

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Art restoration of teeth

Art restoration of teeth - restoration of the tooth shape, its color and functions. As a result of restoration, the teeth are brought to the original, healthy state.

Treatment of periodontitis

Treatment of periodontitis, as well as a large number of other diseases, remains one of the unsolved problems of modern medicine. Despite the development of new technologies and numerous discoveries, this area remains unknown.

Dental granuloma

Granuloma of the tooth is a dental disease that can appear in both adults and children. As a rule, the granuloma appears due to the inflammatory process and is a complication of periodontitis. Let's look at what granuloma is and how to treat it correctly.

What if the tooth of wisdom is cut?

Pains the pain in the gums, they itch, and the tooth that erupts, crawls sideways and gums gum? All these symptoms can be signs of teething. What if the tooth of wisdom is cut? How can we alleviate suffering? Let's understand.

Recurrent stomatitis - the urgency of the problem and the solutions

Recurrent stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa, has a chronic course with periods of remission and exacerbations. It is the most common disease of the oral mucosa.

Caries of milk teeth

Caries of baby teeth in children has recently become a very urgent problem for both parents and dentists. This pathological process is more and more often found in toddlers who have not turned 2 years old.

Restoration of teeth

Restoration of teeth - the procedure is not the most pleasant. But it is she who helps to restore a beautiful smile. Let's consider the features of restoration of teeth, methods and cost of such work. So, about everything in order.

Allergic stomatitis

The most common complaints of patients who are diagnosed with allergic stomatitis are swelling of soft tissues in the oral cavity (tongue, palate, etc.).

Catarrhal stomatitis: everything is not as simple as it seems

Although the oral cavity of a person, according to the Latin terminology accepted in medicine, is called cavitas oris, but such a common disease as catarrhal stomatitis is of Greek origin: katarrhoos - drainage (or inflammation) and stomatos - mouth. That is, catarrhal stomatitis is a pathological condition of the oral mucosa, which is expressed in its inflammation.

Madelung disease

Madelung disease (lipomatosis) is named after the author who described the disease in 1888. It is extremely rare. The disease is characterized by proliferation of adipose tissue in various areas of the human body.


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