Than and how to treat stomatitis?
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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All diseases of the oral cavity belong to the field of dentistry, which is quite logical, since "stoma" in translation means the mouth. Accordingly, the question of which doctor treats stomatitis, the answer is one - a dentist, an adult or a child, depending on the age of the patient. Babies with stomatitis are supervised by the attending pediatrician, but children from 3 years old are already subject to examination in a children's dental institution. If the inflammatory process is combined with other pathologies of the oral cavity, the disease is treated with the help of other doctors - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, allergist. It all depends on what caused the inflammation, it sometimes, and determines which doctor treats stomatitis.
In order to clarify the type and characteristics of the inflammatory process, the doctor examines the oral cavity, but before he interrogates the patient, that is, he collects an anamnesis. It is very important to find out the root cause of the disease, because it depends on what the therapeutic strategy will be, how to treat stomatitis and how long the treatment course will last. To date, there are no specific laboratory studies that help differentiate stomatitis from other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the main diagnostic criterion is the appearance and mucous membranes and the localization of ulcerated areas. Often, gastrointestinal research, analysis of the hormonal system, tests and tests for the detection of allergens and other tests that do not relate to traditional dental practices help to find a provoking factor. Often, recurrent stomatitis is a consequence of a decrease in immune activity or chronic pathologies of the digestive system. Changes in local immunity, throat, nose, neurological problems help to identify ENT doctor, neuropathologist, immunologist. This may require microbiological studies of swabs from the nasopharynx, the definition of immunoglobulins, the radiography of the entire jaw apparatus. Thus, the clarified reason and specification of the form of stomatitis help to build effective treatment tactics, to select adequate drugs and to achieve a lasting result.
Than to treat stomatitis?
Selection of drugs, tools and methods that help to remove inflammation and, in principle, cure stomatitis, depends on the etiology of the disease, the intensity of the process, the localization of ulcers (aft) and the general condition of the patient. Than to treat a stomatitis the doctor after complex inspection will decide, in medical actions such groups of means and ways are included:
- Antiseptic solutions for rinsing.
- Oral cavity cleansers, special toothpastes, which do not include LSN - lauryl sulfate of sodium. Many dentists are convinced that it is LES supplements in dentistry that account for 30% of all cases of stomatitis. Statistics show that the use of rinses and dental pastes without lauryl sodium for a month improves the condition of the oral mucosa by 75%.
- Antibacterial agents, with which the mouth cavity is sanitized and the bacterial plaque cleared on ulcers.
- Anesthetics.
- Antiviral drugs.
- Preparations that promote regeneration of the oral mucosa.
- Immunomodulators.
- Antihistamines.
- Vitamins.
- Dietotherapy.
- Preventive actions.
If you can accurately determine the etiology and type of stomatitis, then it is possible to build an effective therapeutic strategy and determine what to treat stomatitis.
The cause and type of inflammation |
Methods and preparations |
Stomatitis of viral nature, herpetic stomatitis |
Topical antiviral agents:
Healing preparations:
Anesthesia - local applications:
Activation of local immunity:
Thrush, candidal stomatitis |
Antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity with pimafucin, chlorhexidine, solutions for mouthwash, rotocaine.
Aphthous stomatitis |
Treatment of the oral cavity:
Injectable or tableted form of betamethasone, prednisolone, azathioprine |
Stomatitis of bacterial etiology, triggered by mechanical injuries or poor oral care |
Antibacterial agents, topically:
Most often, stomatitis is treated with the help of local antiseptics - solutions, special candies, tablets. If the inflammation is diagnosed on time, at an early stage of development, the local treatment provides a fairly quick and lasting result. How to treat stomatitis in more severe cases, decides dentist or pediatrician (in children under 3 years old), the effectiveness of therapy depends on many factors, including the responsibility of the patient. The prescribed rinses and sanitizing procedures should be performed in accordance with the recommendations and do not stop the course even if the symptoms of stomatitis do not cause discomfort. Also, attention should be paid to the important role of the diet, from which sweet foods are excluded. Nutrition should be rational, one that can support, strengthen immunity and at the same time not creating a favorable environment for the spread of bacterial infection.
