Canker sores in the corners of the lips in adults and children
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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In the people cracks in the corners of the lips are better known as sores - we are talking about unpleasant painful wounds that interfere with eating, smiling, yawning and just talking. And outwardly, the cracks look quite unaesthetic. In some people such wounds - a rarity, and in others - a constant phenomenon. Why does this happen? And how to get rid of the problem? Let's try to understand.
Sores in the corners of the lips are more often formed in children and women between 20 and 40 years of age. In men, the age period is somewhat shifted: the disease is predominantly affecting people aged 40-70 years. Pathology is considered widespread throughout the world: the proportion of "sores" is about 4% of all lesions of mucous tissues of the oral cavity in adults and about 15% of lesions in children.
The predisposing factors are:
- 25% of cases are hypovitaminosis;
- 13-30% of cases are anemic;
- in 5-20% of infections;
- more than 50% of cases are nutritional deficiencies in general.
Causes of the hangnail
Why do peptic sores form in the corners of the lips? In most cases, it is due to a lack of important microelements and vitamins in the body, or an infection. Vitamin deficiency can be indicated by constant weakness, fatigue, dizziness, rapid fatigue, dry and flaky skin, hair loss, brittle nails.
Consider all the most probable causes of pathology:
- Vitamin deficiencies (particularly of B vitamins) are considered to be one of the most common root causes of sore lips. The deficiency may be caused by incomplete absorption of vitamins (e.g., in digestive diseases), or by their low intake into the body.
- An infected injury of the skin at the corners of the lips is caused by initial damage to the tissues with further penetration of infection into the wound - for example, with dirty hands, objects, toys, etc. Most often the infectious agent is fungi and streptococcus. These pathogens trigger the development of an inflammatory reaction in the upper layers of the skin and/or in the wound.
- Herpesvirus, contrary to the belief of many, can appear not only directly on the lips, but also in the corners of the mouth. Exacerbation of common herpes occurs against the background of a sharp weakening of immune defense - for example, after severe stress, fatigue, hypothermia, and so on.
- Fungal infection, or candidiasis is aggravated after colds, digestive disorders, hormonal changes, as well as against the background of taking antibiotics.
- Diabetes mellitus is the cause of long-lasting, non-healing nicks in the corners of the lips.
- Allergic processes can occur as a reaction of the body to cosmetic or hygienic products, external influences in the form of temperature changes, food.
- Harmful habits such as smoking, constant biting or licking of lips, pencils and other objects, alcohol consumption contribute to the penetration of mucous tissues of various pathogenic microorganisms and a decrease in local immunity.
- General diseases, vascular and nervous pathologies, mental and psycho-emotional disorders can become triggering factors in the development of sores in the corners of the lips.
- Digestive disorders - particularly those that are caused by an imbalance of bacterial balance in the gut - can cause this kind of problem.
- Improper bite, various jaw defects, and incorrect prosthetics can lead to permanent trauma to the corners of the lips.
- Severe forms of tuberculosis are accompanied by the appearance of specific "tuberculosis sores".
- Syphilis may be the cause of a hard chancre forming in the lip corner area.
- Poor oral hygiene, untreated dental diseases contribute to the growth and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Regular consumption of food that is too hot or spicy.
Risk factors
Often the appearance of sores in the corners of the mouth is associated with various deficiencies in the body. In particular, it can be dysbacteriosis, avitaminosis, anemia, etc. In general, experts distinguish several categories of provoking factors, such as traumatic, infectious, allergic and so on:
- Wounds are often caused by injuries to the corners of the lips, which can happen even at a dental appointment, when the patient is forced to stay with the mouth open for a long time. The problem can also occur with the systematic use of removable dentures: when they are inserted and removed, the corners of the lips are often affected. If a person often has dry lips, then sores can occur practically at any wide opening of the mouth: at the moment of yawning, as well as during kissing and oral sex.
