recall or look for alternative recipes. Rinses, heavy warm drinks, compresses, inhalations with antibiotics will be useful [13]. When quins begin, it is easier to chew a piece of lemon with the skin or slow absorption of honey.
Honey with warm milk is a very popular remedy for relieving pain and relieving inflammation. On the basis of this apiproduct, you can also prepare a rinse: 250 g of warm water plus a teaspoon of honey and the same 6% vinegar. Another type of gargling is squeezed grated and pressed beetroot with a spoonful of water and vinegar.
At the initial stage of the development of the disease, when there were no ulcers on the tonsils and body temperature or after the peak of the disease, the warming compresses are applied. A bandage or cloth is moistened in the prepared solution, applied to the throat, bypassing the location of the thyroid gland, to preserve heat, cellophane is put on top of it, then a warm scarf or towel.
Treatment of angina with alternative means in adults differs from the treatment of children in that it is possible to apply prescriptions for them with the use of alcohol. Although compresses do not exclude his presence, but the concentration needs to be done less. Children are treated with a compress from potatoes boiled in their skins, slightly crushed with the addition of a spoon of vegetable oil. Effectively attaching to the neck of a cabbage leaf with honey, previously scalded with boiling water.
Similar treatment of angina can be applied to pregnant women. For them, it is very important, because the use of medication during pregnancy is completely undesirable, it is resorted to when the potential threat to the health of the woman exceeds the risk of harm to the fetus.
Alternative remedies for purulent tonsillitis
The first symptom of a follicular or purulent tonsillitis is intense pain when swallowing and the temperature rises above 38 ° C. When looking at the larynx in front of the mirror, there are enlarged glands with purulent bloom or traffic jams, redness, the same happens with the tongue: it is coated, and an unpleasant smell appears from the mouth. Laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis - sowing streptococcal infection in the study of pharyngeal swab. [14]There can not be done without antibiotics, but with the help of alternative means you can remove the pus masses and quickly deal with the disease. [15], [16] Rinses are suitable for this purpose and the most popular and effective ones include salt, soda and a few drops of iodine per cup of water. [17], [18]It is also good to apply a solution of eucalyptus: a few drops per 250 g of water. For another type of rinse, you can prepare a solution of such herbs: wormwood, plantain, calendula (a tablespoon of the collection per cup of boiling water). The procedure is carried out as often as possible, but compresses cannot be used in this case.[19]
It is also recommended to remove white purulent plaque using fir or sea buckthorn oil. Effective and tincture of the root radioli on vodka, rinse it 5-6 times a day.
The linden will help to lower the body temperature, it is brewed like tea, to drink half a glass three times a day, adding a small spoonful of honey. [20]
Alternative remedies for herpes sore throat
Herpes sore throat is more susceptible to children than adults. Its presence is confirmed by the red bubbles on the tonsils and tongue, weakness, headache, pain in the larynx, stomach and very high temperature, reaching up to 41 ° C. Vomiting reflexes may appear, which is sometimes misleading and is perceived as poisoning. Acute symptoms usually last 4 days. [21], [22]Without drug treatment is not enough, but its beneficial role will have alternative means. Be sure to drink a lot, as well as often gargle. If the child is small and cannot do this, then it is necessary to wet the cotton pad in the decoction of medicinal herbs and process the oral cavity with them, as well as irrigate it from an ordinary syringe. Improved immunity dogrose infusion, herbal teas. [23]Anesthesia and against inflammation infusion of linden and chamomile, taken in the ratio 2: 1 for a glass of liquid. You can brew raspberry leaves or add fresh, frozen berries to boiling water. [24]There is little likelihood that the child will like onions and garlic, so it’s better not to use them, but inhalations with propolis after the temperature drops, will be just right: 15 g of raw materials should be rubbed into a liter of water, heated to 50 ° C, breathed quarter of an hour in several approaches.
Treatment of lacunar tonsillitis with alternative means
Strong hyperemia of the larynx and tonsils, purulent impregnations on them, body temperature up to 39 ° С, painful swallowing, giving in to the ears, headache, in the lower back, stomach are characteristic of lacunar tonsillitis. In terms of symptoms, it is similar to follicular, but the severity of its manifestation is stronger and it requires longer treatment (up to 10 days). The following recipes can be effective for getting rid of this type of sore throat:
- 2 teaspoons of gruel of grated ginger is put in 250-300g of water, boiled, and then roasted for a quarter of an hour over low heat. After cooling to 40-45 °, put a spoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Drink two thirds cup 3 times;[25], [26]
- chop the onion and garlic with a knife, put it in a plastic bag and smell it;
- plantain juice pour into warm water, rinse every hour;
- drink warmed milk, adding honey to it;
- rinse with apple cider vinegar (small spoon per 200g of water); [27]
- a handful of anise fruit is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour, taken in 50 ml before a meal; [28]
- peeled beets are cooked until ready, gargling at least 4 times a day with broth.