Treatment of the mouth with stomatitis
In the treatment of stomatitis, one of the most important actions is the regular treatment of the oral cavity. Mucous membrane should be subjected to almost simultaneous action of antiseptic solutions, antibacterial agents, it is applied anesthetic gels or ointments.
Treatment of the mouth with stomatitis is carried out by such means:
- Rinse with antiseptic drugs.
- Treatment of ulcerated areas with gels or ointments - anesthesia and relief of inflammation.
- Removal of products of inflammation (crusts).
- Absorption of anti-inflammatory tablets.
- Irrigation of the mouth with antibacterial sprays, aerosols.
Treatment of the oral cavity first of all is the elimination of specific crusts formed on the site of ulcers, aphthae. It is these accretions that cause painful sensations, as soon as they are removed, the pain begins to subside. In order to eliminate the build-ups as painlessly as possible, the oral cavity should be rinsed or sprinkled with a special solution to soften the crusts. Removal of build-ups is carried out with oil solutions with a sterile cotton swab. After the first stage of treatment is completed, it is necessary to conduct antiseptic sanitation of the mouth with the help of decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula). Effective mouth treatment with stomatitis spray Tantum Verde, which is applied 2-3 times a day until the complete neutralization of aft. Also effective is the drying of sores with chlorhexidine, a solution of furacilin, trypsin. Point cauterization is carried out with a sterile swab dipped in a medicinal preparation, this action helps stop the spread of aphthus and stops the process of opening the aphthous vesicles.
The complex of oral sanitation includes the use of gels, ointments, which not only anesthetize the inflammatory process, but also contribute to the early healing of wounds, the regeneration of mucosal tissue.
Treatment of the mouth with stomatitis involves the observance of such rules:
- Before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands, preferably a disinfectant.
- Irrigation of the mouth should be carried out according to the prescribed by the doctor regime, as a rule, this is done every four hours.
- Irrigation or mouthwash should be done after each meal to remove the nutrient medium for the bacteria.
- When exacerbation of stomatitis should be used solutions and agents in a lower concentration, so as not to create additional irritation of the oral cavity.
- Cauterization of aft, ulcers is carried out only after rinsing or irrigation.
- Cauterization of ulcerated areas should be carried out at least 3 times a day.
Preparations that can be used to treat an inflamed oral cavity:
- Rinsing:
- Chlorhexidine.
- Hydrogen peroxide solution - 1 tablespoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of boiled chilled water.
- Furacilin solution - 2 tablets dissolved in a glass of boiled chilled water.
- A solution of baking soda - 1 teaspoon dissolved in 100 ml of boiled warm water.
- Rotokan - 1 teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water.
- Malawit - 1 teaspoon is bred in 200 ml of boiled water.
- Miramistin.
- Chlorophyllipt.
- Moxibustion of aphthae, ulcers:
- Iodinol.
- A solution of methylene blue (blue).
- Lugol solution.
- A solution of fucocine.
- Antibacterial tablets for resorption:
- Lisobakt.
- Imudon.
- Tantum Verde.
- Pharyngept.
- Grammidine.
- Hexalysis.
If the oral cavity is processed according to all the rules, systematically and comprehensively, stomatitis can be cured within 7-10 days, the bacterial inflammation in the initial stage is especially quickly stopped. Other types of stomatitis are treated longer, but are also amenable to curation, provided that all medical recommendations are followed.
How much is stomatitis treated?
If stomatitis is diagnosed at an early stage of development, when the aphthae are only being formed, if the patient in a timely manner proceeds to the complex treatment of the oral cavity and responsibly fulfills all the medical recommendations, then symptomatic relief is noticeable already on the second day, and a complete cure is possible after 10 days. The mild form of inflammation really lends itself only to antiseptic treatment and does not require the use of other methods of therapy, the epithelization of the mucous membrane passes quickly, however signs of inflammation can persist for 10-14 days.
