

Injuries and poisonings

Spine Injuries: Causes

In the United States, an average of more than 10,000 spinal cord injuries occur throughout the year. Approximately 40% occur in road traffic accidents and 25% occur as a result of violent actions, the rest are related to falls, sports and industrial injuries. More than 80% of patients are men.

Injuries to the spine

During a spinal injury, both isolated spinal cord or vertebra damage and associated damage are possible.

Treatment of craniocerebral trauma

During car accidents, and simple falls, there are often various accompanying injuries that require not only the treatment of craniocereberal trauma, but also parallel assistance.

The prognosis and consequences of craniocerebral trauma

The consequences of craniocerebral trauma are memory disorders, both retrograde and antegrade amnesia are possible.

Types of craniocerebral trauma

Craniocerebral trauma can cause structural disturbances of various types. Structural changes can be macro- or microscopic, depending on the mechanism of injury and the strength of the effect.

Craniocerebral injury

Craniocerebral trauma - physical damage to tissue, temporarily or permanently disrupting the function of the brain. The diagnosis of craniocerebral trauma is established clinically and is confirmed by visualizing research methods

Damage to ligaments of the knee joint and meniscus

Injury to the knee often results in damage to the outer (medial and lateral collateral) or internal (anterior and posterior cruciate) ligaments or to rupture of the meniscus.

Rupture of ligaments, muscles, tendons: general information

Possible ruptures of ligaments, muscles and tendons. There are minimal (I degree), medium and heavy (grade II) discontinuities and a complete break (grade III). The third degree of damage to the ligaments can lead to instability of the joint, it is differentiated from the II degree by means of stress tests.

Dislocation: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Dislocation - complete dissociation of bone ends, normally forming the joint; subluxation is a partial dissociation.

The compartment syndrome

A compartment-syndrome is an increase in tissue pressure within closed fascial spaces, leading to tissue ischemia. The earliest symptom is pain, disproportionate to the severity of the injury. Diagnosis is based on the measurement of intrafascial pressure.


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