Lordosis of the cervical spine
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Today, more and more people talk about such a phenomenon as cervical lordosis. In order to understand what actions to take in this case, whether there are reasons to be afraid, whether there are health risks, it is necessary to understand the essence of the concept itself. Here you cannot do without elementary knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.
Cervical lordosis is normal
Normally, cervical lordosis exists in every person. These are natural physiological curves of the spinal column. They support the optimal position of the spine when walking. The bends act as shock absorbers, which in a certain way cushion movements, facilitate shocks and vibrations during walking. If there is no bend, spinal disorders and diseases occur. The spine experiences an increased load, movements pinch and erase vertebrae. Nevertheless, cervical lordosis should not be excessive.
Excessive spinal curvature also negatively affects the health of the spine. Spinal disorders are followed by other diseases. For example, the curvature of the spine entails a violation of the muscular framework, violation of the normal state of paravertebral muscles, oblique muscles. Gradually distorts the entire figure, in particular, the state of the broadest muscle of the back, oblique muscles is disturbed. This entails deformation of the cervical and thoracic spine, chest, displacement of the sternum, ribs. Violation of the normal position and condition of the sternum and intercostal muscles, affects the position and condition of the heart, other organs that they protect. Violations of clavicular and sternal position entails a violation of respiratory processes, incomplete filling of the chest with air. Accordingly, less oxygen enters the blood, less of it is transported to the internal organs, hypoxia or hypercapnia develops. It is worth noting that the violation of cervical lordosis, for example, its complete straightening, or excessive bending, leads to the fact that the blood circulation of the brain is disturbed. Often there is a pinched nerve, intervertebral disc, root of the spinal nerve in the neck, this further disrupts blood circulation. The risk of blood clots, vascular disorders, hypertension, strokes increases sharply. [1]
Cervical and lumbar lordosis
The spinal column is represented by one backward flexion (thoracic kyphosis) and two forward flexions (cervical and lumbar lordosis). They act as shock absorbers, giving the spine a natural position, supporting uprightness. In the norm, these are normal bends that only facilitate walking, do not cause any discomfort. With pathology - these are excessive curves, or on the contrary, excessively flat spine, devoid of natural curves. This condition violates not only the normal state of the spine, but also disrupts the basic physiological processes in it, including metabolism. There is a risk to the spinal cord, which is located in the canal of the spinal column. Pathological curves, or their absence is a painful condition that often requires special treatment. [2]
Formation of cervical lordosis
The foundation is laid in the first few months as the child learns to hold the neck. Strengthening the neck muscles helps to strengthen the cervical lordosis. The formation of cervical lordosis is promoted by lifting the head, rib cage, and torso. Initially, the child is born with a flat spine, without bends, because in the conditions of intrauterine development of the spine does not experience any load. Gradually, as the child begins to develop physically, strengthen the musculature, develop and curves of the spine. Thus, the cervical lordosis is formed first, as the child learns to lift the neck. The second formed thoracic kyphosis, it develops as the child begins to sit, to engage the neck and thoracic muscles. Third is lumbar lordosis. It is formed as the child gets on his or her feet and learns to walk.
Kyphotization of the cervical lordosis
Some people may experience kyphoticization of the cervical lordosis - a kind of reverse development in the opposite direction. Instead of lordosis, kyphosis is formed, which disturbs not only the normal functioning of the spine, but also other structures that are directly or indirectly related to the formation of kyphosis. Increases the load on the heart, the lungs experience increased pressure, not fully open, respectively, not fully filled with air. This does not allow them to fully fulfill their function, in particular, does not allow to supply the organs with enough oxygen. Hence - hypoxia, violation of the functional state of the body, reduced efficiency.
Improper positioning of the cervical spine also has a negative effect on the upper respiratory tract. In particular, there is pressure on the thyroid gland, vocal cords, pharynx and trachea. This can disrupt the processes of vocalization, negatively affects the function of the thyroid gland, and through it - on the hormonal status as a whole. The processes of breathing, chewing, swallowing are disturbed, the normal functioning of salivary glands is disturbed. In addition, it should be taken into account that through the spine passes the spinal cord, nerves that innervate internal organs. The sensitivity of receptors is reduced, the conduction of nerve fibers is disturbed. There is a compression of blood vessels, respectively, the organs that are supplied with blood from these vessels do not receive a proper amount of nutrients and oxygen, not cleaned of waste metabolites. This leads to a violation of trophics, respiratory processes, develops hypoxia and hypercapnia, autointoxication by its own products of vital activity. Increases the risk of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, also increases the risk of strokes, increases and sudden changes in blood pressure. [3]
Symptoms of the cervical lordosis
This term can refer to both normal lordosis and its disorder (flattening, alignment, excessive curvature, reverse development). Normally, lordosis performs a number of important functions and is necessary to maintain the normal function of the spine. The lordosis is necessary to ensure movement and maintain the neck in an upright position.
In the abnormal case, the symptoms are as follows: the neck is strongly bent backward, not only the seventh cervical vertebrae, but also other vertebrae are strongly prominent. In addition, quite often the entire spine is deformed, subject to curvature. In the neck region, the formation of a flat arc can be observed, the spine resembles a flat rod. This is also a symptom of pathology. Pain is not always a symptom of pathology, because in some cases pain sensations occur, in other cases, on the contrary, a person feels neither pain nor any discomfort. It is possible to feel pain when moving and turning the neck, stiffness, reduced sensitivity.
The first signs that indicate the development of lordosis is the appearance of curvature. In normal cases, there is a slight curvature of the spine in the occipital lobe. On the back surface of the neck, the 7th cervical vertebra is well palpable. If there is pathological lordosis, the bend becomes excessive, sometimes there are painful sensations, discomfort during movements, stiffness of movements. If the bend is smoothed out, and the spine becomes flat - this is also a sign of pathology. In addition, there may be cases: the bend develops not backward, but forward.
Cervical lordosis in children
In children, cervical lordosis forms when they begin to lift their neck and hold it upright. Prior to this, the spine in children is straight, as it does not experience stress. Nevertheless, it is necessary to ensure that the lordosis is formed correctly, and there were no abnormalities in the physical development of the spine. It is for this reason that children of the first year are regularly examined by specialists, including an orthopedist, a surgeon. When detecting the first signs of pathology, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible. In the early stages, it is maximally effective, and often includes special passive gymnastics, massage, infant swimming.
