Diet for constipation in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Problems with the tummy (gastrointestinal tract) in children is as frequent as the common cold. The incompletely formed functionality of the digestive system often leads to constipation and diarrhea in the little man. Many of the problems can be solved if you adjust the power. Diet for constipation in children - this is one way to return the baby, and, consequently, parents, good condition and good mood.
What is a diet for constipation in children?
In this article we will try to uncover the questions most frequently asked by adults who are confronted with children's constipation. How to organize the diet of the baby, what diet for constipation in children? Before you decide on a diet, it is worth understanding what the reasons may lead to the consolidation of the chair in a child.
- This may be a hereditary pathology, correct nutrition, which is problematic.
- Change of climatic zones (trip to rest): the nature of the climate, water and food change.
- A certain confluence of factors leading to dehydration of the child's body: vomiting, low fluid intake, large amounts of regurgitation.
- Low motor activity of the child.
- Damage to the mucous membrane of the anus. Because of the painful symptoms, the baby has a fear of defecation.
- Entering feeding for babies.
- If parents are trying very quickly to teach kids to go to the pot.
- Unbalanced nutrition. This is often the main problem and cause of childhood constipation.
Permanent sweets, chips, crackers, cookies. All this food without a meal leads not only to constipation, but also to further complications that can develop into more severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Even chocolate itself, which is a part of many sweets, belongs to bonding products. In such a situation, only sticking to a full and balanced diet can shift the situation for the better.
So what is a diet for constipation in children? After all, the use of laxatives for babies is not recommended.
The rules of the children's diet for constipation is akin to an adult diet, but it has its own characteristics. Before you put your baby on a diet, you should get tested to be sure that the child does not have more serious pathological changes. To do this, contact your local pediatrician. Having analyzed the results of the study, he will be able to indicate the cause of constipation in a child, and if these are the consequences of an unhealthy diet, then this should be done to correct the child's diet. Otherwise, the baby may need more serious treatment. But even in this situation, proper nutrition should not be removed from the agenda.
So what is a diet - an exception to the diet, or a decrease in the quantitative component, food, which slow down intestinal motility, having enveloping characteristics. For example, such dishes can be counted as such: rice porridge, heavy rich broths, chocolate, porridge of their decoys, kissels.
In the diet of the baby should be a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and microelements, so necessary for a growing body. Fermented milk products are useful for the baby’s stomach and peristalsis.
Diet recipes for constipation in children
Dietary food with a restriction for some foods should not be associated in a person with suffering and discomfort, which is associated with the need to eat tasteless, unloved dishes. Especially hard to feed such a small child. It is very difficult for him to explain that it is impossible to eat a chocolate bar, because after it is difficult to go to the toilet “for the most part”. But zucchini and buckwheat - this is what you need. But you can eat deliciously, getting pleasure from it, and all the recommendations of the doctor will be followed.
In this article we want to offer you some wonderful diet recipes for constipation in children, which, we are sure, will appeal to little roggers.
- Fruit platter. For some time, soak dried fruits such as dried apricots and prunes in boiled water, taking each in one piece. If the child does not like prunes, you can not put it or try to still treat the baby, the result may surprise the parents. As part of this puree kids calmly eat prunes. Take three pieces of an apple. Grind all the ingredients with a blender, grater, or, in the absence of both, chop with a knife. Baby should be given in the amount corresponding to his age, or a gram by 10 - 20 more.
- Sweet pasta. We take in the same amount (ten pieces) dried apricots, prunes, kernels of oxen (walnut) nuts, figs. All components to pass through a meat grinder. In the resulting mixture, add one tablespoon of freshly obtained juice from aloe leaf and the same amount of natural honey. Mix everything well. Give the child one teaspoon several times throughout the day (40 minutes before meals). It is possible to cook such paste for the future, keeping in the refrigerator. From this composition you can make sweets. Cook them better with the baby. After that, they are very enthusiastic about eating "their" candy.
- The same candy can be prepared and taking ten berries of dried apricots, prunes, buckthorn (Gester). Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder. In the mixture, enter one teaspoon of honey. All mix well and from the resulting paste to form candy. Give the baby when he asks for sweets.
