A taste in my mouth in the morning
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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A taste in the mouth in the morning is a fairly common symptom that occurs in about 50-65% of the world's population. For example, in Germany, more than 65% of people complain of this problem from time to time, in Turkey - more than 14%, and in the United States - about 20% of people. The appearance of unpleasant taste is directly related to age (the problem occurs more often in the elderly), the degree of oral hygiene, and the severity of dental diseases.
The appearance of such a problem as a taste in the mouth in the morning is often associated with carious diseases of the teeth and periodontal pathologies. But only in 25% of cases the taste becomes permanent and is explained by the presence of chronic painful foci in the body. The most common cause of the problem is low salivary secretion at night, smoking, and regular consumption of certain foods and drinks.
The taste in the mouth in the morning can be true or pathological. The true form is said to be a physiological taste that occurs periodically and can be easily eliminated with hygienic procedures. The pathological form is said when the problem is persistent and is not eliminated by prophylactic and hygienic means.
Causes of the mouthfeel in the morning
The oral cavity is home to a huge number of different microorganisms - they number in the millions, and they successfully settle on the tongue, teeth, in the throat. In most people, it is bacteria and their products that become the main source of unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, which is favored by the constancy of temperature and humidity.
Some flavor variations are considered relatively normal and do not indicate any health problems. For example, during night sleep, the body is in a state of rest. If during the day foreign flavors and food particles are actively washed away by salivary secretion, then at night it happens to a much lesser extent. Less saliva is secreted, the mucosa is not washed sufficiently, in the folds and on the surface of the tongue there is an accumulation of bacterial products and dead cells. The microorganisms that feed on these dead cells are also the source of the unpleasant taste in the morning.
Other reasons include the following:
- Improper, insufficient or absent oral hygiene, irregular cleaning procedures, improper brushing, in which food particles are not completely cleaned out of the interdental spaces and decompose. Improper oral hygiene can lead to other dental problems, such as gum disease, which also causes an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning.
- Infectious processes in the oral cavity due to dental problems.
- Infectious diseases of the respiratory system - particularly infections of the sinuses, bronchi, lungs, and larynx.
- Consumption of foods specific in flavor: onions, garlic, certain types of cheese, and alcoholic beverages.
- Smoking, chewing tobacco.
- Disturbed salivation, including that associated with the intake of certain drugs - in particular, dimethyl sulfoxide, disulfiram, isorbide dinitrate.
- Diabetes mellitus, hepatic and renal pathologies, diseases of the digestive tract (in particular, reflux disease, peptic ulcer, low or high acidity of gastric juice, etc.).
- Intoxication, poisoning.
- Eating large quantities or overnight fast food, sweets, fried and "heavy" foods, and overeating in the afternoon.
The problem of unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning is associated with the interaction of products of metabolic processes, digestion, fermentation and putrefaction of food particles, as well as with the release of salivary secretion, which has certain taste properties. Even in the last century, doctors have found that the most common sources of flavor are the oral cavity, lower and upper respiratory tract. In the mouth, the taste may be associated with changes in salivary secretion, caries, decomposition of food residues in the interdental spaces and folds of the mucosa, with periodontal and soft tissue pathologies. In the respiratory tract, the sources of unpleasant taste are often the chronic course of tonsillitis, sinusitis, as well as atrophic rhinitis.
Risk factors
There are several risk groups that are more likely to have an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning. These groups include patients with the following diseases:
- endocrine disruption;
- obesity, overweight;
- hormonal changes and disorders;
- disorders of salivary function;
- a tendency to excessive gas;
- immunodeficiency states;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
- intestinal microflora disorders.
People who have one or more bad habits, such as smokers, alcohol drinkers, and those who do not properly maintain oral hygiene, are equally prone to morning taste in the mouth.
Several theories are currently being considered for the appearance of bad taste in the mouth in the morning. According to one theory, due to the putrefactive process in the oral cavity are formed sulfur compounds, which together with sloughing epithelium, leukocytes, salivary secretion, blood and provoke the appearance of the taste. Some Gram-negative microorganisms are also responsible for its appearance, in particular the anaerobic bacteria Fusobacterium and Bacteroides, which are present in plaque and produce putrefactive substances. Some members of the intraoral microflora have the ability to break down amino acids into hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, indole, and other substances.