In older children, treatment requires more time and more effort. Treatment of lordosis at any stage requires mandatory physical activity. It is necessary to conduct regular workouts aimed at training the spine, working out the muscles of the cervical spine. Especially effective exercises in combination with massage, swimming. The child at any age, up to his adulthood, a very elastic and flexible spine. This makes it easy to correct pathologies. According to some data, the final formation of the bone system ends in full only at the age of 25. This suggests that the correction of violations and deformities of bones, spine is effective in this period of time. After the age of 25, the spine is difficult to correct.
In children, cervical lordosis is easily corrected by correcting the position. For this purpose, special orthopedic pillows, mattresses for sleeping, static stands are used. It is also possible to use a corset, bandage, and conduct taping. However, such procedures, as a rule, are required only as a last resort, without necessity, it is better not to apply. This is due to the fact that such procedures significantly limit the mobility of the child, as well as the possibility of full growth and development, reduces motor activity, which is important for both physical and mental development of the child.
Massage, physical therapy, swimming and breathing practices are performed. During massage, special children's massage techniques are used, which are mastered by a masseur with specialization in children's massage. The duration of massage for children with lordosis averages 15-20 minutes.
Cervical lordosis develops in several stages. At the first stage, a small curved arch is formed from a flat spinal column. Gradually, the curve increases in size, becomes more palpable and noticeable. This is the end of the stage of bend formation under normal conditions. If we consider a pathologic case, however, one or two more stages appear. In the second stage, the curvature either continues to increase, despite the fact that it has already reached certain indicators of normality. It becomes so curved that it protrudes far beyond the surface of the occiput, has the appearance of a hump on the back. Or at the second stage, the bend can abruptly begin to straighten, up to the formation of a flat back. This is either the end of the development or the third stage, in which the curve develops to the point where a similar curve to the norm is formed, but in the opposite direction.
There are several types of lordosis. First, they are physiological and pathological. As is known, physiological lordosis is formed in every person and is the norm. It is assigned important functions in the body, it supports upright posture, relieves pain and discomfort during walking, evenly distributes the load. Pathological lordosis is one that hinders the processes of walking, an excessive bulge is formed. Painful sensations are possible.
Of the lordosis, cervical and lumbar lordosis are distinguished, which are formed respectively in the neck or lumbar region.
Depending on age, there are child, adult and senile lordosis, which are formed respectively at different stages of human life.
Physiologic cervical lordosis
From birth, it is necessary to promote the formation of a physiologic cervical lordosis in the child. For this purpose, the baby is placed on its tummy. From about a few weeks of birth, the baby can lie on the stomach for a few minutes. Gradually, the time spent on the stomach increases: from 10-15 minutes to 1-1.5 hours after each feeding. The child tries to lift up the head, turns his neck. This is a kind of first gymnastics necessary for full physical development and harmonization.
Gradually, from a few months, the physical load on the child's body should be increased. A special children's massage is carried out to help strengthen the musculature and its development. Development by means of position is used: the child is given a certain position, which forms the correct body structures. In this case, special mattresses, pillows with orthopedic orientation, adapted to the child, can be used. There is infant swimming, which is one of the most effective means of development. For infants, special psychogymnastics is used, fitbol-gymnastics, based on the use of special exercises on a fitball. A separate direction is being developed - baby yoga, stretching, aimed at complex development of a newborn and a child of the first year of life.
Straightening of physiologic cervical lordosis
If you have an excessive bend and need to straighten the physiological cervical lordosis, you should first consult with an orthopedic doctor. He will conduct an examination, prescribe appropriate functional tests that will show the state of the spine. X-rays, other methods of research may be required. After making the appropriate diagnosis, further treatment is selected. Most often, special physical exercises are used in combination with massage. In addition, various orthopedic means, physical procedures can be used.
First of all, it is necessary to define the goals and objectives to be achieved in the treatment process. Then, based on these goals, a treatment program and regimen is developed. The basis is made up of exercises that have a direct effect on the spine. [4]
The main method of lordosis treatment, especially at home, is physical activity. Traditionally, therapeutic physical training (LFK) is used.
But today there are a number of other means, for example, yoga therapy, yoga for the spine, health-improving techniques of qigong. Yoga therapy even includes a special section - yoga of the spine, aimed at treating various pathologies of the spine. Also, correct breathing is largely based on work with the spine (pranayama in the system of hatha yoga). There are separate complexes - Element, Diamond Rod, which allow you to work with the spine. Many Chinese health-improving practices, including qigong, Chinese gymnastics, are aimed at working on the spine. In Eastern traditions much attention is paid to the spine, because it is considered to be the central element of the body, which supports the activity of the whole organism, it is where the main vital force and energy is concentrated.
Cervical lordosis static disorder
A fairly common pathology is considered a violation of the static cervical lordosis - a condition in which the cervical spine acquires excessive mobility. This can have a number of negative consequences, in particular, it can cause pinching of intervertebral discs, roots of the spinal cord, nerves, which leads to the development of inflammatory and painful sensations, requires mandatory treatment.
Today, many methods are used to correct spinal disorders. However, the main method of treatment is still physical exercise. If any abnormalities appear, it is necessary to consult with the appropriate specialists. Such specialists as orthopedist, surgeon, doctor or instructor of physical therapy, yoga therapist, master or instructor of qigong, wellness practices can help.
Today, LFC has long been not the only method of treatment of spinal diseases. Treatment with positioning, rhythmic and isometric gymnastics, static and dynamic, breathing, meditative exercises, specially designed dynamic complexes aimed at developing individual muscle groups and solving specific problems are used. Treatment can be carried out at different stages of a person's life. For newborns, infants and children of the first year of life, such methods as fitball gymnastics, baby yoga, baby stretching, psychogymnastics are widely used. All these elements are combined with massage and infant swimming, active-passive gymnastics. Mothers can practice together with their children, or the children can be treated exclusively by a specialist. [5]
For children of pre-school and primary school age fitness ball gymnastics, children's yoga, special complexes of children's breathing and relaxing elements, and mobile games are actively used.
Calanetics, shaping, aerobics, aerobics, fitness, and bodyflex classes are indicated for adolescents. Various types of yoga are becoming increasingly popular. For example, aerial yoga, which is a synthesis of classical hatha yoga and equilibrium.