- Vegetable salad, which can be eaten every day and in unlimited quantities. In equal parts, fresh beets, carrots, pumpkins are taken and ground on a grater, any cell can be chosen, but the small section is more suitable for the kid. Salad fill with a small amount of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc.). You can sprinkle with apple cider vinegar instead of butter and salt to taste.
- Quite a real quick effect is obtained when entering wheat bran in the baby’s menu. Their use allows emptying the intestines already in the first day of putting into the diet. First, two tablespoons of the product pour half a cup of boiling water and let stand for about 20 minutes. Pre-steamed bran (in the amount of one - two tablespoons) can be introduced into the main dishes (porridge, kefir, soups).
- Wheat bran can be added to the already prepared batter and then baked pancakes, or introduced to the cooked porridge at the end of cooking. This product, today, can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or found on the shelves of a modern supermarket in the section - diet food. Buy this product, preferably without any additives.
To help a small stomach to cope with food, to overcome the problem, we can offer these decoctions and tinctures:
- With constipation, accompanied by painful cramps in the abdomen, the baby should be offered such tea. A pre-collection of six parts of chamomile flowers, two proportions of peppermint, and one proportion of valerian root and fennel fruit. Grind all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Half a liter of boiling water pour two tablespoons of the mixture and boil on a small light for 2 - 3 minutes. Set aside for half an hour - an hour to infuse. Drain the broth and give the child half or 2/3 cup (depending on age) three times throughout the day.
- If a baby has a “sluggish intestine” (the so-called anatomical constipation), it is possible to serve the child with such composition for some time: mix well two portions of Althea root, two portions of flax seed, one part of licorice root, one part of buckthorn bark, and the same fennel fruit. A glass of cold pure water pour two tablespoons of the mixture. Let stand for half an hour. Then put on a small light and boil for a quarter of an hour. Set aside and cool, then strain. The resulting broth to give the baby half a glass twice a day after the main meal.
- If the child suffers from chronic constipation, in this case, one or two teaspoons of agave juice (aloe), taken two to three times throughout the day for half an hour before meals, is suitable. If the kid categorically refuses to drink "medicine", try adding some honey to the juice. The duration of such therapy is at least one to two months.
- You can loosen the intestines of a child with acute constipation by “treating” it with this composition. Take egg yolk, enter into it a tablespoon of castor oil and the same amount of honey. Mix well, dissolve 150 ml of boiled water with a temperature of about 37 - 39 ° C. The resulting composition take one tablespoon at intervals of two hours. Reception is terminated after obtaining a laxative effect.
- Quite often, constipation is accompanied by dysbiosis. This problem can be solved by introducing mineral water in addition to dietary products to the diet. It is better to drink on an empty stomach. In such a situation, biologics will not be superfluous, allowing to restore the microflora balance in the intestine.
Do not forget that any menus and diet recipes for constipation in children must match the age of the child and the characteristics of his body. In drawing up the menu, it is necessary to withstand the required caloric content of the dishes, the menu should be rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The diet should be balanced with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Menu diet for constipation in children
It is worth considering an example of a diet menu for constipation in children. In his image and likeness it will be easier to make your own selection of dishes, which should not only be balanced, consisting of the "right" products, but also be different. Only in this case, the parents will not have problems to feed their baby.
For one day in the diet you can offer this list of dishes.
First breakfast:
- Oatmeal.
- Not very strong tea.
- Slightly dried bread.
- A couple of spoons of jam or honey.
Second morning meal:
- Bread with bran.
- Yogurt, better homemade.
- Lean borscht
- Salad of boiled beets with prunes and walnuts.
- Rye bread (not soft).
- Mashed potatoes.
- Ground beef steak.
Tea time:
- Bagel
- Juice with pulp. Any suitable: fruit and vegetable.
- Fish fillet baked with steamed vegetables.
- Dried fruits compote.
- Fresh carrot salad.
- Bran Bread
Immediately before going to bed, it is advisable to give the kid a glass of kefir, yogurt or yogurt.
In the role of snacking between the main meals, you can use fresh berries and fruits, as well as dried fruits.
