


Types and stages of streptoderma in children

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Streptoderma in children has several features. It is a skin disease of bacterial origin, in which a rash appears on the skin, which can then develop into weeping wounds, fester. In severe cases, ulcers and erosion may appear on the skin surface. [1]The disease is treated for a long time. The main treatment method is antibiotic therapy. When the first signs of the disease appear, you need as soon as possible to see a doctor who will select the optimal treatment. [2]The sooner the treatment begins, the greater the chances for a full recovery.

Streptoderma in children on the head, on the face, chin, behind the ear

Streptoderma is quite common in children, and can be localized almost everywhere : on the head, on the face, on the chin, behind the ear. [3]In order to get rid of the disease, you need appropriate treatment. Since streptoderma is a disease of bacterial origin, antibiotic therapy is the basis of treatment.

Given that a bacterial disease can develop solely against the background of reduced immunity and impaired microflora, immunocorrection may be necessary. To do this, you need to contact an immunologist, conduct a survey, and only after that, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment. In any case, it is impossible to self-prescribe the funds for the immune system, since it is necessary to look at the immune status of a person, and based on the analysis of the main immunological parameters, select the appropriate treatment.

It should be borne in mind that the wrong selection of funds can have serious adverse effects. Excessively active and high immunity is the same bad as reduced. With increased immunity, autoimmune aggression develops, in which immune complexes and antibodies attack the cells and tissues of their own organism, causing corresponding destructive reactions. An example of an autoimmune disease is systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, arthritis, and various blood disorders. [4], [5]With increased immunity significantly increases the risk of leukemia, malignant tumors.

It is also necessary to normalize the microflora, since a decrease in colonization resistance and protective properties of the mucous membranes also contributes to the progression of the disease and the development of relapses. Often prescribed complex treatment: antibiotic therapy, antifungal agents, immunomodulators, probiotics.

Streptoderma in the nose, under the nose

The occurrence of streptoderma in any place, even in the nose, or under the nose, is a sign of a bacterial or, more precisely, a streptococcal infection. The only method of treating a bacterial infection is antibacterial therapy, carried out according to a specially selected scheme. It is used as a local therapy, and systemic (drugs taken by mouth).

Despite the fact that the choice of an antibiotic depends on a number of factors, including the number of identified microorganisms, it is better to make a choice in favor of antibiotics with a narrow spectrum of action. These antibiotics are directed specifically against streptococcal infection, which is the cause of streptoderma.

But sometimes there are cases of a combination infection (mixed infection), in which another infection additionally joins streptococcal infection, which is the main one. It can be any microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. [6]Therefore, it is recommended to first conduct a preliminary analysis of antibiotic sensitivity. If, in addition to streptococcal infection, there is also another microflora in a pathological amount, universal remedies are prescribed, which act without taking into account the specifics of the microflora. These are often broad-spectrum antibiotics (they can have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects).

Streptoderma in the mouth

Cases of streptoderma in the mouth are rarely observed, however, not excluded. Often, this indicates a reduced immunity and impaired microflora: dysbiosis, dysbiosis. A similar condition can be observed in infants who have not yet fully formed immunity, the microflora is at the stage of formation. [7]Also, this is observed in weakened children, in frequently ill children, in those who came in contact with sick children, as well as after antibiotic therapy, past infectious, or severe somatic diseases.

The main treatment is local antibacterial agents for oral irrigation: Miramistin, stop angina, neomycin, bioporox, ingalipt, Lugol solution, and others. Inside antibiotics must be prescribed. Antibiotics of a narrow spectrum of action are selected after the pathogen of the disease has been accurately determined (it is confirmed that this is indeed streptoderma due to streptococcal infection, complex infection, mixed infection is excluded). This is due to the fact that narrow-spectrum antibiotics have a targeted effect on bacteria, kill them, relieve the inflammatory process. They act precisely, precisely, specifically on the microorganism that is the cause of the disease. But if the cause is another microorganism, or their complex, the antibiotic will be ineffective. The problem also lies in the fact that such treatment will not only bring no results, but will also cause side effects and create additional stress on the body of an already weakened child. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, you should consult with your doctor and undergo a bacteriological examination with an analysis of the antibiotic sensitivity of selected strains of microorganisms.

Streptoderma on the lips

The development of streptoderma on the lips of a child is one of the main signs of weakened immunity. This is most often observed after undergoing antibiotic therapy, after a long illness, if the child has had colds, infections, or somatic diseases, and surgical interventions. Often this is observed after discharge from the hospital or day hospital, as the child could pick up a nosocomial infection.

