Sweating of the head in women, men and children: the reasons for what to do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sweating is a natural function of the human body. Especially often a person sweats, being in a hot or stuffy space, or actively engaging in sports. In such situations, sweat plays the role of a thermostat and a detoxicator. However, there are times when a head sweats for no apparent reason - for example, in a dream. So why the head sweats and what to do if it really becomes a problem?
Why does the head sweat?
If the head sweats without clear reasons, then the vegetative disturbances are most often the cause. The vegetative apparatus is fully responsible for the body's response to external irritants. If the system has malfunctioned, the sweat glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to an increased sweating, especially in the head area.
Another common cause is impaired thyroid function - namely, hyperactivity. This state is accompanied by the acceleration of metabolic processes, which entails an increase in sweating. It often happens that a person has several reasons for excessive sweating of the head.
If the head sweats, then this is not always a pathology - often it is just a natural reaction of the body to overload or high temperature. Droplets of sweat secretions cool the scalp. Swelling is also enhanced by various emotions: embarrassment, fear, anger. However, excessive sweating, without clear reasons - this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis.
The mechanism of sweating may be disturbed: if the head sweats, then they talk about the development of hyperhidrosis. This pathology can be primary and secondary.
Primary excessive sweating has no relationship with other diseases and is not a sign of any other pathology. The primary form is always local - that is, only the head sweats, or only the palms, etc. Most often, this form is due to malfunctioning of the autonomic nervous system, or it is genetic in nature.
Secondary excessive sweating always appears under the influence of another disease or condition. For example, the secondary form may be a sign of a disease, or a side effect of drug use. Often the head sweats on the background of taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system can lead to the fact that regularly sweating face and head. This is really a reason for an urgent appeal to a cardiologist, because it is possible that a heart attack or stroke will soon develop. Especially it is necessary to be on the alert, if dizziness, chest pain, and general weakness are observed against the background of head sweating.
- Diseases of the nervous system often fail to adequately regulate the functionality of the sweat glands. For example, the head often sweats in the initial stages of the development of Parkinson's disease, acromegaly, cancer, etc. Local sweating of the head can also occur if spinal nerves are damaged.
When a head sweats heavily, it is necessary to analyze the involvement of certain risk factors in the problem.
Adult head sweating: causes
- Features of a genetic nature (this problem is most difficult to eliminate).
- Abrupt changes in blood pressure — for example, in hypertension, when a person's blood pressure rises during the daytime, and at night, the internal processes slow down, and the pressure drops sharply. This condition often leads to sweating of the head, the pillow is wet, headache and restless sleep can be observed.
- Direct dysfunction of sweat glands is a consequence of impaired metabolic processes. Such a situation is not uncommon in obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism. Often patients complain: "I sweat and feel dizzy, the back of the head and neck itch, insomnia appeared." If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist.
- Incorrectly selected headgear is a common cause of excessive sweating on the head, both in winter and in other seasons. Caps of dense synthetic materials impair blood circulation, prevent the skin from "breathing", which leads to a malfunction of the sweat glands. "Headache and sweat hurts" such a phrase can often be heard from owners of tight fur hats: such products are intended solely for severe frosts, and should never tightly fit the head. The access of oxygen to the skin is simply necessary, otherwise all metabolic processes are disturbed in it. Disturbance of sweating often occurs in the summer, especially if a person wears a cap of the same synthetic material that blocks access to air. You should choose caps with special holes or mesh inserts - such hats allow the head to sweat less.
- Pregnancy, menopause - during these periods women are very prone to excessive sweating, including in the head area. This is due to significant changes in the levels of hormones in the body. Such sweating is always temporary and gradually disappears as hormonal levels stabilize.
- Too sensitive nervous system very often leads to excessive sweating. Violent expression of emotions, strong or frequent stress, and as a result head and back sweat, fingers tremble, dizziness can happen. Such signs often occur on the background of attacks of panic attacks, neurosis, phobias.
