


Acetone taste in the mouth in women and men

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Often many of us have extraneous and not quite pleasant aftertaste and taste sensations, the appearance of which is difficult to explain. For example, the taste of acetone in the mouth is in no way associated with the ingestion of a chemical liquid, so why does it occur? Sometimes its appearance is accompanied by abdominal pain, heartburn, but in some cases there are no other symptoms. What does the appearance of an unpleasant taste indicate? Is it necessary to do something, or will the problem disappear by itself? Let's try to understand.


There are no precise statistics on the frequency of acetone aftertaste in the mouth. According to some data, about 5% of people occasionally experience an unpleasant additional acetone aftertaste.

In childhood, the disorder occurs in about 4-6% of young patients predominantly 1.5-12 years of age. The problem is more often detected in girls 5-6 years old. In the development of acetonemic syndrome, the taste of acetone appears along with vomiting, abdominal pain: in such a development, there is a need for intravenous fluid administration.

In adulthood, men and women can suffer almost equally from the appearance of an acetone taste in the mouth.

Causes of the acetone taste in your mouth

Acetone taste in the mouth can be a consequence of prolonged fasting (especially "dry"), strict dietary restrictions, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases, non-diabetic form of ketoacidosis. To find out why the taste of acetone in the mouth, it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnostic measures prescribed by a doctor.

In general, the most common causes of an acetone taste in the mouth are considered to be:

  • Strict food restrictions, low-carbohydrate diet, in which the body begins to "draw" energy from auxiliary sources, lead to an intensive breakdown of fat stores and the formation of ketone bodies. Ketones are the products of this breakdown, and it is they that cause the appearance of the typical acetone taste, as they get into the salivary fluid. This often happens in women who regularly "sit" on strict diets, practicing mono-diets (long-term diet with the same low-calorie foods). The taste of acetone in the morning in the mouth indicates the accumulation of ketone bodies, which indicates the need to normalize the food regime and diet, and if this is not done, the consequences can be very dire - up to toxic brain damage.
  • Alcohol abuse disrupts the adequate course of biochemical processes in the body, stimulates catabolic reactions and production of ketones. Unpleasant taste of acetone can bother at any time of the day, or appears the morning after taking a large amount of alcohol (against the background of other signs of alcohol intoxication). Unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, disappear overnight. If a person is a chronic alcoholic, then the taste of acetone in the mouth can make itself known regularly, which is due to severe hepatic and digestive disorders, hypovitaminosis, increased activity of the pancreas. Feelings worsen after consuming a large amount of booze on an empty stomach. In such a situation, the taste of acetone can be accompanied by increased respiration, fogging of consciousness, nausea.
  • Excessive physical activity - for example, in professional athletes - against the background of a predominantly protein diet can lead to increased consumption of fat tissue to cover large energy needs. The acetone taste appears and disappears quickly after another meal or drink (sometimes mouthwash helps). If the taste does not go away, it is necessary to urgently visit a specialist.
  • Nondiabetic ketoacidosis is characteristic of children 5-6 years old. Babies become apathetic, refuse to eat. Only older children can indicate the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, which even they find it quite difficult to describe. Violation, which is also called acetonemic syndrome, is often accompanied by vomiting, in which parents can already feel a clear smell of acetone coming from the vomit masses. Pathology can be secondary - for example, if it develops after somatic diseases or infections, prolonged fever.
  • Changes in hormonal balance - for example, with pregnancy or menopause - are often accompanied by additional tastes, including acetone taste in the mouth. This symptom usually goes away on its own, easily disappears after rinsing the mouth, drinking beverages (in particular, tea with lemon or coffee). If the taste of acetone occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, it may be one of the signs of developing gestosis, which requires medical intervention.
  • Diabetes mellitus with a prolonged course can also be accompanied by acetone taste, which appears against the background of intense thirst and dry mouth. The unpleasant sensation bothers constantly, patients drink large volumes of water (up to 5-6 liters), often brush their teeth and rinse their mouth, but they can not get rid of the taste. The symptom is more characteristic of patients with type I diabetes mellitus.
  • The condition of ketoacidosis is a complicated course of diabetes mellitus due to missed insulin administration, overloading of the body, severe fever, etc. The pathologic condition worsens over a period of 24-48 hours. At first, the patient has a slight taste of acetone, thirst, weakness, rapid breathing. When exhaling, the flavor of acetone is also felt. If the patient is not helped, his condition will rapidly deteriorate, he will lose consciousness, develop soporus and coma.
  • Thyrotoxicosis, which is accompanied by an increase in thyroxine in the bloodstream, is associated with accelerated metabolic processes and pronounced decomposition of protein substances. Patients with thyrotoxicosis often complain of the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth, and without any obvious reason. Unpleasant sensation is aggravated by insufficient fluid intake during the day, or prolonged stay in hot conditions.
  • Liver disease entails incomplete neutralization of toxins, insufficient oxidation of metabolic products that accumulate in the bloodstream and get into the salivary fluid, which causes the appearance of acetone taste. In patients with chronic hepatic pathologies, acetone taste appears regularly - for example, with any error in nutrition.
  • Drug overdose - in particular, some antibiotics, sulfonamides, Paracetamol - can also be accompanied by the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth, which is due to an increased load on the liver.
  • Insufficient renal function can provoke the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth, which is explained by poor excretion of toxic substances from the body. Unpleasant sensation is more often detected in patients with a chronic form of pathology, in which intoxication with nitrogenous compounds gradually increases. In addition to the taste, acetone can be felt in the exhaled air. Additional symptoms are often dyspepsia, nausea, loss of appetite.
  • Mental abnormalities are sometimes accompanied by imaginary (false) sensations of foreign flavors. Such a sign can be observed in patients with schizophrenia, persecution mania, senile dementia, as well as increasing disorder of different parts of the CNS.