Often, when streptoderma appears in children on the lips, standard antibiotic therapy is not enough. Additional treatment may be required. For example, with the use of certain drugs, additional drugs may be required, such as:

  • prebiotics (preparations containing those components and metabolites that stimulate the growth and reproduction of the normal microflora of the child);
  • probiotics (drugs aimed at restoring normal microflora),
  • hepatoprotectors (drugs that protect the liver from the adverse effects of drugs);
  • uroprotectors (drugs aimed at protecting the kidneys and urinary tract).

In severe cases, complex therapy is presented simultaneously with antifungal agents and antibiotics. Also in the treatment regimen may include immunomodulators (immunostimulants), probiotics, prebiotics, means of symptomatic therapy. But such appointments should be made only by a physician who has the appropriate qualifications (immunologist, bacteriologist).

Streptoderma in children in the eyes

Streptoderma in children can appear on the eyes. This is especially common in infants, as well as in weakened children, often ill, in children who have recently suffered severe infectious and somatic diseases. Risk factors must also be considered. If the child has chronic eye diseases, or he often suffers from ophthalmologic diseases, he automatically falls into the risk group. First of all, children who have a history of injuries and surgical interventions in the eyes fall into the risk group for the development of streptoderma on the eyes. Risk factors include various foci of infection in the body (persistent viral infection, parasites, skin mite, fungal infection). This is due to the fact that all these microorganisms can penetrate into the eye, and cause an inflammatory, purulent process there. Streptoderma in the eyes can develop in children who wear lenses, because when the eye and the lens are in contact, an oxygen-free environment is formed in which optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of microorganisms. First of all, streptococcus develops, which leads to the development of streptoderma.[8]

Streptoderma in the eyes can develop in newborns, as they have not yet fully formed microflora. You also need to take into account the fact that the eye of the newborn is at the stage of adaptation to new conditions, is experiencing increased stress, respectively, the risk of infection with a bacterial infection increases dramatically.

Predisposing factors are all diseases in which the biochemical and hormonal levels are disturbed, and immunity is reduced.

Streptoderma on the body of a child

Streptoderma can be observed on the body of a child at almost any age. It affects both newborn children and children in school, adolescence. Without treatment, streptoderma on the body of a child is rapidly progressing, can develop into resistant ulcers and erosion. Therefore, treatment should begin as early as possible.

Streptoderma is a bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the Streptococcus genus. Most often it is pyodermal streptococcus, which affects the skin of a person. The bacterial process entails the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. The main mechanism that contributes to the formation of an inflammatory, infectious process, can be considered a decrease in immunity. Accordingly, a decrease in immunity inevitably leads to disruption of the microflora. The activity of protective and compensatory mechanisms is reduced, hormonal disturbances occur.[9]

The process is supported by the development and active maintenance of the inflammatory process: cellular elements, immune-competent cells that activate the local immunity actively migrate to the site of infection. During this period, body temperature may rise.

The main treatment for streptoderma is antibiotic therapy. Only a doctor should select a medicinal product, based not only on the clinical picture, but also on the results of laboratory tests. Treatment usually lasts at least 10-15 days. In any case, it is impossible to interrupt treatment earlier, even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. This can lead to the development of relapse, as well as the resistance of microflora (development of resistance). Streptoderma in children often requires additional treatments: probiotics, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs. All these funds must be assigned exclusively by specialists of the appropriate profile.

Streptoderma in children on the hands, shoulder, fingers

Features streptoderma in children is that it can appear everywhere: on the arms, shoulders, fingers. Wherever a child has signs of this disease, this indicates a violation of microflora and reduced immunity. With normally developed local immunity and the preservation of normal microbiocenosis, streptoderma cannot develop (at least, the chances are minimal). This is due to the fact that the surface layers of the skin produce special substances that have a protective effect on the body. Due to this, all pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococcus, which is the causative agent of streptoderma, die. Normal microflora provides colonization resistance of mucous membranes and skin. Due to this property, representatives of normal microflora displace pathogenic microflora, and do not allow pathogens to be absorbed and multiply on the skin.

