Allergy after vaccination
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Before talking about the reasons for the allergy after vaccination, it is necessary to decide on the concept - the vaccine. So, the vaccine is an immunobiological active agent that causes specific changes in the body, for example:
- the desired effect, that is, the vaccine is determined to be immune to a particular infection,
- to undesirable - include adverse reactions.
Now we will analyze the essence of adverse reactions, which includes allergic processes, which can be local and general.
- local - a change in the place of vaccination, namely: pain, condensation, redness, itching, swelling, hives, etc.,
- general are related to the body as a whole, that is, here it is a question of fever, weakness, changes in appetite, headache and so on.
It should be understood that the side effects, allergy after vaccination are different from postvaccine complications. What is the difference?
Complications after vaccination are expressed in more complex degrees of severity than side effects, including allergies. In this case, a sharp drop in arterial pressure is possible, which in medicine is referred to as anaphylactic shock - it is classified as the most dangerous allergic reaction to any enzyme that is part of the vaccine administered. Other types of post-vaccination complications:
- neurological disorders,
- convulsions,
- allergies and various degrees of their manifestation.
Complications after vaccination are very rare, say, encephalitis, provoked by measles vaccine, as the statistics showed - 1 case of 5 - 10 million.
Complications can also be local and general, which are determined by such signs:
- seal from 3 cm,
- purulent formation, which is possible if the rules for the introduction of vaccination are not observed,
- inflammation in the vaccination zone - as a result of improper injection of BCG.
This is how local reactions look, the general ones are characterized by other symptoms:
- a very high body temperature of 40 ° C and above,
- intoxication.
Children can be exhausted crying, which is a defeat of the nervous system. Immediately, convulsions, encephalopathy, a short-term failure of the "shell" of the brain shells.
Also, there are cases when there is an effect on the kidneys, joints, heart, GIT and much more.
Causes of an allergy after vaccination
In general, adverse reactions in general - this is normal, because the body reacts in this way to the introduction of foreign antigen, which is usually a fight of immunity.
It is necessary to understand that the fever is not an allergy after vaccination. The temperature increase in this situation is an immune reaction. Of course, a temperature exceeding 40 ° C is already a cause for concern.
Consider the causes of local reactions and allergies inclusive:
- the injection itself. When you inject the needle, it damages the surface of the skin, which is already the protective reaction of the body,
- a foreign antigen, to which after its input immunity is produced,
- method of vaccination. If it is an intramuscular injection (the best method), then the vaccination in the buttock is not the right decision, because you can hook the sciatic nerve or damage the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Children under 2 years of age are better tolerated inoculations, if the process of insertion is carried out in the anterior-lateral plane of the thigh in the middle of its third. In the more mature age, the optimal place of vaccination is the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
The skin reaction after vaccination is generated on the basis of:
- reproduction of the injection virus in the skin,
- allergy after vaccination,
- increased bleeding.
Many people think that a mild rash on the skin is an allergy. But it is not always the case. The reason for this may be an increase in the injection virus in the skin, which is often found after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps.
The same should be said about the spot rash, where the consequence is increased bleeding, which is rare after vaccination against rubella. The course of this phenomenon can be as easy (not prolonged damage to the process of blood clotting), and severe (hemorrhagic vasculitis).
The negligence of doctors can also provoke the appearance of some troubles after vaccination, for example:
- non-compliance with the rules for storage of the vaccine, namely, storage in a room where the temperature does not match the required,
- the wrong way of injecting, which is characteristic of BCG, which should be administered subcutaneously,
- neglect of recommendations in the instructions for the introduction of the vaccine, for example, missed the graph with contraindications.
Yes! There are cases when the allergy after vaccination arises only after the re-introduction.