Among the relatively rare causes of acetone taste in the mouth are hypoacid gastritis, functional dyspepsia, pernicious anemia, thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, venous thrombosis, infectious diseases (meningitis, intestinal infections, septic complications), fatty degeneration of the liver.

Acetone taste in the mouth with coronavirus

Acetone taste in the mouth is not the main symptom of coronavirus infection. The incidence of this sign is less than 1%, whereas fever is reported in 75% of cases, cough in 60% of cases, and dyspepsia in 12% of cases. However, coronavirus has one specific symptom that sets this infection apart from many others. It is a violation of the sense of smell and taste. By the way, some patients had a change in taste perception: the taste did not disappear at all, but was distorted. However, this manifestation occurred on about 4-5 days of the disease.

The appearance of foreign taste is usually accompanied by such pathological signs:

  • fever, prolonged (more than five consecutive days), practically unresponsive to the use of antipyretics;
  • redness of the eyes like conjunctivitis, but without tearing;
  • Unilateral enlargement of the mandibular lymph nodes;
  • redness and inflammation of the oral mucosa, the appearance of cracks on the lips;
  • skin rash (bark-like);
  • vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, chest pain, shortness of breath.

However, the main symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and cough. But if against the background of these signs there is a taste of acetone in the mouth - it is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will determine whether the change in taste is an objective manifestation of the development of a complication, or it is just a kind of taste hallucination, illusory taste perception due to infection. Otolaryngologists explain the appearance of such a disorder by the fact that in the nasal cavity and oropharynx tissues swell, blocking taste and olfactory receptors. Damage to these receptors and nerve tissue may also occur.

Acetone taste in the mouth in COVID-19 is not detected in all patients, which is due to the anatomical features of the nasal and oral cavity, as well as the presence of chronic pathologies. In some patients, receptors are more susceptible to edema, so taste disturbances are more pronounced.

Infectious disease specialists insist: if it is a trivial distortion of taste sensations, while there is no true excess of acetone, it is not worth panicking. After some time after recovery, the mucous tissue will recover, and the perception of taste will return on its own.

Risk factors

Factors affecting the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth are known to be many. These include endocrine disorders, nutritional disorders, dental problems, and infectious and inflammatory diseases. The risk group also includes athletes (weightlifters, bodybuilders) who eat mainly protein food. In addition to proteins, the body needs a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats, which are a kind of fuel that ensures the normal course of metabolic processes. If nutrition is shifted towards proteins, then the process of their decomposition will be incomplete, resulting in the formation of ketones (ketone bodies, acetone). Similar processes occur in those people who often adhere to too strict diets for weight loss, or even starve.

