Bowel massage: with constipation, atony, spikes, colitis and bloating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications for the procedure
Massages are shown at various pathologies and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract - constipation, colitis, atony, swelling, spasms and so on.
Bowel massage with constipation
Bowel massage with constipation is one of the auxiliary methods, but at the same time it is considered the most effective in this situation. Stimulation of intestinal peristalsis and the implementation of movements that promote muscle toning, provokes the movement of stool and causes a natural defecation.
But you need to consider that massage is able to solve the problem only with single cases of constipation. If they are regular, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of this violation. Constipation may develop due to a variety of pathologies, including malignant tumors in the intestine.
Massage with intestinal adhesions
The main task of such massage is the detection of the adhesive site (sometimes an additional examination is necessary for this) with the subsequent creation of tension in this area - to make the spot of adhesion become active.
In fact, the area of any densification is allowed to be massaged, especially if it is left after the operation, and even more so if there is a drawing pain in this zone. During the massage, you should try to "disconnect" the organs, but do not stretch them with effort, causing additional damage. The goal is to direct the body, help it cope with this problem.
This massage can cause quite a lot of pain, but you have to suffer it. It should be noted that it is forbidden to massage places that were damaged recently, as well as fresh scars left after the operation.
Massage with intestinal atony
Intestinal atony is a fairly common disease of polyethological origin. This pathology manifests itself in the form of constipation. Disrupt the evacuation function as features of the anatomical structure of organs, together with disorders of intestinal innervation and blood supply, and external causes, among which sedentary lifestyle, improper diet and medication.
Massage with intestinal atony is a very effective method of treatment. It helps to normalize the stool (without the use of drugs), improve the patient's well-being, and also gives the skin a healthy color.
Massage of the abdomen with pain in the intestine
The emergence of pain in the intestine is provoked by the following factors - stress, a violation of the nutritional regime and poor ecology. As a result, such pathologies develop as gastritis, ulcer, chronic form of cholecystitis and so on.
To prevent the development of these diseases, one should use an effective method of treatment, such as Chinese massage. It allows to improve the process of blood supply to the abdomen and the intestinal cavity - this occurs as a result of exposure to individual acupuncture points. In addition, this procedure improves the metabolism of fats with proteins, as well as glucose, and with it the digestive function.
Bowel massage in colitis
When colitis is a spastic type, it is necessary to lower the muscle tone, and also relax the muscles in the abdominal area (if possible). In addition, it is necessary to ease the pain and get rid of the resulting adhesions. Massage should be done with warm hands (a touch of cold hands will only worsen the situation). It is necessary to perform slow, light strokes, as well as rubbing. Do this in a clockwise, round-robin manner. The pressure of the hands should be minimal.
When the atonic type of pathology requires an opposite effect on the intestine. In this case, you need to increase the tone of the musculature of the abdomen and intestines. It is required to increase its efficiency, accelerate blood flow and remove stagnant phenomena. Movement in this case must be rhythmic, and the force of pressing of hands is average. As a rule, stroking, vibration, and kneading are used.
Bowel massage for colitis of any type is performed within 10-15 minutes, and the entire course is 12-15 such procedures. If necessary, it can be repeated after 1-2 months.
Bowel massage by breathing
Massage of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of diaphragmatic breathing contributes to the normalization of the function of the peritoneum, and also to the improvement of its work. Many experts say that this procedure allows you to get rid of permanent constipation in a few weeks.
Intestinal massage with flatulence
It is known that the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen and flatulence is caused by the fact that in the stomach with the intestine accumulate gases. Often to eliminate this problem, you do not need medication - you just need a regular massage of the abdomen. With this simple procedure, the gases will move to the lower part of the intestine and quickly leave the body.
Massage with flatulence can be done independently. It is necessary to lay down on a back, and then in a circular movements to stroke a stomach. The force of pressure in this case is to be determined based on one's own sensations. Often, 15 minutes of massage is enough to completely eliminate discomfort. After the gases come off and improve the state of health, the procedure should be completed.
Massage with spasms of the intestine
During intestinal spasms, pain suddenly appears, which then weakens, but after a while it becomes stronger again. This indicates a violation of intestinal function. Provoke the violation can various factors - the pathology of the digestive system, parasite infestation of the intestines or its strong stretching, infection, and so on.
To eliminate such spasms, you should do bowel massage - this procedure can be done on your own. To do this, you need to stroke your stomach, at the same time lightly pressing on it. The movement should be clockwise in the near-bulbous region.
Before the procedure is performed, it is allowed to take a medicine with antispasmodic properties (for example, Papaverin, No-shpa, Drotaverin, etc.). After the massage, you should take a bath or hold a warm water bottle on your stomach.
With intestinal spasms it is recommended to do massage several times a day - at moments when the pain intensifies. The procedure is required until the moment when all discomfort manifestations disappear.
Is it possible to do massage with oncology of the intestine?
If a person has an oncological pathology, massage should be done carefully. Before the massage therapist should consult with the oncologist who is the patient's attending physician.
Today, the opinions of experts on massage with oncology differ sharply. One group believes that the procedure can not be carried out categorically, but the second one, on the contrary, sees it as a great benefit for patients. For example, there are techniques (such as acupressure), which significantly improve the condition of the patient with oncology.