The most dangerous variant of traumatic sores is considered to be leukoplakia - a disease that represents keratinization of the oral mucosa or lip border. Appearance of leukoplakia increases the risk of tumor development.
- Infection in the oral cavity can occur from dirty hands and objects, with poor hygiene. A special risk of infection has those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, often sick with acute respiratory diseases or candidiasis, have diseases of the blood and digestive system, periodically take antibiotics, cytostatics, hormones or medications that depress immunity.
- Sores in the corners of the lips are often provoked by allergic processes: women are more often allergic to lipstick, toothpaste and other cosmetic or hygienic products. And in men, in many cases, the "culprit" is windy, frosty weather, or severe heat. In children, the problem can be caused by the so-called atopic cheilitis - neurodermatologic pathology, which proceeds like an allergic reaction.
The causative agents of the disease, characterized by the appearance of sores in the corners of the mouth, most often become yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus Candida, or streptococci. Depending on the origin of the problem, there are streptococcal, fungal, allergic, and other ickles. However, for the emergence of sores are necessary and associated provoking factors - for example, lack of vitamins (avitaminosis of mainly B vitamins), diabetes mellitus, constant trauma to the skin near the mouth, a strong weakening of the immune system. These factors lead to a decrease in the body's resistance to dermatologic and infectious lesions.
In some patients, sore lips are formed due to the appearance of skin folds - for example, due to loss of muscle tone (in elderly people), bite disorders. Creases may occur after strokes, in case of loss of teeth and their pathological abrasion, when using improperly made and defective orthopedic devices.
The pathology can be exacerbated in people with decreased facial muscle tone, oral candidiasis, carious teeth and gum disease, diabetes or autoimmune diseases, and dentures.
Symptoms of the hangnail
Patients predominantly complain of pain and discomfort. The pain becomes sharp when talking, eating, yawning or laughing.
Externally, the problem is a slit-like defect with a transition to the skin. Sometimes sores exist for a long time in one or two corners of the lips, periodically healing and reappearing. The edges of these wounds over time thicken, coarsen, sometimes - keratinized. If infection sets in, the soreness and swelling increase, and the sore may become crusty.
The lesion can be both unilateral and bilateral. Often under the influence of constant irritation, redness and maceration, ulceration, crusting, which may burst with the release of a small amount of blood or blood.
Long-standing recurrent sores may be covered with granulation.
Streptococcal sores are more often found in childhood. At an early stage of development, small vesicles appear in the corners of the lips, which eventually burst, and in their place are formed slit-like defects. After a few hours, the sores are covered with a crust, when trying to remove which opens a bleeding wound. Pain occurs with almost any movement of the lips.
Fungal sores usually do not have a crust: the wound is covered with grayish-white plaque, which is easily removed.
The initial symptomatology may vary, which depends on the nature of the origin of the sore.
- Skin dryness, dry lips and sore lips caused by vitamin deficiency may be accompanied by burning eyes, general weakness, fatigue, dizziness. Dark circles under the eyes, dry hands, brittle nails, painful hangnails may appear.
- Peeling and soreness in the corners of the lips often appear after sudden temperature changes or as a result of exposure to allergens. Flaking appears immediately after exposure to the irritant. Additional symptoms include redness, itching, and sometimes swelling and burning.
- When infection occurs, the corners of the lips hurt and sores that do not heal for a long time. The wounds are covered with crusts, there may be focal edema, which spreads even to the chin. The lips become hyperemic.
- Itching and itching in the corners of the lips are usually associated with fungal infection or viruses (e.g. Herpes). The formation of crusts and plaque (light-colored, whitish) or blisters is observed. Pain can range from a slight tingling sensation to severe, sharp pain when opening the mouth.
- Severe sores in the corners of the lips, long non-healing wounds are often signs of chronic pathologies in the body - for example, chronic hypovitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, or improper bite and other dental problems. If sores appear frequently and do not heal for a long time, it is worth seeing a doctor and undergoing a full course of examination.
