Bursitis of the finger
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bursitis of the finger is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the synovial (or joint) bag of the joints, which is called the bursa.
Bursa is an elastic pouch of a small size lined inside with a synovial membrane that produces an articular (lubricating) liquid. This fluid is located in the joint cavities.
The location of the bursa is between the tendons and bones, it is in those places - the joints where the muscles and tendons have the greatest friction about the bone and ligament. Therefore, the bursa serves as a kind of interlayer that protects against friction of bone, muscle, ligaments and tendons.
When bursitis in the joint cavity begins to form in large quantities and accumulate a special fluid - exudate. Usually, bursitis occurs in the joints of the shoulder girdle, then, in descending order, this disease affects the elbows, knees, and hip joints. Also, similar inflammatory processes affect the synovial bag located between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus. Much less common is bursitis of the finger, which is manifested in the inflammation of the joints of the fingers and toes.
Disease bursitis is divided into the following forms, which characterize the clinical course of the disease:
- acute bursitis,
- subacute bursitis,
- chronic bursitis,
- recurrent bursitis.
Depending on the absence or presence of an agent that provoked inflammation, bursitis is divided into:
- nonspecific - only traumatic nature,
- specific - complicated by infection in the joint bag: tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilitic and brucellosis rods.
Bursites are divided into several forms depending on the nature of the exudate:
- serous,
- purulent - instead of synovial fluid in the joint pus accumulates,
- hemorrhagic - in the exudate there is a congestion of a large number of blood constituents, for example, erythrocytes,
- purulent-hemorrhagic.
It happens that in addition to the exudate in the joint bag begin to accumulate salts of various substances.
Usually, bursitis begins with an acute form of leakage, but if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the acute form may be accompanied by a purulent or hemorrhagic form of the disease, or go to a chronic stage.
Causes of Bursitis of the Finger
Bursitis always occurs due to external impact on the area of the body, which is next to the inflamed joint. The causes of acute and chronic bursitis of the finger can be as follows:
- Contusions, ruptures of the articular bag, abrasions, wounds and other injuries of the finger, whether or not associated with joint damage.
- Overload of the joints of the fingers and frequent mechanical irritation of the joints, which caused their deformation. For example, a job that requires constant, same-type finger movements for a long time can lead to bursitis. This disease can provoke sports games with a heavy load on the fingers, sudden lifting of weights and so on.
- Congenital deformity of the foot or valgus deformation of the foot.
- Flat feet and a violation of the structure of the transverse arch of the foot.
- The deposition of calcium, which accumulates in the zone of tendons.
- Various infections that have penetrated into the joint bag.
- The presence of diathesis and other metabolic disorders in the body.
- Allergies and other autoimmune diseases.
- Arthritis - inflammation of the joints of various forms and origin.
- Gout is a disease accompanied by the deposition of uric acid or sodium monourate in various tissues of the human body.
- Sudden increase in physical activity.
- Wearing uncomfortable, narrow shoes and shoes with high heels.
There are cases when bursitis occurs, it seems, without any reason. But this is not so, because this disease always has some reason for its occurrence.
Chronic bursitis most often appears in people whose work is associated with irritating action on the joints of the hands or feet, a constant heavy load on these joints. Chronic bursitis develops for a long time, usually a few months. It appears both as a consequence of untreated acute bursitis, and as a result of other inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones - arthritis and gout.
Symptoms of bursitis of the finger
Symptoms of bursitis of the finger in the acute form of the disease are as follows:
- The presence of severe pain in the area of the inflamed joint.
- Appearance of edema of the joint, expressed in the form of swelling.
- Appearance of reddening of the skin in the area of the inflamed joint.
- The appearance of strong restrictions on the movement of the affected joint.
- The presence of fever in the area of the inflamed joint.
- In some cases, bursitis of the finger may cause malaise and worsening of well-being. It happens that the clinical picture of the course of the disease is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the whole body.
Manifestations of bursitis start with the formation of a different size of the tumor in the affected joint zone, which looks like a touch on a bag of water. Then the appeared swelling becomes red, and after a while - hot, if you touch it. With palpation, you can feel that the swelling is quite elastic. With pressure on the tumor that appears, you can feel the pain, which then becomes stronger and arises without feeling the swelling, all the time. Movement in the joint, while very difficult. In many cases, movements of the finger with the inflamed joint are accompanied by painful sensations.