Allergy to DPT Inoculation
Adverse reactions and allergy after DTP vaccination has such causes and symptoms:
- afefrilnye convulsions, that is, without the accompaniment of temperature, can occur after vaccination with DTP vaccines, which happens once for 30,000 - 40,000 vaccinations. The result of this effect is the irritation of some parts of the brain and its DTP envelopes - antigens. The variant of epilepsy is not excluded,
- the goal of some inoculations is intentional local reactions. For example, substances such as aluminum hydroxide, adjuvants specifically cause inflammation to "familiarize" the immune system with the antigen administered. This is done so that in the future, in case of a disease, the body can cope with the disease without much trouble.
If after vaccination the vaccinated noticed some side effects, it is not yet a fact that the cause is an allergy after the DPT vaccination.
Allergy after DTP vaccination
To date, unfortunately, there is nothing absolutely safe, including vaccinations. But, where are the consequences of the infections themselves that cause serious diseases more dangerous. In addition, based on WHO data, the complications recorded are 1 per 15,000 - 50,000 servings of whole cell injections, for example, Tetrakok, DTP. Consider local and general complications, where the allergy after DTP vaccination is no exception:
- local: increased size, increased density of tissue sites in the area of injection; an allergic reaction accompanied by swelling and redness; the size of the "prick" is more than 8 cm. The course of such phenomena is usually 1 - 2 days, and passes without drug treatment. For more rapid elimination of allergic symptoms, you can use, say, troxevasin ointment, which is applied to the place of edema from 3 to 5 times a day until complete recovery,
- general: a shrill cry "in one breath" of a child, which begins only a few hours after vaccination, the duration of which is from 3 or more hours. It is not uncommon to be combined with fever. As a rule, these side effects disappear on their own. As a treatment, antipyretic agents can be used (Paracetamol, for example, but it is better to ask the doctor). The convulsive syndrome is an extremely rare event after the DTP vaccination (1 case per 50,000 injections):
- febrile convulsions appear as a result of body temperature above 38 ° C, usually on the first day, but not later than three days after the vaccination,
- afefrilnye convulsions can occur at the usual or at a temperature of no higher than 38 ° C - which happens extremely rarely, but their consequences are dangerous. If the child has such symptoms after the vaccination, it is necessary to turn to the neurologist, since this is possible because of the previous organic lesion of the nervous system, for some reason not identified before the vaccination.
There is an allergy after the DPT vaccination, which manifests itself as:
- angioedema,
- hives,
C) anaphylactic shock - appears almost immediately after the injection of DTP, approximately after the expiration of 20-30 minutes. Accordingly, the child should be at least half an hour after the injection is under the control of doctors.
Allergy to Mantoux Inoculation
Before saying whether an allergy is possible after Mantoux vaccination, it is necessary to understand what a Mantoux vaccination is in general.
The Mantoux vaccine is designed for the prophylactic detection of tuberculosis in all children. It can be attributed to a kind of immunological test, which reliably shows the presence or absence of tuberculous infection in the body.
If the child has an allergy after Mantoux vaccination, then:
- most importantly, it is necessary to understand the cause of a positive reaction. It is important to know that a positive reaction is not a fact that the child is sick with tuberculosis. The reaction to the mantle of a child's organism, where a sample of tuberculin is administered, is allergic. Accordingly, the resulting allergy after Mantoux vaccination should affect the final result of the test. In this case, the allergic reaction can be completely different, for example, food, medication or skin,
- the cause of an allergic reaction can be:
- recently transferred diseases,
- age changes with respect to skin sensitivity,
- the presence of worms and much more,
- if the adverse reaction to Mantoux increases from year to year, it is likely that the child was in a region in which he could face an open form of tuberculosis. Consultation with a phthisiatrician is mandatory in this case,
- allergy to Mantoux vaccination manifests itself immediately after vaccination at the point of injection. Symptoms of allergies: redness, itching, blisters are not ruled out. Before you can make a baby (with a possible allergy to the vaccine) Mantoux vaccine, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this. Better yet, check with a phthisiatrician.