- Sores in the corners of the lips with coronavirus, influenza or acute respiratory viruses are usually caused by a sharp drop in immunity. The patient has severe weakness, pallor of the skin. There may be an increase in lymph nodes, exacerbation of chronic diseases - in particular, pathologies of the sinuses and respiratory organs, urinary system.
Psychosomatics oflip corner congestion
Specialists call the following psychosomatic reasons for the appearance of nicks in the corners of the lips:
- the absence of the joys of life;
- feelings of sadness, grief, frustration;
- irritability, anger;
- the presence of internal conflicts;
- insecurity, low self-esteem, loss of meaning in life;
- a mismatch between desires and realities;
- suicidal thoughts.
In a broad sense, pathology indicates negative factors directed inward to the body. Sometimes negativity is caused by feelings that a person holds back, not allowing them to open up. The recommended affirmation to get rid of the disease is the following: "I realize only positive events in my life. I live in a world full of love.
Sores are also a reason to think about whether we are eating the right foods and socializing with the right people. Canker sores can also indicate that a person takes too much on himself, puts on himself excessive and unbearable loads. Perhaps you should reconsider these aspects of your life?
Stiffness in the corners of the lips in an adult
Wounds near the lips are more often formed in childhood, but the pathology also happens in adults. However, the causes of the problem in this case are different. For example, if children have sores arise due to poor hygiene, habits of biting nails and sucking unwashed fingers, then in adults the causes are more often age-related changes and chronic diseases, as well as loss of teeth and unsuccessful prosthetics. The most common root causes are considered to be the following:
- Diabetes mellitus and other pathologies that contribute to frequent skin infection;
- age-related decrease in muscle tone, formation of periorbital folds;
- a pronounced bite change;
- abrasion of teeth, improper dentures;
- tooth and gum disease.
With age, the risk of chronic sore throats with recurrent course increases, indicating both general pathological changes in the body and weakening of immune defense.
Canker sores in the corners of the lips during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the female body is slightly weakened, which is due to the specific nature of this condition: immunity is reduced in order to prevent the fetus from being rejected as a foreign body. In addition, the consumption of vitamins and microelements increases significantly, which generally leads to an increased risk of infection and the development of various painful conditions.
Recommendations for the elimination and prevention of such a problem in pregnant women are quite simple: good nutrition, sufficient rest, fresh air and compliance with hygiene rules. In addition, it is necessary to protect the face and lips from unfavorable weather conditions. In particular, you should use a quality hygienic lipstick and hypoallergenic face cream.
You can consult your doctor about taking complex vitamin preparations. This will help to strengthen the body and replenish the stocks of useful substances.
Ifzaedaeda near the mouth do not pass for a long time, or arise repeatedly, then do not self-medicate: you should always consult a doctor.
Sores in the corners of the baby's lips
If we consider the situation as a whole, the sores near the mouth in children can appear as a result of infectious infection, allergies, vitamin deficiency. In most young patients, the problem is provoked by streptococcal infection. Although, according to pediatricians, the primary cause should be considered a lack of riboflavin - a vitamin necessary to maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails. In some children, sores appear as a result of weakened immune forces - for example, this happens with frequent sore throats, tooth decay, worm infestations, and so on.
And yet, regardless of the root cause, the basic link in the development of pathology is a bacterial factor. In this case, the "provocateurs" are ordinary representatives of the microbial flora, living normally on the skin surface or in the mouth. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms under certain conditions (hypothermia, ARVI, colds, helminths, etc.) begin to actively multiply, an inflammatory reaction develops, which leads to the formation of painful wounds. Sometimes pathogenic flora is brought in large quantities from the external environment - for example, with unwashed hands and objects.
Skin lesions at the corners of the mouth are common in children. Children 6-8 years old or 13-16 years old are more prone to developing the problem. The child should not always be immediately taken to a pediatrician: often the problem disappears by itself with hygiene and nutritional correction. Additionally, the corners of the lips should be treated with antiseptic solutions. However, if the wounds are poorly succumb to local treatment and do not heal for a long time, it indicates a serious drop in immune defense. In this situation, it is better to consult a doctor. It may be necessary to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, antiparasitic treatment, etc.
