The back aches: what to do or make and to itself to address?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When a doctor is only treated with a single complaint that his back hurts, he can immediately name more than a dozen diseases of various organs and tissues that can hide under such a symptom. Speaking the word "back" we mean a certain part of the body. The back is not a separate independent organ, it is a collective concept reflecting the back or back side of the human body.
In the back area, several departments are distinguished, which correspond to the parts of the spinal column - the thoracic, lumbar and sacral. The cervical and coccygeal divisions could also be referred to the back, but still, we will consider them to be outside of its territory.
Causes and risk factors of back pain
Some of the reasons for the occurrence of back pain have been partially touched upon, these are problems with vertebral column curvature, genitourinary problems and problems with the muscular apparatus of the back. But, the problem would not be so acute and difficult to solve, if everything was so simple. With the development of technology to ultra-high indicators does not give a hundred percent guarantee of complete healing of the back in a number of cases of its diseases. Very often, after revealing the main damaging factor, a person has to live for life with constant or periodic pain. The back hurts not because the reason is not clear, but because eliminating the root cause is almost impossible, it remains only to alleviate the situation. But about everything in more detail.
Common predisposing factors for back pain are:
- trauma (fractures, bruises, consequences of severe injuries) of the spinal column and its constituent components (discs, vertebral spines, in rare cases the body of the vertebrae itself);
- inflammatory processes in the joints of the back;
- impaired conduction in the central and peripheral nerve trunks located in the region of the back;
- rupture, bruise, sprain, infection, colds of the back muscles;
- pathological changes in organs and systems of organs located in the thoracic, ventral, lumbar and pelvic regions;
- some mental disorders;
- obesity, excess weight;
- congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system;
- an incorrect mode of work and rest: frequent lifting of weights, neglect of active movements at sedentary work;
- smoking.
Continue the list of problems can be a long time, indicating all the factors that directly or indirectly cause pain in the back. The main thing, nevertheless, is to take into account the fact that any negligence, any abuse of physical activity can lead to a malfunction in the work of our body. In cases of lifting weights, it is necessary to do this correctly. The back does not hurt every time and not every heavy physical load. In those cases when the lumbar region is protected by special pulling means, and at the moment of lifting the gravity the main emphasis is on the legs, then the stall in the muscles of the back can be avoided. You can avoid many problems if you know which of them lead to what consequences. For this it is necessary, at least superficially, to study the structure of its body. Any mechanism that surrounds us in our daily lives has a lifetime, after which time, we have to resort to maintenance. The same is true of our body. The back, its cervical and lumbar parts, experiences the greatest pressure and stress over the whole life cycle, than other parts of the body.
What is the back and what are its functions?
The human body is thought out to the smallest detail and there is nothing superfluous or unnecessary in it, as, indeed, in the whole organism as a whole. In the natural state, all parts of the body are in strict proportion, the vertebral column is a kind of support center that, with the help of the other skeleton, plays the role of a framework on which everything else holds. One bone skeleton for a skeleton is not enough, therefore there are additional connecting links, which are muscles and tendons. Our body can perform flexion and extension movements, slopes and turns, it has flexibility and plasticity. All of this is due to multiple joints, joints and intervertebral discs. Thanks to smooth, straight posture, our organs are positioned correctly, have the right shape and dimensions, do not interfere with each other in work and the whole body as a whole, represents a single mechanism.
In those cases when curvatures begin in the musculoskeletal skeleton, therefore, the territory of one or several organs begins to be infringed, they are forced to change their position relative to their neighbors, often removing them from normal life activity. A person begins to experience discomfort. The back hurts, the internal organs suffer, and the blame is in one of the departments of the spine. We are taught from the school bench to correct posture, they teach us to keep the back straight, straight, develop the habit of sitting and walking correctly, not slouching. It is in the early childhood that the formation of the right, strong muscular skeleton of the back will avoid problems with the spine in adulthood, after all trained, trained muscles will keep the spine straight, not allowing it to "escape" from the desired trajectory.