Acute bursitis appears unexpectedly - for two or three days. Usually, on awakening, the patient notices redness, swelling and pain in the area of the affected joint. Before the manifestation of the acute form of the disease, in almost all cases, there was a strong load on the joint or an acute infectious disease was activated. Within a few days, the symptoms start to build up, and then gradually subside. If acute bursitis is not treated, then it is transformed into a chronic form.
In the chronic form of bursitis in the area of the affected joint, a limited swelling of the rounded shape is formed. It is soft to the touch, and the skin above it is mobile and unchanged. In this case, the functioning of the joint is not violated, the movements in it are not limited.
Chronic bursitis develops over a long period, usually several months. Since the synovial bag does not increase immediately, but gradually. The growth of the synovial bag is due to a constant but gradual increase in the amount of exudate in it. The shell of the articular bag can change, because it creates a variety of strands and growths. In the exudate appears a huge amount of fibrin, which in the form of islets grow on the shell of the articular bag. Dimensions of the bursa in the chronic form of the disease can be large and medium. In some cases a cavity is formed in the affected joint, which is isolated from the rest of the joint cavity, called a hygroma. This cavity resembles a cyst and begins to accumulate exudate. Externally, this increase looks like a bubble with a liquid tightly covered with skin.
This form of the disease can undergo a stage of exacerbation, similar to the symptoms of acute bursitis, the stage of fading, when the strong symptomatology does not disturb the patient. When the disease worsens, the amount of exudate in the joint bag increases. The chronic form of bursitis, in the absence of timely treatment, can provoke the appearance of adhesions in the joint, as well as reduce its mobility.
Bunions of toe
Most often, the bursitis of the toe appears on the joints of the big toes. Less often the bursitis of the toes touches the little finger and the index finger.
The main cause of this disease is valgus deformity of the feet (curvature), which is caused by flat feet, as well as a violation of the transverse configuration of the foot and dysfunction of the muscles and ligaments of the feet. More often, such deviations in the structure and functioning of the feet are genetically conditioned, that is, hereditary.
Also, large loads on the feet associated with their deformation can be the causes of bursitis of the toes. Different ways and degrees of trauma to the feet, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, especially the constant walking on the heels of women lead to the appearance of bursitis of the toes.
Bursitis of the toe is manifested with the formation of cones in the joint zone of one or more fingers. Then the cone grows and begins to ossify, that is, it turns into a "bone". Such outwardly visible processes are accompanied by the appearance of pain in the large joint, which indicates the existing inflammation. The acute form of bursitis often transforms into chronic, when painful sensations, together with inflammatory processes, then appear, then disappear. During the exacerbation of the disease, there are difficulties in the movements, since the load on the foot is painful.
Especially, the presence of chronic bursitis of the toes in people who constantly subject the load to the foot is characteristic - they stand for a long time, walk, run, and also bear weights. They are exposed to the appearance of bursitis of the toe and sportsmen, who are engaged in sports, in which the load or injury of the toes is often carried out.
Bunion of the Thumb
The cause of bursitis of the big toe is the incorrect operation of the foot or feet. Causes similar errors in the functioning of the foot flat foot. Sometimes bursitis of the big toe arises, as a consequence of the disturbed balance of the muscles of the foot, because of which a thumb appears first on the thumb. This cone is located in the area connecting the thumb and the metatarsus. Later, the cone grows and becomes large, then on the cone appears corn, and the finger begins to bend to the side. After that, there are painful sensations, and in the joint of the finger there is an inflammatory process.
Cones (or sometimes they say "bone") eventually becomes ossified, and the inflammatory process and the pain accompanying it periodically arise, then disappear. Thus, the bunion of the big toe turns into a chronic one. Chronic bursitis of the thumb greatly impedes movement. Usually, representatives of the weaker sex suffer from this kind of bursitis.
The manifestations of bursitis of the big toe are always associated with pain and the presence of inflammation. Especially unpleasant painful sensations at a time when the big leg is shoes, which compresses the inflamed finger.
Bursitis of the big toe can arise not only due to the violation of the physiology of movements and the functioning of the muscles of the foot, but also as a result of wearing a narrow, uncomfortable shoe that strongly compresses the fingers and presses them against each other. Usually, bursitis affects women who like to walk in shoes with high heels. Such non-physiological footwear leads to the curvature of the foot, namely the appearance of valgus (curvature), which provokes the appearance of bursitis.
