Benign moles
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of the benign mole
Nevuses or moles, can appear for various reasons. There are several main factors that can lead to the appearance of benign formations. Among them are:
- defects in development;
- genetic predisposition;
- negative influence of ultraviolet radiation;
- mechanical and chemical injuries;
- hormonal imbalance;
- viral and bacterial lesions of the skin.
The main reasons for the appearance of benign moles are developmental defects. In the human body, cell division may fail, resulting in the formation of multiple nevi on the body. They can be both congenital and acquired. In 60% of cases, problems with cell division lead to the appearance of moles.
Genetic predisposition. The nevuses are inherited. In the presence of moles in any family member, the probability of their multiple appearance in a newborn increases. In many cases, the formation is benign.
Negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the work of melanocytes. They are responsible for the development of pigmentation, and a change in the shade of the skin. Increased exposure to ultraviolet light can trigger the production of melanotropic hormone, which will lead to the formation of nevi.
Mechanical and chemical damage to the skin play an important role in the formation of formations. Damage captures certain layers of the skin, causing inflammation. Intensive production of active substances leads to stimulation of cell growth.
Hormonal imbalance. Hormones often lead to the development of moles. This is observed during puberty and menopause in a woman. Hormonal changes in the body affect the functioning of the pituitary gland. As a result, and develop neoplasms.
Viral and bacterial lesions of the skin. The appearance of moles due to the negative impact of pathogens on the body, is extremely rare. The mechanism of development of a mole is similar to that of trauma.
Mole is the growth of the skin, under the influence of certain factors. Visually, the formation looks like a build-up on the skin, characterized by condensation. Pathogenesis is the mechanism of neoplasm development, in this case the process is caused by the production of a significant amount of melanin.
Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells. This happens under the influence of certain factors, more often - ultraviolet radiation. To participate in the process can melanotropic hormone, which is actively produced by the pituitary gland.
Several systems participate in the process of formation of nevi. As for the development of moles, an important role in this process is taken by uncontrolled cell division.
Symptoms of the benign mole
External signs of benign moles or how do they look?
To notice a birthmark on the body is not difficult. Many owners of these beautiful "outgrowths" know about their existence. Nevertheless, what does the birthmark of a benign course look like? The formation of nevuses of large size makes it difficult to determine the type of neoplasm. Even experienced specialists are not always able to cope with this task. Some nevi have no specific signs.
As a rule, these are convex formations on the skin, characterized by a rough or smooth surface. Pigmentation can be pronounced or absent altogether.
How to determine which moles are benign?
To date, there are several varieties of formations on the skin. The characteristic below the presented birthmarks, will allow to find out which of them are benign.
- pigmentary moles are small, dyed. Located in the thickness of the skin, rarely protrude above the surface;
- Papillomas are rough with numerous irregularities;
- Halonews. Characterized by the presence of a depigmented crown, located around the birthmark;
- Mongolian spot. There is increased pigmentation in children. In adults, the birthmark is barely noticeable. Education is characterized by large size;
- fibroepithelial formation. The mole is even, not always dyed. Its color can range from pink to light brown;
- the blue birthmark. It differs in a bluish tint and small size;
- pigment nevus. Appearance depends on the cause of appearance. In many cases, the mole is characterized by a concentrated brown hue;
- a gigantic education. The mole reaches the large sizes, on its surface the strengthened growth of hair is fixed;
- nevus Ota. It is often formed in the area of the orbit and jaw. Pigmented neoplasms are fixed in the eye, nose and oral cavity;
- dysplastic education. Characterized by irregular shape and heterogeneous color.
Complications and consequences
Benign moles with some rules, rarely turn into a malignant form. Negative effects can result from a permanent mechanical effect on the nevus. Melanoma or malignant birthmark, is formed under the influence of certain factors.
Cancer is caused by excessive production of melanocyte cells. Affect this process can genetic predisposition, the presence of dysplastic formations and the negative impact of sunlight. People who fall into the risk group should be careful when on the beach and avoid injuries.