So, in the back, the skeleton function is the retention of the even, natural position of the body in space. In addition to the wireframe function, the back plays the role of a shield, protecting everything that is located behind us from the external environment. First of all, the spinal cord needs protection. It is protected better than all other organs. Thanks to the muscular backbone, it is protected from the outside, inside it is protected by the powerful skeleton of the spinal column. In the departments of the spinal cord are vital centers, responsible, for example, for breathing. Imagine if the spinal cord was easily susceptible to various injuries, what would it be like to live in constant fear for your safety? From this fear, we are protected by the back. Healthy muscles and bones give us freedom, and unhealthy ones - pain, fear and helplessness.
The back protects and organs located in the lumbar and pelvic region. If the back hurts in the lumbar region, we can assume the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages when it comes to a woman, or problems in the urogenital system in men. The trunk large blood vessels and nerve trunks running along the spinal column are also due to the muscles of the back with its safety. Thus, the back is the main defender, shield and guard of our body.
How is the diagnosis performed if the back hurts?
Pain, in whatever place it is localized, should be divided into:
- primary;
- secondary;
- chronic.
Primary pain occurs for the first time, and after its appearance, the first course of treatment is performed, which can lead to a complete cure of the underlying cause. Secondary pain occurs after a fairly long period of time after the first pain attack. It can be a consequence of the manifestation of primary pain and its underlying cause, or it may act as the result of an entirely different factor. Chronic pain is the transition of primary pain to a protracted stage due to the complete absence of treatment or the wrong treatment course chosen.
If the back hurts for the first time, you should undergo a full medical examination. Visual examination, data obtained by palpation (probing) of the painful zone, analysis of the history of the previous pain syndrome - all this, in most cases, allows you to make a correct diagnosis. In order to exclude the possibility of error and in order to avoid missed complications and serious pathological processes taking place in the internal organs that give the painful syndrome to the back, a number of instrumental studies should be carried out:
- radiography
- magnetic resonance imaging technology
- computerized tomogram
Confirm the correctness of the diagnosis will allow and laboratory studies, including all indicators of blood and urine analysis.
In severe cases, when the pain is chronic, and the results of treatment are modest, a puncture of the spinal cord is performed to determine the causes of underlying causes, with the help of which the spinal fluid is taken for examination. Rectal studies are also used to detect diseases of the lower intestine, laparoscopy in women, which allows to identify problems with the reproductive system. Many gynecological problems, for example, uterine fibroids, endometritis, are capable of giving intense pain in the back.
Who should I contact if my back hurts?
The complex concept of "back pain" contains a wide range of possible treatment options, from the use of alternative medicine, to surgical intervention. Everything depends, however, on the original cause, which became the impetus for the appearance of pain. When the back hurts, then all means are good for eliminating pain. Before contacting a doctor, any anesthetics are suitable for relieving the attack of pain. Postpone the application of any warming compresses and warming ointments until a specialist consultation is obtained. And do not experiment with self. Which direction in the treatment to rely on - alternative or scientific - is strictly personal, but in order to select the appropriate direction in therapy, it is necessary to establish precisely the cause, which it is worthwhile to continue fighting, not to allow its recurrence. And this is possible only on professional diagnostic and laboratory equipment.
Preventative measures, as well as medical ones, can be numerous. But always, with any problems with the body, in particular, when the back hurts, it becomes clear the strong errors in the way of life. A person abuses the "kindness" and endurance of his body and when the body begins to malfunction, most of us begin to think about a healthy lifestyle, trying to abandon bad habits, pay more attention to the muscles. Of course, it's never too late to take the first step, but it's better to take care of yourself from a young age, without interrupting, poisoning yourself with the poisons of alcohol and nicotine, not bending your back into unnatural postures for a long time and giving a dosed and constant physical load to all groups muscles.