- If the head sweats in the morning, it is necessary to exclude such possible causes as the presence of oncology, diabetes, allergic processes, and an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, often in the morning the problem bothers people who are prone to alcoholism or drug addiction.
Child's head sweats: reasons
Of course, periodically the head sweats in children too - and there are as many reasons for this as in adults. It all depends on age, on general health, and on many other factors - for example, a child may be corny hot. In many families, it is still believed that the baby should be worn as warm as possible at any time of the year, and it is not necessary to air the room. This is fundamentally wrong.
But parents are most worried about situations when a baby’s head is sweating, because it is during this period that such a complex disease as rickets can develop: it is not surprising that most moms and dads are afraid for their child. Let's make it clear: how exactly the head sweats when rickets is, and whether it is worth prematurely worrying.
The first signs of the disease most often manifest themselves already at 2-3 months - this is an excessive anxiety of the child in a dream, flinching, capriciousness, fearfulness. Then there is sweating: the head sweats when feeding, as well as during sleep. The sweat is special - it is called "sour", as it tends to irritate the skin of the child. This leads to the fact that the baby begins to intensively rub his head on the bed - so another symptom appears - hair loss on the back of the head. Additional symptoms are the sour smell of urine and the appearance of diaper rash. A pediatrician's consultation in this period is especially necessary: the doctor will examine the baby, assess the condition of the fontanels, prescribe tests, and only after that make a diagnosis.
Fortunately, rickets is far from the most common reason that the head sweats in childhood. Sweating is observed for other reasons:
- a large amount of clothing, synthetic clothing;
- heat or humidity in the room;
- allergic processes;
- cold, viral infections.
It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.
Sweating head in men: reasons
- Lack of night time hygiene (hot unventilated room, synthetic linen).
- Drinking alcohol, drugs, unhealthy diet with an abundance of fatty and spicy foods, hearty meal before bedtime.
- Disorders of metabolic processes, excess weight.
- Colds, pneumonia, AIDS, tuberculosis.
- Use of various medications.
- Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which a person snores loudly during the night with periodic breathing movements. The pathogenesis of this syndrome lies in the fact that the lack of oxygen created by improper breathing leads to the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, which, in turn, causes stress and activation of the sweating system.
- Tendency to increased blood pressure.
Woman's head sweats: reasons
Experts pay attention to a number of basic factors that play a role in the process of increasing sweating in the head area in women.
- Failure in the mechanism of the endocrine glands (thyroiditis, goiter, hyperthyroidism, excess iodine, pituitary tumors).
- Nervous system disorders as a result of stress, phobias, prolonged experiences, chronic psychological discomfort, etc.
- Sharp hormonal fluctuations (pregnancy, lactation period, menopause, menstruation period).
- Increased blood pressure (mainly in cardiovascular pathologies).
- Overweight, impaired metabolic processes, hypodynamia.
- Inadequate thermal mode in the room (heat, high humidity, lack of ventilation, etc.).
- Individual features of the body (genetic causes).
Risk factors
- Tendency to local excessive sweating.
- Overweight.
- Oncological diseases.
- Tendency to increased pressure, hypertension.
- Certain periods in life: menopause, pregnancy.
- Diabetes.
- State of chronic stress, neurosis, mental disorders.
- Genetic features.
- Chronic inflammatory pathology.
- Tendency to allergies.
- Alcohol abuse, drug addiction, errors in nutrition.
- Head injury in history.
- Incorrectly chosen clothes, bed, lack of adequate ventilation in the room.
If the head sweats in a dream, then there may be several reasons:
- The hygienic rules of sleep are not observed (if the head sweats when falling asleep, then the cause may be a stuffy unaired room, synthetic underwear, etc.);
- there are diseases such as acute respiratory infections, influenza, pneumonia or bronchus, tuberculosis, AIDS;
- a person takes any drugs that have such a side effect as increased sweating;
- a person has a tendency to snore (if the head sweats, the pillow is wet, then this may be an indirect sign of obstructive sleep apnea, which causes oxygen deficiency with the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream - this, in turn, leads to increased secretion of sweat).