Melanoma in a neglected stage is dangerous for human life. It can give metastases and lead to death. In the early stages, the malignant tumor is removed.
Is it possible to develop complications?
The only serious consequence is the transition of a benign neoplasm into a malignant form. Melanoma is the most common complication. Previously, education lost 95% of the time. This is due to the danger of a cancerous tumor, and inattention to people.
In the presence of formations on the skin and their constant traumatization, it is necessary to monitor the changes. Changing the hue, appearance, surface and size is a serious reason to call a doctor.
There are no other complications of benign moles.
Diagnostics of the benign mole
For the diagnosis is necessary to conduct a number of diagnostic studies. Without special diagnosis, no doctor will be able to identify the nature of a benign mole. To this end, various activities are carried out, including:
- questioning the patient (collecting a detailed medical history);
- a person with a visual assessment of the situation;
- dermatoscopy. Study of education under a microscope;
- indication by the isotope of phosphorus;
- echography;
- X-ray examination;
- determination of body temperature;
- examination of tissue from the affected area.
Before conducting a full examination, the specialist should listen to the patient's complaints and conduct an examination. A detailed description of the diagnostic activities will be presented below.
How to determine a benign mole on my own?
Benign neoplasm is characterized by the correct form. The color of the mole is brown, and its shape is ideal. In the mental division of education into two parts, they must be ideal. How to determine this is a benign mole or not?
The size of the nevus should not exceed more than one centimeter. Formations larger than 1 cm are susceptible to malignancy, which in time will lead to a transition to a malignant form. The edges of the mole are perfect, there are no sharp points and no roughness. The nevus does not itch and does not bleed. In the place of its formation, hair does not fall out. When a strange clinical picture appears, there is a high probability of the degeneration of the birthmark into a malignant form.
Is it necessary to take tests?
To get the full picture of the study, the doctor can refer the patient to the tests. To hand over it is necessary a blood and urine. The latter type of study is extremely rare. It is caused by the absence of changes in this pathology.
Analyzes are often prescribed before surgery or an upcoming biopsy. In this case, the receipt of information is aimed at determining the general state of the body. Often, additional research methods can identify chronic diseases that can make adjustments to the formation of nevi.
If the mole has developed against a background of a long course of the disease, repeated testing is performed. As a supplement, bacteriological studies are performed. They allow you to choose the right treatment tactics for the underlying disease.
Study by means of instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental studies include dermatoscopy, phosphorus isotope indication, echography, x-ray examination, body temperature and the study of the affected area (biopsy). Together, the methods allow to reveal the nature of education and, if necessary, to select the optimal treatment regimen. Instrumental diagnosis is the most important part of the study.
- Dermatoscopy. The procedure is a thorough examination of the affected area. In the course of the study, a special magnifying device is used. Thanks to him, you can detect changes on the surface of the mole. This technique is considered the most effective and painless. Lasts no more than 20 minutes, allows you to get complete information about the tumor. There are no contraindications to use.
- Indication with the isotope of phosphorus. The technique is highly sensitive, based on the accumulation of radioactive phosphorus by cancer. The component takes part in the process of cell division. In the presence of malignant neoplasm, everything happens quickly. On the basis of accelerated cell division, a specialist puts a preliminary diagnosis - malignant neoplasm.
- Echography. The main task of the procedure is to determine the exact size of the birthmark. Echography is used exclusively in the presence of large formations. The accuracy of the study is low, especially in the case of a small nevus. The device can not catch a flat birthmark. Echography is used as an auxiliary technique, in rare cases.
- X-ray examination. During the examination, the doctor takes a picture by means of an X-ray. The procedure is carried out with high accuracy, which allows you to obtain photographs in various projections. The method has no contraindications. Used to diagnose metastases in organs with melanoma.
- Measurement of body temperature. This is not an ordinary procedure. Measurement of the skin temperature is carried out with the help of a special preparation. In the presence of malignant formation, a slight increase is always recorded. This is due to the rapid cell division and active metabolism. The technique is painless, fast and accurate.