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Allergy to hepatitis vaccination
"We can not get vaccinated against hepatitis!" Most often this phrase implies that parents simply do not want a child to get a hepatitis vaccine. The reasons for this are different for everyone, someone "discourages" the fact that the child immediately after the birth had an ill "jaundice" - therefore it is impossible. But to know exactly "can not" or "can" you need to ask the doctor. Doctors are also not interested in making mistakes, at least for the reason that such actions are criminally punishable. It's clear that any parent worries about the health of his baby, but a vaccination against hepatitis can prevent numerous consequences in the future, provoked by hepatitis infection.
Allergy after vaccination against hepatitis is a rare phenomenon, possibly in the presence of food allergies, namely culinary yeast.
Allergy to diphtheria vaccination
Complications after vaccination against diphtheria may be as follows:
- body temperature exceeding 39 ° C,
- redness, increase, swelling from 8 cm at the injection site,
- the child's long crying.
The probability of occurrence of such signs: 1 by several hundred.
In addition to all the above, it is possible and an allergy after vaccination from diphtheria, which manifests itself by such reactions:
- light form: skin rash,
- severe form: hoarse voice, anaphylactic shock - appear within 30 minutes (rare cases).
The child after vaccination manipulations should be under the supervision of medical personnel for at least 30 minutes, since the probability of severe currents of allergic reactions occurs precisely during this period of time. And as a result of serious complications such as anaphylactic shock, the child will be provided with timely assistance.
Allergy to influenza vaccination
Allergy after vaccination against influenza or some complications may appear in people who suffer:
- an allergy to chicken eggs because the composition of the vaccine against influenza includes squirrels of chicken eggs,
- catarrhal diseases (ARVI) or allergic reactions during the vaccination period. In this case it is necessary to wait 2 weeks after recovery,
- serious complications for previous vaccination against influenza, which include: a sudden outbreak, allergy, high fever.
Usually all the symptoms go away on their own. But to see the doctor, after all, it's worth it.
Vaccination against allergies
Immunotherapy includes immunizations from allergies. Their function is aimed at improving the body's ability to resist various infections that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction. They are made for those people who are allergic to a severe form and have a duration of at least 3 months per year. Antiallergic vaccination does not eliminate allergies completely, but strengthen immunity in relation to allergic manifestations.
The frequency of vaccination against allergies is about 2 months in a row. This process requires a systematic visit to the doctor 2 times a week, since the vaccination against allergies can contribute to what will appear (if the allergic reaction is correctly carried out, it is unlikely) an allergy after vaccination (which will be discussed below).
The initial dose of vaccine administration is minimal, which gradually increases to the required level. In the case of improvement after vaccination, the frequency of consultation with a doctor is as follows: from 2 to 4 times a week for several years. During the course of treatment, allergic symptoms are weakened, and most importantly, they can stop at all.
What do you need to prepare for these vaccinations?
- You can not exercise 2 hours before and 2 hours after vaccination. During this period, it is better to limit yourself as much as possible from physical exertion in the way that a rush of blood (increases in the course of active movements) to tissues arises, and antigens, naturally, penetrate into the blood stream with greater speed.
- It is necessary to understand that vaccination is a medicine, and simultaneous intake of several (some) medicines can provoke an allergy or other side effect. Because of ignorance of such things, the vaccinated person often thinks that he has an allergy after vaccination, and that such vaccination does not suit him. Before the vaccination should be asked the doctor, which drugs can not be taken. Suppose, beta-blockers + vaccination against allergies = incompatible things. During pregnancy or if a woman plans to become pregnant soon, she should tell the doctor about it.
So, what are the possible consequences after the vaccination against allergies?
- at the end of half an hour after the introduction of vaccination, a compulsory medical examination is necessary to determine possible side effects, for example, rhinitis, throat swelling, general malaise and itching. Such a reaction is possible after leaving the hospital. In this situation, you should go back to where the vaccine was done,
- Do not panic if a local irritation occurs in the area of the injection, for example, swelling or redness. These symptoms are considered normal, and stop maximum after 8 hours from the moment of vaccination.
