Baker's cyst
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Baker's cyst (an incorrect name for Becker's cyst) is a benign tumor in the knee, a hamstring of the popliteal fossa. Under the knee, the man has tendons (gastrocnemius and semimembranous muscle), between which the place of the interstitial bag. In this bag, a joint fluid of yellow color accumulates, which provokes inflammation. Thus, under the knee a peculiar bulge is formed. The liquid that collects in it presses on the endings of the nerves that are there, which makes the person feel pain, the joint is difficult, the patient is difficult to move. Gradually Baker's cyst grows, the size of this soft dense neoplasm can be from 2 millimeters to 1.5 centimeters.
Causes of Baker's Cyst
Baker's cyst is an age-related disease, they are mostly sick with elderly people. Its formation is caused by aging of cells and disturbance of metabolic processes. Baker's cyst can be caused by arthritis, arthrosis, chronic synovitis (when the synovial membrane of the joints is inflamed), it can appear after injuries of the knee cartilage. It often happens that there was no apparent reason for the appearance of Baker's cyst. Sometimes the disease of the Baker cyst can be found in children and adolescents, but this is rare.
Symptoms of Baker's cyst
When Baker's cyst just started to form, it is almost impossible to notice it - there are no changes in sensations. When the cyst gradually increases, it begins to manifest itself:
- the occurrence of pain under the knee, both in the static state of the leg, and during physical exertion, when the patient sharply bends or straightens the leg;
- there is a round neoplasm-tumor
- there is discomfort.
There are also cases when the symptoms do not appear not only at the initial stages of the formation of Baker's cyst, but in the future too.
Complications after Baker's cyst
- If the Baker cyst increases too much in size, then high pressure can lead to its rupture. Then the articular fluid in it is transferred to the shin. There is pain and swelling, redness, locally increase the temperature.
- The tibial nerve can be squeezed by a cyst, then there may be a weakness of numbness or tingling lower in the leg.
- If the size of the Baker cyst increases significantly, the nerve, lymphatic and blood vessels are squeezed under the knee, resulting in pain and swelling of the shin.
- Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower leg. In case of complication, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, when the thrombus breaks away from the veins and migrates.
- Varicose veins of the lower leg due to Baker's cyst.
Diagnosis of Baker's cyst
If you suspect a Baker cyst, the doctor feels the knee and its back to reveal possible swelling.
If we talk about diagnosis using special medical devices, then MRI is used, when using magnetic waves, the tumor structure and meniscus damage are revealed. There is another option - difanoscopy - when a bright color reveals a cavity filled with liquid.
With ultrasound, the diagnosis is performed using ultrasound. When diagnosed, Baker's cysts are still made by arthroscopy of the knee, when tubes are inserted into the joint, with which the joint cavity is examined. Another method is arthrography - when a contrast agent and air are injected into the knee joint, due to which the contours of the soft tissues and the surface of the joint are visualized.
X-rays in the case of Baker's cyst do not help, but on the X-ray the doctor will be able to see arthrosis and other illnesses.
Treatment of Baker's cyst
There are several options for getting rid of Baker's cyst: a conservative, operational method, as well as alternative means.
A conservative way to treat Baker's cysts
Its essence lies in the fact that using a syringe and a thick needle physicians take the joint fluid from the tumor. Instead, an anti-inflammatory or hormonal drug such as diprospan and hydrocortisone is placed in the cyst area. However, it is not to be hoped that the conservative method will give the result for the first time - in this case there are often relapses: the cavity can again be filled with liquid. Because for a while you need to constantly check with your doctor.
An operative way to treat Baker's cyst is surgical treatment
In the removal operation, Baker's cysts are given a local anesthetic. The whole process takes about twenty minutes. After five days - a week the patient already fully can move, after ten days remove the stitches. After the operation, the patient wears a plaster or knee wrapped tight bandage.
Alternative therapies for Baker's cyst
As practice shows, alternative remedies work well with Baker's cyst. But all the same it is first important to get a doctor's consultation, which will be able to most accurately establish a diagnosis and even tell you how best to combine medicines and alternative methods in order to cope faster with Baker's cyst. There is an opinion that in the early stages you can even get rid of Baker's cyst even with the help of alternative medicine.
The folk method of treating Baker's cyst with the help of a golden mustache is that compresses from the tincture of this plant are applied to the sore spot and a few mouthfuls are taken inside. The recipe for the tincture of a golden mustache for the treatment of Baker's cyst: fill the container (for example, a three-liter jar) with finely chopped leaves, mustache and stems of a golden mustache, pour in vodka, leave in a dark place for three weeks, then squeeze and tincture, which turned out, store in the refrigerator. Every day at night apply a gauze compress under the knee, wrap it with polyethylene and wrap it with warm material (woolen). A couple of sips of tincture - orally two or three times a day.
The folk method of treating Baker's cyst is a burdock and celandine - a compress is applied from finely chopped leaves, it is better to even pass them through a meat grinder. The leg with the compress is also wrapped with polyethylene and woolen cloth.
The folk method of treating Baker's cyst is a cabbage leaf. Soaked in boiling water, the leaf is applied to the knee joint, lubricated with honey, and apply a bandage. It is usually done at night. The folk method of treating Baker's cyst is a homemade ointment made of marigold and geranium. Cut calendula leaves, mix with pork lard. Spread on the area of Baker's cyst, hold for three hours, then wipe off the leftovers. The folk method of treating Baker's cyst with turpentine baths. A teaspoon of turpentine is diluted with a glass of warm water. Apply in the form of a compress, tied with a warm cloth to keep the heat.
Prevention of Baker's cyst
To date, modern medicine does not know the methods of preventing Baker's cyst.
Baker's cyst is a serious disease requiring treatment. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that with the help of some herbs Baker's cyst can not be cured. Alternative methods often only relieve pain and serve as a good assistant to medical products. Therefore, we strongly recommend that, with the slightest suspicion of Baker's cyst, you should seek medical help from specialists.