In case of complete cessation of food intake into the body, the taste of acetone in the mouth may appear as early as on the third day. The mechanism of this condition has much in common with the development of diabetes mellitus: starvation leads to the fact that the body's resources are depleted, and it begins to look for other possible ways to maintain blood sugar levels. Protein, which is a part of the muscle and fat layer, is "in action".

Disturbance of the nutritional balance caused by a deficiency of carbohydrates activates the processes of fat breakdown, which gives the body additional energy. With increased fat breakdown increases the load on the liver, where fatty acids are converted into acetyl coenzyme A: with an adequate course of metabolic processes, this compound is directly involved in the formation of cholesterol and reverse reduction of fatty acids: only a small amount of it is involved in the formation of ketones. Excess acetyl coenzyme A leaves the body in the process of ketogenesis, and as a side effect there is a taste of acetone in the mouth, changes in the odor of urine.

Symptom complex associated with an increased level of ketone bodies in the bloodstream, in medicine is called acetonemic syndrome. The initial factors in the development of this syndrome are often not only improper nutrition and starvation, but also infectious pathologies, stress, prolonged overeating. The more frequent and deeper the impact of risk factors, the more intensely the acetone flavor is felt.

In childhood, an unpleasant specific taste often occurs against the background of a disorder in the work of the pancreas. Functional disorder leads to deterioration of insulin production, responsible for adequate blood glucose levels. Diabetes mellitus is exactly and runs with the phenomena of acidosis and ketonemia, but such a serious diagnosis can be made only by a qualified endocrinologist.

Another possible, but less rare, factor may be a pathology of the digestive system - in particular, an esophageal diverticulum, which collects food particles that later decompose, providing a specific aftertaste.

The main risk groups: preschool and primary school children, the elderly, women 20-35 years old, athletes.


Glucose is the main energy product for the human body. In case of glucose deficiency, energy is supplied by fatty acids, which are formed during fat breakdown.

To obtain the necessary amount of energy, the process of β-oxidation is triggered, which takes place in the liver, skeletal muscle, heart muscle and lipid tissue. The final link in this process is acetyl coenzyme A molecules, the primary metabolite, an important compound in metabolism. Subsequently, acetyl coenzyme is transformed into the citrate cycle, where it is broken down to formCO2, H2Oand ATP molecules.

Acetyl coenzyme enters the citrate cycle only at the equilibrium of lipid and carbohydrate cleavage. In case of carbohydrate deficiency, the overabundance of acetyl coenzyme accumulates in the liver, where the mechanism of reactions with the formation of the final product acetoacetate is triggered. It has become the case that excessive amounts of acetyl-coenzyme "turns on" the formation of ketones. Some acetoacetate is regenerated by nicotinamidadenine dinucleotide into β-hydroxybutyrate, and the remaining acetoacetate is transformed into acetone.

Ketone bodies are represented by the compounds acetone, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate. The latter two compounds serve as energy suppliers for the brain, nervous system and muscles. Acetone is excreted by the kidneys, sweat glands and lungs, which causes the corresponding taste in the mouth.

The norm for the presence of ketones in the body is no more than 10-30 mg/liter. Ketonemia is referred to as a condition in which there is an excess of this indicator. There is also the concept of ketosis, in which the presence of ketones is also exceeded, but they still undergo the process of subsequent decomposition.

Ketones accumulate in the blood when they are overproduced and/or incompletely utilized. In excess, ketoacidosis develops, accompanied by an acidic pH shift.

Symptoms of the acetone taste in your mouth

The taste of acetone in the mouth itself is an unpleasant chemical aftertaste, reminiscent of the taste of soaked apples or nail polish remover. The taste sensation can appear in the morning, or be permanent. In complicated cases, blood taste, additionally felt and acetone odor, which is clearly audible during exhalation.

