Contusion of the face
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A person is a business card of any person, and each of its flaws is not only an external defect, but also an emotional state of a person. When we like ourselves on our own, we feel "beautiful" inside ourselves. The bruise of the face is a whole complex of reasons for self-discontent: external errors, pain, physical and psychological health.
Many people say that appearance is not the main thing. Probably, these people do not understand that in the world there is a bruise of a person who, really, prevents to live. And, besides, we all want to be beautiful and be beautiful (sometimes we keep it secret, so as not to offend others).
Causes of injury to the face
What are the causes of the contusion of the face? It is clear that the bruise of a person from scratch will not arise as this phenomenon acquired as a result of mechanical action, that is, injury: a fall or a blow. And then, many immediately thought: either drunk with a ladder fell, or the husband brought up his wife. Of course, such variants are also possible, but there are a number of domestic and workplace injuries, for example, we are all living people, and therefore each of us can stumble or stumble.
A bruised face is not necessarily a "bruise under the eye"; it can be related to the jaw, cheekbones, nose, forehead, eyes, chin.
Symptoms of a contusion of the face
The contusion of the face is characterized by clinical symptoms, which include: swelling, pain, impaired function, hemorrhage.
- the first characteristic sign is pain. It appears immediately after getting injured. Pain can intensify after an hour and three. The growth of pain sensation depends on the appearance of edema or hematoma;
- "Swollen face" or swelling in the grass area is almost instantaneous. In the process of palpation, the densification of a painful action that does not have clear boundaries is found, and affects healthy tissues. Most swelling occurs in the time interval from one hour to a day after the injury. After that, inflammatory changes and traumatic edema are already noticeable;
- the bruising is explained by the fact that the skin and subcutaneous tissue are soaked with bleeding blood. It is impossible to say exactly how soon a bruise can form, since the depth of hemorrhage can influence the rate of its development. If the injury was skin or subcutaneous tissue, the appearance of bruising is possible in the very first minutes, sometimes hours. If we are talking about the muscles, the bruise may appear even on the third day, moreover, far from the zone of the bruise. Late bruising, especially those located far from the area of the injury, is a serious sign, requiring careful examination, for example, an X-ray, in order to exclude the possibility of fracture or bone fracture. As for color characteristics, the initial bruise is red, after 5 - 6 days it becomes green, and then turns yellow. This process is due to the breakdown of hemoglobin. Due to this, it is possible to determine when the injury of the face occurred.
Contusion of soft tissues of the face
The bruise of the face, to be more precise, its soft tissues are expressed by a strong puffiness and hemorrhages in the tissue - this is explained by the large blood supply to the facial tissues and a variety of fatty tissue.
The bruise of the face in this case necessarily manifests itself as a hematoma and is easily determined by palpation. Edema and hemorrhages that have arisen as a result of the injury can be accompanied by damage to the bones of the skull on the face or teeth, or even the entire jaw.
Diagnosis with a suspected bruise of the soft tissues of the face is based on the results of anamnesis, palpation, examination of skin tissue and mouth. If there is a possibility that, in addition to a bruise, a fracture of the bones is possible, then an x-ray is done.
Consider in more detail the bruises of the soft tissues of the face. It is already clear that the skin or mucous membrane, the integrity of which is broken, is a sign that soft tissues are damaged. In addition, that edema and hemorrhages are present on the face, there is also an additional feature: a significant divergence of the edges of the wound. This phenomenon is of a purely visual nature, since it can be called "optical deception", provoked as a result of reflex contractions of facial muscles.
To the soft tissues of the face are the lips, for example, with traumas of the lower lip, a strong salivation can occur outside, during which maceration of the skin of the neck and chin occurs.
In injuries of the soft tissues of the face, the branches of the facial nerve, parotid salivary gland or its excretory duct are often affected.
The bruise of the face can be complicated by bleeding, shock, asphyxia. It is not ruled out that when a person is injured or struck in the face, the tongue becomes swollen, and in case of an occlusion, dislocation or obturation asphyxia may occur.
Contusions of the soft tissues of the face, which are directly related to the oral cavity, can affect the development of inflammatory complications:
- abscess,
- suppuration of a wound,
- phlegmon.
What are the symptoms of bruises of the soft facial tissues?
- Ziyanie wound with bleeding.
- Pain accompanied by difficulty in opening the mouth, not to mention eating or speaking.
- Heaviness when breathing.
What determines the degree of complexity of the post-traumatic process?
Naturally, first of all, on the size (depth, length) and localization of the wound. Also of great importance in this situation are concomitant complications: blood loss, asphyxia, shock and so on.
