Bites of bed bugs on a person: the reasons for what they look like and what to treat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The bites of bed bugs are different in that they are often confused with the bites of other insects, an allergic rash on the body or even damage, but the real cause is beginning to suspect not at once.
Are bed bug bites dangerous?
Any insects that suck blood are potential vectors of infection - bacterial or viral. Studies have revealed the presence of bugs in diseases such as plague, viral hepatitis, tularemia, and HIV.
But at the same time, there is no real fact that bed bugs can tolerate these diseases. No cases of transmission of any of these infections through the bug bite were recorded.
Symptoms of the bites of bed bugs
The first sign of a clopic bite is the appearance on the skin of small, swollen or flat scars that are aligned with a line in a line or an islet on a small part of the body. A similar tendency arises from the fact that bed bugs prefer to feed from the same place. These bites can itch and blush.
Another symptom of a bug bite is that the wounds appear nightly, as a rule, in the same place. Among other signs - small specks of blood on the bed or on the sheet.
What do bite bed bugs look like?
Look bug bites quite remarkable - this is a line of 4-5 points of red. Among all parasites sucking blood, bedbugs are the only ones for whom it is necessary to drink blood from several separate wounds in sequence for saturation.
Complications and consequences
Klopinny bite is able, in addition to general unpleasant symptoms, cause other violations - in the event that the bite was brushed and infected. As a result, the general well-being worsens, the temperature at the bite site rises - there are signs of infection. To eliminate symptoms, you need to consult an infectious disease specialist or a dermatologist and get expert help.
The most dangerous bugs in relation to young children, because they have a delicate, as well as rather thin skin, which these insects bite easier. In addition, they are more likely to develop an allergic reaction to such bites, and in case of severe contamination of the living area with bugs, the child may develop iron deficiency anemia due to regular loss of blood.
Allergy to bites of bed bugs
Bites of bugs can cause serious consequences - for example, an allergic reaction, as a result of which rashes appear on the body, which are strongly itch and hurt. In addition, a person feels a strong irritation, he may have a fever, dizzy, a general weakness.
Differential diagnosis
The bites of bed bugs can be differentiated from the bites of other insects.
The difference from flea or mosquito bites is that the bugs are more grouped, there are quite a lot of them on one site, and they mostly fall on those parts of the body that are covered with a blanket. In addition, their bites have an expressive red color, and also differ in soreness.
From the tick bite, they can be distinguished by the fact that they are softer and smaller. In addition, the bite of a tick can be noticed even during the process of feeding it, as it plunges into the wound with the head.
Bites of bees and wasps are much more painful than bites of bedbugs, besides, clopic bites are more likely to heal than exactly ache.
From the allergic or infectious rash, they can be distinguished by the presence on each wound of a small but noticeable naked eye through which the bed bug was fed.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the bites of bed bugs
To quickly relieve the discomfort of a bug bite, you can immediately wash it with warm running water - it will be approximately 1 min. Lubricate with levomycetin alcohol or iodine. This method will disinfect the wound.
Means from bites bed bug
In addition to ointments, which are described below, should be used in the treatment of antihistamines, to avoid the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, suitable means such as Tavegil or Suprastin. In addition, the preparations used for sunburn will be useful - they help to dry out the rashes and protect the skin. To remove the itching, you should drink analgesic medications.
Ointments from bed bug bites
Because bugs are also considered blood-sucking insects, like fleas with mosquitoes, it is allowed to use ointments used for treatment of wounds, which are also used in the bites of these parasites. Among the most popular and effective drugs are the following ointments.
Fenistil, which has effective antipruritic properties. The active component of this gel is dimethindene maleate, the main function of which is to block histamine H1 conductors (they provoke the appearance of painfully itching pustules, as well as the development of the inflammatory process in bite bite sites).
This remedy is used to eliminate the effects of bites, as well as allergic reactions (swelling, urticaria, pruritus), drug or food allergies. But it must be taken into account that Fenistil can not be applied to infants who have not reached the age of 1 year.
Psilo-balm contains the effective substance dimedrol, which also helps to block H1-histamine receptors. This property helps the gel to strengthen small blood vessels, as well as reduce the swelling of the tissues in the bite area. In addition, the drug has cooling and antipruritic properties.
This gel is great for treating bug bites, as it helps to remove itching and pain. In addition, it effectively dries the crusts that occur on the site of the lesion.
Elidel Cream is suitable in case of a strong allergic reaction to a bug bite - such as eczema or atopic form of dermatitis. You can apply it even to courses, not only adults, but also children aged 3 months.
The active component of the cream is pimecrolimus, which has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. In addition to childhood up to 3 months, among the contraindications is also the suspected development in the wound of a fungal or bacterial infection.
Cream or ointment Bepanten. Although it is not an anti-inflammatory-antipruritic drug, the active substance dexpantenol, which is contained in its composition, gives it moisturizing, regenerating and healing properties, which allows to have a beneficial effect on bug-bitten places.
In addition, another advantage of this tool is the ability to apply it even for newborns. This ointment is often used to treat or prevent the occurrence of diaper rash, dermatitis and other inflammation in infants. The cream is used to treat bug bites, which provoked a mild reaction - a small edema and redness.
With more severe consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor. They usually prescribe in such cases hormonal ointments - hydrocortisone, Afloderm or Advantan. They have general anti-allergenic, and in addition antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are used when there is a sharp and severe allergic reaction to the bite of the bloodsucking parasite.
Hormonal ointments should be used very carefully, because they are usually prohibited in case of an already developed purulent inflammatory process. It is contraindicated to use them during pregnancy, as well as to babies younger than 1 year.
If after the bite of the bed bug there is severe itching and swelling (or there are pustules with ulcers), antibiotic ointments can be prescribed - for example, erythromycin. These remedies effectively eliminate the infection in the wound.
Alternative treatment
Clap bites can be treated with alternative medicine methods:
- To treat the bitten place with mint leaves - this will help to ease the pain;
- Mash the dandelion and apply the resulting gruel to the place of injury, after which bandage the bite;
- To remove edema and itching, you can moisten the bitten areas with a sponge, which must first be moistened in the urine;
- To remove pain, swelling and irritation to bites, a tampon soaked in garlic juice can be applied;
- Pain and swelling are also good for parsley leaves;
- For 2-3 hours you can attach a leaf of bird cherry or plantain to the bitten place, and after removal, treat the affected area with a soda solution;
- Cut the bulb head into several pieces and apply them to the injured places with the cut side.
Prevention is the complete destruction of bedbugs, with a 100% result given only by the chemical method. In this case, insecticides are used that affect both adult bugs and their larvae. It is very difficult to get rid of these insects independently, therefore it is better to use the help of specialists.
For disposal, special means with contact action are used. Used diluted concentrate, which needs to process the entire area of the room (wall, skirting). In addition, it is required to pat the iron with all the bed linen and give all dry carpets to dry cleaners, as well as blankets with mattresses and pillows.
Treatment with insecticides should be carried out in conditions of good ventilation of the room. The mouth and nose should be covered with a bandage of gauze, and put rubber gloves on your hands.
Bites of bed bugs in most cases have a favorable prognosis - if there is no allergic reaction to them, they are safe for health. But you can not allow them to multiply (as this can cause great discomfort), so after identifying the cause of bites on the body, it is necessary to destroy the insects living in the house as soon as possible.