


Vulgar warts in adults and children

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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One of the newest problems of our time is rightly considered to be a vulgar wart. Dermatologists, dermatovenerologists, cosmetologists have recently begun to face this problem. Get rid of this problem is quite difficult, however, it is quite possible. Let us understand what it is, where it comes from, and why it received such a strange name.

Causes of the vulgar wart

Vulgar wart is so named because it develops in the human body against the background of dysbacteriosis and fungal infection. The appearance of warts can be provoked by a high content of fungal (parasitic) infection in the body - Proteus vulgaris (Proteus vulgaris). This is a microorganism of microscopic size, protozoan. Reproduces rather quickly, by continuous division. It grows similarly to all fungi - continuous growth. Refers to yeast-like fungi. Can disrupt the normal microbiocenosis in the skin, and trigger the development of various neoplasms.

Another reason for the appearance of vulgar warts is a decrease in immunity and violation of colonization resistance of the skin. If immunity is at a high level, and the microflora is normal, the growth of fungus is impossible. Also, the cause can be a viral infection, which is similarly activated against the background of reduced immunity. Warts can be transmitted from other people who are sick with them, or are carriers (when using common things, objects, when shaking hands). Often develop against the background of hormonal disorders. [1]

Symptoms of the vulgar wart

The appearance of a growth on the skin is the main symptom of the development of wart vulgaris, which also has a second name - common wart. Thus, it appears as a neoplasm. The size and localization can be different. Gradually, this neoplasm grows both in width and height. Often several warts are formed at once. They move, spread towards each other, and then merge into a single tumor-like conglomerate. [2]


Vulgar warts can be located almost anywhere on any part of the body. They are often localized on the hands, fingers, feet (plantar warts), face, neck. Sometimes appear under the arms, in the groin area (much less often). In general, there is no such area on which a wart could not be formed. They are formed even on mucous membranes.

Vulgar warts on hands, fingers.

Localization on the hands, fingers - quite convenient for vulgar warts. There are a number of predisposing factors that contribute to this: the skin on the hands is thin, delicate. It is often exposed to various environmental factors (sunlight, temperature fluctuations, water, air, chemicals). This reduces resistance and makes the skin more susceptible to warts. In its superficial layer, a fairly large number of pores are formed, thanks to which the infection easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, and from there the wart begins to develop.

Vulgar warts on the legs, foot.

This structure is represented by connective tissue, has the ability to grow rapidly in all directions. Vulgar wart, located on the legs, foot, has the appearance of an ordinary wart, or a small seal that rises above the surface of the skin, or sharply contrasting in color, density. Vulgar warts on the legs and feet are also called plantar warts, because they often resemble common corns, corns. On top, this structure is usually covered with multilayered epithelium, making it more dense. Often such warts are associated with either mechanical damage or a viral infection that triggers its growth. It makes itself known only in the case of reduced immunity, hormonal background disorders, with frequent illnesses, a high degree of viral load. It also often develops in women during pregnancy, or in old age or adolescence, that is, in the period when the body is most strongly affected by hormonal changes.

Vulgar warts on the face

Quite often vulgar warts can be found on the face. Predominantly they are localized on the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. They can be flat, or elevated, can grow rapidly, multiply. They can be as single, or multiple. Often warts are the only form of manifestation of the disease. As a rule, vulgar warts, especially on the face, appear mainly in adolescence and adolescence, which significantly reduces the quality of life of adolescents, negatively affects their mental and emotional state. However, they can and should be treated, so you should not get upset before the time. [3]

Complications and consequences

Warts are quite dangerous. More precisely, not the warts themselves, but the complications and unpleasant consequences to which they can lead. The biggest danger is the possibility of malignant degeneration of the wart. That is, it carries the risk of developing a cancerous tumor. It can also lead to the development of a viral infection, especially if damaged. It can grow intensively, forming more and more warts. If damaged, an infection can enter. As a result, inflammatory develops. Infectious, purulent-septic process. Transmitted to other people by contact.