Therefore, it can be said that the main cause of bursitis of the thumb is the valgus deformation of the feet, that is, the curvature. A cause of valgus deformation of the foot is a violation of the configuration of the transverse arch of the foot, flat feet and dysfunction of the muscles and ligaments of the foot. For example, in indigenous inhabitants of tropical countries, who constantly walk barefoot, bursitis appears very often, as they have a large number of such deviations in the structure of the feet. Such violations in the structure and functioning of the foot muscles are due to hereditary, genetic factors.
Some time ago, experts believed that the cause of bursitis of the big toe is the excessive amount of salt with food. But today the doctors excluded this statement from the causes of the disease. Although, with certain diseases of the joints, inflammatory processes occur in the articular bag due to the deposition of salt crystals. For example, gout is just triggered by similar causes - deposits of uric acid salts (or urates) in the joint zone of the first phalanx of the metatarsus. But gout can lead to bursitis of this joint, as well as other diseases associated with impaired metabolism and immunity, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis.
Bursitis of the finger
Bursitis of the finger is an inflammatory process that takes place in the articular bags of the upper limbs, which accompanies the accumulation of exudate. In the area of the affected joint, edema and redness first appear, accompanied by painful sensations during movement and the appearance of heat. Edema manifests itself in the form of a swollen rounded shape and soft consistency - it is mobile, that is, when palpation is deformed and then acquires a normal appearance. Tumescence is well seen on examination, and when it feels, pain occurs. Later, the skin in the area of the affected joint begins to acquire a purple color, and the local temperature in this area rises.
The above symptoms are associated with an acute form of bursitis of the finger. But if the disease does not begin to be treated on time, it can be transformed into a chronic form. The inflammatory process is now accompanied not only by swelling, reddening of the skin, increased local temperature, pain and limited mobility of the finger, but also by the deposition of calcium salts in the joint. Therefore, pain can acquire a permanent character.
If the bursitis of the finger occurs as a result of a hand injury, it is possible that this inflammatory process will be accompanied by the appearance of infection in the joint bag. In the course of the combined action of pathogenic microflora and the consequences of trauma, a purulent form of bursitis develops. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are expressed more sharply: there is a strong pain not only in the finger, but also in the hand; increases the overall body temperature; weakness appears; there is a headache; there may be nausea and dizziness and so on.
Bursitis of the Thumb
When an injury or infection of the thumb in his joints can develop bursitis - an inflammatory disease of the articular bags. In the area of the affected joint, a small edema appears, which begins to turn red. Then there are painful sensations, as well as noticeable limitations in the mobility of the joint. This is manifested, the so-called, acute form of bursitis.
Various manifestations of bursitis of the thumb are described in the section "Bursitis of the finger", and the symptoms and causes of the appearance of this disease of the thumb are indicated in the corresponding sections.
Bursitis of the index finger
Bursitis of the index finger arises for the same reasons as bursitis of the thumb. It can be various bruises and other injuries, micro-infection, infection and so on. Symptoms of bursitis of the index finger and its shape coincide with the forms and manifestations of the disease of the other fingers of the hand. Therefore, for more extensive information, it is worth reading the section "Bursitis of the finger", as well as the previous sections.
Diagnosis of the bursitis of the finger
Diagnosis of inflamed bursa, which is not as deep as the rest, passes without much difficulty. At the same time, errors in the diagnosis are virtually eliminated, as the clinical signs of the disease are clearly manifested. To establish the correct diagnosis it is necessary to undergo a survey with a specialist - a surgeon.
If, after examining the affected joint, the puncture was taken from the cavity of the joint bag, then it is possible, by examining the exudate, to determine the form of the disease. It is precisely established, with what exudate it is necessary to collide - serous, purulent, hemorrhagic, purulent-hemorrhagic.
When examining the exudate, the characteristics of the pathogenic microflora in the affected joint bag are determined, which facilitates the accuracy of complex conservative treatment. It turns out not only the type of microflora, but also its resistance or sensitivity to antibiotics.
If the serous form of bursitis is determined during the diagnosis, then further diagnostic procedures reveal whether this disease is unspecific or specific. The non-specific form of serous bursitis appears as a result of injuries, and a specific form of this disease is caused by a number of infections. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the specificity of the infection, that is, to confirm or disprove the presence of gonococci, spirochetes, brucellae and so on in the inflamed joint. There is an establishment of such a diagnosis due to the collection of anamnesis, examination of the patient, bacteriological examination of exudate, the results of certain serological reactions.