Sweating disorders can be symmetrical or one-sided, localized or common. It happens that in some patients only the head sweats, and in others the head, face and palms.
The primary form of the disease is due to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The sweat glands are the boundary links of the sympathetic chain. Adjustment of sweat production takes place with the participation of unmyelinated postganglionic cholinergic nerves. Activation of efferent cholinergic nerves proceeds under the influence of anticholinergics. The amount of extracellular calcium in secretory cell structures, which depends on the presence of the hormone aldosterone, becomes a direct stimulator of sweating. If the body is under stress, then the amount of hormone in the bloodstream increases - for this reason, many patients with hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, have problems with sweating.
Increased sweating after a meal also depends on the functional characteristics of the sympathetic nervous system. The fact is that the sympathetic directions and the salivary nuclei share common neuronal connections in the brain stem.
The severity of sweating depends on the factor of inheritance. It was found that the characteristics of sweating can be inherited autosomal dominant, being traced only in individual hereditary individuals.
As a rule, with the primary form, the head sweats only during the period of wakefulness, and during the night rest period the state normalizes.
The secondary form can be provoked by:
- hereditary dermatosis, which is found mainly in children with general physical weakness (as a rule, by the period of puberty, the pathology passes on its own);
- Lucy Frey syndrome, in which sweating occurs during a meal, during exercise or stress;
- taking antiemetic drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, painkillers, insulin, etc.
Pathological sweating of the head is always accompanied by severe clinical symptoms, with an abundance of additional, direct and indirect signs. If the head is sweating, then the person quite often (or constantly) feels the increased moisture on the hair: sweat droplets can collect in the perspiration, drain from the forehead and temples to the eyes, neck.
Frequent accumulation of sweat secretions at the same place leads to the active reproduction of pathogens, so in such patients it is not uncommon to become dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema.
The head and neck perspire, not only during physical activity, when experiencing or in stressful situations - in some cases it is not immediately possible to establish the true cause. Only a thorough diagnosis can answer the question about the causes of excessive sweating.
For many people who suffer from increased sweating, symptoms such as puffiness of the face, the appearance of "bags" near the eyes are evident. Such signs are especially noticeable if sweating is disturbed mainly at night, or caused by improper diet or bad habits.
The long-standing problem of severe perspiration on the head can cause permanent dry mouth, tremors in the limbs, and systematic headaches.
In individual patients, sweating leads to the formation of redness and irritation on the forehead and face.
If sweat is released mainly in stressful situations, then a person can become self-contained, avoid society: a kind of complex appears in such patients, as they fear that perspiration will increase at the most inopportune moment.
During physical exertion, the head of men sweats badly: sweating becomes so pronounced that the fluid literally flows down, getting into the eyes and causing their redness. Especially often you can see a similar picture in the summer. Sufferers develop conjunctivitis, their eyesight deteriorates, and their eyes look red and tired.
If there is a cough and sweats the head at the same time, then it is possible to suspect both acute respiratory disease and tuberculosis. To clarify the diagnosis should seek the help of a doctor - for example, to an infectious diseases specialist or pulmonologist. In addition to coughing and sweating, other auxiliary symptoms are likely to be found.
It happens that even after an illness the head sweats: this condition is accompanied by general weakness, a decrease in pressure and body temperature, and dizziness. Often, these symptoms are associated with the end of the fever period and the gradual recovery of the system of thermoregulation in the body. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, but the doctor’s consultation will never be superfluous.
When the head sweats for colds, flu, and ARVI, then there are always symptoms of the underlying disease. This can be a change in temperature (both rising and falling), changes in blood pressure, respiratory dysfunction, cough, pain and sore throat, runny nose, etc. As a rule, this sweating completely disappears after the patient's final recovery.
