

Diseases of the feet

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and pain relief in the legs

Today, the goal of curing rheumatoid arthritis, which causes severe pain in the legs, is a reduction in inflammation of the joints and pain. Another task is to maximize the function of the joints and prevent their destruction and deformation. The earlier a person begins to treat arthritis, than he will achieve great success. Aggressive pain management can improve the function of the joints, stop their damage and reduce the pain in the legs. How to do it?

Rheumatoid arthritis and pain in the legs

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease that can cause chronic inflammation of the joints, in particular, the joints of the legs. This insidious disease can also cause inflammation and damage to the internal organs. What are the causes of rheumatoid arthritis, affecting the legs, and how to deal with it?


Clubfoot is a condition in which the foot is deformed and turns inward or on the outside. The foot deviates from the longitudinal axis running along the shin. Clubfoot is acquired or congenital. People who are clubfoot are not alone. Many famous people suffered from this strange disease.

Diseases of the toenails

Diseases of toenails often remain not diagnosed, diagnosed incorrectly, or are not treated. This situation continues until it leads to significant pain, bad smell of the feet, nail deformities. To keep your nails healthy, you need to know the symptoms of their diseases, as well as precautions.

Pain in the ankle

Pain in the ankle - many people face this problem while walking or running on a treadmill or on an inclined surface. Causes of pain can range from a small ankle injury to different types of arthritis.  

Severe knee, or knee tendonitis

Knee tendonitis is an inflammatory process in the joint or tendon that causes the swelling and redness of the knee region at the outer level. Tendons look like thick fibrous ropes that connect bones and muscles. With knee tendonitis, weakness and pain can occur in the joint or tendon, as well as around them. Knee tendonitis is easy to confuse with stretching ligaments or tendons.

Prevention of pain in the shin in sports

Pain in the lower leg can be troubling for various reasons: it can be the consequences of injuries and fractures.

Prevention of pain in the legs

There is a theory that states that all pains in the world can be prevented, but in the real world accidents occur, and leg pains are their result.

Disease of peripheral vessels of legs

Peripheral vascular diseases are usually classified by doctors as a sign of atherosclerosis (the development of fat deposits that narrow the peripheral arteries of the foot).

Taking care of yourself at home with pain in the legs

Home care depends on the cause of pain in the legs.


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