In diagnosing bursitis, the X-ray diagnostic method is also used. Bursals that are located shallowly under the skin are diagnosed using this method to confirm the diagnosis that was established earlier in the history of the anamnesis. X-ray diagnostics of the burs located deep under the skin is of great importance. In this case, it is impossible to correctly establish a diagnosis, based only on the examination of the patient.
For the same purpose as X-ray, the method of ultrasound diagnosis of the inflamed joint is used.
In differential diagnosis of bursitis, it can be distinguished from arthritis by maintaining the mobility of the joint, albeit in a reduced form. It is also necessary to conduct differential diagnosis of bursitis with deforming osteoarthritis.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of bursitis of the finger
Treatment of bursitis involves the use of local and general conservative methods of treatment, and if the result is not available, then connect surgical methods of treatment with subsequent conservative therapy.
Treatment of acute bursitis of the finger at an early stage of the onset of the disease begins with the following procedures:
- To remove the inflammation of the affected area, ice is applied.
- It is recommended to stay in rest for the limb with an inflamed finger.
- On the injured zone, a pressing, fixing bandage is applied.
- On the affected area special compresses are applied, the recipes of which are given in the section "Treating bursitis of the big toe".
- Heating compresses are used.
- On the inflamed area of the finger, Vishnevsky's ointment is applied, which is fixed with the help of a compress.
- Used anti-inflammatory topical agents, such as Diklak-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Naise-gel.
If treatment of acute bursitis does not begin at an early stage, then it is necessary to connect other means of conservative treatment:
- Pain medication.
- Antibiotics.
- Sulfonamide and nitrufan medicines.
- Injections of corticosteroids into the area of the affected joint bag.
- For faster dissolving of exudate and anti-inflammatory effect, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used:
- dry heat is applied;
- Use of ultraviolet irradiation of the affected joint zone every other day with the help of four to six bio-doses;
- microwave therapy with a heat output of thirty to sixty W is used for ten to fifteen minutes every other day; Repeated treatment must be completed in three to four weeks;
- has the greatest effect the alternation of microwave therapy with the influence of the UHF field on the area of the affected joint transversely for eight to ten minutes;
- daily use of UHF procedures, duration of sessions, which was indicated above;
- a week after the extinction of inflammatory processes, one can use inductotherapy with a small disc with a current intensity of 150-200 Ma for twenty minutes every day;
- apply applications of paraffin with a temperature of 48 to 55 degrees, which are superimposed on the area of the affected joint;
- Ozokerite applications with the same temperature as paraffin are used.
- Disappearance of inflammatory processes is facilitated by massage and physiotherapy exercises.
If a serous form of acute bursitis is detected, it is necessary to resort to its active treatment in order to prevent the appearance of a purulent form of the disease.
Treatment of purulent bursitis is performed with the help of surgical intervention:
- First of all, the treatment of the abscess is performed by the method of punctures.
- If this method does not help, then the abscess is opened surgically. An operation is performed to cut the joint bag and remove the pus. After that the purulent wound is treated, proceeding from the general rules. This method has a significant drawback - the wound after the operation, usually, heals long.
Treatment of traumatic acute bursitis of nonspecific origin occurs by inserting into the cavity of the joint bag of hydrocortisone 25 - 50 mg together with antibiotics. This procedure is carried out from two to five times a day. Before carrying out this procedure, anesthesia is effected by administering eight to ten ml of a two percent solution of novocaine. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the asepticity of the procedure, because if there is a violation of the correctness of the administration of the medication, unexpected serious complications may occur.
The gonorrheal form of bursitis consists in prompt treatment of the underlying disease that provoked bursitis. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are also used, which will be described below, when it comes to treating chronic bursitis. With a large amount of exudate, the joint bag is punctured to remove it. After elimination of the exudate, the cavity is washed with a solution of antibiotics. Also, with purulent bursitis, the use of active and passive movements in the joints is recommended in order to prevent the formation of contracture.
The tuberculosis form of bursitis also begins with the treatment of the underlying disease. In this case, in some cases, extirpation of the affected synovial bag is used.
Treatment of chronic bursitis is carried out using the following procedures:
- Application of warming up the area of the affected joint.