If sweating is associated with menopause in women, then additional symptoms may be the so-called "hot flashes", headache, sleep disorders.
To determine the specific cause of sweating of the head, the patient will have to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Traditional tests are:
- complete blood count, blood biochemistry;
- a blood test for hormones (indicators of sex hormones, thyroid hormones are taken into account);
- determination of blood sugar levels.
Instrumental diagnostics are often limited to radiography of the lungs, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and the thyroid gland. Additionally, it requires consultation of narrow specialists - for example, a neuropathologist, cardiologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, infectiologist.
In individual cases, the doctor may insist on conducting a genetic analysis in order to exclude or confirm a hereditary factor in the development of pathology.
Special tests to assess the degree of sweating are:
- gravimetric test, carried out to determine the quality and quantity of sweating;
- iodine-starch test (the so-called Minor test, which helps to estimate the area of excessive sweating);
- chromatographic test, which is used in the diagnosis of the primary form of increased sweating.
Differential diagnostics
Differential diagnostics must necessarily be carried out with beriberi, tuberculosis, syphilis, thyroid diseases, systemic infectious pathologies, mental pathologies, oncology.
The treatment cannot be represented by any one scheme: there are a lot of reasons why the head sweats. Therefore, the main impact should be aimed at eliminating the original factor that causes an increase in sweating.
For example, with excessive excitability of the nervous system, sedatives are prescribed. These may be well-known tinctures of valerian root or motherwort, or more complex medications, such as Sedistress, Persen, Antistress, Novo-Passit. Allowed to take homeopathic sedatives Nott, Tenoten, Valerian-Heel. During the period of treatment of these funds can not drink caffeinated beverages, as well as bitter chocolate and alcohol.
If the head sweats as a result of thyroid dysfunction, the treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist. Often therapeutic measures for such pathologies consist in the normalization of metabolic processes and the establishment of proper nutrition. Preparations for the correction of thyroid are prescribed, based on the results of tests for hormones and on ultrasound indices.
An important role in the treatment of increased sweating in the head is played by the fight against chronic inflammatory diseases. The doctor in such a situation prescribes drugs, depending on the location of the pathology and the species of the pathogen. In addition, immunostimulants and vitamins are used.
Sweating of the head during menopause requires the appointment of hormone replacement drugs, or drugs-hormonal correctors. The latter include such drugs as Klimaktoplan, Klimadinon, Klimaksan, etc.
If the head is sweating due to the individual characteristics of the organism, then most often the salvation is injections of Botox. Botox, getting into the tissue, partially blocks the function of the sweat glands, which leads to a noticeable decrease in sweating. Such treatment has its positive and negative sides. Obvious "minuses" is that such a procedure is expensive, and it will have to be repeated several times.
If your head is sweating, the doctor may recommend the following medications:
Dosage and administration |
Adverse events |
special instructions |
Sedistress |
Take 1-2 tablets per day, before meals. |
Drowsiness, allergic reactions, cardiac arrhythmias, digestive discomfort. |
With caution taken with a tendency to low blood pressure. |
Immunoplus |
Take 2-3 tablets daily, regardless of the meal. |
Digestive disorders, sleep disorders, irritability. |
It is undesirable to take the drug for more than 6-8 weeks in a row. |
Oksibutinin |
Take 5 mg three times a day. |
Dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances, depression. |
Oxybutynin refers to urological agents, but it is massively used to eliminate excessive sweating, especially if the head is sweating. |
Glycopyrrolate |
Take one capsule on an empty stomach, before breakfast. The course of treatment is one month, after which you should take a break for 1 week. It is allowed to add the drug in the solution for iontophoresis. |
Heart rhythm disturbances, general weakness, drowsiness, nervousness. |
If the head is sweating heavily, then the dose is allowed to increase to 2 tablets per day, at a time. It should be borne in mind that sweating is normalized only while taking the drug. In the future, the problem returns. |
Climactoplan |
Taken with sweating of the head, associated with menopause in women - 1-2 tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals, or half an hour after it. The duration of treatment is not less than three months. |
Menstrual and nosebleeds. |
Perhaps increasing symptoms in the first days of taking the drug. |
Conservative therapy is often combined with vitamin therapy. In this case, the doctor may prescribe, as individual vitamins, and vitamin complex preparations. In some cases, vitamin complexes may be preferable, since they simultaneously affect various mechanisms for regulating the normal function of sweating.