If the child has already formed their eating habits. To transfer it immediately to proper nutrition will be quite problematic. The kid can even resort to a hungry riot. In order to prevent such a situation, "wrong" products should be removed from the diet of a small child gradually, especially without focusing on this.
If the child suffers from spastic constipation, which are accompanied by bouts of painful spasms, the transition to diet food should be carried out in two stages. Primarily from the diet to remove foods that cause the intestinal mucosa to irritation. In this situation, emphasis should be placed on vegetable and fruit juices and fresh peeled fruit. In such a situation, the potato juice works great. He relaxes a good chair and removes spasm from the intestines. A quarter cup of fasting bring a wonderful effect. It is worth remembering that potato juice has a rather unpleasant taste. You should not force a child to drink it - it can provoke a retaliatory vomiting in a baby. Try to persuade him to drink the medicine, but it is "always tasteless." After the pain symptoms are gone and the defecation has become relatively regular, you can connect the diet described above.
What can you eat with constipation in children?
So what do you give your child for breakfast, lunch and dinner, what can you eat for constipation in children? Very good, if the baby will meet his morning with fresh juice. After drinking an apple, plum or apricot juice on an empty stomach, the child will feel much better throughout the day. If the child is already of school age, he is recommended to take mineral water immediately after sleep.
Nutritionists divide the products showing laxative characteristics into three categories.
- Foods that activate intestinal peristalsis:
- Dried apricots and figs.
- Dried banana.
- Apples (preferably baked) and plums.
- Sea Kale
- Broccoli and cauliflower.
- Salt and salty dishes.
- Cabbage and tomatoes.
- Bran.
- Rough Fiber:
- Vegetables.
- Rye bread.
- Fruit with peel.
- Buckwheat and dishes from it.
- Porridge made from unrefined rice and crushed wheat.
- Cold drinks.
- Fermented milk products: kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt. Useful milk products, which consists of active biomicrobes: Bifidok, Aktiviya, Narine, Biokefir. Immunel.
- Not floury sweet foods.
- Currant.
- Honey and molasses.
- Coating characteristics:
- Oils of plant origin.
- Fish fat.
- Foods that are irritants of the intestinal mucous tissues:
- Aloe juice
- Buckthorn berries
- Dishes from rhubarb.
If a baby is diagnosed with sluggish peristalsis, his menu should mainly consist of products of the first and third groups. If tight stools are observed with spasmodic pain symptoms, the products of the first and second groups should prevail in the baby’s diet.
You can start in the treatment of tight stools by entering into the child's diet a greater number of different fruits and berries. It is desirable if the morning begins with a cup of juice or kefir, and before going to bed the toddler can be pleased with the prunes that are pre-swollen in water.
If a child receives a daily breakfast for cereal from buckwheat or oatmeal, then worries about normal bowel movement should not be.
Do not forget about the liquid - a person should drink plenty of clean water. It is necessary to introduce into the body sufficient amounts of various fluids.
It is possible that a small daily volume of fluid enters the body and there is simply nothing to soften solid food? If a child has constipation, it is necessary to give him some clean water in the morning on an empty stomach. It is very useful when some honey is added to the water (if the toddler is not allergic to bee products). It is very good, if such diet will remain with the future adult person for the whole life.
“Emergency anti-stopping aid” for a baby is freshly squeezed carrot juice!
To protect the defecation from the high density of the outgoing masses, the volume of feces should be increased. This will allow ballast substances, which somewhat swell in the digestive tract, making the feces a little more loose.
If a very small, artificially fed baby suffers from constipation, it is necessary to introduce a mixture into the diet with fermented milk characteristics. They should be about half of the total diet of the baby, calculated on the day. Such mixtures include: Agusha 1, NAN-fermented milk, Lactofidus, Biolact, which can be administered from seven months.
Parents whose children suffer from frequent tight stools and belching, it is better to pay attention to mixtures containing carob bean gum. Shelves of modern pharmacies and specialty stores are ready to offer a wide selection of such products. These include Nutrilon anti-reflux and Frisov. Mixtures that are based on lactulose and Semper Bifidus are also suitable.