We all know that there are many varieties of allergies. With which of them does the vaccine fight against allergies?
This type of treatment is quite effective for allergy to insect bites. But, as for the food allergy, there is no data yet.
Treatment of allergies after vaccination
Many vaccinations do not pass without a trace, such as DTP - there is swelling, redness and pain at the injection site; BCG - a sore is formed, which heals for a long time.
Treatment of any type of vaccination does not require local therapy, because vaccination is a test for the body's response to a particular antigen. Suppose, if the child constantly scratches in the vaccination area, then it is enough to apply a gauze bandage to this place.
Some think that the emerging "bump" at the site of DTP vaccination is an allergy after vaccination. It happens that this "lump" is painful, and the child can even limp on one leg (in the event that the injection was inserted into the thigh). But this is not an allergy, but a normal process that does not require any therapeutic action.
To sound an alarm, or rather call a doctor or an ambulance is necessary when:
- It is impossible to bring down the child's heat,
- the child has a convulsive state or worse - loss of consciousness,
- the child lost his appetite, is in a restless state,
- At the place of vaccination, a purulent abscess formed.
Prevention of allergies after vaccination
Allergy after vaccination is possible, as we have already explained above, if a person has an allergy to food products (yeast for baking, chicken eggs), individual intolerance to certain medications, failure to comply with vaccination conditions. Avoid possible consequences, but for this you need to know some rules:
- all "can" and "not" before vaccination:
- before getting vaccinated, it is necessary to be examined in order to reveal the presence or absence of contraindications to vaccination,
- before starting the vaccination, you need to get all the information about the injection itself, then there are contraindications, side effects, combination with medications, precautions and so on. There are cases when the time of vaccination is best transferred to another day due to various circumstances, for example, a small body temperature and a cold disease;
- it is important to properly prepare a child for vaccinations, although most of them do not require special vigilance in this sense:
- proper nutrition:
- It is better not to introduce new food products into the child's diet within two days before the introduction of the vaccine. Adults should forget about alcohol, at least 2 days before and after injection,
- "Nursing" children also should not recognize the taste of new products, including juices. A nursing mom at this time also should not use the product not known to her child, as the introduction of a new ingredient can cause the baby to be allergic, and the mother may think that the child had an allergy after vaccination,
- antihistamine and antipyretic drugs:
- "Suprastin" or other similar drugs can be taken the day before the injection is given only if the child is allergic, such as urticaria, asthma, atopic dermatitis. And also, if the previous time the vaccine provoked the formation of a strong edema or redness with painful symptoms,
- taking antihistamines should be discussed with the doctor, more precisely the dosage,
- antipyretic drugs as a preventive agent is not recommended to take. A number of exceptions include children who are prone to fermental seizures. In this case, antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately before and after the introduction of the vaccine,
- healthy children, antihistamines and antipyretics for prevention are not prescribed as they prevent the manifestation of a natural reaction of the body to a particular injection;
- proper nutrition:
- after vaccination:
- we are always in a hurry, but this can not be done after the introduction of the vaccine. It is necessary to wait for some time in a medical institution, somewhere 30 minutes,
- it is necessary to take care of the child correctly, which includes the control of nutrition, namely the introduction of new products; plenty of drinking, especially if the baby has diarrhea, vomiting, or fever; bathing a child - it is possible if it does not have a temperature, although it is advisable not to touch the place of the injection with a washcloth. If it is a vaccine Mantoux, then it can not be cured until the doctor has examined the wound itself,
- even if the child has an allergy after vaccination, he should not refuse to walk in the fresh air. If the condition of a child or an adult is accompanied by a high temperature, then there is a need for bed rest, taking antipyretics, or better - calling a doctor.