The first signs of the disorder vary and depend on the underlying cause:

  • In type I diabetes mellitus, the taste of acetone accompanies such symptoms as thirst, dry mucous membranes, frequent urination, weight loss, constant hunger, general weakness, discomfort in the lower extremities, skin itching, deterioration of vision.
  • Type II diabetes mellitus, in addition to the acetone taste, may be accompanied by weight gain, dizziness.
  • Hormonal changes are usually manifested by increased sweating, tachycardia, irritability and emotional instability, changes in body weight, deterioration of skin, hair and nails.

In the development of diabetic ketoacidosis, patients first note the appearance of unquenchable thirst, increased urination. The skin becomes dry, flaky, there is a feeling of "tightness". There may be burning in the mouth and nose. Also characterized by general weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite. In severe cases there is vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy, increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure.

A constant taste of acetone in the mouth.

In the human body, the constant unpleasant taste sensation of acetone can be caused by liver or kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes and disorders. However, the most common causes are diabetes and nutritional disorders involving poor diet or dietary restrictions (particularly low carbohydrate intake or exceeding the recommended percentage of protein foods). Particularly often the taste of acetone in the mouth in women appears if you have to follow the Kremlin diet, the Dukan diet, etc. For a long time.

Acetonemic syndrome is the most common cause of the taste in children. Its development is caused by metabolic disorders in the child's body, which occurs due to improper nutrition, excessive psycho-emotional stress, or penetration of infection or toxic substances into the bloodstream.

In turn, acetonemic syndrome comes in two types:

  • Idiopathic, due to constitutional features, individual warehouse of the nervous system.
  • Secondary, acting as a consequence of another disease - for example, thyroid dysfunction, trauma or pathology of the brain, blood diseases.

Acetonemic syndrome most often develops in children of preschool and primary school age and disappears by adolescence. Nevertheless, it is impossible to expect that the disorder will go away on its own: secondary pathology is a reason for a thorough diagnosis of the entire body, because the root cause of the problem should be identified and eliminated.

Why does acetone taste appear against the background of impaired liver and kidney function? The fact is that these organs are a kind of filters that neutralize and remove toxic products from the bloodstream, and in particular, acetaldehyde. If the function of the liver and kidneys is impaired, ketones begin to accumulate in the bloodstream, which provokes not only the appearance of the odor and taste of acetone, but also the improper functioning of the entire body. Specific causes of the problem can be nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, cholestasis, tumor processes affecting the adrenal glands.

Acetone taste in the mouth in men is often caused by numerous unhealthy habits - in particular, the abuse of alcoholic beverages. The mechanism of acetone taste in this case is as follows: to eliminate alcohol from the circulatory system, its intrahepatic breakdown occurs with the release of acetaldehyde - a substance that causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor and aftertaste. The condition normalizes only after the complete elimination of alcoholic components from the circulatory system: this process usually takes 8-72 hours, which depends on the amount of alcohol that entered the body, the weight of the person, his age and general state of health. This problem is particularly common in chronic alcoholics who have a long-term acid-base imbalance and poor liver resistance to ethanol.

The taste of acetone in the mouth during pregnancy is caused by powerful hormonal changes in the body of the future mother. Many hormones activate metabolic processes, which causes increased sweating, increased heart rate, nervousness, the appearance of problems with the skin, hair and nails, taste disorders. It is no secret that pregnant women often have perversions of taste, odor intolerance, or the emergence of "false" smells and tastes. All these changes are temporary and disappear - as a rule, this happens by the second or third trimester. However, the appearance of extraneous acetone flavor sometimes indicates the development of gestational diabetes, and in late terms can speak of gestosis - a serious complication in which the function of the vascular network, kidneys and brain deteriorates. With gestational diabetes, in most cases it is enough for a woman to follow a special diet aimed at maintaining normal blood glucose values. In gestosis, treatment tactics are developed individually.

Complications and consequences

Acetone taste in the mouth, due to ketoacidosis, often becomes a sign of decompensation of diabetes mellitus: there is a sharp failure of metabolic regulation mechanisms, which leads to an increase in blood glucose and ketone levels. The clinical picture in ketoacidosis is represented by increased urination, thirst, skin dryness, acetone odor of exhaled air, abdominal pain, general lethargy, apathy, irritability. If the patient in this condition is not given emergency care, it is possible to worsen the condition up to lethal outcome.