Red and itchy vulgar warts

This is extremely rare, however, if you have such a rare case, in which vulgar warts are red and itchy, it may indicate the activation of viral infection, and a sharp decline in your immunity. It is better to check with a virologist, and immunologist, to pass a comprehensive examination. You may also need to consult a dermatologist, dermatovenerologist. If the wart was damaged, there is a risk of infection and the development of inflammatory, purulent-septic process. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist. [4]

Diagnostics of the vulgar wart

Diagnosis is based on differentiation of the wart from other skin neoplasms, identifying the causes of its development. Obligatory need virological diagnosis, because in the vast majority of cases, the etiologic factor is a viral infection, in particular, herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus, or various genotypes of HPV. In addition, it is important not only to detect the virus itself in the blood, but also to determine the degree of its activity. For this purpose, mainly both laboratory methods of research are used. Also important is differential diagnosis, which allows you to distinguish one type of wart from another, or from other skin neoplasms with similar external manifestations.


The main method of confirming the diagnosis is visual inspection. Based on the appearance and clinical symptoms, the doctor usually makes the appropriate diagnosis. In addition, virological methods are used, which are based on the direct detection of the virus in the blood. For this purpose, laboratory methods are used (mainly serological and virological methods are used). Standard clinical methods have not been used for a long time. Although it used to be diagnosed by them. The disadvantage is that by analyzing blood, urine can only indirectly judge the presence of viral infection in the body, but it is impossible to identify the virus itself. Moreover, it is impossible to determine its name and quantity.

Today, immunologic, virologic diagnostics opens up new horizons and significantly facilitates diagnosis. In most cases, the test material is blood, less frequently urine, or a scraping directly from the skin surface.

Both active viruses and their persistent, inactive forms can be present in the blood. It is the active viruses that cause the disease, so they have diagnostic value. The ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method is often used. PCR is also often appointed. Additional methods can serve as microscopic examination, scraping. Microscopy will help to identify the virus itself, or products of its vital activity in the smear.

Instrumental diagnostics

The essence of diagnosis is that with the help of special equipment, record those changes that occur in the body. Instrumental methods of diagnostics allow visualizing the picture of pathology.

Differential diagnosis

During diagnosis, it is important to differentiate the signs of several pathologies that have similar external manifestations. Differential diagnosis in vulgar warts is especially relevant. It allows you to distinguish one type of wart from another, as well as to identify the exact species and generic name of the virus that caused the development of pathology (if it is caused by a virus). From this directly depends on the effectiveness of the treatment that will be carried out.

In addition, the risk of malignant degeneration (malignization) must be excluded. The only accurate method is histologic examination. For this purpose, if the risk of malignant process is suspected, a piece of tissue (biopsy) is taken for analysis. Then the tissue is sown on special nutrient media. Further incubation of the tissue is carried out and the growth character determines whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

Additional methods may include microscopic examination, scraping. Microscopy will help to detect the virus itself, or will allow to study the cytological features of the tumor (warts). This is a study that allows you to examine the cells and identify transformed cells characteristic of a malignant tumor.

During differential diagnosis, the main task is to differentiate vulgar warts and various types and forms of other warts, nevi, melanomas, keratomas, angiomas, lentigines, papillomas, fibromas, tumors, traumatic scars and other pathologies.

Who to contact?

Treatment of the vulgar wart

Treatment methods are very diverse and are determined, first of all, by the cause of wart development. But the main are considered 2 methods - medication and surgical treatment. But often used and physiotherapy, folk, homeopathic remedies. Treatment should be engaged only in specialists. On your own, you can only do harm.

Of drug therapy is used mainly antiviral therapy, because in most cases the cause of vulgar warts is a viral infection. Various ointments for topical application, as well as lotions, balms for application to the skin, have proven themselves quite well.