A significant role in the formation of the taste plays a plaque on the surface of the tongue. In some people, the situation is aggravated by anatomical features of the structure of this organ: for example, with thread-like or mushroom-shaped papillae, cracks and crypts, impaired function of salivary glands and lingual tonsils create favorable conditions for the accumulation of epithelial and food particles with subsequent bacterial growth.
Often unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning acts as a concomitant sign of periodontal pathologies and contributes to the pH of the oral cavity in the direction of alkaline. There is an accumulation of sloughed epithelium, bacteria, blood particles, pus from periodontal pockets, etc., in the mouth. Many bacteria produce substances with an unpleasant taste.
According to another theory, intestinal microflora under certain conditions release various toxic and residual compounds that enter the circulatory system and then into the salivary fluid. Metabolic disorders also contribute, which can give not only an unpleasant aftertaste but also a repulsive odor to the entire body.
Symptoms of the mouthfeel in the morning
A peculiar aftertaste that occurs in the mouth after a night's rest can be a sign of any disorders in the work of organs and systems of the body. To clarify the cause of the problem, it is important to accurately describe it, because the taste can be different - both in sensation (bitter, salty, sweet, metallic, etc.), and in intensity. In addition, an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning can be noticed against the background of other associated symptoms:
- feeling of dryness and tightness of mucous tissues in the mouth, thirst, difficulty swallowing food, throat congestion;
- too thick salivary secretion, change of its color (saliva can become brown, yellow, red);
- Appearance of gray, white and other plaque on the inner surface of the cheeks and back of the tongue;
- digestive disorders, unpleasant belching, flatulence, abdominal or right subcostal pain, nausea, feeling of overflowing stomach, burning behind the sternum;
- a feeling of heaviness, pain in the side, lower back, back;
- excessive salivation, unpleasant odor of exhaled air;
- sore teeth, sore throat, runny nose.
- Often the doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis already at the stage of collecting complaints from the patient.
A strange taste in the mouth in the morning can be caused by a variety of factors. The taste buds in the mouth are extremely sensitive and react to any changes in the saliva secretion. In addition, other liquids such as blood, gastric juice, pus, nasal secretions, etc. Can enter the oral cavity. This is the basis for the first signs of pathology.
- Sour taste in the mouth in the morning can occur due to overeating, increased production of gastric juice, gastritis with increased acidity. But not always sour taste is due to pathology: perhaps a person from the evening ate a lot of sweets or sour fruit. Acid can be thrown into the esophagus and women during pregnancy: the reason for this is a change in hormonal balance, which affects the tone of the muscles (including digestive organs). In late terms, the enlarging uterus begins to squeeze nearby organs (gallbladder, liver, stomach), which also affects the appearance of additional flavors in the mouth.
- The taste of blood in the mouth in the morning may appear if the previous day a person was engaged in intense physical exertion. Provoking factors can be evening jogging (especially on an empty stomach), lifting heavy objects or other active physical exertion in the afternoon.
- Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning often accompanies incorrect function of the liver and the entire hepatobiliary system. Toxic substances and bile can penetrate into the body tissues, salivary fluid, which changes the usual taste sensation in the mouth. In such a situation, the taste of bitterness in the mouth in the morning is due to the fact that salivary secretion is long retained in the oral cavity during sleep, the unpleasant aftertaste is especially clearly felt from the moment of awakening. Since the liver takes part in the production of bile, the increased production of the latter is also capable of provoking the appearance of a bitter aftertaste. Additional symptoms are often a feeling of heaviness and pain in the right subcostal region, digestive disorders, constant weakness, general intoxication, yellowing of the tongue, skin, mucous membranes and sclerae.