If signs of streptoderma are found, the first thing to do is to contact a pediatrician or dermatologist. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the type of bacteria, their quantitative characteristics are determined, and appropriate treatment is prescribed. The standard treatment is antibiotic therapy. Less commonly used other types of antibiotic therapy. Various groups of antibiotics are used. Sometimes it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive treatment, which will include antiparasitic or antifungal agents, antibiotics, immunomodulators. After completing the course of treatment, probiotics or prebiotics are prescribed. But complex treatment is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the child. In particular, consultation of an immunologist, a dermatologist, and a bacteriologist (infectious disease specialist) is needed. If there is a concomitant pathology, additional consultation with an appropriate specialist may be necessary, for example, a gastroenterologist in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, an allergist with a history of allergic diseases. It is important to understand that it is impossible to engage in self-treatment in any case, all appointments should be made exclusively by a doctor.

You also need to periodically be observed by a doctor in the process of the treatment itself. This is due to the fact that it may be necessary to adjust the prescribed treatment. It is important to track the results over time, to evaluate the effectiveness of each stage of treatment in order to prevent the formation of new foci of infection, to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body. To do this, often, in addition to antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory, painkillers are used. Often used and non-traditional methods of treatment, but they are always used exclusively as part of complex treatment. Often used herbal decoctions, infusions.

Streptoderma on the leg

Streptoderma can affect almost any part of the body. Often you can see streptoderma on the leg. The treatment in this case is practically no different from the treatment of streptoderma, localized on the face, hands, body. If the disease affects the lower leg, including the lower leg, ankle, foot, foot baths can be used. As a basis it is possible to apply, both vegetable broths, and specially prepared medicines.

For the treatment of the foot bath, it is necessary to prepare in advance the water tank, towel, warm socks (preferably from natural wool). To begin, prepare a decoction, infusion, or suspension, in which the procedure will be carried out. The pharmacy sells special products for foot therapeutic baths, with bacterial and fungal skin diseases. They are prepared strictly in accordance with the instructions. Also, when streptoderma on the leg, you can prepare the tool for the bath yourself, at home. Prepared from anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs: chamomile, calendula, nettle, stevia, linden, raspberry, mint, currant leaves.[10]

Soaring feet is recommended in the evening, before bedtime. The optimal time is between 21 and 22 hours, because at this time the body's defensive reflexes are maximally activated, and its recovery potential increases. Water should be hot, but not burning. The child should be comfortable receiving the procedure. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. It should be borne in mind that at elevated body temperature baths are contraindicated. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure in case of a stuffy nose, in the presence of a cold or another disease in the acute phase, with problems and the cardiovascular system. After the procedure, you need to wet the leg with a towel, but not rubbed. Next you should wear warm socks and go to bed. In bed you can drink hot tea with honey or jam. After a few hours, you can apply a medical ointment prescribed by a doctor.

Streptoderma on the pope

Most often streptoderma on the priest appears in children of the first three years of life due to the lack of microflora, lack of immunity. Observed in children who wear diapers, diapers. The accumulation of feces in the diapers, a certain level of humidity, a temperature corresponding to the temperature of the child’s body are ideal conditions for the development of bacterial microflora, including streptococcus.


There are 4 stages of development of streptoderma.

  1. The first stage - from the formation of a bubble filled with purulent or serous contents to its rupture, cracking.
  2. The second stage begins after the bubble has cracked. It is characterized by the formation of ulcers and erosions on the skin surface, the development of an inflammatory and infectious process.
  3. The third stage is healing. It begins when, instead of erosions and sores, the skin begins to appear on the skin.
  4. The fourth stage is complete epithelialization, healing. Crusts fall away. Traces and scars are usually not preserved. With the wrong treatment, the disease can become chronic.


They distinguish acute and chronic streptoderma, as well as dry and wet. Separately allocate streptococcal fissure of the lips. In acute streptoderma, the disease proceeds in an acute form: it starts abruptly, a bubble filled with liquid appears, which then cracks within 1-2 days, and erosions and ulcers are formed, which do not heal for a long time. The process can be painful, accompanied by fever, intoxication, weakness and lethargy.

Chronic form is characterized by the fact that the disease is sluggish, long-term. Fully recovery does not occur, the exacerbation of the condition occurs in spring and autumn. It begins, as a rule, with a sluggish, thin-walled vial, which can last 4-5 days, and then bursts. In its place, small erosion or ulcers appear.

Dry form is characterized by the fact that after the bubble has cracked, skin erosions are formed, but they are dry. In the wet form of erosion, moist, on their surface constantly observed the appearance of serous fluid. When dry erosion, as a rule, dry wounds form around the wound. Cracks may occur.

