Treatment of blepharoconjunctivitis
Last reviewed: 20.08.2024

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Blepharoconjunctivitis is an inflammatory process affecting the conjunctiva of the eye and the circular muscle of the eyelids, the eyelid itself. There are many reasons for the development of this condition. Aseptic inflammation develops rarely, most often the process is accompanied by the development of an infectious process, bacterial infection. The state of the microflora of the eye is also violated. Requires complex diagnosis and qualified medical (ophthalmologic) care.
Treatment blepharoconjunctivitis can be quite lengthy, and is often determined by the cause. Therefore, the most effective is etiologic treatment, the essence of which is reduced to the elimination of the main cause of the inflammatory process. This requires not only examination by an ophthalmologist, but also a comprehensive study of the whole body, which will identify the cause of pathology. Therefore, if necessary, consultations with other specialists are carried out. Taking into account all the doctor's conclusions and the appropriate diagnosis is made, the appropriate treatment is selected.
Not only local ophthalmologic treatment may be required, but also systemic therapy, at the level of the whole organism. As a rule, systemic therapy is concomitant and is prescribed by different specialists. But by the mechanism of its effect on the body, it is considered as the main one, on which the effectiveness of treatment of the eye itself largely depends.
Ophthalmologic treatment is reduced to local action. The ophthalmologist selects local means aimed directly at treating the mucous membrane of the eyelid of the eye. The doctor prescribes special ointments, eye drops, mainly with antibiotics. Often carry out eye washes, lotions, compresses. Procedures can be performed both at home and in the conditions of the polyclinic (hospital). Some procedures require special equipment, special conditions. Therefore, it may be necessary to hospitalize the patient.
When treating blepharoconjunctivitis, it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, and do not self-medicate, do not change anything in the prescriptions, do not abandon therapy, even if the condition has already completely normalized. This may be only an external, deceptive reaction. In fact, the inflammatory process can still develop in the underlying structures. It should be remembered that self-treatment and any, even minimal violation of the doctor's recommendations, can end tragically for the eye, because the eye is a complex, vulnerable and sensitive structure. Incorrect treatment can end up with severe complications for the eye, nerve, brain.
How long is blepharoconjunctivitis treated?
One often hears the question, how long blepharoconjunctivitis is treated. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because it depends on many factors, including the state of the body as a whole, the condition of the eye, the degree of involvement of the main structures of the eye in the inflammatory process, and associated pathologies. If you make an analysis of all cases of treatment, then generalized statistics show that on average, standard, uncomplicated blepharoconjunctivitis is cured in 1-3 months. Thus, the minimum term of treatment is 10-14 days, there is no point in treating less, because almost always the treatment remains incomplete and relapses develop. The maximum term of treatment of complicated, severely current blepharoconjunctivitis in ophthalmologic practice was 4 months.
Blepharoconjunctivitis drops
Drops for blepharoconjunctivitis may have different formulations and active ingredients, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory components, and other active ingredients aimed at fighting inflammation and infection.
Some of the common categories of drops for blepharoconjunctivitis include:
- Antibiotic Drops: These drops contain an antibiotic that can help fight off a bacterial infection that may be the cause of blepharoconjunctivitis.
- Corticosteroid drops: These can be used to reduce inflammation and decrease swelling, which can also accompany blepharoconjunctivitis.
- Antihistamine drops: If blepharoconjunctivitis is caused by an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops can help relieve itching and redness.
- Moisturizing drops: These can help moisturize and soothe irritated eyes, which is especially helpful for the dryness that can accompany blepharoconjunctivitis.
- Antiseptic drops: These can be used to prevent the spread of infection and keep the eyes clean.
Some common medications that are often used to treat blepharoconjunctivitis include:
- Tobrex: Eye drops containing the antibiotic tobramycin. The usual dosage is 1-2 drops in the affected eye every 4-6 hours.
- Ophthalmofloxacin: Another antibiotic that can be used to treat blepharoconjunctivitis. The dosage is usually 1-2 drops into the affected eye every 4-6 hours.