- The metallic taste in the mouth in the morning is most often associated with the appearance of bloody discharge - whether it is pathologies of the gums, mucous tissues of the inner surface of the cheeks and tongue, or dental disease. The multiplication of infectious flora activates the inflammatory response, and toxic substances produced by infectious agents change the composition of salivary secretion and its taste. Often the sensation of metal in the mouth is due to pathologies such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, caries, but can also be a consequence of the presence of metal crowns on the teeth. Additional symptoms include bleeding gums, unpleasant sensation in the oral cavity, ulcers and cracks on the tongue, gums, lips.
- The taste of iodine in the mouth in the morning happens if a person additionally takes iodine preparations, multivitamins or some other medicines, or had treatment at the dentist the day before (doctors often use the antiseptic iodoform - for example, for tamponade of the hole after tooth extraction). This sign usually goes away on its own after treatment or medication is completed.
- Sweet taste in the mouth in the morning is often due to elevated blood glucose levels, as well as the presence of parasites in the digestive system. Helminths can disrupt the course of digestive processes, irritate the gastrointestinal tract, increase enzyme secretion, release toxic products of their own vital activity, which get into the salivary fluid and change its taste. Other symptoms of helminthic diseases are often: regular dyspepsic disorders, sleep disorders, instability of body weight, excessive nervous excitability, general weakness, decreased efficiency, headaches.
- The taste of iron in the mouth in the morning can be a sign of galvanosis, a dental problem caused by the increased interaction of metal structures (crowns, braces) with the formation of galvanic currents in the oral cavity. Symptoms of galvanosis appear approximately 4-8 weeks after the placement of metal implants and structures. Patients note the appearance of iron taste, excessive dryness of the mucosa (sometimes - on the contrary, there is increased salivation), distortion of taste sensations, burning of the tongue, increased irritability.
- A salty taste in the mouth in the morning is a likely sign of intoxication. In this case, toxic substances can enter the circulatory system, either with food or drinks consumed, or through contact with chemical compounds (liquid, gaseous, etc.). Other possible symptoms include: general weakness, frequent liquid stools, nausea (vomiting), head and/or muscle pain, shortness of breath, arrhythmia. In case of severe signs of poisoning, it is important to seek medical attention in a timely manner.
- Acetone aftertaste in the morning in the mouth can be a companion of diabetes mellitus or violations in diet and lifestyle. Thus, acetone aftertaste often occurs after overeating, heavy evening meals, consumption of heavy, fatty food in large quantities the day before. Especially often such a violation occurs after drinking alcoholic beverages, nighttime consumption of red and fatty meat, spicy sauces, mushrooms, lard. If a person drank a large amount of alcohol in the evening and smoked a few cigarettes, then the morning he may have not only the taste of acetone in the mouth, but also other unpleasant aftertaste (bitterness, iron taste, etc.).
- The taste of bile in the mouth in the morning is characteristic of biliary system dysfunctions, liver diseases, disorders of production and storage of bile secretion, which starts to leak into tissues or partially gets into the esophageal cavity and further into the mouth. Gallbladder is responsible for the preservation of bile produced: it is a kind of reservoir and auxiliary "synthesizer" of bile, which should go through special channels to the 12-peritoneum and ensure the normal processing of food. Additional signs of malfunctions are often: yellowing of the skin and sclerae, dry skin, digestive disorders, pain under the ribs on the right side (especially when probing this area), as well as other symptoms characteristic of cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, tumor formations in the liver.
- The taste of rotten eggs in the mouth in the morning is usually associated with a malfunction of the digestive organs, which are responsible for the production of digestive enzymes. Some pathologies are accompanied by reduced enzyme production, which entails incomplete and poor-quality digestion of food. Additional symptoms in this situation are: flatulence, increased gas formation, belching (with the smell of rotten eggs), abdominal pain (usually in the navel area), diarrhea or constipation, liquid feces, general weakness and headache.
Complications and consequences
In itself, an unusual taste in the mouth in the morning is not dangerous. Negative consequences can cause only the primary sources of such a taste - in particular, diseases of internal organs, teeth, gums, intoxication, etc. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, it is possible to disturb the microflora of the oral cavity, which contributes to increased multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and fungal infection. As a result, it is possible to develop:
- gingivitis - an acute inflammatory process in the gums, which is manifested by swelling and bleeding;
- stomatitis, an infectious irritation of the mucous tissues;
- exacerbations of chronic diseases (sinusitis, bronchitis, gastritis, etc.);
- frequent colds with pronounced intoxication symptoms (headaches, fever, etc.).
