


Chronic balanoposthitis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Chronic balanoposthitis can act as an independent disease, but most often appears in patients with diabetes, skin diseases and pathologies of the immune system.

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Causes of the chronic balanoposthitis

The main causes of chronic balanoposthitis:

  • An infectious disease that can not be treated with antibacterial agents. As a rule, it concerns the incorrect treatment of acute balanoposthitis, which most often takes the form of chronic. Due to improper treatment and taking the drug, the microflora becomes resistant to the action of antibiotics.
  • Regular mechanical damage to the foreskin by allergens and chemicals. Due to systematic masturbation, extreme and hard sex, which creates increased friction and damage to the extremely flesh, a chronic balanoposthitis may appear. Synthetic and narrow underwear, means of intimate hygiene and other allergens are another cause of chronic inflammation.
  • Systematic infection - due to regular promiscuous sexual intercourse, unprotected sex with a partner, in which vaginal dysbiosis, sexually transmitted diseases, oral and anal sex, attempts to independently expand the foreskin in phimosis - there is an acute balanoposthitis, which eventually takes on a chronic form.
  • Psoriasis, Reiter's syndrome, diabetes mellitus, herpes virus, HPV - are also the causes of chronic balanoposthitis.

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Symptoms of the chronic balanoposthitis

As for the symptoms of chronic balanoposthitis, during periods of exacerbation, it practically does not differ from the symptoms of other forms of inflammatory lesion. Patients complain of  pain when urinating, the appearance of spots and redness of the glans penis, the appearance of abundant discharge. During remission, chronic balanoposthitis causes dystrophy and atrophy of the prepuce on the head of the penis. The disease can degenerate into an oncology, lead to the appearance of scars, the acquisition of secondary or primary phimosis and changes in the shape of the penis.



Recurrent balanoposthitis

Recurrent balanoposthitis is a neglected form of an infectious and inflammatory disease. There are many factors that cause recurrence of balanoposthitis. These can be infectious agents, sexually transmitted diseases, non-observance of the rules of intimate hygiene and others. The peculiarity of relapsing balanoposthitis is that every appearance of the disease manifests itself as a painful symptomatology, which is aggravated by the duration of the course of the inflammatory process. The most common causes of recurrent balanoposthitis.

  • Non-compliance with the rules and timing of treatment - very often in the treatment of primary balanoposthitis and any other genital diseases, patients stop treatment as soon as the painful symptomatology disappears. It is an untreated disease that causes relapse and complications.
  • The presence of chronic diseases - to provoke the appearance of balanoposthitis can many factors. Inflammation can occur due to a weakened immune system, infection with unprotected intercourse, due to endocrine and hormonal disorders.
  • Inadequate hygiene and abuse of hygiene detergents. Because of the refusal to comply with basic rules of hygiene, begins to accumulate smegma with pathogens, which cause recurrence of the disease. And excessive use of hyena means can cause allergies, which leads to allergic balanopostitis or relapses of other forms of the disease.

To protect yourself against recurring balanoposthitis, you must follow the doctor's instructions, follow the treatment regimens and adhere to hygiene rules.

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Treatment of the chronic balanoposthitis

The process of treating chronic balanoposthitis is long. The first thing that needs to be done is to eliminate the causes that caused the disease. The patient should strictly observe personal hygiene, engage only in protected sex. In especially neglected cases, the only method of treatment is surgical excision of the foreskin, that is, circumcision. This allows you to eliminate the conditions for the accumulation of infections.

Treatment of chronic balanoposthitis begins with the diagnosis of the disease and identifying the causes of lesions of the genital organ. Chronic inflammation refers to urological diseases, the symptoms of which are manifested as an inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis. The cause of chronic inflammation can be an infection. The head of the sexual organ becomes inflamed due to the nonspecific microbial flora - anaerobic cocci,  streptococci. If there is an agent, the disease is transmitted sexually.

Treatment of chronic balanoposthitis should begin at the first symptomatology of the disease, that is, when itching, burning, pain in the groin, swelling of the genital organs and skin hyperemia. In some cases, the penis covers a dirty white coating, and small bubbles appear. An easy form of chronic balanoposthitis is treated with the help of antiseptic solutions used for baths or washings of the sexual organ (hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, furacilin). In the acute form of chronic inflammation, the urologist prescribes a serious antibacterial therapy. If the chronic form is caused by phimosis, then circumcision is carried out, that is excision of the prepuce.

Chronic balanoposthitis can last for years, causing exacerbations and periods of remission. Note that without proper treatment, any form of balanoposthitis can go into chronic.

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