

Cancer (oncology)

Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

The incidence of prostate cancer depends on the age, race and heredity of patients. In prostate cancer in close relatives, the risk of developing a disease increases at least twice, if two relatives are sick and more - 5-11 times.

Diagnostics of the stages of the course of prostate cancer

After clarifying the diagnosis and establishing the prevalence of the process (localized, locally advanced or generalized), the doctor and patient face a choice of treatment.

Recurrence of prostate cancer after radical treatment

The risk of recurrence of prostate cancer (local or systemic) within 10 years after prostatectomy or radiation therapy is 27-53%. Within 5 years after the initial treatment, 16 to 35% of patients receive anti-relapse treatment.

Brain cancer in children

Over the past three decades, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a significant concern is a significant increase in the proportion of cancer caused in childhood. In this case, brain cancer in children (along with leukemia) is the most common pathology.

Treatment of brain cancer

The treatment of brain cancer can be quite successful: it all depends on the stage of the process, the patient's condition, the size of education and other factors.

HIFU-therapy and cryodestruction - minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment

A few years ago in the arsenal of urologist and oncologist for prostate cancer was only bilateral orchidectomy. In the early 1990's, the last century in the US and European countries, the proportion of early cancers has increased significantly, both among young and elderly people.

Quality of life in the treatment of prostate cancer

The concept of "quality of life" is closely related to the definition of health adopted by the World Health Organization. In its framework, not only physical, but also mental and social aspects of human life are considered.

Prostate cancer hormone therapy

Prostate cancer hormone therapy is prescribed in the early stages of the disease, with relapses, and also in young patients both as part of a combination treatment and as an independent method.

Treatment of stomach cancer - the main methods and their cost

Treatment of stomach cancer is always possible, even regardless of its stage and localization. The main goal of gastric cancer therapy is to cure this ailment or reduce its symptoms, such as difficulty eating, severe pain or bleeding, and preventing further progression of the disease and improving quality of life.

Radiation therapy of prostate cancer

It is believed that the long-term results of radiotherapy for prostate cancer are the same as in surgical treatment, and the quality of life does not suffer from this.


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