If you persistently ignore the constant sensation of taste in the mouth in the morning and do not consult a doctor, then complications can affect the primary pathological focus, as well as manifest themselves with allergic reactions and the development of other chronic processes.
Diagnostics of the mouthfeel in the morning
The presence of many probable causes and different pathogenetic mechanisms of the appearance of taste in the mouth in the morning often make the diagnosis of pathology problematic. Because of this, patients with this problem are forced to consult several doctors of different specialties at once: for example, the dentist refers the patient to a general practitioner, then - to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, etc.
If such a problem occurs, it is still advisable to first visit a dentist, who will examine the oral cavity for possible sources of bad taste: they can be cavities, tartar, stomatitis and so on. The doctor may take a swab for the quality of microflora. If the dentist has not been able to detect a violation, then it is necessary to visit doctors of other specialties.
Depending on the indication, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
- Biochemical blood test with determination of blood glucose level, creatinine, urea, liver enzymes (ALT, AST, bilirubin level);
- urinalysis (with sediment microscopy);
- sowing of upper respiratory tract secretions for microflora, determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and bacteriophages;
- stool test for helminth eggs.
Instrumental diagnostics may be presented:
- gastroscopy; sinus and/or chest x-rays;
- ultrasound examination of abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen);
- bronchoscopy;
- with electroencephalography.
Depending on the indications, the specified diagnostic list may be modified by the attending doctor.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis should be made with almost all dental diseases and pathologies of the ENT organs. Areas of increased bacterial growth, as a result of which an unpleasant taste can form, include the oral and nasal cavities, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, tonsils, gum pockets and interdental spaces. Mucus accumulation occurs in chronic inflammatory and allergic processes - for example, in chronic tonsillitis (inflammatory reaction in the tonsils), secretions, dead epithelium, food particles and bacteria accumulate, which is especially noticeable in the crypts (tonsil recesses). Such accumulations have an unpleasant odor and taste, which is often the reason for the patient to seek medical attention.
In addition, differential diagnosis should be carried out by such specialists:
- dentist;
- otorhinolaryngologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- Therapist (pediatrician if children are involved);
- endocrinologist;
- psychiatrist (psychologist, psychotherapist).
Treatment of the mouthfeel in the morning
Treatment for the appearance of a taste in the mouth in the morning is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the identified violation. With physiologically determined taste, the doctor should explain to the patient about the need for changes in lifestyle, the revision of factors that can lead to the appearance of such a problem. It is important to pay attention and adjust the diet, water consumption, eliminate tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption, begin to observe good oral hygiene. If a person takes any medications, it is necessary to make sure that there is no relationship between the occurrence of unpleasant taste and these medications.
In case of oral-obligatory taste in the mouth in the morning, it is necessary to carry out dental treatment, eliminate foci of caries and periodontal diseases.
Distortion of taste sensations, false taste in the mouth can occur in some infectious and psychiatric pathologies, as well as hormonal changes, which also requires appropriate consultation with a specialized specialist with subsequent prescription of therapy. For example, the patient's confidence in the appearance of a nasty taste in the mouth without any reason or justification may be a reason to consult a psychotherapist. Often the problem appears against the background of so-called pseudohalitosis - a false sense of bad breath. In psychiatric practice, such pathologies are found in patients with schizophrenia, olfactory syndrome, temporal lobe epilepsy.
If the bad taste in the mouth in the morning is caused by smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, then the problem is eliminated in the only possible way - giving up bad habits.
Treatment for abnormal taste in the mouth in the morning should be comprehensive and include certain therapeutic moments:
- Addressing the root cause of the violation;
- elimination of signs of local pathological processes;
- immune enhancement.