- Aevit - consists of active vitamins A and E, which advantageously complement each other and establish processes in the skin.
- Vitrum beauty - in addition to essential vitamins, also has a rich antioxidant composition.
- Komplivit shine - contains 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, lipoic acid and extract from the leaves of green tea.
- Perfectil - contains vitamins and other essential substances: zinc, copper, selenium, biotin, etc.
- Supradin - has a high content of not only vitamins, but also biotin, coenzyme, fatty acids, zinc copper.
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe ergocalciferol or akvadetrim - if you suspect a deficiency of vitamin D in the body.
Physical therapy involves the use of several techniques that are especially relevant if the head is sweating: it is a method of galvanization (electrophoresis) and microcurrent therapy. The use of such procedures allows not only to correct the work of the sweating system, but also to strengthen the hair, improve blood flow in the scalp, and stimulate hair growth.
Electrophoresis is the introduction of substances necessary for the regulation of perspiration, directly into the tissue. The course of therapy consists of 10-15 sessions, with a frequency of once every three days, or every other day.
The essence of microcurrent therapy is to stimulate blood circulation and promote the processes of cell renewal. The course includes 10 procedures, one per week.
Alternative treatment
If the head is sweating, but it is not associated with any serious pathologies, then you can try to solve the problem with the help of alternative medicine - such means are often the simplest and most accessible. First of all, you need to pay attention to two factors - it is hygiene and nutritional characteristics.
Should I again talk about the need to take a shower every day? If there are problems - for example, the head is sweating, then the shower here requires a contrast, with alternating temperatures. This effect regulates the sweating function. Therefore, if you practice the douche in the morning, then it will help to reduce the daily sweating. After a shower, problem areas of the skin can be rubbed with boric alcohol.
"Calm down" excessive sweating will help changes in the diet. For example, you need to limit the intake of spicy, salty and hot foods. It is optimal if a predominantly vegetable diet is followed, with the inclusion of beneficial proteins and fats: nuts, beans, flaxseed and olive oil, wheat germinated grains.
Some experts suggest to wash your hair with tar or ordinary household soap to eliminate sweating. White cosmetic clay can also be used as a detergent - it perfectly dries the skin and tightens the pores, regulating the sweating function.
Herbal medicine
Among the huge variety of herbs you can find those that help if the head sweats. At the same time, “herbal” treatment in most cases is not accompanied by adverse events and is considered absolutely affordable.
- Herbal rinse: prepare a "thick" infusion of such plant components as birch leaves, lingonberry leaves, oak bark, rowan leaves, yarrow. The resulting infusion is rinsed out after washing: it is not necessary to rinse off the product, simply blot the head with a clean towel.
- Pouring the infusion of wormwood and sage (100 g of raw materials per 5 liters of water, insist no less than half an hour).
- Lotions of oak bark with a hunter make three times a day. To prepare the infusion for lotions 1 tbsp. L 500 ml of boiling water is poured over oak bark and the same amount of Hypericum and insisted in a thermos for 2 hours. After that, it is filtered and used. From the received means the head sweats less, and in addition - hair becomes stronger, and their structure improves.
If not only the head but also the face is sweating, then you can make a special tonic for rubbing the skin. Tonic consists of one part of lemon juice, one part of vodka and two parts of glycerin. Means is applied 2-3 times a day, daily.