Complications and consequences
Most often, the sores heal within three to five days if treated daily with an antiseptic. If the sores in the corners of the lips do not go away, or appear again, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist or dentist for qualified treatment. If this is not done, the development of unfavorable consequences is possible. The risk of complications depends on the stage of the disease process.
Thus, at the first, initial stage of the disease, only the superficial layers of the skin are damaged, which, if taken in time, quickly leads to recovery. However, if you do not try to cure the problem, the probability of damage to the deep skin layers increases: a deep defect is formed with the involvement of small lymphatic vessels. The inflammatory process spreads to the nearest tissues, erosions are formed, combining into an extensive wound surface. Cheilitis may develop, including its chronic course.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that some forms of inflammation are prone to malignancy - that is, cheilitis under certain conditions can become a precancerous condition.
Why in the corners of the lips aches do not heal? It all depends on the cause of pathology. Sometimes even the use of antiseptics and therapeutic ointments does not give the necessary effect, if you do not eliminate the main factor in the appearance of cracks. For example, you need to get a grip and stop gnawing on the cap of a pen or lick your lips, do not stick dirty fingers in your mouth, quit smoking, adjust nutrition, and so on. As a rule, after removing the cause, the wounds heal quickly enough.
Diagnostics of the hangnail
Diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's gutter on the swelling of the corners of the lips, soreness (when closing, talking, eating food), slight burning, the appearance of crusts.
Obligatory anamnestic information is collected, possible neurogenic mechanisms of pathology, psycho-emotional disorders, genetic predisposition, the influence of bad habits are evaluated.
Next, the doctor conducts a physical examination and refers the patient for laboratory tests.
Analyses include:
- histologic studies (acanthosis, hyper and parakeratosis, decreased glycogen level in the basal layer, round cell filtration, etc.);
- General clinical tests (blood and urine).
Instrumental diagnostics is not mandatory and can only be used as part of additional investigations - for example, in the presence of chronic diseases.
It is obligatory to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist.
Differential diagnosis
Sores in the corners of the lips should be differentiated with tuberculosis, syphilis, as well as some other pathologies:
- Angular cheilitis of non-infectious and non-allergic origin;
- Manganotti's abrasive precancerous cheilitis;
- Micher's granulomatous cheilitis, etc.
Cheilitis is a whole group of diseases that are characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the area of the red border and/or mucous membrane of the lips. In some pathologies, cheilitis is combined with the appearance of wounds in the corners of the lips.
In general, distinctive diagnosis is usually not difficult: the doctor makes a diagnosis already after the initial examination of the patient.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the hangnail
Therapeutic measures for the elimination of sores in the corners of the lips are always complex, using an individual approach. In general, treatment necessarily includes the following points:
- regular sanitation and compliance with hygienic rules of oral care;
- Treatment of tooth decay, removal of plaque and decayed teeth;
- Eliminating bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, biting lips, sucking fingers and nibbling pencils, etc.);
- correction of dental disorders, replacement of poor-quality fillings and orthopedic appliances.
In addition, general and local methods of treatment are used.
Topical treatment includes treatments such as:
- treatment of sores with antiseptic solutions (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution);
- applying lotions with chymotrypsin, trypsin to soften crusts;
- application of corticosteroid ointments such as Celestoderm, Locoid, Lorinden C to reduce signs of inflammation;
- application of complex ointments - regenerating, vitaminized, etc.
If the appearance of the problem is associated with a sharp change in the psycho-emotional state of a person, then prescribe tranquilizers, sedatives, if necessary - antidepressants (Persen, Sedavit, Elenium, Amitriptyline).
In case of allergic aches, the suspected allergen is eliminated and anti-allergic drugs (L-cet, suprastin, Eden) are prescribed.
With a severe and persistent course of pathology may be prescribed corticosteroids orally.