The first stage consists in the treatment of chronic diseases, sanitation of foci of infection, surgical treatment of tumor processes (if necessary). The second stage involves local drug correction of inflammation sites. The third stage consists of general immunotherapy, strengthening the body's defenses.
Direct elimination of foreign taste in the mouth occurs independently after treatment of the underlying disease. In addition, you can use a special line of drugs:
- Aseptah is a toothpaste to be used twice a day, for 2-3 months.
- Asepta Fresh rinse - prescribed for daily use once a day for a course of 3 months. The composition of the drug is represented by chlorhexidine and benzidamine, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, as well as menthol.
- Listerine Expert rinse is used daily, once a day, for a course of 3 months. The preparation contains essential oils, sodium fluoride, zinc chloride, propylene glycol. Rinse has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, destroying the cell membrane of pathogenic microbes and inhibiting bacterial enzymes. In addition, the active ingredients of the preparation extract endotoxin, which is a derivative of lipopolysaccharide, from Gram-negative microorganisms.
In addition, there are tablet preparations to eliminate the unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning. But it is important to remember that they also do not get rid of the original cause of this problem, but only have a symptomatic effect. We are talking about such tablets:
- Septogal, which contains benzalkonium chloride, menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oil, is indicated for topical treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, oropharynx, respiratory organs. Septogal is not prescribed for children under 4 years of age, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus. The tablet is kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved, taking 1 pc. 3-5 times a day (for pediatric patients - 2-4 times a day).
- Imudon is represented by such components as a complex of bacterial lysates, glycine, thiomersal, sodium bicarbonate, etc. The use of the drug is appropriate for pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, intraoral dysbacteriosis. Tablets are prescribed for adult patients and children from 3 years of age, 4-6 tablets per day (resorb in the mouth). The course of treatment should be 3 weeks.
- Hydroperite in tablets is used to prepare a solution with subsequent rinsing of the oral cavity - in particular, it helps to eliminate unpleasant taste in stomatitis, tonsillitis. One tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of warm water, after which rinse the mouth and throat. In order for the remedy not to cause an allergic reaction, its use should be avoided in patients with hypersensitivity to urea peroxide.
Convenient means to combat unpleasant taste are aerosols, or sprays, which can be taken with you and used when necessary. The symptomatic effect of such preparations is almost instantaneous: the taste in the mouth is quickly normalized. One such means is Mintorol: it acts gently, does not provoke the release of digestive juices and does not damage the enamel coating of the teeth. There are no contraindications to the use of Mintorol, and use it as needed.
Another popular spray is Thera Breath. It successfully copes with both foreign taste and bad breath. The drug destroys anaerobic flora, helps to get rid of mucous accumulations in the throat. Contraindications for the use of this remedy are practically absent (except for allergies to its components).
Physiotherapy treatment
Physiotherapy has a variety of effects on the body as a whole, and on individual areas and organs in particular. Due to the competent application of procedures, the pesky taste in the mouth in the morning disappears, the activity of inflammatory processes is reduced, tissue trophism is optimized, and recovery processes are enhanced.
For example, sonic and ultrasonic devices are successfully used to remove tartar, and ultrasonic scaling is indicated for most patients with gingivitis, periodontitis, or for professional oral hygiene.
Physiotherapy may be contraindicated in patients with pacemakers, contagious pathologies (e.g. Tuberculosis), severe general illnesses, bacterial endocarditis. Some physical therapy modalities are contraindicated in children.
A popular and effective physiotherapeutic procedure is ultraphonophoresis (phonophoresis), which is a combination of ultrasound and drug action: drugs penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes during ultrasound vibrations. In particular, such drug mixtures as lidase, heparin or butadione ointment, dibunol, videchol, etc. Are used for periodontal pathologies.
Hydrotherapy can be represented by mouth baths, hydromassage sessions, which help to improve microcirculation and eliminate stagnation in the tissues. In some cases, hydrotherapy can be successfully combined with darsonvalization and ultraviolet irradiation.
In dentistry, such a therapeutic and preventive method as low-intensity laser radiation is widely known. Such therapy promotes stimulation of repair, has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, stops the development of inflammation, and also has desensitizing, immunocorregulating and analgesic properties.