- Study of the affected area (biopsy). It is performed at the appearance of the first signs of the degeneration of the birthmark into a malignant tumor. Thanks to the research it is possible to obtain a 100% result. The study is subjected to a certain area of tissue, which is pre-stained and examined under a microscope.
Differential diagnosis
Before sending a person to a detailed instrumental study, a number of mandatory procedures are carried out. Differential diagnosis includes examining the patient, collecting anamnesis and assessing visual data.
Data collection or anamnesis. The doctor asks the patient standard questions about his neoplasm. From the collection of anamnesis, any diagnosis begins. Many answers will allow a specialist to build a certain picture of a person's condition.
Inspection of the patient. After collecting the information, the physician begins the examination. Each type of nevi is distinguished by its visual signs. Detailed information was provided above. According to these data, the doctor prescribes a diagnosis to the patient. For its confirmation or refutation, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist, oncologist, urologist and gynecologist. Together with this, a person is sent for instrumental diagnostics.
Detected moles specialist evaluates by several criteria: the number, consistency, location, size and surface of education.
Is it possible to independently distinguish a malignant birthmark from benign and how to do it?
There is a certain algorithm of action. Thanks to him, you can easily distinguish a malignant birthmark from a benign, both adult and child.
As it was repeatedly mentioned, the ordinary nevus is distinguished by a brown or black shade. The shape of the birthmark is symmetrical, without any particular bulges. Benign education is characterized by clear boundaries. Suspicious birthmarks are always blurred, excessively convex and rough. Their shade can be either brown or red.
The main feature of a safe birthmark is its uniformity. The size of the formation does not exceed 6 mm. If different shades are observed within one formation, there is a high probability of its degeneration into a malignant formation. An important condition of a benign mole is the absence of discomfort. The nevus should not itch, itch and cause discomfort. When this clinical picture appears, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist.
It is necessary to follow the correct birthmarks for safe birthmarks. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, mechanical and chemical injuries. Otherwise, education can develop into a malignant form.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the benign mole
Nevus, susceptible to malignant growth should be eliminated. Removal of benign moles is appropriate in the case of a high risk of developing melanoma. They are subject to surgical excision.
Education is removed in two cases, if there is a risk of its degeneration into melanoma, and in the presence of aesthetic discomfort. The method itself depends on the reason for the elimination. The expert himself decides how he will remove the nevus.
With cosmetic indications, the following methods are widely used:
- surgical method;
- cryodestruction;
- electrocoagulation;
- laser removal;
- radiosurgery.
The surgical technique is traditional. Used to remove a deep or large mole. The main drawback of the technique is the presence of traces after surgery. In the course of surgical intervention, not only the nevus itself, but also part of the surrounding skin is eliminated.
The cryodestruction is based on the destruction of formation by liquid nitrogen. Under his influence, the birthmark is gradually wrinkled, forming a dry scab. Over time, it grows a healthy tissue. The procedure is painless and effective.
Electrocoagulation is based on the thermal effect on the mole. After the procedure, the education is sent for study. Gradually, the wound heals and in its place appears a weak scar.
The best method is laser removal. Often it is used to eliminate nevuses in the face and open areas of the body. The main advantage of the procedure is a small diameter of the impact and safety of surrounding tissues. After removal on the skin, nothing remains.
Radiosurgery. A non-contact removal method conducted by means of a radio-knife. Today it is very popular, it is used to eliminate benign and malignant formations.
In the case of a cancerous tumor, only the surgical method of removal is used. Excision is carried out within a healthy tissue, after which the mole is sent for histological examination.
Removing moles with drugs
Medicamentous therapy for the removal of moles is not carried out. For cosmetic purposes and with a high risk of oncology, the nevus is removed by means of the above methods. Medications are used exclusively to eliminate papillomas or warts. To this end, use such agents as Feresol, Viferon, Isoprinosine, Panovir and Krinofarma.
- Ferezol. Apply to the affected area once. In the presence of extensive damage, possible repeated use. Before application, the wart must be steamed. In order to protect the skin around the formation, it is necessary to treat them with zinc ointment or petroleum jelly. There are no contraindications and side effects, the only restriction - Ferezol is not used to remove warts in children.
