Allergies to guinea pigs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Individual acute (and in most cases inadequate) defensive reaction of the immune system to a substance that is absolutely safe for humans is known to many. This is an allergy or sensitization, that is "an increase in the sensitivity of the body to the effects of irritants, causing an allergic reaction." Among such irritants (allergens) are also domestic animals: cats and dogs, rabbits and hamsters. And even horses! And on the question of interest to many "Do guinea pigs cause an allergy?" Allergy specialists give an unequivocally positive answer.
By itself, the "guinea pig", "pig mouse", "Indian guinea pig", that is, the well-known rodent of the guinea pig family - the guinea pig - is not to blame for anything. They are so cute, funny, trusting ... Ever since in the 500 BC. E. They were domesticated Indians who lived in the Andes, these rodents get on well with the man. But, unfortunately, the allergy to guinea pigs to a large number of lovers of these animals does not allow them to be kept as pets.
Causes of allergy to guinea pigs
An allergic reaction to animals, including allergies to guinea pigs, is considered to be a reaction of the human body to the scalp of their skin - that is, to hair. Of course, there is some truth in this, because in the wool there is such a kind of fibrillar proteins as keratin. But in addition to wool in allergies to domestic tetrapods, and other "attendant" stimuli of protein origin - scales of the skin (dandruff), saliva, waste of life (excrement). So the causes of allergies to guinea pigs are the entirety of these substances.
It is the proteins that make up these substances that the immune system reacts to as a foreign antigen, just as it does when bacteria or viruses enter our body. A defensive reaction that manifests itself in increasing the production of specific IgE class antibodies - immunoglobulins of class E, which is found in mast cells. Mast cells are immune and dispersed throughout the body - in the subcutaneous tissue, in mucous membranes, in the bone marrow, in the spleen, near the lymph nodes and blood vessels.
Further, the allergen causes binding of IgE molecules, and this, in turn, destroys the cell membrane of mast cells and gives complete freedom to the histamine contained in them - the biogenic amine, the mediator of allergic reactions of immediate type. Free histamine is very active, and all the signs of allergy to guinea pigs are due to its active "activity" in the body.
Symptoms of allergy to guinea pigs
Typically, the body of each person reacts to the antigen in one way. Some people are allergic to guinea pigs on the skin, others - in the form of swelling and redness of the eyes, the third begins coughing.
The following symptoms of an allergy to guinea pigs are generally recognized:
- nasal congestion, itching in the nose and sneezing attacks, runny nose (allergic rhinitis);
- redness of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eyes, swelling in the eye area, itchy eyelids, lacrimation (allergic conjunctivitis);
- erythematous skin rash, causing severe itching and leading to combs (atopic dermatitis or urticaria);
- dry cough, wheezing in the chest during breathing, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, asthma attacks (bronchial asthma).
Diagnosis of allergies to guinea pigs
The main method of diagnosing allergies is to carry out allergological tests. These are the so-called cutaneous scarification tests, by which allergists detect a particular irritant, which led to the appearance of an allergic reaction.
The skin at the test site (in adults - on the forearm, in children - on the upper back) is disinfected, small scratches are made and a small amount of a special diagnostic allergen is applied on them, and on top are two more substances (histamine and glycerin) truthfulness of reaction. If, after a quarter of an hour, the skin on some scratch has turned red and swollen, then the person has an allergy.
Another method of diagnosing allergies to guinea pigs is a blood test for the presence of specific IgE antibodies. Diagnostic allergological test for the detection of IgE antibodies in the patient's blood serum allows to investigate the reaction of the body to epidermal and animal proteins, including the epithelium of guinea pig. This allergen is classified in the Phadiatop test system as an e6 - inhalant allergen (home-year-round).
Treatment of allergies to guinea pigs
Therapeutic measures for IgE-mediated allergies are directed, mainly, to getting rid of its manifestations. Cure the very allergy, as experts admit, is almost impossible.
However, there is an allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which fights the cause of this disease. However, it is not universal and can not be used in all cases. In addition, such treatment is very long and expensive.
Therefore, doctors still prescribe antihistamines to their patients, including those who are allergic to guinea pigs.
From the extensive list of medicines used to relieve the symptoms of allergies to guinea pigs, doctors are most often recommended during the period of exacerbations to take antihistamines of the third generation that do not have the side effects of their predecessors, in particular, sedatives. The therapeutic effect of antihistamines is based on their ability to block the H1-histamine receptors of the body and the flow of histamine into the blood. That is why the use of these drugs can not only reduce the intensity of allergic reactions, but also prevent them.
To treat allergies to guinea pigs, Zirtek (cetirizine) is used, which is very effective for skin manifestations of allergy - atopic dermatitis, as well as for allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Adults and children over 12 years are recommended to take 1 tablet (10 mg) once a day (at night). The dose for children aged 6-12 years is 0.5 tablets twice a day. In severe disorders of kidney function, the dose should be reduced 2-fold. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than 7 days. Among the side effects of Zirtek, occasional drowsiness, headache and dry mouth are noted. And among the contraindications are indicated: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation period, as well as children's age to two years.
One of the most effective and safe antihistamines is recognized as Telfast (fexofenadine). The dosage of this medication is as follows: adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet (120 or 180 mg) once a day (regardless of food intake, drink plenty of water). When taking Telfast for a long time, it is necessary to observe the intervals between two doses - 24 hours. Children 6-11 years old should take 30 mg of the drug twice a day. Children under 6 years old Telfast is not appointed,
Another antihistamine drug - Erius (desloratadine) - is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, itching in the eyes and nose, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation and coughing, as well as allergic skin rashes. Eryus in the form of tablets is administered by adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 tablet once a day at the same time (regardless of food intake, drink plenty of water). The preparation of Erius in the form of a syrup is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years, 10 ml once a day. Children 6-11 months - 2 ml, children from 1 to 5 years - 2.5 ml, from 6 to 11 years - 5 ml once a day (regardless of food intake).
Prevention of allergy to guinea pigs
Today, various types of allergies suffer an average of 15% of the population of different countries of the world. And how many of this number are itching, sneezing and coughing from their cats, dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs, no one counted.
Is there any prevention of allergies to guinea pigs? Despite the fact that to keep these nice little animals simple and care for them can even children of years with 7-8, to guarantee the absence of allergies to guinea pig can only lack in the house of this animal ...
You can find suggestions to buy guinea pig without wool (of almost 200 breeds of guinea pigs there are also "bare", for example, baldwin and skinnies). But now you understand that it's not just the animal's fur.
In addition, the main food of guinea pigs (up to 60% of the diet) is hay, and hay (that is, cereal meadow grasses) is also the strongest pollen allergen.