

Injuries and poisonings

Injury: general information

Proper treatment of traumatic wounds promotes accelerated healing, minimizes the risk of infectious complications and optimizes the cosmetic result.


Swaying is a complex of symptoms, usually involving nausea, often accompanied by vague abdominal discomfort, vomiting, dizziness, and related symptoms; cause - repeated angular and linear acceleration and deceleration.

Altitude sickness

The altitude sickness includes several associated syndromes caused by a reduction in available O2 in the air at high altitudes. Acute mountain sickness (OHS), the easiest form, manifests itself as a headache along with one or more systemic manifestations.


Hypothermia - decrease in internal body temperature below 35 ° С. Symptoms progress from trembling and drowsiness to stunning, coma and death.

Frostbite: First Aid

Frostbite - damage to tissues when they freeze. Primary manifestations can be deceptively benign. The skin can be white or with blisters numb; warming causes severe pain.

Damage to tissues without freezing

Acute or chronic damage without freezing can occur due to hypothermia of the body.

Cold trauma

Exposure to cold can cause a decrease in body temperature (hypothermia) and local soft tissue damage.

Heatstroke: First Aid

Thermal shock is hyperthermia accompanied by a systemic inflammatory reaction that causes multiple organ failure and often death. It is manifested by an increase in body temperature above 40 ° C and a mental disorder; sweating is often absent.

Thermal exhaustion of the body

Thermal exhaustion is not a life-threatening clinical syndrome characterized by general weakness, malaise, nausea, syncope, and other nonspecific symptoms associated with heat exposure. In this case, the thermoregulation is not violated.

Heat convulsions

Thermal convulsions are muscle-related muscle contractions that occur during or after physical exertion in conditions of high ambient temperature.


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