- Viferon. Has a pronounced effect, but you can not remove the wart immediately. Apply the cream is necessary for 5-20 days, several times a day. There are no contraindications and side effects. You can use the ointment during the period of bearing and breastfeeding.
- Isoprinosine. These are tablets that must be taken orally. Duration of treatment is 14 days, with the drug should be consumed 3 times a day for 2 pieces. Visible result will be visible in a week. The drug has a pronounced effect on immunity, and helps eliminate viruses. To receive children and women in the period of bearing a child, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
- Panovir. This gel has antiviral properties. To remove the wart it must be applied for 5-10 days, at least 5 times a day. The gel penetrates deep under the skin and removes the formation together with the root. Before use during pregnancy, a specialist consultation is necessary.
- Krinofarma. This remedy is the safest. You can apply it yourself. The drug freezes the wart, within 10 days it disappears. If education is old, the course can be repeated. There are no side effects, the only contraindication is the children's age of up to 2 years.
Alternative therapies
Remove hated moles can be without surgical excision, and drugs. Alternative therapies will make it easy. However, before using any technique, it is advisable to make sure that the formation is not malignant. Otherwise, the risk of aggravating the situation increases.
- Lapis pencil. This is the second name of silver nitrate. This substance has been very popular for several years. With the help of it, moles are cauterized until the formation begins to decrease. Use a high concentration of silver nitrate for 2-3 weeks. Cauterization is carried out 1-2 times a day. If there are no visible improvements, the method should be discarded.
- Acetic essence. Treatment of a birthmark with vinegar is an effective way to deal with it. After a week of application, the nevuses disappear. However, cauterization is painful, so it is not recommended for children. You can apply vinegar only once a day. The side effect of the procedure are defects on the skin.
- Lemon juice. Acid cauterizes the birthmark, thereby provoking tissue destruction. Lubricate the formation 4-5 times a day. The procedure for removal is long, at least 3 weeks.
Alternative methods do not always help, a positive effect is observed only in 10-15% of all cases. It is desirable to eliminate nevi by traditional methods. This will reduce the risk of unwanted damage and infection.
Treatment of moles with herbs
The basis of alternative methods is the use of plants and their juice. Treatment with herbs allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the nevus. The best methods of removal are the juice of celandine and hemp oil.
Chistel juice. This plant has good disinfecting properties. It cauterizes the birthmark and allows you to get rid of many varieties of nevi. You can use juice several times throughout the day, applying a thin layer on the surface of the formation. The plant does not have sufficient viscosity, so it is quickly erased. For durability, the juice is mixed with petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture is characterized by pronounced effect.
The second, the most common way to remove moles, is the use of hemp oil. Due to its properties, the product evaporates the formation. It completely disappears after 4 days or several weeks, depending on the extent of the birthmark.
Prevent the development of moles is impossible. However, with the help of prophylaxis it is possible to reduce the likelihood of a degeneration of benign formation into a malignant one. Recently, a significant increase in the melanoma of the skin is recorded. Affected by this influence of women, at a young age.
You can prevent melanoma by yourself. To do this, it is necessary to limit the time spent in the sun, especially people, with a significant number of moles on the body. It is necessary to apply special creams and lotions that reduce the negative influence of ultraviolet. For the available birthmarks should be carefully monitored. It is advisable to avoid permanent mechanical and chemical injuries.
When changing the external parameters of the birthmark, you need to contact the dermatologist and oncologist. Adherence to all preventive measures will avoid the development of melanoma.
Proper tracking of the condition of moles, will allow the patient to avoid serious complications. The most unfavorable prognosis for dysplastic education. Especially if it is not congenital, but acquired. The probability of degeneration of a birthmark in malignant education is 95%.
Most formations are characterized by a favorable outlook. With a permanent adverse effect on the mole, it can develop into a malignant stage. In this case, it must be surgically removed.
Benign moles are in everyone. Correct preventive measures will make it possible to make a nevus a little highlight, but not a real problem.