The causative agent of favus (Trichophyton schoenleinii)
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021
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Favus (synonym: scab) - a rare chronic disease, mainly of children, caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii.
The skin, hair and nails are affected . Formed yellow crusts (scutuli) with spores of clumps and mycelium of the fungus, epidermal cells and fat. In scales, a branching septate mycelium with arthrospores is observed. Inside the affected hair, gas bubbles and fungal elements are detected : septic mycelium, spore conglomerates (favus-type).
The pure culture of T. Schoenleinii is represented by a septate mycelium with thickening and branching ("candelabra", "horn deer"), as well as arthrosporic mycelium, chlamydospores and macroconidia (8x50 μm).