If the baby is on breast milk and suffers from constipation, the young mommy should correct her diet by introducing more fresh dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables.
When reaching the baby, with a tendency to a tight stool, age when the first complementary feed is introduced, it is recommended to start it with vegetable puree. It is better if it is a seasonal vegetable: carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkins, cabbage. If the baby is given a puree of fruit, you can add a little pre-soaked dried apricots or prunes. Well relaxed chair and compote, cooked on the basis of prunes.
What can not eat with constipation in children?
In order for the diet to be really effective, it is necessary to either completely eliminate some of the food from the child’s diet or minimize its quantity. So what can not eat with constipation in children? What products can cause poor performance of the digestive tract and cause problematic defecation.
It is necessary to reduce in the child's diet the number of foods that cause increased gas formation, as well as those prone to “fixing” fecal masses. This category includes:
- White cabbage, both in pickled and fresh.
- Fresh apples and pears.
- Exclude for a child suffering from frequent constipation, cocoa, strong coffee and black tea.
- Eggplant and cucumber.
- Such fruits and berries as blueberries, dogwood, grapes, lingonberries.
- Fresh, newly baked bread and other flour products, especially made from dough mixed with white wheat flour, have a very negative effect on the digestive system. For example, yeast pies, rolls, loaf, dumplings, donuts, dumplings.
- Kid's menu should contain a minimum number of legumes: lentils, beans, soybeans, beans, peas.
- Whole milk is not recommended. In such a situation, children are better to offer juices, compotes, dairy products, in extreme cases, a little pasteurized skim milk.
- Do not give the troubled baby pearl barley, semolina, white peeled rice.
- Undesirable for baby and pasta.
- Limit fat intake.
- Remove fatty fish and meat.
- To exclude the "heavy" meat of waterfowl geese and ducks.
- Limit consumption of hard cheeses and cottage cheese.
- To exclude goods of fast foods.
- Remove fried, marinated and smoked products from the menu.
- Eliminate the "dry food".
If the nutrition of the baby is correctly adjusted, in most cases the problem of defecation will go away by itself. It is advisable to instill in the child the correct diet for the rest of his life.
Reviews of diet for constipation in children
Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life has left its mark on nutrition. Not spared it and kids. Improper diet leads to the fact that the baby has problems with a normal bowel movement. With such a situation, every parent has probably come across. If you are touched by such a problem, do not panic, you are not alone. The problem is solved, and much is not required to overcome it, only the organization of the mother, a little of her patience and balanced nutrition for the baby. To make sure that everything is doable, and you are on the right track, we advise you to read reviews about the diet for constipation in children, those parents who have done an excellent job with this situation.
When a baby has health problems, it becomes moody - it does not add to the mood of the parents. Communicating in various chat rooms, young parents put their problems with the upbringing and illnesses of their baby for general discussion or, on the contrary, having been in a certain situation, or having faced a problem, share their experiences of solving it.
Therefore, on the Internet, you can find multiple reviews of the diet for constipation in children. Parents sometimes restrained and sometimes enthusiastically speak about what cost them to listen to the advice of a pediatrician or a children's nutritionist, change their attitude to food, make their children's nutrition more healthy, as they forgot about the problems with the child’s stool that chased them a little whether not since the birth of the baby.
Having instilled in the child a habit of healthy eating with the “right products” since childhood, parents, at times, do not even realize that they are protecting their baby from many problems and pathological diseases that may develop later.
Dietary nutrition is one of the basic directions in the treatment of many different diseases. It is also effective when children have problems with the chair. In most cases, a therapeutic diet for constipation in children gives excellent results almost immediately after its introduction. If a child from early childhood is prone to hard defecation, he will have to abide by food restrictions for the rest of his life. But in this situation, there are also its own “pluses” - balancing the diet is a healthy diet. By adhering to its key rules, the kid and subsequently succeeds in avoiding multiple health problems that can provoke: eating a dry meal, eating fatty, fried and spicy foods, eating in fast foods. Remember: "Take care of the health you need from your youth!"
Take care of yourself and your children! Graft them a culture of nutrition! And they will thank you with their ringing laughter and sincere childish love.