Correction of posture and physical exercises
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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For quite a long period of its centuries-old history, society has always worried about the interrelationship of spiritual and physical principles in the formation of man as the most important biological and social unit.
Noting the presence of certain contradictions between the spiritual and the physical in the personality of each person, most experts rightly believe that these contradictions are of a natural dialectical nature. With the correct, scientifically based formulation of the system of physical education, these contradictions not only do not complicate the formation of the personality, but, on the contrary, stimulate the process of its harmonious development, therefore the correction of posture is a very important issue that faces orthopedist traumatologist
Since physical exercises as specific means differ from other pedagogical means used in general pedagogy, it is necessary to recognize as expedient a more detailed consideration of some of their laws in unity with the conditions, external and internal factors that determine these patterns.
In the process of physical education, certain motor tasks are put before the occupants, which must necessarily be solved, since only in this way can the relevant goals of the classes be achieved. The motor task is a socially and biologically conditioned requirement to perform certain movements with given biomechanical characteristics, stimulating a person to activate mental and motor activity, which ultimately achieves the corresponding goals in the process of physical education.
Between the motor task and the motor abilities of those engaged, certain dialectical contradictions arise. The driving force of physical education as a pedagogical process arises in the resolution of such contradictions.
The motor problem is usually solved by means of specially organized motor actions of those engaged. Motor action is a manifestation of the motor activity of a person who is conscious and purposeful in solving a specific motor task.
The main means of resolving the dialectical contradictions between the motor abilities of those engaged and the motor tasks that face them are physical exercises. They have a great educational impact on the trainees and allow them to expand their motor abilities. Physical exercise can be described as a complex of motor actions aimed at solving certain particular physical education tasks performed under strict regulation of biomechanical characteristics of movements, external conditions and the state of the human body.
In the practice of physical education, a lot of physical exercises are used. To classify physical exercises is to logically represent them as some sort of ordered aggregate with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics. The classification is based on a feature that is common to any group of exercises. Let's consider the basic, most general classifications.
Guzhalovsky (1987) offers to classify physical exercises by:
- sign of their anatomical impact. It is used when it becomes necessary to select exercises for different parts of the body or muscle groups;
- by general features of the structure. On this basis, the exercises are divided into cyclic, acyclic and mixed;
- on the basis of their primary focus on the development of motor qualities.
Matveev (1977, 1999) proposed a somewhat different classification:
- exercises that require a complex manifestation of physical qualities in conditions of variable regimes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of action;
- exercises that require significant manifestations of coordination and other abilities in a strictly prescribed program of movements;
- Exercises requiring predominantly endurance in cyclic movements;
- speed-strength exercises, characterized by maximum intensity or effort.
Platonov (1997) recommends that physical activity be divided into four groups:
- general preparatory - are aimed at the comprehensive functional development of the human body;
- Support - create the foundation for further improvement in a particular sporting activity;
- specially-preparatory - include elements of competitive activity, as well as motor actions, close to them in form, structure, and also by the nature of the manifested qualities and activities of the functional systems of the organism;
- competitive - involve the implementation of a set of motor activities that are the subject of sports specialization, in accordance with the existing rules of the competition.
Expanding the understanding of the system of physical exercises is facilitated by their classification based on the activity of the muscles involved in the work. Local - less than 30% of muscle mass is involved, regional - from 30-50% and global - more than 50%. Depending on the mode of operation of the muscles, isometric, isotonic, auxotonic exercises are distinguished.
Depending on the manifestations of strength, power and speed-power (power) exercises are singled out. Force exercises are considered to be the maximum or almost maximum voltage of the main muscle groups, manifested in isometric or auxotonic mode at low speed (with large external resistance, weight). The maximum speed of muscle develops with an external resistance (load) of 30-50% of the maximum (static) force. The maximum duration of exercises with a high power of muscle contractions is in the range from 3-5 s to 1-2 min - in inverse relationship to the power of muscle contractions (load).
Based on the analysis of the stability and periodicity of kinematic characteristics, motor actions are distinguished by cyclic and acyclic exercises.