For people of mature age, the best option is to start practicing classical hatha yoga, especially asanas, pranayama, dharana. These elements imply conscious work with the physical body, muscles, bones, tendons, building correct breathing, relaxation techniques and conscious concentration. There are many varieties and directions of hatha yoga. For spinal problems, you can try Kundalini yoga, pranayama (breathing practices). You can also recommend Chinese health practices and qigong, which focus on working with the spine.
For the elderly and seniors, classical hatha yoga, some elements of qigong, relaxation and meditative practices, Nordic walking, swimming and hydroprocedures are indicated.
Cervical lordosis deformity
When correcting deformity of the cervical spine, it is mandatory to use physical exercises, a sufficient level of motor activity is required. Various physical exercises are combined with massage techniques, relaxation of the body, physical procedures, aids. Special corsets, bandages are prescribed. You can recommend Kundalini yoga - a direction that contains a set of exercises designed to target the spine, allows you to activate vital energy.
Some specialists practice elements of body-oriented therapy, the essence of which consists not only in working with the physical body, but also in psychological counseling, correction of the psycho-emotional state. In this case, body-oriented therapy specialists proceed from the position that every problem, pathology in the human body is the result of the impact of any mental trauma, unlived emotions, stress. During the consultation, the specialist will help the person to return to the origins of the problem, to find it, to relive it, to feel the corresponding changes in the body, to correlate them with the mental state. [6]
Qigong, Chinese wellness practices, numerous breathing exercises, which are also aimed mainly at the spine, have proven themselves. Some Slavic practices and gymnastics are also used, for example, the complex method of recovery and purification of the organism "Ladania", the method of "Fire Dance", "Lazhenie", holistic and bioenergetic massage, gymnastic complexes such as "Zhiva", "Triglav Complex", the author's method of Ovcharenko S.V. "Spheres".
There are exercises for cleaning and comprehensive workout of the spine, paravertebral muscles located along the spinal column and intervertebral discs, correction of lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias and inflammatory processes.
Of the methods of physiotherapeutic treatment, widely used treatment with ultrasound, microcurrents, waves of different lengths, electrophoresis, cryoprocedures, heat procedures, electrical procedures.
Swimming, aqua aerobics, hydroprocedures in the pool, Jacuzzi, therapeutic baths have a positive effect. These procedures allow you to relax the spine, reduce the load. They relax the muscles, relieve spasm, pain. Widespread use in practice has found Scottish shower, Charcot shower, shower-opahalo, Jacuzzi, whirlpool baths.
Cervical lordosis
In order to eliminate cervical lordosis, you need patience, as it is a rather lengthy procedure that requires strict adherence to the developed tactics of spinal correction. Treatment, as a rule, lasts from several months to six months, and even more. At the same time, the success of treatment largely depends on the activity of the patient himself. First of all, he must perform regular physical exercises, without which treatment is impossible.
In this case, it is recommended to exercise on a regular basis, perform exercises daily, and sometimes even several times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Simpler exercises are performed in the morning (mostly relaxing, stretching exercises). In the evening, toning, strength exercises and twisting are performed. It is also recommended to work out with an LFC instructor or yoga therapist about 1-2 times a week. [7]
The main principle is the use of a comprehensive approach, that is, you should select exercises in such a way that in the process of their performance were involved all muscle groups, not only the spine.
To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to alternate between relaxation and tension techniques, be sure to include relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises. It is also important to remember a simple rule: the load should be increased gradually.
Cervical lordosis straightened, straightening cervical lordosis.
If you have a straightened cervical lordosis, it is abnormal. It is normal only in newborn babies. Therefore, if the cervical lordosis is straightened, you should consult a doctor: orthopedist, surgeon. Before you start treatment, you need to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the development of pathology. Sometimes for a qualitative diagnosis, it is necessary to turn to a vertebrologist, or osteopath. In case of such a need, the orthopedist or surgeon will write a referral for consultation.
It is important to exclude inflammatory processes in the neck, spine, as this can be a serious obstacle to the implementation of comprehensive therapy. It is necessary to take into account and subjective sensations of the patient, for example, pain in the neck, spine, may be a sign of an acute inflammatory process, or muscle pinching, dislocation of the vertebrae. As a rule, all this is quite well palpated. [8]
Differential diagnosis is important to help differentiate the signs of different diseases with similar manifestations. Instrumental methods, such as X-rays, may be required to clarify the diagnosis. The use of laboratory tests to diagnose lordosis is extremely rare. Currently, such methods as X-ray examination, computer, magnetic resonance tomography are widely used. These methods allow you to visualize the picture of pathology, assess the condition of the vertebrae, adjacent soft tissues, and sometimes even nearby vessels and nerves.
Smoothing of cervical lordosis, cervical lordosis flattened
If the cervical lordosis is flattened, special treatment is necessary, as the cervical lordosis is flattened only in newborn babies. In other cases, there is a cervical pathology.
Today, various methods of correction are used. Both traditional and non-traditional methods of influence on the body are used. First of all, physical exercises are used as a basis. If previously used exclusively means of LFK (physical therapy), today there is an opportunity to choose a type of physical activity for every taste and temperament - from traditional general physical exercises, classical sports, mobile games, and ending with Oriental, Chinese, Tibetan health practices. People of different ages, sexes, and interests can choose activities to their liking. For example, for children of preschool age is ideal for children's fitness, fitball-gymnastics with the use of various colorful equipment, bright fitballs, specific equipment. Many classes for children are held in the form of entertaining play activities, elements of a story game are introduced, the distribution of roles.
For adults there are also various classes ranging from table tennis and basketball, intensive aerobics to calm and balanced callanetics, hatha yoga. Many men like oriental martial arts, health-improving and sports qigong, hand-to-hand combat, various martial techniques, Chinese gymnastics, which allow not only to maintain physical fitness, but also to correct the spine, correct deformities.
Many seniors choose running, Nordic walking, various types of dancing, swimming and aqua aerobics, or even individual complexes from different wellness systems, such as breathing practices from the hatha yoga system, Taoist and Tibetan meditation, joint exercises and spinal health complexes from qigong, hatha yoga, and gymnastics.