Severe, complicated forms of stomatitis are treated much longer, the therapeutic course can last up to one month, it all depends on the type of disease and the severity of the symptoms. Especially it is difficult to treat herpetic stomatitis in children, it takes at least a week to stop the acute phase, and complete neutralization of the virus is possible only after 3 weeks with a properly selected course of treatment. Herpetic aphthae heal for a long time and often even the use of adequate medicines can not stop their development. Therefore, viral stomatitis must be treated with all available methods of medicine, including physiotherapy. Treatment can not be stopped even after the pain subsides and the healing of the sores, as this type of inflammation is prone to relapse.
How much stomatitis is treated will be determined by the attending physician, who diagnoses and classifies the disease according to the presented symptomatology and objective survey data. In dental practice, there is an opinion confirmed by many years of practice that the period of treatment and the timing of recovery depend on the correctly chosen therapeutic strategy. The more active the drug works, the more effective the drug, the more successfully the infectious process is stopped, the focus of inflammation is neutralized, the faster the regeneration of the mucous membrane and the restoration of local immunity. In some sources, you can read information that stomatitis does not lend itself to complete healing, but this is outdated information. Modern pharmacology, experience and knowledge of doctors allow us to say that an approach to the treatment of aphthous inflammation of the oral cavity exists and regardless of how much stomatitis is treated, sooner or later it will be neutralized.
Vitamins for stomatitis
Vitamin complexes in the treatment of stomatitis play far from the last role. There is an opinion that such a wide prevalence of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity is directly related to a decrease in immune activity and a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Often the insufficiency of certain vitamin groups leads to friability and bleeding gums, a vulnerability of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Several years ago, Swiss pharmacologists found that about 25% of patients with stomatitis suffer from a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as trace elements - iron, zinc, folic acid, selenium. The lack of a normal amount of biologically active substances in the body leads to a decrease in the local immune barrier, increased sensitivity and a potential threat to the development of erosion in the mucous membrane of the mouth.
In dentistry, even a new direction has formed - orthomolecular therapy, which offers such methods and such vitamins for stomatitis:
- Massive replenishment of biologically active elements for restoration of barrier functions of epithelium and increase of its regenerative properties
- Creation of anti-inflammatory and antiallergic barrier, increasing the potential of mucosal functions •
- The appointment of vitamin-mineral complexes, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids to restore all body functions •
- Prescribing prebiotics, probiotics, fiber
The list of vitamins that can help in treating inflammation of the oral cavity is huge. Their choice depends on the type and stage of the disease. However, the most effective are vitamins of group B, vitamins C, A, E and PP. What vitamins can be prescribed for stomatitis:
- Ascorbic acid.
- Quercetin or other bioflavonoids.
- Vitamin B1.
- Vitamin B3 (Nyanacin).
- Folic acid.
- Vitamin B12.
- Vitamin A.
- Pantothenic acid.
As the minerals of the display, the intake of iron-containing preparations, especially important for bleeding of the oral cavity, as well as zinc, selenium and calcium. PUFA Omega 3 promotes better epithelialization of tissues, activates their nutrition, normalizes the state of the vascular system, lysine is able to increase the protective functions of the mucosa, zinc and calcium to strengthen the gum tissue.
How can I use vitamins for stomatitis in the home?
- Open the ampoule with vitamin B12.
- On the finger wound a piece of sterile bandage.
- Finger moisten in a solution of vitamin B12.
- Treat the entire oral cavity with your finger, including aphthae.
- The regime of the procedure is 3 times a day.
An additional course can be taken vitamin complex, focused on group B. According to statistics, 55% of patients with stomatitis after a 2-week intake of vitamins significantly improved mucosal status in the worst cases. Of course, vitamins can not be the only treatment method that relieves stomatitis, but their role is very important in general therapeutic activities.
Summarizing the extensive information on therapeutic measures aimed at curing inflammation of the oral cavity, we note that the treatment of stomatitis depends on two external factors - the responsibility of the patient and the competent actions of the attending physician.
General directions that involve the treatment of all types of stomatitis without exception are reduced to the following stages:
- Anesthesia symptomatology.
- Neutralization of the root cause - virus, bacterial infection, traumatic factor, allergies.
- Detoxification activities.
- Activation of local and general immune defense.
- Relapse prevention.
On how complex and timely the stomatitis treatment will be performed, the speed of recovery of the patient and its return to a normal lifestyle depends.