

Mental health (psychiatry)

Korsakovsky psychosis

Korsakovsky psychosis is a late complication of Wernicke's persistent encephalopathy, which is manifested by impaired memory, confusion and changes in behavior.

Encephalopathy Wernicke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Wernicke's encephalopathy is characterized by a sharp onset, development of confusion, nystagmus, partial ophthalmoplegia and ataxia due to a lack of thiamine. The diagnosis is mainly based on clinical data.

Dissociative identity disorder: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Dissociative identity disorder, formerly referred to as a multiple personality disorder, is characterized by the presence of two or more individuals who succeed one another and an inability to recall important personal information associated with one of the individuals.

Dissociative fugue: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Dissociative fugue is one or more episodes of amnesia with the inability to recall part of the past or the whole past in combination with the loss of one's own identity or the formation of a new one.

Dissociative amnesia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Dissociative amnesia is an inability to recall important personal information, and this inability is so clearly expressed that it can not be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. The cause is usually trauma or severe stress.

Depersonalization disorder

Depersonalization disorder is a constant or recurrent feeling of detachment from one's own body or mental processes; while a person usually feels himself a third-party observer of his life.

Dissociative disorders: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Every person periodically experiences states with loss of integration of memory, sensations, their own identity and self-awareness. For example, a person can go somewhere and suddenly realize that he does not remember many aspects of the trip because of concern with personal problems, a broadcast or a conversation with another passenger.

Stress related disorders

Stress related disorders can be presented in the form of an acute reaction to stress and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Phobic disorders

The basis of phobic disorders is a constant intense, unreasonable fear (phobia) of situations, circumstances or objects. This fear provokes anxiety and avoidance.

Panic attacks and panic disorder

A panic attack is a sudden onset of a brief attack of severe discomfort or fear, accompanied by somatic or cognitive symptoms


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