How to cure a nip in the corner of the lips fast?
Simple uncomplicated sores in the corner of the lips can often be treated at home. But it is important to realize that home treatment will not be able to eliminate the original cause of the problem, but only temporarily heal the bothersome wounds.
In order not to harm health and not to aggravate the situation, before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that folk remedies do not cause allergies in a particular patient.
- Dilute a little tea tree oil with the same amount of warm boiled water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting remedy, apply for a few minutes to the cracks. Repeat the procedure twice a day, morning and evening.
- Take a little natural honey (20 ml), mixed with 20 drops of fish oil. Soak a cotton disk in the resulting remedy, apply it to the affected area for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
- Soak a cotton disk in micellar water and apply it to the corners of the lips for about 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated after each meal and at night.
- A little linseed oil is slightly heated (you can on a hot radiator or water bath), wet a cotton pad in it and apply to the wounds in the corners of the lips for about 5 minutes. Repeat twice a day.
Such remedies are used until the problem completely disappears. In addition, it is possible to carry out treatment with medicinal herbs.
General treatment is carried out against the background of local therapy, but it is not always necessary, but only in the presence of other diseases that require drug correction. Such treatment can be prescribed by an endocrinologist, allergist, neurologist. It is possible to prescribe sedatives and tranquilizers, multivitamins with trace elements, antihistamines, immunostimulants.
Hyphenadine (Fencarol) |
Antihistamine drug in tablets (0.025 mg #50), take 1 pc. Three times a day, for 7-10 days. During treatment, a slight sedative effect is possible, which manifests itself as weakness, drowsiness, slowed reaction of the body. |
Cetirizine |
Anti-allergic tablets of 10 mg are taken 1 pc. Once a day. The duration of administration is usually one week. Possible side effects: agitation or drowsiness, sleep disturbances, sometimes - paresthesias, dizziness. |
Persen |
Plant sedative drug, which is prescribed 2-3 tablets three times a day, for two weeks. The drug is not used in severe arterial hypotension, bradycardia, depression. Among possible side effects: allergies, mood loss, heartburn is less common. |
Novo-passit |
Sedative drug, prescribed 1 tablet three times a day (or in the form of a solution - 5 ml three times a day). The recommended duration of treatment is about a month. The most common side effects: allergic reactions, dizziness, discomfort in the stomach area, general weakness. |
Immunal |
Plant immunostimulant, which is taken 1 tablet 2-4 times a day for no more than 10 consecutive days. Prolonged use or taking large doses of the drug may be accompanied by nausea, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability. |
Ginseng tincture |
Tonic, adaptogenic drug. Take 15-20 drops half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day for a month. It is undesirable to take the drug in the second half of the day, which is associated with its excitatory effect. Possible allergic reactions in hypersensitive individuals. Do not drink drops to patients who have a tendency to increase blood pressure. |
Ointments for sore corners of the lips
Already with the first symptoms of sores in the corners of the mouth, you should begin to take action. As the main remedy, you can use ointments of antimicrobial and healing action. Optimally, if such a drug is selected by a doctor, because he prescribes medications depending on the etiology of the disease. For example, in some cases, antibacterial ointment is required, and in other cases - antifungal.
The most common external remedies for congestion are considered to be:
- Dexpanthenol, or D-Panthenol is a 5% healing ointment for sore lips, which quickly heals damaged skin. In the composition of the means there is vitamin B - a derivative of pantothenic acid, which has proven itself as a moisturizer and medication to eliminate various skin injuries. The drug accelerates regeneration, normalizes intracellular metabolism, increases the resistance of collagen, stops the development of inflammation. The means-analog can be Bepanten cream, which has a similar anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
- Levomekol is a combined antibacterial agent that inhibits the development of inflammatory reactions and prevents the vital activity of microbes. Levomekol demonstrates activity against many Gram-positive microorganisms. External drug is easily absorbed even deep into the tissues, activating the recovery processes in them. The ointment is effective also in purulent wounds.