Cervical lordosis with kyphotic deformity, cervical lordosis
When diagnosing cervical lordosis with kyphotic deformity, as a rule, in addition to traditional physical exercises, various aids are prescribed. Comprehensive treatment is necessarily carried out. This diagnosis implies that a person's cervical lordosis develops in the wrong direction, curving in the opposite direction.
To eliminate pathology, treatment with ultrasound, microcurrents, exposure to waves of different lengths is widely used. This allows you to stimulate the muscle, to have the necessary effect not only on the spine, but also on the surrounding tissues. Stimulation of paravertebral muscles leads to their strengthening, increased sensitivity and contractile activity. Muscles that are toned have a positive effect on the spine, keeping them in the correct position.
Electrophoresis is often prescribed. Basically with the help of this method, preparations of calcium, magnesium, magnelis, magnesia, anti-inflammatory drugs are administered. With the help of microcurrents, they better reach the tissues, have a more intense effect.
Various heat procedures, electrical procedures, light procedures are indicated. Massage, active-passive gymnastics are part of the complex therapy. Along with classical massage, segmental-reflex massage, reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, acupressure (shiatsu) are prescribed.
Compressions and wraps will help to strengthen and consolidate the effect. Natural resources are widely used in the treatment of spinal diseases, for example, acupuncture (acupuncture), apitherapy (treatment with bee stings), hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).
It is useful to combine physical exercises and massage with swimming, aqua aerobics, as these procedures allow you to tone your muscles. Hydroprocedures are used (dousing, rubbing, Charcot shower, whirlpool, Jacuzzi).
Many patients are shown aromatherapy, oiling, exposure to therapeutic oils. Various relaxation techniques, complexes of breathing exercises (complex "pranayama" from hatha yoga, qigong, taiji quan) are used. In the complex therapy must necessarily include relaxation, meditation, autogenic training. As additional relaxation means used color therapy (chromotherapy), swimming in the pool, aqua aerobics. Today, hippotherapy (therapeutic horseback riding) and dolphin therapy (swimming with dolphins) are gaining popularity.
Straightened with kyphosis formation
If the cervical department in a person is straightened with the formation of kyphosis, it is necessary to select a set of exercises for daily performance. This will correct the deformation and improve the health of the spine.
Various systems of exercises for the spine are suitable. As an option, it can be advised to perform a complex of exercises "Surya Namaskar" every day. This is an Indian practice, one of the complexes widely used in classical hatha yoga. In translation from Sanskrit, the name means "Greetings to the Sun". Accordingly, it is necessary to perform this complex in the morning. The ideal time for this complex is dawn, when the sun is just beginning to rise above the horizon. One should face the Sun, relax, perform the sequence described below, trying to absorb the energy of the Sun as much as possible.
The complex is represented by 12 asanas, which smoothly pass one into another. The whole complex is performed smoothly, without stops, forming dynamics. Women start the complex with the right leg, men - with the left.
The complex begins with Pranamasana, or prayer pose. In order to perform this asana, you need to stand straight. Legs are standing straight, heels, shins, knees and thighs are connected. The toes should also be joined, the feet are completely pressed one to the other. Hands along the thighs. Take a stable position, close your eyes, relax. Try to distribute the weight evenly over the whole body, on both legs. You should stand straight without leaning back or forward. Eyes can be kept open, you can close them. Slowly raise your arms up in front of you, bending at the elbows. At the level of the rib cage, join your palms together, keeping your elbows and forearms parallel to the floor.
The second asana is Ardha-Chakrasana - half wheel pose. Slowly raise the hands up, leaving the palms joined. Bring the hands above the head, palms separate, keep the hands with palms forward, as if turning them to the Sun. Hands and palms should be about shoulder width. After that, make a slight backward bend in the lower back, deviate. It is not necessary to strive to make the largest possible deflection. The state should be comfortable and relaxed.
From the bend, smoothly straighten the back, and immediately go into a bend (Padahastasana - stork pose, or bend to the legs). Movements are performed slowly. Hands should be kept above the head at all times. Returning from the bend, the palms look forward. After the downward bend has begun - the palms turn inward, and look at each other. Bend down slowly, with a straight back. There should be no slouching or sagging in the back. The spine should be straight. All the time reaching for the hands. Hands as if pulling the spine forward and down. Bend as far as we can. If you can, touch the floor with your hands. Even better - you put your hands around your shins, and press your forehead to your knees. In this position you should stay as long as it is comfortable. The legs are still standing straight, pressed against each other. When leaving their pose, slowly raises the head, looking forward, in front of you. Gradually raise your arms. The head as if sandwiched between the hands, hands tightly pressed against the ears. Together with the hands that move upward, lift the head and straighten the torso. Return to the standing position with your hands along your thighs.
Next perform Ashva-Sanchalanasana - the horseman's pose. Men extend back the left leg, women - the right leg. The front leg is bent at the knee, the main weight is on it. Hands can be kept down, leaning with fingertips on the ground, you can raise up, joining palms above the head, straightening elbows. Stay in this position for a while, keeping your balance. Move to the next pose.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana - "downward facing dog". Put your hands on the ground in front of you. The leg that was in front of you. Put it back and put it on the same level with the second leg. Distribute the weight evenly between the arms and legs. Legs try to lower to the floor as much as possible, heels pull to the floor as much as possible. Pull the arms forward, pull the spine behind them. The buttocks, sacrum, cobchicus are pulled upwards. The head is between the hands.
Go into Ashtanga-namaskar pose - support on 8 points, or zigzag. To do this, we go into an intermediate position - "plank", in which the main emphasis is on the toes and hands. The body is evenly distributed between the arms and legs. Then slowly lower the chest, shoulders and pubic bone to the floor, pressing them as hard as possible to the floor. The chin is also lowered to the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows (as in push-ups), partially bend your legs at the knees (knees down on the floor). Eight points are pressed to the floor: chin, sternum, two shoulders, two bones of the hip joint, two knees. Stay in this position for a while, then go to the next pose.
Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana - "upward facing dog". Hands remain pressed to the floor, pull the chin and chest away from the floor, slide upwards as much as possible. Head and shoulders go up, pelvis, hips, legs remain pressed to the floor. Pull the head upwards as much as possible, aligning and connecting the shoulder blades. Do not throw your neck back.
Repeat Adho Mukha Shvanasana - "downward facing dog" pose, which was performed before the "Zigzag" exercise.
