

Clinical studies

Glucosuric profile (glucose in urine)

In healthy people, glucose falling into the primary urine, almost completely reabsorbed in the renal tubules and in the urine by conventional methods is not determined. With an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood above the renal threshold (8.88-9.99 mmol / l), it begins to enter the urine - there is a glucosuria.

Protein in the urine

Detection of protein in the urine (proteinuria) is one of the most important and practically significant signs of kidney and urinary tract damage, which can be both isolated and combined with other changes in urinary sediment in the form of erythrocyturia, leukocyturia, cylindruria, bacteriuria.

Microscopic examination of urine sediment

Microscopic examination of the urine sediment (sediment microscopy) is an integral and most important part of the general clinical study. There are elements of organized and unorganized precipitation of urine

Analysis of urine

The analysis of urine and its decoding is an equally important stage in the examination of a nephrologic patient, as well as a physical examination, and in some cases even exceeds its diagnostic value.


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