The shock is diagnosed on the basis of abrupt changes in the skin, for example, pallor. There is also a weak pulse, low blood pressure, and a blocked consciousness.
As for asphyxiation, in this case the skin and mucous membrane becomes cyanotic in color; appears shortness of breath; and frothy sputum is released from the mouth.
With abundant blood loss, the victim becomes pale, his mind is confused (often, unconscious), blood pressure drops and the pulse is weakly palpated.
Severe bruise of face
A severe injury to the face, of course, is no laughing matter. And its consequences can be completely different, for example, shock, asphyxiation, scars (temporary and untimely), disability (if the trauma has affected the eye or the eye nerve, it is possible to lose sight) and even death.
A severe bruise of the face can be accompanied by various symptoms depending on the severity of the injury or stroke. In this case, a person can, like to lose consciousness, and "toss" from side to side. But, however that may be, the victim should be given first aid and call an ambulance.
In addition, it is very important to remember at this point about the psychological factor: a person in this situation, in addition to the pain, is afraid, and if he sees panic in the face of others, his fear will increase, which affects intracranial and blood pressure, palpitation and so on. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm or, at least pretend that nothing particularly terrible has happened.
Child's face contusion
Bruising and other injuries in the chin can lead to damage to the ligament apparatus. With this phenomenon, any movements of the lower jaw provoke pain in the child - one of the reasons for the suspicion of a fractured condylar process. In order to clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is mandatory.
The contusion of the face in the child is characterized by the same causes and symptoms as in the adult. But, let's not forget that children with great fear suffer the pain caused by trauma, especially if it is accompanied by blood.
In addition, the child's face contusion is serious because the child can not always explain what exactly and how it hurts. From the point of view of biology in children, cell division occurs somewhat differently than in adults, as a child's organism is a growing organism. Accordingly, processes responsible for the natural development of skin, muscle parts of the face can be disrupted. But there is not a big but positive side, the scars on the baby are faster and better heal than in adults.
But, nevertheless, in the period of crying or crying children may develop laryngospasm or they may have trouble breathing.
Children first aid - emergency. Whatever the conditions or the situation, the child should be sitting or lying down face down. Then it is necessary to turn the child on its side for convenience when releasing the oral cavity from the contents. The contents are removed by any safe means: cotton swab or hand. It happens that such actions are ineffective, and intubation is performed, tracheotomy is not recommended.
But, in order not to happen, the most important thing is not to give in to panic, but to provide first aid in a timely manner (rather than fainting and not hysterical, like some moms) and call an ambulance.
First aid with contusions of the face
The bruise of the face, regardless of the degree of severity, requires emergency help. But how to conduct it depends on the seriousness of the situation. So,
- bruise of soft facial tissues. A dressing is applied, but not tight. Also, ice is applied to the injury site,
- the fluctuation is eliminated by a syringe to avoid suppuration of blood in the hematoma,
- heavy bleeding. It is necessary to impose on the damaged area an aseptic bandage. In this situation, the dressing is superimposed tightly to restrict the flow of blood. If it is necessary to stop the blood from the vessels, then it must be done by pressing the vessel with a finger,
- To prevent asphyxiation, you need this way: the victim is laid on his side face down. Foreign objects are removed from the mouth: blood clots and other contents.
The bruise of the face, like any other trauma, should not be limited to providing first aid. Professional medical examination and treatment are compulsory.
Treatment of a contusion of the face
Of course, that the bruise of the face needs to be treated in the hospital, and not to conduct "online diagnostics", and do not listen to the advice of members of the forum who usually say: "I had this ... I did this and so ..." . Bruise bruise - different. A bruise can be an ordinary "bruise" or, as it is customary to say "nothing terrible", and maybe, and nerve endings or other elements of the person responsible for the normal functions of certain organs of the face are affected: ears, eyes, jaw and so on. The only correct solution in this situation is hospitalization. But, if the bruises are not accompanied by bone injuries, then hospitalization is not needed, but medical intervention and diagnosis should be at the proper level, since there may be blood loss, traumatic shock and so on.
The contusion of the face, as a rule, is examined and treated in the maxillofacial department.
Ointment from bruises on the face
The contusion of the face can be lubricated with various ointments that promote rapid healing, puffiness, bruising, and so on.
To date, the most popular are ointments "Rescuer" for adults and "Healer" for children. The rating of these drugs took the leading position because the cost of ointments is inexpensive, and the effect is much higher than their price.