- Metrogil Denta gel helps to solve many dental problems, including getting rid of sore corners of the lips. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the complex action of such ingredients as chlorhexidine and metronidazole. After application to the damaged skin, a kind of protective film is formed on it, which provides a prolonged antiseptic effect.
- Teymurov paste is a well-known external antiseptic, which has a drying and deodorizing effect. The composition of the drug is represented by boric and salicylic acid, lead acetate, sodium tetraborate, zinc oxide and peppermint oil. The paste dries exudate, tightens skin damage, stops the development of bacteria and blocks the inflammatory response. In addition to bacteria, the remedy destroys fungal infection, refreshes the skin, eliminates pain, and dilates blood vessels.
- Zinc ointment is an affordable and effective remedy based on zinc oxide, which dries, astringes, destroys bacteria in the wound. As a result, exudation is reduced, the inflammatory reaction stops, the skin calms down, and an outer protective layer is formed.
- Clotrimazole ointment helps to eliminate sores caused by fungal infection. The active ingredient of this ointment dissolves the protective membrane of the fungal flora, thereby causing its death. In addition to fungi, the remedy successfully copes with gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, so it acts in a complex way.
Ointments are applied directly to the affected areas near the lips up to three times a day. Before applying the chosen remedy, it is necessary to clean the wound from secretions and food residues, treat with any antiseptic solution. Then the ointment is applied in a small layer. To ensure an adequate effect after the procedure, you should temporarily refrain from eating and drinking for 30-40 minutes.
If the cracks are deep, then you can make ointment compresses: on a sterile bandage or napkin apply a little ointment, then apply to the area of a hangnail, kept for about 30 minutes. The remnants of the remedy do not need to be removed.
Vitamins for sore corners of the lips
Canker sores in the corners of the lips can be caused by various factors, including dehydration, age and seasonal changes, allergic processes, lack of essential microelements and vitamins. Depending on the underlying causes of the disorder, medicinal ointments, moisturizing and healing creams, as well as special multivitamin and nutritional supplements, such as these, are used for treatment:
- Aevit is a universal remedy for beauty and treatment of skin problems. Aevit consists of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A), which help correct metabolic processes, nourish and restore the skin, block the spread of inflammation, improve capillary blood circulation. To achieve optimal effect capsules are taken orally and lubricate the vitamin solution directly aedes: to do this capsule pierced, and the released oily liquid is applied to the pre-cleaned corners of the lips. The procedure is repeated twice a day for several weeks (up to a month).
- Complivit Siyaniye is the best combination of vitamins for skin problems. Each tablet contains a balanced combination of useful components. These are vitamins A, C, E, group B, copper, selenium, zinc, iron, cobalt and lipoic acid. To replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body take one tablet per day for a month.
- Perfectil "Skin, nails, hair" is a complex action preparation. It is based on B-group vitamins, including nicotinic acid. The product contributes to the restoration of the epidermis, prevents age-related changes in the skin, perfectly moisturizes and heals. Perfectil can be taken as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent.
- Floradix multivital - includes a basic complex of vitamins to eliminate dry skin, improve blood circulation, provide protection of the epidermis from the negative effects of external factors. It becomes an additional source of nicotinic acid and B vitamins, suitable for both adults and children.
Acyclovir for sore corners of the lips
In the case of viral nature of sores in the corners of the lips wonderfully helps Acyclovir - a drug that can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of an external preparation (which is preferable). Most often use 5% ointment - twice a day, and with a persistent course of the disease - 5 times a day. Before application, wounds should be cleaned with an antiseptic, and hands should be washed with soap and water.
After applying the product, do not drink or eat for one hour. The maximum term of application is 1-2 months. However, if the problem does not go away during a week of using the ointment, it is better to consult a doctor and revise the therapy.
With an unknown origin of fissures Acyclovir can be used as part of a complex treatment in conjunction with other drugs.