For quite some time, acupressure was used to treat people with cancer. A few years ago, the American National Institute of Oncology officially approved this method.
Special pinpoints can reduce pain, remove swelling and relieve the feeling of nausea, and in addition to activate the movement of lymph. This procedure allows you to eliminate pain in the area of the tumor - while the effect is carried out on individual points, which can be located quite far from the affected organ. For example, with oncology of the intestine, the effects should be on the points that are in the region of the extremities. This method is much safer for the patient, which distinguishes him from direct peritoneal massage.
Preparation for the massage is the following:
- hands, and also the body should be washed well;
- There are cases when the massage is required to be performed not directly on the surface of the skin, but through linen (cotton or wool);
- it is necessary to relax the musculature in the abdomen as much as possible, as well as the front wall of the peritoneum. This can be achieved by sitting comfortably in a lying position;
- All movements of the hands during massage should be performed during the movement of the lymphatic flow.
Technique of the intestinal massage
The procedure for intestinal massage should be performed carefully and carefully. When it is carried out, it is necessary to observe certain rules and techniques.
Making kneading with strokes, you should stick to a slow, slow pace, without sharpness in the movements. They, ideally, should resemble cuts of the smooth muscles of the intestinal canal. But when performing a sharp and intense movements of the musculature of the intestine will, on the contrary, tense.
Massage should be done so that the movements of the hands penetrate deep into the peritoneum. When carrying out the kneading, it is required to control the movements of the walls of the peritoneum - they must repeat the movements performed by the hands of the masseur. If this rule is ignored, the massage will not give the desired effect, as it will be too shallow. And in some cases it even can cause irritation.
Massage should be performed when the intestine is emptied, because this will allow to affect the vascular walls with greater intensity. In this case, the posterior part will be subjected to the same action together with the anterior intestinal wall. With a filled intestine, you can massage only the front wall.
But on an empty stomach you can not do the procedure. The most suitable for its conduct in this case will be the morning period - after a light breakfast or a cup of tea.
Massage of the large intestine
To stimulate the motility of the flaccid colon, it is required to act on the muscles of the buttocks, the lumbar region in the sacrum, the femoral musculature, and the groin area. These zones need to grind, stroke and use the technique of vibration (weak chopping, as well as puncturing).
In the sacral area, vibration should be performed within 3-5 minutes. In the area of the anterior wall of the rectum (above the anus, 4 cm above) mechanical vibration is performed in the direction from the top to the bottom. The technique of intermittent vibration is used to influence the zone of spinous processes.
Massage of the small intestine
The small intestine consists of such parts - lean, duodenum, and also ileal gut. Because this area of internal organs is located in very close contact with the large intestine, direct massage only this zone will not work. In this case, indirect effects on the small intestine will be effected by stroking, pressing the palm (or pads of the fingers) and the technique of intermittent vibration with your fingertips. Massage is performed throughout the abdomen - in a clockwise direction from right to left.
The small intestine can also have a reflex action - when excitatory intestinal peristalsis or in the process of arresting painful sensations. To do this, you should deeply push the site of the vagus nerve from both sides of the neck, and in addition, in front or behind the GCS muscles. This procedure must be carried out for 3 minutes.
Massage with bowel descent
In case of bowel and stomach lowering, a special technique is required for massage. The procedure is made, taking into account the reflex areas, which are on the back, neck, abdomen, and also the sternum.
You can perform this massage yourself. To do this, lie on your back and bend your knees. Then it is necessary to press slightly on the abdomen, moving the right hand along the wall of the peritoneum in the direction clockwise. It is not allowed to rise sharply after the massage - it is necessary that the muscles relax a little. To do this, lie down and rest for 20 minutes.
Bowel massage for infants
Most often, malaise in infants occurs due to digestive disorders. Gases accumulating inside the intestine interfere with the child, because of what he can not sleep, constantly screams and pushes his legs to the stomach.
To normalize the intestinal function and improve the digestive process, you should perform a spot massage of the reflexogenic area, which is located around the navel. In addition, finger pads need to perform deep and superficial stroking in the lumbar region, where there is a large reflexogenic area responsible for the kidneys with the liver, as well as the digestive system.
Very carefully, using the tips of your fingers (forefinger and large), you should rub the area that is in the infants inside the triangle in the area between the forefinger and thumb. It is very important, as it helps to strengthen the entire body, and also stabilizes the work of the intestines, eliminates nervous tension and increases appetite.
Contraindications to the procedure
The procedure also has contraindications. Intestinal massage can not be done by pregnant women, as well as recently given birth. In addition, it is forbidden to perform the procedure during menstruation, as well as after abortion (in this case - for 3 months).
It is recommended to abandon the massage if the patient has intestinal pathologies (such as, for example, tuberculosis in the abdominal cavity, and in addition, good malignant formations), gynecological diseases, especially in acute form (eg, ovarian inflammation). The procedure is also contraindicated after recent surgery in the peritoneal region (can be resolved, but only after consultation with the doctor).
It is not recommended to do intestinal massage and if the patient has jumps in blood pressure indicators.