- Azithromycin: These drops contain the antibiotic azithromycin and are usually used 1-2 drops twice a day in the affected eye for 5 days.
- Albucid (Sulfacyl Sodium): A medication containing the antibiotic sulfacyl sodium. The dosage may vary depending on the severity of the infection, but usually 1-2 drops into the affected eye every 2-3 hours is recommended.
- Fluorimetholone: Corticosteroid drops that can be used to reduce inflammation. The usual dosage is 1-2 drops in the affected eye 2-4 times a day.
It is used in ophthalmology for various eye diseases. It has pronounced immunostimulant and antiviral properties, so it is used mainly in eye diseases associated with the development of viral infection and with a decrease in immunity. The active substance - interferon, related to immunostimulating agents, is a natural protective protein of the human body (immunoglobulin fraction).
It is used for prophylactic purposes in case of visual impairment, chronic eye fatigue in case of impaired local immunity of eye mucous membranes, in case of frequent and recurrent courses of ophthalmologic diseases. Often prescribed after treatment with antibiotics, antiviral agents to restore local immunity, normalize the state of the mucous membrane of the eye.
Opatanol is an ophthalmologic preparation used in the form of a solution for injecting and rinsing the eye. It is recommended to use in outpatient clinics and exclusively by doctor's prescription, as it is prescribed strictly individually. The method of use, dosage and method of preparation of the solution are strictly individual, and are determined by the peculiarities of pathogenesis, etiological factors, duration and severity of the pathological process, progress of treatment, the general condition of the patient's body, the state of his immune system, hormonal background, concomitant pathologies. In some countries, it is sold exclusively with a doctor's prescription. In some countries, however, it is possible to purchase the drug over-the-counter.
Any eye diseases are associated primarily with a deficiency of vitamins A and E. Therefore, it is recommended to take these vitamins in the following daily concentrations: A - 240 mg; E - 45 mg. But it should be borne in mind that even before using vitamins, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Since there are cases when taking vitamins is contraindicated. For example, with bacterial infection, purulent-septic process, taking vitamins will only harm, because any vitamins act as growth factors and are an additional nutrient substrate for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, in such a case, the condition will only worsen. And the progression of infection will begin. With reduced, or conversely, increased immunity, vitamins can also be harmful, as they can cause atopic or autoimmune reactions.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
For the treatment of eye diseases, physiotherapeutic treatment is rarely used. The main methods of treatment are traditional therapy: eye washing, injection, putting medicines, ointments, compresses. Systemic therapy is also prescribed, the essence of which is to affect the body as a whole, preventing associated pathologies.
Specialized ophthalmological clinics use only some methods of physiotherapeutic treatment, for example, special heat procedures, hardening, cryoprocedures, laser therapy. But such procedures are not available in a standard polyclinic or hospital, as they require serious equipment, highly qualified specialists, and experience.
Physiotherapy treatment for blepharoconjunctivitis includes various methods that aim to reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation in the eye area, and promote rapid recovery. Here are some of the most common physiotherapy treatments:
1. heat treatments
- Warm compresses on the eyes can help reduce inflammation and swelling and help drain secretions from the eyelid glands. Warm compresses are usually applied for 5-10 minutes several times a day.
2. Eyelid massage
- Gently massaging the eyelids after applying heat compresses can help in improving the outflow of fluid from the meibomian glands, thereby reducing the symptoms of blepharoconjunctivitis.
- Use of ultrasound to improve microcirculation in the eyelid area and accelerate the resorption of inflammatory infiltrates.
- The application of a magnetic field can help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the eyelid area.
- Injection of medications directly into the eyelid area using an electric current. This method allows the medication to be delivered directly to the area of inflammation while reducing systemic side effects.
- Low-intensity laser radiation can be used to stimulate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and pain.
7. Phototherapy (light therapy)
- Using light of a specific wavelength to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.
The choice of a particular method and its intensity should be determined by the doctor based on the stage of the disease, its nature and the individual characteristics of the patient. It is important to remember that physiotherapeutic methods are often used in combination with medication to achieve the best results.