From "downward facing dog", slowly put your leg forward, bend at the knee. Use the leg with which you started the circle: men - left, women - right. Transfer the main weight to the leg standing in front, straightening and releasing the back leg. Hands go down, touch the floor on the same line with the legs (toes). Asana Ashva - Sanchalanasana - horseman's pose.
From the previous pose, slowly bring the back leg to the front leg. Bring them together and place them side by side. Hands remain on the floor, in line with the toes. Align the legs, transfer the hands to the shins, embracing them (or stay in the same position). The head is lowered down, aiming for the knees. The back is straight. We get Padahastasana - stork pose, or leaning toward the feet. Which we have already performed.
Then straighten up, perform Ardha-Chakrasana pose - half wheel pose. Slowly straighten the back, starting from the lumbar region and ending with the cervical region. Slowly raise your hands up, above your head. Join the palms of the hands and lean backward, creating a lumbar flexion. You can mentally visualize the Sun above your head, collect the Sun's rays in your hands, distribute them over your body, smile.
Return to the starting position. Pranamasana - prayer pose is performed. We distribute the energy of the Sun throughout the body.
This is how one circle of the "Greetings to the Sun" complex was completed. The full complex contains 2 circles. After that, we repeat all the same exercises, but start performing the complex from the other leg (men - from the right, women from the left). If the spine is straightened strongly, with the formation of kyphosis, to correct it will be necessary to perform 3 circles in a row. The number of circles of this complex can vary from 1 to 27 circles.
Cervical lordosis is enhanced
If the cervical lordosis is strengthened, its correction is required. The sooner it is started, the easier and faster the pathology will be eliminated. The main means of correction of spinal deformities, are physical exercises. Various exercises, their complexes can be used. As an example, we can give one of the complexes of qigong.
Stand straight, arms down along the body, feet shoulder-width apart. Stand with your feet parallel to one another. With an inhalation, slowly withdraw your arms from the sides, bending your elbows. Imagine that we are a big balloon, which is filled with pure air, inflating. As the arms are withdrawn to the sides, slowly squat down, slightly bending the legs at the knees.
With an exhalation, bring the arms forward, holding them in front of you at the level of the rib cage, maybe a little lower. Hold them as if we were trying to hug a big ball with our hands. Palms turned inward. Take several inhalations and exhalations.
As we exhale, slowly press the hands to the chest, as if pressing and deflating the balloon that was in front of us. As we inhale, bring the arms forward, pushing the inner side of the hand forward. Following the hands, the back goes away, make a bend behind the hands. Bend to a position where the buttocks, back and arms are at the same level. The back should be flat. Extend the spine forward as much as possible, pull the arms forward. The back goes behind the arms, and the legs are maximally aligned in the knees, taken back. The buttocks, the cobcicle is maximally stretched to the top. When you have reached the maximum stretch, do a clap of hands, go into a downward slope.
As you exhale, the arms come down, touching the floor. The torso also goes down, without slouching or bending. The back is flat, relaxed hanging down, the abdomen is pressed against the legs. Squat down, hands mentally collect a small ball, and slowly begin to lift it up, rising with the whole body. Arms also rise. Imagine that we rise from the waist. Stand straight, hands continue to move upwards. Bring hands together in front of you, forming a kind of "fan" in front of you. Look forward through the fingers spread apart. The palms of the hands are directed inward, toward yourself.
Then make a turn to the side, together with the arms. Legs and hips remain at the same level, the turn is made in the waist area. Keeping the legs in the same position, make a downward bend (to the side), trying to stretch the opposite side as much as possible. Then turn palms outward, away from yourself, slowly rise up. Try to raise the palms up, and the rest of the body slowly rises after them. Return to the central position. Repeat the same inclination to the opposite side.
Return to the center position. Keep your hands in front of you. Slowly lower them down as if pressing them to the floor. Imagine that we have a piston in front of us, which we need to push into the ground. At the same time squat down slowly. Press the "piston", maximally lowering down. We imagine that together with this piston all dirt, pain, failures, illnesses, negative energy is squeezed out of us and goes into the ground. Then slowly straighten up, imagining that from the ground we lift the power, the energy that nourishes us. We straighten up completely. Raise hands above the head, then slowly lower them to the level of the chest, mentally distribute energy throughout the body. Freely lower the hands down, take a few free breaths and exhale relax. This was one round of the complex.
For those who have strengthened cervical lordosis, it is necessary to perform 3 complexes in a row. These complexes can be performed at any time of the day, the number of approaches is not limited.
Straight cervical lordosis
To eliminate straight cervical lordosis, we can recommend a set of exercises presented below. The complex is taken from the system of hatha yoga, slightly adapted in the author's version. The complex is called "Trikonasan Complex".
First we perform the classical asana - Trikonasana, or triangle pose. To do this, stand straight, arms along the body, arms down, legs straight. Then spread the legs as wide as possible to the sides, one leg turned perpendicular to the other. Raise your arms to the sides, keep them straight (parallel to the floor). Slowly take the arm to the side, pull the body behind the arm, leaning to the side. The arm goes in the same direction as the turned leg. Reach a certain limit, when the body becomes parallel to the floor. The hand comes down on the leg that stands perpendicular. The other hand is raised upwards. Thus, the hands should be on one level line, together with the legs they form a large triangle. Turn the head, look up at the upper arm. Stand in this pose for a certain time, keeping immobility. It is recommended to start with one minute, gradually increasing the time spent in this pose to 10-15 minutes.
Then smoothly turn your head around, put both hands down, next to the leg that stood at a perpendicular angle. Line up: the back should be straight, arms at right angles down, legs apart, forming a triangle. Then slowly put your arm around the leg that is in front of you. Try to lie on the leg with the whole body, pressing against it as much as possible. Press the abdomen, chest, forehead to the leg, hug the shins with the hands, stretch the legs and the hip joint as much as possible. Stay in this position for 1 to 15 minutes.
Stay in the position described above. With the second leg, which is behind you, try to squat down as much as possible. This will maximize the stretching of the surface of the front leg. After that, relax and come out the next position.
Then lower one arm behind the leg, which is perpendicular. Raise the other arm up, turn the body so that the arms are on the same line and the legs form a triangle. The exercise is similar to the classical Trikonasana, with the difference that the turning is done in the other direction. It is as if we are doing a twist.
