


Formaldehyde vapor poisoning

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2024

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Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that dissolves well in water. The substance is produced by oxidizing methanol on an industrial scale.

One of the characteristics of formaldehyde is its bactericidal properties. Formalin, used for preservation of organs and tissues, is a 40% aqueous solution of formic aldehyde. The tannins in the chemical allow it to be used in the leather, woodworking, food (additive E240) and cosmetics industries.

Causes of the formaldehyde poisoning

Formaldehyde vapor poisoning is possible from these sources:

1. Products of combustion of organic matter.

  • Vehicle exhaust.
  • Vapors from gas stoves, fireplaces.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Smoke from e-cigarettes.
  • Smog.

2. Evaporation from household materials:

  • Particleboard (this material is used to make furniture).
  • MDF, plywood and other materials for insulation and finishing of the house.
  • Floor coverings, baseboards.
  • Doors and jambs made of MDF.

That is, formaldehyde inhalation intoxication can occur even at home. Such seemingly innocuous things as sofa, chairs, table can be sources of toxin release into the air.

Symptoms of the formaldehyde poisoning

The first signs of the body being affected are manifested by such symptomatology:

  • Sluggishness and apathy.
  • Irritability.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Movement disorder.
  • Cough.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Vomiting and burning in the oropharynx.

Prolonged inhalation of vapors leads to deterioration of general health, development of allergic reactions and even cancer. The most dangerous complication of poisoning is changes at the genetic level, which is a threat to future generations.

Treatment of the formaldehyde poisoning

The first thing to do for the victim is to get him/her out into fresh air and remove/unbutton constricting clothing. If the solution gets on the skin, the affected tissues are washed with plenty of running water. Further treatment is handled by a doctor. Patients are prescribed formalin antidotes (ammonium carbonate), gastric lavage and further symptomatic therapy.

Formaldehyde poisoning is a serious condition and requires specialized medical intervention. Here are the basic steps that can be taken in a medical facility to treat formaldehyde poisoning:

  1. Providing access to fresh air: The first measure is to move the victim to fresh air to provide access to oxygen and reduce exposure to formaldehyde.
  2. Medical evaluation and stabilization: The victim will be medically evaluated to determine the severity of the poisoning and to stabilize their condition. This may include measurement of blood oxygen levels, cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring, and evaluation of other body organs and systems.
  3. Eye and skin flushing: If formaldehyde comes in contact with skin or eyes, the area should be immediately flushed with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Artificial ventilation: If the casualty is in severe respiratory failure or unconscious, artificial ventilation using a ventilator may be required.
  5. Treatment of complications: Formaldehyde poisoning can cause various complications such as lung damage, respiratory distress, cardiovascular problems, and others. Treatment is aimed at eliminating these complications and maintaining vital body functions.
  6. Medical observation and rehabilitation: The victim will be observed in a medical facility to monitor his/her condition and provide rehabilitation measures if necessary.


With proper first aid and timely treatment, the prognosis for recovery is positive.

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