Treatment of lip corner sores with tetracycline ointment
Tetracycline ointment is an external remedy with an antibiotic that inhibits the development of pathogens. Tetracycline has extensive antibacterial activity, affecting staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, chlamydia and other common pathogens.
As a therapeutic agent for congestion in the corners of the lips, 3% ointment is used, which, unlike oral agents, practically does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect, and side effects are practically reduced to zero. However, the remedy is not suitable for patients who are hypersensitive to its medicinal components, or other drugs of the tetracycline group. Do not use the ointment if it is a fungal skin lesion.
Tetracycline ointment in a small amount is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day. Duration of application - from several days to three weeks, which is determined individually.
Physiotherapy treatment
Physiotherapeutic procedures effectively complement the main treatment, contribute to the reduction of symptomatic manifestations, accelerate regeneration.
It is possible to prescribe methods such as:
- laser therapy has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, desensitizing effect;
- drug electrophoresis with corticosteroids, anti-allergic agents;
- phonophoresis with corticosteroids;
- Ultrahigh frequency therapy (UHF) demonstrates anti-inflammatory action, improves microcirculation and activates regenerative processes;
- ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF) improves blood circulation and tissue trophics, stops the development of inflammation and reduces swelling, has antihistamine activity.
If indicated, irradiation with Buca border rays - 200 R twice a week with a course of 1600-3000 R is prescribed. The procedure contributes to the elimination of soreness, itching, a feeling of tightness of the skin. In the course of therapy it is recommended to treat the affected areas daily with nourishing cream or balm "Rescue", which contains no petroleum jelly.
Herbal treatment
Folk remedies often help in the fight against unpleasant pains in the corners of the lips. In almost all cases, medicinal plants are used externally - for example, in the form of lotions.
- Aloe juice is squeezed from the lower leaves, having previously washed them under running water. Instead of aloe, you can use kalanchoe, another useful succulent plant. The juice is used to apply to a cotton pad and then wipe the bothersome wounds.
- Green tea in the form of strong brew also serves as a good remedy for wiping sore corners of the lips. To prepare a strong brew pour 1 tbsp. Tea leaves 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and wipe the wounds for five minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day, until complete healing.
- Plant infusions prepared on the basis of chamomile flowers, calendula, sage, oak bark also help to accelerate wound healing. Plants can be used separately, or as a mixture. Infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. Of raw materials per 300 ml of boiling water: insist under a lid for half an hour and use for lotions and wipes, 3-4 times a day.
Basic measures to prevent the appearance of sores in the corners of the lips:
- It is necessary to control the diet: the daily menu should be balanced, to ensure the intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining human immune defense. It is desirable to consume less sugar, drink more plain water to saturate the skin with moisture. In addition, experts recommend eating more greens, fruits and nuts every day.
- Sanitary and hygienic rules should be observed daily: brush your teeth in the morning and evening, wash your hands after every walk and before eating.
- It is important to be outdoors regularly and keep physically active.
- In winter and spring, if necessary, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes to prevent a lack of useful substances in the body.
- You should eradicate bad habits, do not bite your nails, do not put your fingers and various objects in your mouth, eat only washed fruits and vegetables.
- In general, it is necessary to monitor your health, treat all diseases in a timely manner, visit the doctor for preventive purposes.
In the vast majority of cases, sores in the corners of the lips disappear without a trace. A prerequisite for a speedy recovery is to take timely measures, eliminating the root cause of the problem.
If the wounds are not treated or treated in any way, there is a risk of unpleasant consequences. First of all, the appearance suffers. In addition, secondary infection often joins. Such a development leads to the formation of deep erosions that penetrate into the deep dermal layers. The wounds fester, which requires more intensive and prolonged therapy.
Sores in the corners of the lips - this is not always a harmless problem. With a prolonged course of pathology can be transformed into a chronic form, which becomes much more difficult to cure. With frequent exacerbations, it is recommended to adjust the diet and strengthen hygiene measures, treat all existing diseases in the body, and especially in the oral cavity.