Slowly turn around to the previous position.
Turn your torso forward, legs maximally apart. Lean forward, trying to put your hands on the floor in front of you. Lean forward as much as possible, stretching the back of the legs. We bend from the hips, from the waist, as if folding in the hip joint. At the same time try to bend as low as possible, if it turns out to be possible, it is better to put your hands on your forearms.
While in the previous position, try to go as far as possible into the incline, hiding your head between your legs. Use your hands to reach back behind your feet, to your heels. If it is possible, you can put your head on the vertex, transferring the main weight to the head.
Then move to a flat position in which the legs are spread as wide as possible, the back is horizontal in the incline, parallel to the floor, and the arms are on the ground at right angles. The body weight is evenly distributed between all parts of the body. Gradually transfer the main weight back to the legs. Extend your arms forward as far as possible. Pull the legs back, cobchick up, and arms forward. The back and spine should stretch as much as possible, stretching out following the spine. Return to the previous flat position, distribute the weight evenly over the whole body, and relax.
Bring the legs together, connect them. Hips, knees, shins, feet should be connected, make a forward bend, trying to lie with the chest, abdomen, forehead on the legs as much as possible. Wrap your hands around your shins (Stork pose, Padahasthasana). Then slowly go up, bending the back vertebra by vertebra, starting from the lumbar region and ending with the cervical region.
Stand straight, take a few deep breaths in and out, then repeat the same sequence in the other direction.
Individual auxiliary exercises can be added to this complex.
- Squat down on one leg, with the other leg to the side. Then gradually transfer the weight from one side to the other without straightening up. The transition is performed in the squat. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times, maximum - not limited.
- Approach the gymnastic wall (you can replace it with a chair, an ordinary bed). Put one leg on it, the other remains flat. Both legs are straight, tensed at the knee. Bend to the flat leg, as low as possible. If you can, lower your hands and even your forearms to the floor. Try to stretch the leg that is on top as much as possible. If necessary to increase the effect, squat with a flat leg downwards. At the same time try to lower the neck down freely, relaxing it as much as possible. The spine is pulled downwards, as if stretching in different directions between the cobra and the head.
- Put your feet as wide as possible. Arms apart. Lower one arm down, touching the ground. Raise the other arm up so that it forms an even line with the other leg. Raise the leg opposite to the lowered arm so that it is parallel to the floor. There should be an angle of 90 degrees between the legs. Stay in this position for 1 to 10 minutes and slowly come out.
If you have straight cervical lordosis, you should perform 1-3 circles in one approach, relaxing your neck as much as possible while stretching your spine.
Complications and consequences
Improperly formed cervical lordosis can have unfavorable consequences and complications. For example, a flat lordosis significantly increases the load on the spine. In this form, it can not act as a shock-absorbing factor, resulting in the development of various diseases of the spine, violates the function of the spinal cord, spinal roots, and all the peripheral nervous system, reduces the sensitivity of nerve receptors. Violations in the cervical region can lead to a violation of blood circulation, innervation of the departments located behind the neck. First of all, the brain suffers: it does not receive the proper level of oxygen, metabolites are not removed. As a result, hypoxia, hypercapnia, trophic processes develop, the tendency to thrombosis increases, which increases the risk of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertension.
It should also be taken into account that kyphotic lordosis can lead to the fact that pressure is created, mechanical impact on the organs of the chest, nasopharynx, pharynx. The function of the thyroid gland, vocal cords, salivary glands is disturbed. Since the thyroid belongs to the endocrine glands, violation of its structural and functional characteristics entails a violation of the hormonal background in general, the development of a number of endocrine pathologies.
The endurance and efficiency of a person is impaired, and immunity is reduced. Numerous associated disorders of the musculoskeletal system often develop.
Diagnostics of the cervical lordosis
In order to diagnose cervical lordosis, it is necessary to visit an orthopedist or surgeon. They will perform a general examination, palpation of the back and cervical region, palpate the spine for deformities, painful sensations. If the picture is not clear, a person can perform some exercises (functional tests). According to them, they judge the state of the lordosis, the spine as a whole. If there is insufficient information, additional diagnostics with the use of special equipment, for example, X-rays, tomography, may be required. If you need to consult a vertebrologist, or osteopath, the doctor will give a referral. In addition, the doctor can check reflexes, conduct segmental-reflex diagnostics (by pressing on individual segments of the spine).
Instrumental diagnostics
The main method of diagnosis in the diagnosis of cervical lordosis is instrumental diagnostics. Most often, such methods as X-ray examination, computer, magnetic resonance tomography are used. These methods allow you to visualize the picture of pathology, examine both the spine as a whole and its individual parts. These methods also allow you to assess the condition of bones, vertebrae, soft tissues, and sometimes even nearby vessels and nerves.
X-ray is the main method of diagnosing cervical lordosis. The doctor can palpate the area of pathology, assess the localization of the lordosis, assess the approximate state of organs and tissues, the spinal column. But in order to obtain detailed information, to have accurate characteristics of the cervical department, the lordosis itself, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray study, which can be used to obtain an image of either the spine as a whole, or only a separate fragment of it. On the radiograph, the angle of deviation, the size of the lordosis is assessed, its exact localization is determined, see which vertebrae are involved in the pathological process. It is also possible to assess whether there is damage to the surrounding tissues, whether there is an inflammatory process, whether there is no pinching of nerves, blood vessels, spinal cord. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of the radiograph, it is possible to select the appropriate treatment, which will be aimed directly at eliminating the identified disorders, and preventing possible complications.
Differential diagnosis
One of the main stages of diagnosis is differential diagnosis. This is a very important stage, which should never be ignored. It is on how accurately the diagnosis will be made, how it will be differentiated from other similar diseases, depends on the course of further treatment, its effectiveness. Differential diagnosis is a sequence of actions aimed at differentiating different types of pathology. Often the diseases are different, but they manifest themselves in the same way, so it is important to clearly distinguish them.
During the differential diagnosis of cervical lordosis, mainly instrumental methods of research are used, the main of which is X-ray.
Cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis and lordosis are often confused. These diseases may look very similar, but in-depth diagnosis reveals a fundamental difference. As a rule, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, an X-ray examination is required, or other methods of visualization that allow you to assess the condition of the spine, especially its cervical department. During palpation and visual inspection, the doctor finds approximately similar clinical picture - there is an excessive, pathological curvature of the spine in the cervical spine. At the same time, a detailed analysis of the causes of pathology shows that osteochondrosis occurs as a result of salt and mineral deposits in the spine. That is, in fact, osteochondrosis is a growth on the spine. Whereas lordosis represents an irregular curvature, a deformation of the spinal column itself. The radiograph clearly shows the difference between these diseases. Accordingly, the methods of treatment will be different.
Disc protrusions
Disc protrusions are one of the most serious spinal conditions. They can develop as a complication of cervical lordosis. If there are no physiological curves, or they are formed incorrectly, there is no compensation of movements, their amortization. Accordingly, the disks seem to wear out, experiencing an increased load. An inflammatory process may develop, pinching of the disk. The disease is accompanied by pain, discomfort, discomfort, inability to make some movements. Requires careful diagnosis, selection of treatment. As a rule, osteopathy is used for disc protrusion, less often - massage, dosed physical activity. With severe painful sensations, medication, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are required. Sometimes, in the most severe cases, surgical intervention is required.
Treatment of the cervical lordosis
The treatment of cervical lordosis is based on two principles: correct diagnosis and timely detection of pathology, and adequate development of a treatment program. The treatment program must necessarily include physical exercises in the daily regimen. No treatment will not be effective if it is not supported by physical activity. Used therapeutic exercise, adaptive sports, special exercises for the spine, traditional and non-traditional health improvement systems, focused both on the complex recovery of the body, and on the impact directly on the spine. It is necessary to carry out massage. In this case, it is important to provide the right and dosed impact on the right areas. This will allow you to control the condition, to have a therapeutic effect. Also prescribe massage, special hydroprocedures, aids.
Often lordosis is accompanied by complications and concomitant pathology, so it is recommended to apply comprehensive treatment. As for complex therapy, it is recommended to include in it etiologic treatment, that is, treatment aimed directly at eliminating the cause of pathology. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate inflammation, analgesics aimed at relieving pain. Physiotherapeutic methods, manual therapy are also used. [9]
What kind of doctor treats cervical lordosis?
Often, faced with lordosis, the patient has a question: "What doctor treats cervical lordosis?". Let's understand. First, you can always, in any situation, turn to the district therapist, or pediatrician, who will conduct an initial examination, and if necessary, refer for consultation to the appropriate specialist. Secondly, there are separate specialists who deal with solving problems associated with the musculoskeletal system - orthopedist, surgeon. They can consult, diagnose, select the appropriate treatment. Sometimes, in more severe cases, it may be necessary to consult more narrowly qualified specialists. They are usually referred to them by an orthopedist or surgeon, if such a need really exists. This is, for example, a vertebrologist, who specializes in diseases of the spine, or an osteopath, who specializes in bone diseases.
Physiotherapy treatment
Sometimes, in addition to the main methods of treatment, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed for cervical lordosis. It is justified as part of complex treatment, but not rational as monotherapy. Most often, to eliminate lordosis, ultrasound treatment, exposure to microcurrents and waves of different lengths are used. One of the methods of treatment is electrophoresis (mainly with the help of this method is administered preparations of calcium, magnesium, which may be lacking in lordosis). Also with the help of electrophoresis, some anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents are administered. Positive effect of heat procedures, electroprocedures, light procedures. They are often prescribed in combination. [10]
Cervical lordosis exercises
Physical exercise for cervical lordosis is one of the main methods of treatment. No therapy will be effective without physical activity. Exercises should be performed regularly, one or more times a day. It is better at the same time. It is better to consult a doctor of physical therapy, who will select exercises suitable in each specific case, teach the technique of their performance. If such a consultation is not possible, you can choose your own exercises. Below are 5 basic exercises that are most often prescribed for lordosis.
- Exercise #1.
Sit up straight. Try to straighten your spine as much as possible so that your lower back, shoulder blades and neck are in line. From behind, try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible and then lower them down. To check the flatness of your back, lean against a wall. Try to relax as much as possible, sit in this position for at least 5-10 minutes. It is better to cover your eyes. Also, try to maximally detach yourself from the world around you, do not think about anything.
- Exercise #2.
It is performed in the supine position. First you need to lie down, relax as much as possible. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Bend your legs at the knees. Put your hands apart, at your sides. Press your shoulder blades to the floor as much as possible. Then lower both legs first to the left, then to the right side. At the same time, carefully make sure that neither the arms nor the shoulder blades do not come off the floor. Repeat the exercises 15 times for each side.
- Exercise #3.
Stand straight, feet pressed together, feet also tightly pressed together. Slowly raise your arms up. Put them together in a lock above your head. Stand in this position for 1 to 10 minutes (the time of the exercise should be increased gradually).
- Exercise #4.
From the position described above, spread your arms out to the sides. Keep your back straight, and try to stretch your spine to the sides as much as possible. Keep your arms parallel to the floor, with your legs tightly pressed against each other. Start performing this exercise with 1 minute, gradually bringing its duration to 10-15 minutes.
- Exercise #5.
Slowly raise your hands up, leaving your palms joined. Bring your hands above your head, palms separate, keep your hands with palms forward, as if turning them to the Sun. Hands and palms should be about shoulder width. After that, make a slight backward bend in the lower back, deviate. It is not necessary to strive to make the largest possible deflection. The state should be comfortable and relaxed.
Today, widespread in the treatment of various diseases, have received various types of gymnastics. Thus, fitball gymnastics, stretching gymnastics, body gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, psychogymnastics are widely used.
One of the modern, recently appeared directions is psychogymnastics. It is one of the elements of body-oriented therapy. Gymnastics is based on the assumption that any problem at the physical level arises as a consequence of unresolved mental and emotional problems, stresses, mental traumas. Therefore, until we find and work on the original cause (emotional trauma, clamp), the problem will not be solved. From the point of view of psychogymnastics, any type of physical exercise combats the effect, but does not eliminate the causes of pathology, so it is often ineffective.
Let's consider the algorithm of psychogymnastics step by step.
- Step 1: First, sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Do several deep inhalations and exhalations, balance your breathing. After that press with two fingers of the left hand on the first eye point on the left. We trace the charges that pop up (in the form of thoughts, sensations, emotions). We try to work through each charge, taking a deep inhalation and exhalation. Choose the case that causes the most unpleasant sensations and start working through it.