When streptococcal fissure of the lips, respectively, the corners of the lips crack, small sores appear on them.

In rare cases, children develop dry streptoderma, which often develops on the background of an allergic reaction, or increased dryness of the skin. The dry form is easier, it spreads less throughout the body, but may be accompanied by skin cracks. 

Treatment of the streptoderma in a child

In order to cure streptoderma on the priest, you need strict personal hygiene. And also requires mandatory treatment - antibiotic therapy, comprehensive treatment.

Many doctors do not recommend swimming in water with streptoderma. It is necessary to treat the skin with special wet wipes for children. Compresses can be applied directly to the affected area. Herbal compresses should be anti-bacterial. [11], [12], [13]They can be purchased at the pharmacy, or cook at home on their own. To do this, you can use the following recipe.

  • Recipe number 1.

A glass of pre-heated vegetable oil is added to a tablespoon of coffee, leaves and antennae strawberries, oregano. All this is thoroughly mixed, cover tightly with a lid, incubated for 30-40 minutes. Apply to the affected areas in the form of a compress 2-4 times a day.

  • Recipe number 2.

Powdered leaves of currant and St. John's wort are poured with a glass of vodka (approximate proportions - 5 grams of each powder per 50 grams of vodka). Mix thoroughly, apply on the affected areas for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with a wet cloth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night, before bedtime. After going to bed, covered with a warm blanket, sleep until morning. The course of treatment is 14-21 days.

  • Recipe number 3.

The tincture of Eleutherococcus, Leuzeu and Rhodiola Rosea are mixed together in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, after which they are poured with a glass of milk (preferably melted), brought to a boil, set aside. Insist at least 2-3 hours. Apply to the affected areas, and also drink a tablespoon three times a day.

  • Recipe number 4.

To prepare take honey and butter (about 50 grams), melt in a water bath, add 2-3 drops of essential oils of cypress, anise, sage, insist at least 2-3 hours. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for a month.

  • Recipe number 5.

Take in equal shares crushed rosehip, raisins, linden flowers. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of each component, add 300 ml of boiling water, mix, insist at least 1.5-2 hours. Drink 100 ml per day, adding a third of a teaspoon of honey before taking. In the morning and in the evening apply outwardly - put on the affected areas in the form of a compress. The course of treatment is 28 days.

  • Recipe number 6.

About 250-300 ml of sea buckthorn oil is taken as a base. Then add about a tablespoon of the following components: crushed raspberry leaves, mint, licorice root. Stir, insist at least an hour. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas.

  • Recipe number 7.

In warmed milk (250 ml) add salt (1 tsp), flour (2 tablespoons), aloe tree juice (50-100 ml). Boil for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Apply to the area around the affected areas at bedtime. Precautionary measures - do not apply directly to the affected area.

When dry streptoderma children often prescribed soothing, wound-healing agents. Consider some alternative medicine prescriptions that can be used to treat dry streptoderma in children.

  • Recipe number 1.

Approximately 30 minutes before taking the following vegetable decoction, it is recommended to wash the affected skin area with a decoction of plantain, which has bactericidal properties. Then, after 30 minutes, it is recommended to apply a compress from the following decoction: hips, cranberries, nettle leaves (about a tablespoon of each component) on a glass of hot water. The compress is applied for 30-40 minutes. After removing the compress, you need to lubricate the affected area with a softening cream. The usual children's cream, petrolatum, glycerin will do.

  • Recipe number 2.

A glass of pre-heated vegetable oil is added to a tablespoon of rosehips, black currant berries, and rowan berries. All this is thoroughly mixed, cover tightly with a lid, incubated for 30-40 minutes. Apply on the skin with a thin layer of 2-4 times a day.

  • Recipe number 3.

The crushed fruits of mountain ash and nettle leaves pour 250 ml of red wine (approximate proportions - 15 grams of each product per 250 ml of wine). Mix thoroughly, give the child to drink 2-3 ml. It is recommended to drink at night, before bedtime. After going to bed, covered with a warm blanket, sleep until morning. The course of treatment is 15 days. Increases immunity, body resistance.

  • Recipe number 4.

The fruits of wild rose and black currant are mixed together in a ratio of 1: 2, then poured a glass of boiling water. Insist at least 20-30 minutes. Drink for 2 sets in the morning, then after 3-4 hours. You can add honey to taste. It is recommended to drink in the form of heat. Enhances immunity, accelerates the healing process. The course of treatment is 28 days.

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