

Injuries and poisonings

Drowning and non-lethal immersion in water

Non-immersion in water (incomplete drowning) - asphyxiation in water, not leading to death; incomplete drowning causes hypoxia due to aspiration or laryngospasm.

Burn treatment: local, medical, surgical

Treatment of burns in the hospital, preferably in the burn center, is shown with complete damage to the dermis> 1% of the body surface area, partial burns of the dermis> 5% of the body surface area, any burns> 10% and superficial and deep burns of the hands, face, feet and perineum.

Consequences and complications after burns

The larger the burn area, the higher the risk of systemic complications. The risk factors for both complications and death are burns> 40% of the body surface area, age> 60 years or <2 years, concomitant severe trauma and inhalation damage.

Burns: general information

Burns - damage to the skin and other soft tissues as a result of thermal, radiation, chemical or electrical influences. Burns are distinguished in depth (grade I, damage to part of the dermis and the entire thickness of the dermis) and the percentage of affected skin areas from the total surface area of the body.

Injury and damage to the urethra

Damage and trauma to the urethra are common in men. Most of the serious injuries are due to blunt trauma.

Injury of genital organs

Virtually all traumas of the genital organs occur in men and include damage to the testicles, scrotum and penis.

Fracture of the temporal bone

Fractures of the temporal bones are possible after severe blunt head trauma, and sometimes they involve ear structures, accompanied by hearing loss or paralysis of the facial nerve.

Fracture of the jaw

Fracture of the jaw is suspected in patients with newly developed bite anomalies or local edema and tenderness over the site of the mandible.

Spine Injuries: Treatment

After complete crossing or degeneration, the nerve endings are not restored, and functional disturbances become permanent. The tissue of the compressed nerve can restore its function.

Spine Injuries: Symptoms

A reliable indication of damage to the spinal cord is a clear definition of the level of injury, above which there are no neurological changes, and below neurological functions are either completely absent or significantly reduced.


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