- Physiotherapeutic procedures, which have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. Are applied:
- ultraviolet irradiation of the affected area with the help of two to three bio-doses, which is carried out every other day;
- electrophoresis together with novocaine, which are applied transversely to the joint zone for twenty to thirty minutes every day or every other day;
- also shows the use of the UHF field in the area of the pathological process region transversally for ten to fifteen minutes every day or every other day;
- Microwave therapy of the affected area is used every day or every other day, and a second course of treatment is carried out after one and a half to two months;
- use of ultrasound therapy in the area of the affected joint bag for six to ten minutes every day or every other day;
- applications of paraffin at a temperature of fifty to fifty-five degrees per zone of the affected joint within twenty to forty minutes every day or every other day;
- ozokerite applications at the same temperature, duration and periodicity of treatment sessions, as well as paraffin applications;
- Use of induction therapy in the area of a diseased joint bag a week after the disease has been exacerbated with a small disk for twenty to twenty-five minutes every day or every other day.
- Operative methods of treatment, if previous methods proved ineffective. The following methods of surgical intervention are used:
- method of puncture, when the synovial pouch is pierced, and the exudate is sucked; after which the cavity is treated with solutions of antiseptics or antibiotics;
- opening of the joint bag - the inflamed bursa is cut, cleared of exudate and cauterized with an alcohol solution of iodine or a 5% solution of carbolic acid;
- it happens that at the dissection it is necessary to partially cut the affected joint bag;
- The upper wall of the articular sac is removed, and then the cavity is treated with an alcohol solution of iodine;
- the synovial bag is opened and tamped;
- in the most extreme, neglected cases, a radical method is used, when the removal of the joint bag occurs without its opening.
Surgical methods of treatment of bursitis are used for any form of the disease in the event that conservative general and local treatment has not yielded results.
In the treatment of subacute and chronic forms of bursitis, the method of radiation therapy is used. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves soreness, and also restores the broken trophic. First of all, in modern medicine, X-ray therapy is used. The severity of the inflammatory process determines the necessary dose and periodicity of irradiation. If there is no exacerbation, then therapy is carried out every forty-eight hours. Improvement of the patient's condition, namely the change in the nature of the pain or their complete disappearance, improvement of the quality and volume of movements in the joint occurs during the treatment. Although, in some cases, the effect of therapy applied affects after two to three weeks after the end of treatment.
Treating bursitis of the big toe
Treatment of bursitis of the big toe can be:
- conservative,
- methods of alternative medicine
- surgical.
Conservative treatment
Conservative treatment is the initial stage of treatment and begins with the adoption of hygienic measures. First of all, you need to take care of comfortable shoes, in which the load on the thumb of the foot will be minimal. Therefore, high-heeled shoes for women should be hidden deep in the closet and forgotten.
For the same purpose, it is necessary to use shoes with orthopedic insoles in everyday life, as well as soft pads for the thumb.
A directly conservative method of treatment is the use of ointments and gels of anti-inflammatory action, which are rubbed into the skin. Nyz-gel, Diklak-gel, Voltaren-emulgel are suitable for this purpose.
If the exudate has accumulated in the cavity of the articular bag, it must be pierced, so that the liquid exits. After the puncture, the exudate must be sucked, and then injected into its place a steroid hormone preparation, for example, Kenalog. Preparations of this group remove the inflammation in the joint bag.
If the pus has already accumulated pus or if there is a suspicion of the presence of an infection, antibiotics are prescribed for such manifestations of the disease.
During the recovery period after the removal of the acute form of the disease, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, electrophoresis, ozocerite, paraffin, is indicated.
If bursitis of the big toe is a complication of another, arose earlier disease, it is necessary to carry out treatment in a complex - both the underlying disease and the consequences.
Treatment with alternative medicine methods
Of course, you should not use alternative ways to treat bursitis without consulting your doctor. If the use of alternative methods does not interfere with the main treatment, then the following recommendations should be used:
- It takes even the roots of burdock, herbs of St. John's wort and yarrow. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured in water and cooked for five minutes. Then the broth is filtered. A clean gauze or cloth is used, which is infused with broth and superimposed on the inflamed area. After which the top is covered with compression paper or cellophane, and then fixed with a bandage.
- One teaspoon of vinegar is mixed with one teaspoon of honey, after which you need to put a compress of this mixture.