In cyclic exercises, in accordance with the use of various energy supply routes, a number of groups are singled out. This approach is universally recognized, it is based on experts from different countries. Differences - only in the number of allocated groups. For example, Farfel (1975), depending on the capacity of work and the primary use of anaerobic or aerobic energy sources, allocated 4 zones for its provision: with a maximum exercise duration of up to 20 s (maximum power zone), from 20 s to 3-5 min (zone submaximal power), from 3-5 minutes to 30-40 minutes (high power zone), and more than 40 minutes (moderate power zone).
Kots (1980) divided all exercises into three anaerobic and five aerobic groups, depending on the pathways of energy production. Anaerobic exercise included an exercise of maximum anaerobic power (anaerobic power); about maximal anaerobic power (mixed anaerobic power); submaximal anaerobic power (anaerobic-aerobic power). To aerobic exercise of maximum aerobic power; about maximal aerobic power; submaximal aerobic power; average aerobic power; small aerobic power.
Acyclic exercises are characterized by a constant change in motor activity, a change in the wide range of biomechanical characteristics of motor actions.
In the special literature, three groups of acyclic exercises are most often singled out: situational, standard and percussion.
Laputin (1999) proposes to distinguish four classes of physical exercises: health; training; competitive; indicative.
Wellness exercises are divided into strengthening, therapeutic, developing, control and health.
Training exercises include exemplary, preparatory, control-training.
In the competitive exercises three main types are distinguished: exercises, the working effect of which is achieved mainly through the implementation of a certain biokinematic structure of movements (rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc.); exercises, the working effect of which is achieved mainly through the implementation of a certain biodynamic structure of movements (weightlifting, rowing, athletics, etc.); Exercises in which important is only in themselves their final working effect, and not the way to achieve it (all sports types of martial arts - fencing, boxing, wrestling, and all sports games).
The experimental work of many authors justifies the wide application of physical exercises for various violations of the ODA.
Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) is widely used at all stages of treatment of diseases and deformations of the human musculoskeletal system and rehabilitation; with its help the posture correction is carried out.
In the case of violations of posture, the exercise of favorable biomechanical conditions for increasing the mobility of the spinal column, correct interposition of all body biofeeds, directed correction of the existing defect in posture, and the formation and fixing of the right posture skill are considered to be violations of posture.
Particular tasks of exercise therapy depend on the nature of the violation of posture, since special exercises aimed at reducing the pelvic angle, for example, with a rounded back, are contraindicated in the stoop, when it is necessary to increase the pelvic angle, form a lumbar lordosis.
Since the habit of correct posture is formed on the basis of the musculo-articular feeling, which allows you to feel the position of parts of the body, the exercises are recommended to be performed in front of the mirror. Useful training of patients with the control of the positions of parts of the body, with verbal correction of the existing defect in posture. This allows you to create the necessary functional basis for correcting the posture.
Hot (1995) for the prevention and treatment of violations of the ODA recommends a comprehensive approach, including passive prevention, self-extension, self-correction of the spine and special exercises for the formation of muscle corset.
When treating various pathologies of the human spinal column, Laputin (1999) recommends performing therapeutic exercises in a hypergravitational suit.
It is known that the causes of many such diseases are changes in the morphofunctional characteristics of the spinal column due to changes in the spatial arrangement of the biopsies that have arisen for various reasons, as a result of which it does not withstand excessive mechanical stresses and is deformed and warped in the most weakened places. Correction of posture often (with rare contraindications) occurs through the use of specially directed therapeutic physical exercises. However, the main drawback of such exercises is the inaccurate target orientation of biomechanical influences, the small physical (mechanical) power of the highly directional influences (even if they can be correctly biomechanically oriented) and the small total intensity of each specific treatment cycle. In order to somehow intensify therapeutic exercises of this type, specialists often use additional burdens that not only do not bring relief to the patients, but also exacerbate their suffering, since any lifting of weights inevitably additionally affects the intervertebral discs of the lumbar region. In most cases, this leads to their overloading and approaching the limit of mechanical strength.
Therefore, almost always when using weight-bearing exercises in physical exercises, so that the correction of posture is correct, you should try to maximize possible reduction in the load on the lumbar region. The application of a hypergravitational suit almost completely removes this problem and allows the use of weights without any additional influences on the lumbar spine.