"Rescuer". It consists of: beeswax, sea buckthorn oil, milk proteins. Given its contents, it is already obvious that the Rescuer is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerative (by the way, it can be used not only with bruises, but also with burns, with sprains and even with purulent lesions!).
Consider immediately contraindications:
- the first, as always, is hypersensitivity to the contents of the components in the preparation,
- trophic ulcers,
- wounds of a chronic nature.
Attention! In the course of treatment, it is the ointment "Rescuer" that should not be used with other ointments, creams, balms and other local preparations.
Now we turn to the methods of application. A small amount of ointment lubricates the damaged area. If necessary, you can apply a bandage. As soon as the ointment, first applied, dries, it is necessary to apply again the rescuer.
Possible, but not necessary, side effects, which include skin allergic reactions.
There are no overdoses of the recorded cases.
"Healer" - children's cream-balm instantly removes pain and is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Methods of application, of course, external and local.
In addition, there are other ointments, for example, "Fastum Gel", "Ferbedon".
The bruise of the face requires not only treatment with the help of ointments, especially if the situation is serious. In such cases, complex treatment is selected.
How to treat a bruise on the face?
In order to treat something, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis first.
Not infrequently a person's bruise passes in a complex with a craniocerebral trauma, during which, an x-ray of the skull is prescribed, palpation of the bones of the face and skull is performed. Immediately the question of the importance of vaccination against tetanus is being solved.
Before applying for help to a doctor, the contaminants are removed from the face with a gauze cloth, which is pre-moistened in a solution of potassium permanganate of weak concentration or furacilin. But this is optional.
When abrasions or scratches resort to local antiseptics: iodine or zelenka.
If the soft tissues of the face are damaged, then only the edges of the wounds are handled.
From possible bruises ice compresses of local purpose or special ointments "Rescuer", "Dolobien-gel", "Deklofenac" and others help. About the cold compress: it only makes sense for the first time 30 minutes after the injury.
Serious injury to the face can provoke bleeding or the flow of colorless fluid from the ear, bruises around the eyes, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness. But these are already symptoms close to a traumatic brain injury. In some cases it is about minutes, so, no initiative, but only - first aid.
In medical treatment, the doctor himself prescribes therapy, which includes: ointments, lotions, dry compresses. Sometimes physiotherapy is also possible.
Treatment of contusion of the face by alternative methods
- compress on the basis of cottage cheese is superimposed on a sore spot. Cottage cheese should be changed twice a day,
- Fritters:
- from arnica not diluted with infusion for severe skin damage. If the injury is insignificant, the proportions are as follows: 1:10, where 1 is the solution, and 10 is the water,
- camphor alcohol is rubbed for several minutes 2 to 5 times a day until complete healing,
- a decoction of the flowers of the wild rosemary is rubbed twice a day.
Treatment of contusion of soft tissues of the face
The bruise of the face and damage to the soft tissues of the face require special vigilance, since there may be other injuries: fractures, ruptures and so on.
If, at the time of the injury, the soft tissues of the face were injured, then at the time of suturing, the skin tension should be rejected. Only if necessary, immobilization of the skin is performed to more correctly connect the edges of the wound. Particular painstakingness requires the circumstance, in which it is necessary to connect the edges of wounds in the zone of the lips, nose, eyelids, eyebrows and auricles.
If the defects of the skin are clearly expressed in injuries, then it is impossible to apply seams without tension, and plastic operations are performed irrationally, to reduce the amount of possible scar superimposed lamellar sutures.
If we talk about the surgical method of fixation of bone elements, then mini-plates, micro-plates, screws - are shown at the older age.
The bruise of the face, namely, his soft tissues are treated in a planned order at the hospital. If the treatment concerns children's health, then in a hospital environment, conservative treatment is carried out: sanation, orthodontic therapy.
Prevention of injury to the face
Honestly, there are no ways to protect yourself from injuries in general, including a bruised face. All of us are living people, and can be inattentive or careless. Even if you put a helmet on your head, there is no guarantee that there will not be any emergency related to the security of the person.
The only thing you can say: you should avoid possible injuries, both at work and at home. At the expense of children: do not leave the child even for a minute one where there are "corners", sideboards with glasses, household items (which can be traumatized), with a spoon in his hand and so on. And, as far as children are concerned, there must always be medicines at hand: ointments, tablets; bandages. These are children, they will always find themselves an adventure.
If a bruise has already occurred, then in order to prevent the formation of bruises and edema, it is necessary to apply a cold compress, for the prevention of other problems, it is necessary to make an ultrasound of the hematomas and an X-ray of the head.