- In equal parts, honey is taken and the household soap rubbed on the grater, everything is thoroughly mixed. To the mixture is added a medium-sized bulb, which must also be ground beforehand. The resulting "remedy" is superimposed on the inflamed joint.
- It is necessary to take clean sand and heat it in a frying pan. After this, it must be poured into a rag bag and applied to the joint affected area.
Surgical methods of treatment
If the previous methods of treatment have shown their ineffectiveness, which is manifested in the intensification of pain, as well as an increase in the angle of the valgus and an increase in abnormalities in the gait, it is necessary to apply surgical intervention.
First of all, you need to use the method of bursectomy, which is considered the most simple and low-traumatic possible surgical methods. This operation consists in removing the ossified growth and the hypertrophic area of the metatarsal bone. This surgical procedure is performed with the help of a cut of the skin, muscles and so on. Then, a surgical electron-knife is inserted through the incision, which is able to remove the excessive growth of bone tissue.
If surgical treatment is performed, when the disease has a neglected form, then plastic foot is performed using the method of osteomy. The operation is performed using several incisions on the thumb and the back of the foot. After this, thanks to a special technique, the finger bones and the first metatarsal bone are displaced. The displaced bones are fixed with the help of metal structures. The task of this method of treatment is the elimination or reduction of the valgus angle. Then, after the operation, for six to eight weeks, hygienic procedures related to the foot acquire special importance. It is necessary to wear loose shoes, to treat wounds in the manner and at the frequency indicated by the doctor. Also, avoid moisture and water, as well as hypothermia of the operated foot.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of bursitis of the finger
Prevention of bursitis of the finger is as follows:
- It is necessary to avoid constant loads on the fingers and toes, prolonged wearing of weights. When practicing sports, the load on the limbs should be dosed in accordance with the preparation and overall physical level of the athlete's development.
- Do not engage in traumatic sports that lead to bruises and other injuries to the fingers and toes. If such occupations are unavoidable, then it is necessary to resort to protecting joint bags from injury by using gloves on their hands and special shoes on their legs.
- In the event of an injury, it is necessary to begin timely treatment in order to exclude complications of injury in the form of bursitis. When wounding, for example, it is necessary to treat the wound with antiseptics - using hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a bactericidal bandage to the wound. In case of injury without injury, it is necessary to put ice on the injured zone, and also to ensure limb rest. After this, you should immediately seek help from a trauma doctor. It is also necessary to start treatment of pustular diseases that are not related to the inflammation of the joint bag in a timely manner, but which are in this area.
- It is necessary to start correcting the deformation of the joints of the feet in time to prevent bursitis of the toes.
- To prevent bursitis of the toes, you should wear comfortable, spacious shoes on a small and stable heel. Especially it is worth noting for women that shoes with heels are not designed for everyday wear and it should be worn only in special cases.
- If the work requires a constant stay on your feet, then for the prevention of bursitis, the toes should periodically sit down and rest. Also a good help will be the performance of gymnastic exercises during the day in order to relieve fatigue in the legs.
- In the evening, after a day's work should resort to small exercises, which are aimed at preventing overloads of the lower extremities. It is best to deal with inverted yoga asanas, as well as exercises, lying on your back with shaking vertically stretched arms and legs. You can also lie down for a while on your back with your feet up and leaning against the wall.
- During the day, when working with a heavy load on the joints of the hands and feet to engage in special gymnastics for the feet and hands to prevent bursitis.
- It is necessary to treat existing infectious diseases, which can provoke the appearance of a specific form of bursitis.
Forecast of bursitis of finger
The prognosis of the bursitis of the finger in the acute form of the disease is related to the degree of pathological processes that have arisen in the affected joint bag. A favorable prognosis of cure is with acute bursitis, when changes in the tissues of articular bags are minimal.
It also takes into account the prevalence of inflammatory processes, as well as the likelihood of infection and the possibility of spreading the infection. Not the last value is the state of the patient's immune system and the level of resistance of his body.
If treatment of the acute form of bursitis was started on time, then the predictions to recovery are favorable. If there is a delay in the treatment of the disease, then the neglected form of acute bursitis can pass into the chronic one. Unfavorable outcome can wait patient with bursitis, which is complicated by arthritis, osteomyelitis, sepsis and fistula.
Chronic bursitis of a finger of a traumatic form reveals a tendency to relapse after surgical treatment in two to two and a half percent of patients.