Tendinitis of the supraspinous muscle (also known as "shoulder cuff tendonitis") is inflammation or irritation of the tendons of the muscles that make up the shoulder cuff.
The extreme degree of disruption of the statodynamic function of the hip joint in the form of its complete immobility is defined by physicians as ankylosis of the hip joint (ankylos means curved in Greek).
The combined term "arthroso-arthritis" literally means that a person against the background of articular arthrosis develops an additional pathology - an inflammatory process in the form of arthritis of the same joint.
A common phenomenon associated with nerve thickening in the intertarsal and metatarsophalangeal region of the lower extremity, it has many names, one of which is Morton's neuroma of the foot.
Among the many non-infectious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is often encountered - a disease associated with the destruction of cartilage tissues covering the articular surface. Inflammation in this case is absent, or runs in a weak form. Otherwise, the pathology is called deforming arthrosis. Patients suffering from rheumatoid diseases are more often affected.
A disease of the musculoskeletal system in which several joints are affected simultaneously - with degenerative-dystrophic changes in their bone and cartilage structures - is diagnosed as joint polyarthrosis.
The tendency, that is, predisposition to the occurrence of tonic muscle spasms - their involuntary convulsive contractions - is defined in medicine as spasmophilia or latent tetania (tetanus in Greek - tension, convulsion).
The syndrome of the adductor muscles of the thigh, or ARS syndrome (by the first letters of Adductor Rectus Symphysis) is a pathology accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the form of a reaction to regular overloading of the musculature and tendon apparatus.
Trochanteritis of the hip joint is a diagnosis that sounds very frightening to the average patient. A number of questions immediately arise: what it is, how to treat it, which doctor to consult, what to expect, and what is its prognosis.