

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (dermatology)

Herpetiform Impetigo Hebra

The disease was first described in 1872 by Hebra. Herpetiform impetigo is very rare. Mostly pregnant women are ill, but sometimes this disease affects non-pregnant women, men and children.

Grover's transient acantholytic dermatosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Grozer's transient acantholytic dermatosis was first described in 1970 by RW Grower. In the scientific literature it is called Grover's disease.

Duhring's herpetiform dermatitis

Herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring (synonyms: Dühring's disease, pemphigoid herpes, etc.) belongs to the group of herpetiform dermatoses. This group of diseases includes a variety of etiology and pathogenesis, but similar in the clinical and morphological manifestations of rashes of dermatoses, which are characterized by herpetiform grouping of the rash.

Scarring pemphigoid: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The causes and pathogenesis of the pemphigoid scarring to the end have not been studied. In pathogenesis, a violation in the immunity system is of great importance, since circulating lgG antibodies and deposition of the IgG and C3 complement components in the basal membrane of the mucosal skin are found in the blood.

Pemphigoid bullous

Pemphigoid bullous (synonyms: pemphigoid, parapemphigus, senile pemphigus, senile herpetiform dermatitis) is a benign chronic disease whose clinical picture is very similar to vulgar pemphigus, and histological - with herpetiform dermatitis.

True pemphigus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

True pemphigus (synonym: acantholytic pemphigus) is a severe chronic recurrent, autoimmune disease of the skin and mucous membranes, the morphological basis of which is the process of acantholysis, a violation of the connections between epidermal cells.

Shiny lichen

The causes and pathogenesis of brilliant lichen are not fully established. Most authors believe that dermatosis is a peculiar lichenoid tissue response to various exo- and endogenous stimuli.

Styloid lichen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The reason of the styloid lichen is not definitively established. It is believed that it occurs with a deficiency of vitamin A. The styloid horny papules can be observed in many infectious and non-infectious dermatoses.

Pink deprive: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Pink lichen (synonyms: Titra's disease, roseola scaly) is an infectious-allergic skin disease characterized by spotted rashes.

Pityriasis versicolor: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The causes and pathogenesis of red pityriasis hair follicles are unknown, in some cases hereditary predisposition is noted. In recent years, two types of red hair follicles have been suggested, one of which begins shortly after birth, in childhood or adolescence (children's type), and the other occurs in adulthood (adult type).


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