The most common adverse effects of acetone taste in the mouth are considered to be:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • visual impairment;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • neuropathies.

Diagnostics of the acetone taste in your mouth

The initial stage of diagnosis is carried out by a general practitioner. If signs of specific pathologies are detected, the general practitioner may refer the patient for consultation to an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, etc.

As standard, the doctor prescribes an extended laboratory and instrumental diagnostics:

  • Blood tests (general, biochemical) to assess the level of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (to exclude the infectious component), the state of the biliary system, liver and kidneys;
  • Hormone blood test with insulin level (on an empty stomach), C-peptide level measurement;
  • urinalysis for acetone;
  • women of childbearing age - pregnancy test, blood for estrogen and progesterone levels, chorionic gonadotropin;
  • ultrasound diagnosis of the pancreas, liver, abdominal organs, thyroid gland;
  • computed tomography of the abdominal cavity organs, brain (in case of neurological component of pathology);
  • biopsy with further histology (in particular, examination of the thyroid gland in case of suspected thyroiditis, autoimmune diseases, neoplasms, etc.).

Instrumental diagnostics can be supplemented with electroencephalography, electrocardiography. If necessary, virological studies are performed, consultations with an infectious disease specialist, virologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, etc. Are prescribed.

Differential diagnosis

When the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth necessarily perform differential diagnosis between the following diseases and conditions:

  • infectious lesions in the intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • renal dysmetabolism (dysmetabolic nephropathies), renal hydrocele;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • digestive disorders;
  • pathology of the central nervous system, tumor processes;
  • side effects of medications;
  • intoxication;
  • psychogenic disorders;
  • insufficient adrenal function;
  • metabolic disorders.

During the differential diagnosis of acetone taste in the mouth, it is important to exclude, first of all, intestinal infectious lesions and surgical diseases that require bacteriological and virological studies. Pediatric patients should be considered as a risk group for the development of diabetes mellitus: it is recommended to put such children on the dispensary record of an endocrinologist. In some cases, if the taste of acetone in the mouth is accompanied by vomiting, it is necessary to exclude insufficient adrenal function (addisonian crisis).

Additional differentiation is required for such conditions:

  • Ketosis on the background of fasting (without hyperglycemia);
  • toxic (alcoholic) ketoacidosis (glycemia less often exceeds 13.9 mmol/liter and bicarbonate content is equal to or exceeds 18 mmol/liter);
  • Lactate acidosis (unexpressed increase in blood glucose levels, increased lactate levels);
  • Coma (uremic, hepatic, cerebral - sometimes with hyperglycemia);
  • metabolic acidosis with pronounced anion difference (in intoxication with salicylates, methanol, ethylene glycol, paraldehyde).

Treatment of the acetone taste in your mouth

Acetone taste in the mouth, due to limited diet and violation of the water regime, does not require treatment and disappears independently after correction of diet and drinking enough fluids. To normalize the content of ketones, the diet is expanded at the expense of carbohydrates (half of the total daily caloric intake), increase the amount of water intake (up to 2-3 liters, to accelerate the removal of toxins from the circulation). Special attention to nutrition should be paid to athletes, increasing the daily calorie intake on days of intense physical exertion, competitions and so on.

If the taste of acetone appears only occasionally, it can be eliminated simply by rinsing the mouth with water, lemon juice, mint tea. In cases when the unpleasant aftertaste is combined with general discomfort, headache, dizziness, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

With clear signs of ketoacidosis (nausea, abdominal pain, tachycardia, dehydration, confusion, disorientation, loss of consciousness or collapse), medical care consists of measures to detoxify, eliminate dehydration. After normalization of the patient's well-being resort to etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy.

