Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is necessary for everyone without exception, who is assigned this safe and very necessary for diagnostics procedure. The point is that the principle of operation of ultrasound examination implies unimpeded access of the signal to a dense tissue. The special sensor sends a beam of ultrasound to the desired organ or zone with the help of special elements located on its head, the signal reaches the target and is reflected according to the principle of reflection of the wave: the reflection occurs at the junction, the boundary of different substances in density. Then the signal returns to the scanner, and then to the device recording the result in the form of an image (contour). The depth of penetration depends on the specificity of the sensor, on the structure of the object under study, and on how much tissue, organs, and so on have a high density, and so on.
The ultrasonic signal is not able to give an accurate result if the cavity is filled with air, gases, the beam does not fall to the desired, given depth. That is why the preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity implies compliance with simple, but mandatory conditions. If the examined patient does not follow the recommendations for training, the quality of sonography (ultrasound) will suffer, and the results of such diagnostics will be distorted. Ultrasound examination is sometimes distorted if:
- The large intestine is full and swollen (gases);
- The person suffers from excessive weight, which slows down the speed and reduces the penetration depth of the beam;
- The intestine, perhaps - the stomach contains a contrast agent (for example, barium);
- Excessive motor activity of the patient during the survey;
- An open, extensive wound in the examination area.
Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is part of the overall research process aimed at examining by means of the image of the contours of all zones and organs related to the upper abdomen. Such an ultrasound examination is intended for:
- Studies of the aorta - the largest artery of the peritoneum. This vessel is responsible for supplying blood to the entire lower part of the human body, including the legs;
- Research and evaluation of the liver is a fairly large, important organ that produces bile (lipid and fat splitting), which performs a protective antitoxic function, accumulates glucose and takes part in metabolic processes. The liver is located in the right side of the body - the hypochondrium;
- Studies of the gallbladder, it is located in the lower region of the liver (surface area). The gall bladder is responsible for the accumulation and release of bile needed for absorbing vitamins (fat-soluble), the cleavage of nutrients;
- Research of the state of the spleen, located on the left, under the ribs. It is a lymphoid organ that protects the body from various infections, filters out spent blood cells;
- Studies of the pancreas, which is in the upper zone of the peritoneum. Iron is responsible for the production of enzymes that help digest nutrients, as well as for the isolation of insulin;
- Studies of the kidneys, which are on the right and left of the spine in the retroperitoneal upper zone. Kidneys - this is an important organ (paired), responsible for the production of urine, as well as the removal of toxins.
Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and conducting the survey can diagnose, concretize and track in dynamics:
Diseases, spleen pathologies, such as increased size, change in density, damage;
- To clarify the etiology of unclear pain symptoms, spasms in the peritoneum;
- To assess the condition of the aorta, confirm the presence of an aneurysm, localization of pathology - infrarenal zone, spindle-shaped enlargement, tumor protrusion;
- The condition of the liver (shape, location, size). Hepatitis, secondary changes in cardiac etiology, hemangiomas, calcifications, cysts, as well as hepatosis;
- Presence of concrements, polyps in the gallbladder, inflammatory process, possible blockage or pathological narrowing of the bile ducts;
- The size of the kidneys, the cause of the outflow of urine, the presence of concrements, the condition after transplantation. Also, ultrasound helps to exclude or confirm "renal" hypertension;
- Determine the pathology of the pancreas - pancreatitis, oncoprocess;
- Evaluation of the organs and vessels of the peritoneum after domestic trauma, accidents and so on (computer tomography is also used);
- Control of biopsy;
- Confirm ascites (accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity) and carry out fluid removal (paracentesis);
- Prepare the patient for abdominal surgery.
Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity involves the observance of such recommendations and rules:
- Do not plan the procedure after endoscopic examination, irrigoscopy (x-ray of the large intestine with a contrast drug), gastrography (evaluation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract), FGDS (gastroscopy of the stomach and duodenum);
- For how many days (2-3) to eat on a dietary regime, excluding vegetables containing fiber, dairy products, all kinds of beans, confectionery, especially high-calorie, drinks with gas, bread made from rye or mixed flour;
- If there are difficulties with digestion, take enzymes to reduce flatulence;
- Before the examination, it is not advisable not to have breakfast;
- If the ultrasound examines the kidneys, drink enough fluid to fill the bladder.
In addition, if due to chronic illnesses a person constantly takes medications, this should be reported to the examiner.
List of recommended products, which involves the preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:
- All types of cereals, preferably cereals, cooked on water (oatmeal, buckwheat);
- Lean meat and fish, cooked without fat, steamed (baked);
- No more than one egg a day, preferably soft-boiled or boiled, but not fried;
- All kinds of low-fat cheeses;
- Mineral water without gas, not strong tea (preferably green).
To eat it is necessary in small portions, fractional, not less than 5-6 times every 2,3 -3 hours. Before the ultrasound examination, the last meal should take place the previous evening (light, dietary dinner).
Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity also depends on the task of the examination and the organs, the condition of which must be assessed. And compliance with the rules of preparation is not difficult, however, like the painless, but very accurate (up to 99%) type of diagnosis - ultrasound examination.