- Step 2: Listen carefully to all the moments that pop up, choose the most vivid and significant one (with negative coloring). We fix this moment in our memory (as if we were pausing a video). We stop our attention on this moment, and further work with this episode only. It is also necessary to fix in memory the moment of time in which this unpleasant moment occurs, and stop at this time.
- Step 3: Reconstruct the picture in memory as fully as possible, acting as if from the third person (as if we were looking at what was happening from the outside). We try to recall all the sensations arising in connection with this state as accurately and in detail as possible. Keep your fingers on the point, continuing to activate it.
- Step 4: We try to feel in as much detail as possible the emotions we had at that moment. We also try to feel in which part of the body these emotions remained.
- Step 5: Go directly to the moment when the problem occurred. Realize what bodily sensations accompanied this moment.
- Step 6: Now realize as clearly as possible the thoughts that arose in connection with this situation. After we have realized the emotions, thoughts and bodily sensations, we lower our hand. Put the other hand on the same point, only on the right side. During the switch we take several deep breaths and exhalations.
- Step 7. Massage the first right eye point with two fingers of the right hand. Close the eyes. Choose a positive situation from the past in the same way as in the previous case. If nothing comes from the past, we realize ourselves here and now.
- Step 8: Review the situation and choose the brightest and most positive moment from it, which is firmly fixed in the memory and evokes positive emotions. We press "pause" on the brightest moment and fix our attention. If we are working with the current situation, this step is skipped.
- Step 9. As with the previous situation, determine what emotions, thoughts, and sensations accompanied this situation. Fix the moment.
- Step 10. Again switch your attention to the left point.
- Step 11. We look at the negative situation of the past, realize whether there have been any changes, whether it is perceived differently? The main thing is not to make efforts to change the picture. We simply monitor and realize the situation as it is. We observe passively, as if from the outside.
- Step 12: Direct your attention to the emotions that accompany this negative situation and monitor whether any changes have occurred.
- Step 13. Move your attention to your bodily sensations, and observe if there are any changes in them?
- Step 14. Pay attention to the thoughts, track whether they have changed?
- Step 15: Again switch to the right point where the positive situation was. Take the deepest possible inhalation and exhalation. Realize the positive situation, trace the picture.
- Step 16. We direct our attention to the whole situation, monitor whether any changes have occurred. We see how our emotions, bodily sensations, thoughts have changed.
- Step 17. Switch to the left point, to the negative situation. Track whether any changes have occurred (usually after each switch the picture of the negative situation becomes dimmer and dimmer, and then completely disappears).
- Step 18. Returns to the right side, realizing a positive situation.
- Step 19. Continue switching from the right side to the left side until both pictures completely disappear. Thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations connected with these situations should fade and then completely disappear. Practice is considered to be finished when both pictures have disappeared and there is no difference in perception in the two points. At each switch, take the deepest possible inhalation, the deepest possible exhalation.
- Step 20. We return to the negative situation and assess whether there are any emotions left in relation to this situation. For example, if we felt anger, we check if there is aggression, anger at the ill-wisher. If we worked with resentment, we check if there is resentment.
Only after working through the emotional traumas can you move on to doing any physical exercises.
Massage for cervical lordosis
Massage is used for cervical lordosis. Traditionally, classical massage is used. However, as practice shows, great success can be achieved through segmental-reflex massage, reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure (shiatsu), and vertebral influence.
The massage is mainly performed on the cervical-collar zone. Attention is also paid to the massage of paravertebral muscles located along the spine, intervertebral discs are worked on. In the treatment of lordosis are used different types of massage: psychosomatic, holistic, bioenergetic, aromatherapy, relaxing, sports. Various author's restorative methods are widely used, for example, Ladeniya, Ladeniya, Fire Dance, Black Lynx Dance. Honey massage is used. In addition to mechanical influences, the effect is enhanced by the healing properties of honey. Also used heat or contrast massage, wraps, massage in the bath. Bath massage is especially useful, as it allows you to work as deeply as possible steamed muscles.
Surgical treatment
As a rule, surgical methods are not used in the treatment of lordosis. In general, treatment is traditional and complex (including drugs, physiotherapy, physical therapy, physical therapy, massage, swimming). Surgical treatment is resorted to as a last resort, if there are no other options. It is also necessary to make sure that other methods of treatment are ineffective. Surgical methods can be used if there is a pinched nerve, areas of the spinal cord, diagnosed disc protrusion, purulent-septic process develops, progressive inflammation. Emergency intervention is required in case of tissue decomposition, necrosis (tissue death).
Scheduled surgery is performed for myositis, nerve compression, tumors, hematomas (especially if they are large), spinal hernias. Scheduled surgery may also be performed if there is a displacement of vertebrae and they exert pressure on internal organs, in case of damage to intervertebral discs, accumulation of pus, fluid, exudate, in the development of lipomas (fatty lumps).
The basis of prevention is a rational motor regimen, high physical activity, as well as maintaining the correct posture during sitting, standing, sleeping. If necessary, special orthopedic mattresses and pillows should be used. It is necessary to regularly perform physical exercises, walk in the fresh air.
It is equally important to eat a proper diet, consuming food rich in vitamins and minerals. In the presence of lordosis, or other spinal pathologies in the anamnesis, you should periodically undergo preventive treatment courses, including courses of massage, hydroprocedures, physiotherapy.
In most cases, cervical lordosis is treatable. But recovery is possible only if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor. The patient's lifestyle is also important. It is necessary to regularly engage in physical training, breathing practices, to be able to properly relax. But, you need to realize that sometimes lordosis is a sign of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, timely diagnosis is important, since not all diseases have a favorable prognosis. Many can end in disability, paralysis.
The cervical lordosis is straightened and the army
One of the main questions is whether the army is a contraindication if the cervical lordosis is straightened. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since in any case the decision is made by the medical commission that accepts the conscript. The decision is made on the basis of many factors. The results of examination, functional tests, additional studies are taken into account. X-rays are almost always taken. It is also taken into account how limited the physical capabilities of the conscript. There are cases in which with such a diagnosis is taken into the army. However, in severe cases, limiting the capabilities, this diagnosis may be the reason for recognizing the conscript as unfit for military service.