Among the many medications, these medications are often prescribed:

  • Solutions for intravenous infusion are necessary to stabilize hemostasis and remove ketones from the body. In large volumes, saline and colloidal solutions are administered in combination with diuretics, according to the method of forced diuresis. If there is a blood clotting disorder, treatment is supplemented with the introduction of fresh frozen plasma.
  • Insulin is administered intravenously if ketoacidosis is provoked by diabetes mellitus of any type. The dose is determined taking into account the patient's body weight and blood glucose level. To optimize glucose utilization, potassium-containing drugs, vitamin C are also administered.
  • Antibacterial agents are appropriate only in case of microbial origin of the root cause of acetone taste in the mouth. When sepsis develops, a combination of two antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity is prescribed.
  • Thyreostatic drugs are necessary for patients with thyrotoxicosis. In particular, a common such medication is Mercazolil, which has the ability to suppress the activity of the thyroid gland. Heart rate is regulated with β-adrenoblockers.
  • Immunosuppressors are prescribed to patients with autoimmune processes - in particular, corticosteroids may be used in hepatitis, thyroiditis. In complex cases, it is possible to use antimetabolic drugs in the minimum permissible amounts.


The approximate scheme of treatment of ketoacidosis, which is accompanied by an acetone taste in the mouth, is as follows:

  • Measures to rehydrate the body include:
    • administration of 0.45% or 0.9% sodium chloride (depending on the achievement of normal plasma osmotic activity);
    • 5% glucose solution (in case of glycemia exceeding 13.9 mmol/liter).
  • Measures to reduce hyperglycemia (intravenous insulin therapy with short-acting insulin or ultra-short-acting insulin analog):
    • intravenous bolus of 0.1 units/kilogram of weight (4-8 units);
    • continuous intravenous infusion of 0.1 U/kg body weight/hr (4-8 U/hr) with hourly glycemic monitoring;
    • maintaining a constant lowering of glycemia by varying the amount of insulin administered.
  • Measures to correct potassium deficiency:
    • For potassium less than 5.5 mmol/liter, potassium chloride is administered intravenously;
    • potassium chloride is not administered for potassemia greater than 5.5 mmol/liter, but blood counts are monitored frequently.
  • Measures to correct acidosis:
    • mild to moderate acidosis is managed in the course of eliminating the violation of water-electrolyte equilibrium;
    • sodium bicarbonate is administered when arterial blood pH is less than 6.9, in an average dosage of 0.5-1.0 mmol/kg body weight intravenously, cautiously.

It is mandatory to prescribe measures to influence the cause of ketoacidosis.
The introduction of solutions should be carried out in accordance with all safety measures, taking into account the indications and contraindications, with observation of the patient's reaction to intravenous infusions, with control of hemostasis. With proper therapy, the occurrence of undesirable effects is unlikely: if other drugs are added to the solutions, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications to these specific drugs.

Physiotherapy treatment

In order to optimize the function of islets of Langerhans, which produce insulin, electrophoresis with zinc or copper is prescribed - to stimulate redox reactions and lower blood glucose levels.

Electrophoresis with magnesium is appropriate to improve oxidative carbohydrate phosphorylation, enzyme activation, and reduce hypercholesterolemia. The course consists of twelve procedures.

To optimize the function of the pancreas is recommended electrophoresis with nicotinic acid on the suprailiac zone, a course of twelve procedures.

Patients suffering from mild to moderate diabetes mellitus may be prescribed electrophoresis with papaverine, no-shpa or novocaine: segmentally, in ten sessions. In moderate to severe disease, electrophoresis with 1% dibasol or proserine is appropriate.

Complex physiotherapy also involves the use of pulsed currents - especially if patients are found to have diabetic angiopathies and polyneuritis. Sinusoidal modulated currents have a hypoglycemic effect, as they reduce the activity of counterinsulatory processes. The treatment course usually consists of 12-15 sessions.

Apparatus physiotherapy includes UHF procedures, which significantly increase lymphatic and blood circulation, stimulate the formation of collaterals, have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive effect, improve vascular trophicity.

To reduce blood glucose levels and affect the secretory function of the pancreas, decimicrowave therapy is prescribed. Such techniques as SMW therapy, DMW therapy or a combination of both are used.

The practice of ultrasound therapy is determined by its hypoglycemic effect. Ultrasound exposure is directed to the projection zone of the pancreas. If the liver area is affected, the carbohydrate metabolism is expected to improve, and blood circulation in this area is improved.