In case of pronounced bleeding of gums, electrophoresis of vitamins C, PP, calcium salts, aminocaproic acid may be prescribed. These agents are administered with the help of diadynamic, sinusoidal-modulated currents. Contraindication to the procedure is considered the presence of acute inflammatory-purulent processes or malignant tumors.
Local ozone therapy in the form of irrigations and washes with ozonized liquids has antimicrobial, antiviral, fungicidal action, stops the development of inflammatory reactions, improves local immunity and microcirculation, anesthetizes, regenerates, increases the activity of the antioxidant defense system.
Herbal treatment
In addition to drug treatment, it is possible to use some folk remedies that are available and successfully cope with bad taste and odor of breath.
The following folk recipes have gained particular popularity:
- Infusion of wormwood. Take 2 tsp. Crushed dried wormwood, pour 200 ml of boiling water, kept for about 20 minutes under a lid and filtered. Use to rinse the mouth several times a day, after meals.
- Infusion of sage. Pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. Sage, insist for 30 minutes, filter. Use for gargling three times a day.
- Infusion of chamomile or marigolds. Pour 200 ml of boiling water one tablespoon of dried flowers of chamomile or marigolds, kept under a lid for half an hour. After filtration used for gargling 4 to 6 times a day.
- Infusion of St. John's wort. Pour 1 tbsp. Of raw materials (with a slide) 200 ml of boiling water, insist for one hour, filtered. Used for mouthwash up to five times a day (after meals).
- Infusion of oxalis (hare's cabbage). Take 3 tsp. Crushed plant, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist for 2.5 hours. After filtration used for gargling up to 4 times a day.
In addition, it is recommended to chew anise seeds, apple seeds, sorrel leaves or coffee beans during the day. But it is important to remember: if the taste in the mouth in the morning is persistent, or there are other suspicious symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Surgical treatment
The assistance of a surgeon may only be needed in complicated cases, such as:
- for polyposis sinusitis;
- with a foreign body in the paranasal sinuses;
- for nasal septal deformity;
- in decompensation of chronic tonsillitis, adenoid vegetations;
- in periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, phlegmons or abscesses;
- for salivary gland abnormalities;
- for tumor processes;
- in gastroesophageal reflux, paraesophageal hernia, esophageal diverticula and cysts, ulcers and some inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system.
Surgery may be appropriate when the disease is persistent, the origin of the disease has been clarified, and medical treatment is impossible or inappropriate.
The taste in your mouth in the morning will not bother you, and your breath will be fresher if you follow such advice from doctors:
- Quit smoking: this will not only help eliminate the bad taste in your mouth in the morning, but also improve many health indicators.
- Fill your body with moisture, drink enough water for your parameters, avoid dehydration.
- Normalize your diet: do not overeat, eat more healthy foods (vegetables, fruits, herbs), in the afternoon avoid garlic and onions, as well as too fatty and "heavy" foods.
- Observe oral hygiene, clean your teeth not only in the morning but also in the evening (after dinner). In addition, you can use special rinses and floss throughout the day.
- To maintain oral health, it is recommended to chew a small amount of parsley, mint, and dill seeds in your mouth periodically throughout the day.
- Regular visits to the dentist and otolaryngologist are necessary. Diseases of the teeth, gums, mouth and nasopharynx can also cause an unpleasant taste in the morning.
How long the morning bad taste in the mouth will bother you depends on its root cause. For example, if the disorder is caused by poor oral hygiene, the problem goes away almost immediately if you correct your dental care routine. After a few days of regular brushing and flossing, the taste will virtually disappear.
In case of periodontitis, caries or other dental diseases, the morning aftertaste can be eliminated after proper treatment. If the problem is caused by chronic inflammatory processes in the sinuses or oropharynx, it can be solved by consulting an otolaryngologist. In general, an unpleasant taste due to any pathology can be quite persistent. However, it can be gotten rid of with competent treatment of the underlying disease.
The taste in the mouth in the morning will definitely stop bothering you if you go to a dentist or therapist and follow all the recommendations of specialists.