Today, in many countries of the world, homeopathic remedies are successfully used specifically for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. If the head sweats, and there is no urgent need for surgery, then homeopathy may be the best solution to the problem. The fact is that the impact of such drugs is always aimed at eliminating the root cause - that is, the main "culprit" of sweating. Therefore, in the future, after the stabilization of the ground state, the function of excretion of sweat normalizes by itself.
Most medical specialists adequately relate to the use of such drugs, but insist: the appointment should be carried out by a specially trained homeopathic doctor. Despite the fact that homeopathic remedies are practically devoid of side effects, self-treatment is not welcome here. What drugs are advised to use by doctors if your head is sweating:
- Silitsiya 6-12-30 - with severe night sweats of the head;
- Conium 3-6-12 - when the head is sweating night and day;
- Natrum muriatikum 3-30 - with a strong sweating on the head, face, in the armpits;
- Pulsatilla 3-6 - with pronounced sweating throughout the body, including on the head.
In addition, a positive effect is seen from the action of such drugs as Kalkareya Carbonica 30, Mercurius Solubilis 6-30, Hepar Sulfur 6-12.
If the head sweats, the surgical method of treatment involves one of the two operations (provided that conservative treatment did not bring results):
- operation thoracoscopic sympathectomy;
- endoscopic sympathectomy surgery.
These interventions are different methods of exposure to the region of the sympathetic nerve trunk and its nodes, which provide the innervation of the whole organism - and, in particular, the sweat glands.
The operation of endoscopic sympathectomy leads to a complete and final cure. The essence of the intervention lies in the clamping of the sympathetic ganglion: this is possible through the use of an endoxop. The difference between this method and thoracoscopic intervention is in a different version of access to the nerve fibers. When thoracoscopy doctor makes a skin incision, so this option is more traumatic and sometimes causes the development of complications.
The main long-term complication after surgery is the appearance of increased sweating in other areas of the body - for example, in the back or abdomen. This consequence disturbs about 2% of operated patients. The problem is solved by re-operation.
Consequences and complications
When the head sweats, it usually creates a certain psychological discomfort for the patient, which is the only unpleasant consequence of this condition. As a result, a person can become uncommunicative, withdrawn, depressions and neuroses can develop.
Complications can occur not as a result of excessive sweating, but because of the initial cause of this condition. That is, if the cause of head sweats is nervous stress and anxiety, then sooner or later they can affect the mental and physical health of a person. Over time, stress leads to a decrease in immunity, to the development of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Many develop depressive states, neuroses, etc.
Every patient should know: if there is a tendency to sweating, and the head sweats frequently and noticeably, then it is necessary to remember such warning rules:
- you need to learn how to control your emotional background - to avoid stress, scandals, not to worry about trifles, to avoid conflict situations;
- it is important to struggle with excess weight, eat right, drink enough liquid;
- wearing close hats is undesirable: in hot weather it is better to give preference to mesh “breathing” materials, and in the cold season - knitted products (not fur);
- it is necessary to regularly diagnose the state of the hormonal background;
- before bedtime it is necessary to ventilate the room (at any time of the year);
- It is preferable to choose linen for sleep from high-quality natural material.
Women are encouraged to abandon the dense options of hairstyles that cause stagnation of blood in the head. Optimally long hair to dissolve or mow them a little - for example, to the level of "square".
If the head is still sweating, or any additional symptoms appear, then it is necessary to consult a medical specialist without fail.
The primary form of increased sweating in the head area is distinguished by a particularly favorable prognosis: the elimination of external irritants leads to the restoration of sweating function.
The situation is somewhat different with the secondary form of the disease. In such a situation, the further prognosis depends on how correct and timely the diagnosis will be, how serious the causative disease will be, and on how correctly the treatment is prescribed. The secondary form requires a deeper diagnosis and longer treatment - if the head sweats due to any internal diseases, the treatment measures are often delayed for several months.