Of the radical methods used excision of warts by surgical methods (removal, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction). Also often used laser removal, cauterization. [5]


Precautions must be taken when using the medication, otherwise side effects may occur. The most dangerous side effect is malignant degeneration of the wart. The main precautionary measure is mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Doctors often take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of vulgar warts and prescribe the following remedies:

  1. Anaferon (3 to 5 tablets per day) is used as antiviral therapy. The course is usually designed for 5-7 days.
  2. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as burning, irritation, itching, as well as to eliminate the internal imbalance of the immune system, reduce sensitization of the body, reduce the release of histamine, cytokines, pediators of inflammation, you can use suprastin. It is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, a course of 5-7 days.
  3. After the end of antiviral therapy, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The essence consists in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. For example, amoxiclav (500 mg) - 3 days. It will quickly get rid of the bacterial infection and reduce or completely remove the wart, or accelerate treatment.
  4. Eliminate the accompanying intoxication and reduce the level of autoimmune antibodies will help enterosgel. For preparation, take a tablespoon of means, dissolve in a glass of water. Drink twice a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  5. Externally apply levomycetin ointment (increases local immunity, normalizes skin microflora, and helps to stop the growth or gradual removal of the wart). Apply a thin layer on the wart, 3-5 times a day, 10-14 days.

Folk treatment

Clay has long been used to treat vulgar warts. On its basis, many different means are prepared. Also folk treatment has a lot of ways to use clay.

  • Recipe #1. Clay application.

Any purified clay is taken, diluted with warm water or milk to form a homogeneous puree. Apply a thin layer on the wart, and on the area around it (capturing around about 10 cm of skin). A cotton cloth is applied on top. On top of this cloth apply another layer of clay, already thicker. Cover the top with something warm (woolen scarf, blanket, scarf). Keep at least 40 minutes. After removal, wash off in warm water, and apply a fatty oil or cream. It is also recommended to apply again dry heat. Make applications every day, at approximately the same time, for at least 28 days.

  • Recipe #2. Clay wrap

Take fatty oil or cream, lubricate the wart and the area around it. Apply warm clay previously diluted with water. Cover the top with a layer of cellophane, top insulate. Keep at least an hour. After removal, rinse off and cover with dry heat. Do every day, at least a month.

  • Recipe #3. Clay compresses

Dilute the clay with water until it is homogeneous and soft and molds like dough. We make a cake out of it. Put it on the wart, cover with a cloth, insulate. Keep at least 40-50 minutes. After removal, rub thoroughly, apply dry heat. Do every other day, 30 times.

  • Recipe #4. Clay baths

Dilute the clay with water or vegetable broth in the ratio of about a cup of clay per 10 liters of water. The water should be at a comfortable temperature. Slightly hot. Put there the affected area of warts. You can dive into the bath completely (rejuvenation). Take a bath for at least 15 minutes. Then pour warm water, soak, but do not wipe and be sure to go to bed, warmly covered. Do before going to bed for 10 days in a row.

Herbal treatment

At all times, herbal treatments have helped to get rid of vulgar warts.

  • Recipe #1.

Mix in equal parts of flowers and calendula leaves, pour boiling water (200-250 ml), insist at least an hour, use local baths and compresses. Relieves inflammation, pain, itching, eliminates warts and redness of the skin. Prevents the development and progression of warts.

  • Recipe #2.

Brew as a tea chicory roots and flowers, previously ground on a coffee grinder. It is recommended to drink during the day, adding sugar, honey to taste.

  • Recipe #3.

Take a tablespoon of leaves and flowers of celandine, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist about 30 minutes. Lubricate the warts from above.

Removing a vulgar wart

To remove a vulgar wart is resorted to if it reaches a sufficiently large size, progresses. Warts are also removed if there is a risk of damage. The main method is mechanical excision of the wart. Laser removal is also used.

  • Electrocoagulation of vulgar warts

The essence of the method is that with the help of special equipment, the destruction and further removal of the wart is carried out. Under the action of a microcurrent directed directly at the wart, it is coagulated, that is, vaporized. The procedure does not require prior preparation. It does not leave scars. Special care is not required.

  • Cryodestruction of vulgar warts

The essence of the procedure is the removal (cryodestruction) of the wart using liquid nitrogen (ultra-low temperatures). This is a reliable and painless method. There are no recurrences.


Prevention is primarily based on improving immunity. It is also important to drink courses of vitamins and, if necessary, immunostimulant and antiviral agents. A prerequisite is proper nutrition. You should not come into contact with people who have warts.


In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Vulgar warts can be removed surgically, or their growth can be stopped with medication.

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