Folk treatment
Folk treatment methods can be an effective addition to traditional therapy, and are widely used in complex treatment. But before starting any treatment, especially if it is drops or ointments for the eyes, it is necessary to carefully study the composition, and be sure to consult with an ophthalmologist. It should also be borne in mind that the use of topical agents for the eyes, requires strict adherence to sterility.
- Prescription #1. Anti-inflammatory eye drops
Take about 50 ml of chamomile decoction, put it in a separate iron bowl, place it on a water bath or low heat. With constant stirring, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Then add a teaspoon of decoction of calendula and sage. Take off the fire, cool, pump into the eye on a full pipette, so that the remedy flows out of the eye. Frequency - from 5 to 10 times a day, at least 7 days.
- Recipe #2. Solution for lotions
The base is 2 tablespoons of freshly brewed black tea (strong). Add a teaspoon of honey, stir. Dips a cotton disk in the decoction, apply to the closed eye (on the eyelid). It is better at this time to lie down, relax as much as possible. Keep the lotion at least 10-15 minutes.
- Prescription #3. Means for oral intake (anti-inflammatory)
Take 30-40 ml of decoction of meadow clover. Add to it about a third of a teaspoon of St. John's wort herb, immortelle, rosehip fruit. Heat on low heat until warm, remove from the fire. All this is thoroughly mixed and in a warm form drink before bedtime.
- Prescription #4. Remedy for systemic therapy
In a container of 50 ml pour two-thirds of alcohol, add a teaspoon of dandelion extract and veronica herb, 2 drops of essential oil of chamomile and nettle dicot. Stir, insist 15 minutes, drink a tablespoon a day, for 28 days.
Herbal treatment
Blepharoconjunctivitis can be treated not only with medications. Quite effective is the treatment of herbs. But this is rather an additional, auxiliary means that helps to accelerate recovery, normalize the condition. The most popular in the treatment of eye diseases are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents, because they relieve the inflammatory process, prevent the development of infection. They also meet safety requirements - they ensure sterility.
Sage is a classic anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Used in the form of decoction: 2 tablespoons of herb per glass of boiling water. Used for lotions, compresses, take internally. It is important that sage has a relaxing effect on the muscles, relieves spasm, overstrain. This allows you to relax the muscles of the eye, which helps restore vision and relieve spasm.
Yarrow - vitaminized, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent. Used in the form of decoction, for compresses, lotions, applications. Can be taken internally.
Cypress is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent. Also draws attention to the fact that kyprey has an immune-stimulating effect, acts as a means of antiviral, antibacterial. It is recommended to take internally, as well as to carry out lotions, compresses.
To treat eye diseases, including blepharoconjunctivitis, it is important not only to use topical eye remedies, but also to conduct systemic therapy, aimed at treating and restoring the normal functional state of the body as a whole. In this section will be given exclusively means for systemic use, ingestion, which will increase immunity, eliminate general inflammation, bacterial and viral infection. This is due to the fact that self-medication of the eye can be dangerous, and can end in serious complications. Therefore, any eye remedies. Including homeopathic, should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, moreover, a doctor with specialization in ophthalmology. On the other hand, taking systemic immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic means, not only will not harm, but will significantly accelerate recovery. It is worth noting that often ophthalmologists prescribe only therapy for the eyes, without taking into account the systemic pathology at the level of the body as a whole. Patients often have to look for means for systemic therapy on their own or turn to other specialists.
Some of the homeopathic remedies that can be used for blepharoconjunctivitis include:
- Apis mellifica: Used for swollen eyelids, severe burning and itching, and redness of the ocular mucosa.
- Pulsatilla: Recommended for blepharitis with purulent discharge, especially if there is an unpleasant burning sensation and worsening in the evening.
- Sulfur: Used for chronic blepharitis with itching, redness and burning soreness.
- Rhus toxicodendron: It is used for blepharitis with a feeling of sand in the eyes, intensified by closing the eyelids.
- Euphrasia: This is a remedy that can be used for conjunctivitis accompanied by profuse lacrimation and a sensation of sand in the eyes.