Dermatitis of the legs - and how to cope with it?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dermatitis of legs and its causes
The causes of dermatitis on the legs can not always be determined. But its manifestations are immediately apparent. These are cracks and bubbles on the skin, there may be a change in its color, there may be acne on the skin, these patches may ache and itch.
Dermatitis on the legs can be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, in which the foot sweats, is irritated and traumatized due to the uncomfortable position of the foot. Dermatitis can also be caused by wearing synthetic socks, stockings and pantyhose.
They do not allow the foot to breathe, cause its increased sweating, this environment promotes the rapid growth of pathogenic bacteria and deterioration of the skin.
What to do with leg dermatitis
First of all, it is necessary to remove mechanical stimuli of the skin of the legs. That is, do not wear uncomfortable shoes, synthetic socks, and also processing clothes with powders that contain harmful chemicals. Socks and pantyhose is best washed with ordinary household soap or expensive bio-powders without phosphates in the composition.
Excellent means for dermatitis of the feet - the intake of vitamins. They improve the condition of the skin, and at the same time internal organs, will start the process of more active metabolism. Vitamins B, A, E, C, D are what are needed in the complex to improve the skin condition with dermatitis.
If dermatitis on the legs is accompanied by itching, you need to buy antihistamines on the recommendation of the doctor. They will help to cope with itching and discomfort in dermatitis.
Itching can also be removed with ice using dermatitis. Freeze a few ice cubes in the refrigerator and wipe them with sore spots. The itching in the affected areas should disappear in a short time.
Alternative methods of fighting leg dermatitis
Take one piece of cones of hop and string, mix with each other. To begin with, one teaspoonful of both will suffice. Then boil 150 grams of water and pour the grass. It is better to do this in the morning, so that by evening the infusion was ready.
Let the infusion last 5-6 hours - so that it is well steamed, it must be wrapped. Strain the infusion, warm it to a hot state and drink before dinner. Then go to bed, wrapped the affected area with a cloth moistened with the same infusion.
Every morning and evening, repeat this procedure, and a week later you will feel significant improvements. And in 2 weeks the dermatitis will recede.
To combat leg dermatitis, you can use a very simple, but reliable, centuries-proven tool: the bark of oak. More precisely, her broth. Oak bark should be filled with hot water and brought to a boil. Then the broth should be put to infuse for 5-6 hours. After that, broth the oak bark soak a rag and attach it to the affected areas.
You can do this at night, but you can wash the wounds with decoction of the bark of oak. In a week you will see significant results. The skin will calm down, get a healthy color. To reduce the itching, you can act in a complex way: taking also antihistamines.
The skin with dermatitis on the legs will also cure viburnum. You need to pour 2 tablespoons of her berries in a wooden (not metal!) Mortar, grind. Then you need to boil the water and fill it with berries. It will be enough to have one glass of boiling water. Let the viburnum persist for 4 hours. If you drink this infusion of 1/2 cup 4 times daily before meals, dermatitis will give up its position very soon.
Natural cranberry juice can wash the affected area with dermatitis - and soon you will forget about this disease. At least, so our ancestors cured skin diseases.
Well against dermatitis on the legs will help burdock, that is burdock. It is necessary to dig out its root (this is done in the autumn, when the root of the burdock comes into force, but it is possible in the summer). The root should be ground, a teaspoon of 500 grams of boiling water. Then wrap and let it persist throughout the night. Then this broth can be filtered and drunk half a cup warmed 4 times a day before meals.
Burdock infusion can be done in a different way, but not for internal use, but for outdoor use. To do this, a teaspoon of chopped burdock root should be poured with one glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 30 minutes. Then the broth is chilled, filtered and made from it compresses on skin areas affected by eczema.
Buy sea buckthorn oil - it is also a great helper against dermatitis on the legs. It is necessary to take sea buckthorn oil orally 2 milliliters per day. It can be divided into two meals - in the morning and in the evening before eating. Sea-buckthorn oil is very good and like compresses. It is necessary to impose it on the affected area of the skin for a couple of hours or all night. It can be not only oil, but also sea-buckthorn ointment concentration of five percent.
Rosehip is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also an excellent fighter against dermatitis. If you take the rose hips, crush them with a mortar in a wooden or any other, but not a metal container (kills vitamins), and then apply to affected areas, it will heal the diseased skin of the feet in a short time.
Egg yolks also actively help against dermatitis. Eggs need to be hard boiled (10 minutes boiling). Then the eggs must be cooled, yolks removed from them, pricked on a fork and held over a burning candle. There should be a small plate or a cup to collect liquid from the yolks.
This liquid will drip from the yolk when heated, the so-called yolk tears. Of course, you have to spend time, and eggs will need a lot. These tears from the yolks need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin, like ointment. Cover with a sterile gauze or bandage. Let them act throughout the night. In the morning, the bandage can be changed and left for another day. So continue until the skin is not healed and will please you with its freshness and smoothness.
To make the skin of the legs beautiful, having rid it of dermatitis, you need to take foot baths from such a herbal collection. Take the turn, the chemist's daisy, valerian (root), sage (leaves), St. John's wort, celandine. Each ingredient needs one equal part.
Now pour this herbal mixture with boiling water (per 100 g of a mixture of 5 liters of boiling water), insist for 40-45 minutes. Then you can strain the infusion and pour it into a container in which you will wet your feet. Pre-heat the infusion to 38 degrees. The legs should be in the container for 20 minutes. Each day, applying this procedure, you can cope with dermatitis.
Corn stigmas can help not only in the treatment of the kidneys, but also in the fight against leg dermatitis. Cooking infusion with them you need this way. Take sage, nettle, plantain, each herb in 2 parts, use leaves, not root. Then throw one piece of wormwood and two parts of corn stigmas, corn sticks and juniper berries into the collection.
They need to attach to the three parts of St. John's wort, yarrow, as well as field horsetail. This infusion should be poured with boiling water and insist the night. Then strain and drink one third glass a day before each meal (ideally 3 times). This will help reduce itching with dermatitis and improve the skin condition.
Chicory, leaves of the three-leafed watch, dandelion root, fennel berries and buckthorn bark help to cope with unpleasant rashes on the skin of the legs and itching, and also with wound. You only need to take these plants each in the same amount, pour boiling water and insist 5-6 hours. Take, filtered, before breakfast and before dinner every day. The course of treatment - 1-2 weeks, and dermatitis on the legs as it has not happened. If necessary, the course of treatment can continue.