Magnetotherapy also has a good effect on the pancreatic area. For example, the sugar-reducing effect is noted already by 3-5 treatments.

Herbal treatment

Do not rush to get rid of the taste of acetone in the mouth with the help of folk remedies: first you should consult doctors and establish the cause of the violation. If the overall state of health is good, and pathologies could not be found, then you can try to eliminate the unpleasant taste with the help of available herbal remedies. For example, a good effect is given by rinsing the mouth with warm water and adding 5 drops of propolis tincture. If the taste of acetone appears periodically and does not particularly bother, then for its disappearance you can chew a few pieces of apricots, 3-4 leaves of mint or strawberries.

Consumption of anise seeds on an empty stomach gives good results. First rinse your mouth with warm water, then chew and swallow 5-6 anise seeds. If anise is not available, you can replace it with 10 seeds from an apple (which, however, is less effective).

Many patients practice the following method of getting rid of acetone taste: after each meal eat ½ tsp. Grated fresh ginger root. This method is contraindicated for those people who suffer from inflammatory or ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If there are problems with digestion, fresh basil leaves help to eliminate acetone taste (they are chewed or simply eaten). Rinsing the mouth and nose with a warm decoction of chamomile, sage or marigolds is not bad.

Surgical treatment

The surgeon's assistance may be required only if complications develop - for example, against the background of diabetes mellitus. The surgeon's competence includes such pathologies:

  • Peritonitis ("acute abdomen").
  • Acute gastric bleeding.
  • Acute purulent inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Anaerobic soft tissue infection.
  • Impaired wound regeneration.
  • Diabetic gangrene.

In addition, the following surgeries may be indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus:

  • Organ transplantation of the pancreas (total, segmental);
  • Culture transplantation of pancreatic islet cells.

Surgical interventions are performed under strict medical indications, which is due to both the complexity of the technique of many operations and the high risk of complications. The decision on the need for surgical treatment is made by a consilium of doctors on an individual basis.


The taste of acetone in the mouth can be a sign of a variety of diseases, so prevention should be comprehensive. Often some endocrine pathologies, which also cause the appearance of an unpleasant taste, are asymptomatic - the patient does not feel pain or other discomfort, and the only way to identify the problem is to determine the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore, the first preventive recommendation can be called that you should regularly visit a doctor and conduct control studies - in particular, general clinical blood and urine tests.

The following prevention methods are:

  • preventing the development of infectious pathologies (taking immunomodulators such as interferon and other means to strengthen the immune system);
  • sufficient physical activity, prevention of obesity;
  • A proper diet with limited simple carbohydrates and a balance of fat and protein foods;
  • adequate drinking regimen (avoid dehydration).

It is recommended to eat up to five meals a day, in relatively small portions. The consumption of refined carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum: such carbohydrates include sugar, jam, cakes, candy, etc. The diet should be based on complex carbohydrates and plant foods. The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates and plant foods. In the diet must necessarily add white meat poultry, lean fish, vegetable dishes, salads, compotes without sugar. Fried products are better to replace boiled, stewed, baked. Excluded are confectionery, carbonated drinks, fast food, smoked foods, pickles, pickles, marinades.

Physical activity should be approached reasonably, not to overload the body, but also avoid hypodynamia. Adequate exercise improves metabolic processes and increases tissue sensitivity to insulin.

Such measures can prevent not only the appearance of acetone taste in the mouth, but will also serve as a preventive measure for diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes.


With a timely and correct approach, the taste of acetone in the mouth quickly disappears, the prognosis in most cases is favorable. If a state of ketoacidosis develops, the quality of the prognosis depends largely on the speed of medical care. If such assistance is delayed, the condition rapidly worsens, progresses to coma, and the risk of death increases to 5% (up to 20% in age patients).

In diabetic ketoacidosis, there is a risk of pulmonary edema (often due to inappropriate choice of infusion therapy). If the circulating blood volume decreases, shock reactions may develop, secondary infection (often due to pneumonia). Excessive dehydration and increased blood viscosity may be complicated by arterial thrombosis.

The taste of acetone in the mouth is a sign of many diseases and conditions, and generally the prognosis depends on the underlying cause of this symptom.

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