How to treat and what to do with stretching the muscles?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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It is necessary to ensure the peace of the damaged muscle, avoiding any (especially sudden) movements and physical exertion. Within 2 days after injury, any strain should be eliminated completely.
To prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, as soon as possible after injury, apply a cold compress (preferably ice) to the injured place, and keep it for at least half an hour. Next, ice is applied every 4 hours throughout the day. Optimum use for this purpose of special ice for cocktails, or other frozen foods, wrapped cellophane and in a towel.
The place of damage should be clearly fixed. With the growing hematoma apply a tight elastic bandaging. To reduce swelling and improve blood outflow, the limb with the injured muscle should be placed on the elevation.
If necessary, take anti-inflammatory and pain medication:
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
special instructions |
Ibuprofen |
Tablets Ibuprofen is taken in an amount of 20-30 mg / kg of weight per day. Optimum - 1-2 tablets every 5 hours. |
Nausea, pain in the abdomen, drowsiness, noise in the ears. |
Ibuprofen is not used to treat children under six. |
Ketanov |
Ketanov tablets (Ketorolac) are taken in an amount of 60 mg per day (not more than 90 mg), for a short time (2-3 days). |
Dyspepsia, taste changes, stomach pain, headache, skin rash. |
The drug is recommended to use in the lowest possible dosage and for a minimum amount of time. |
Diclofenac |
Diclofenac sodium tablets are taken with food, 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day. It is possible to use the drug in the form of suppositories. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks. |
Pain in the abdomen, hepatitis, dyspepsia, headache, tachycardia. |
Diclofenac is not suitable for treating children under 15 years old. |
Meloxicam |
Tablets are taken with uncomfortable pain, with a constant aching pain, at 7.5-15 mg per day. |
Pain in the head, mood changes, drowsiness, blurred vision. |
Meloksikam is not used to treat children under 16 years old. |
Xsefokam |
Enter 8 mg per day intravenously or intramuscularly. |
Dyspepsia, gastric bleeding, increased pressure, thrombosis. |
Xefokam is not used to treat children under 18 years old. |
An anesthetic with the stretching of the muscles is not always necessary, because the pain can be different - from minor to fairly pronounced, with limited physical activity. In mild cases, you can limit the use of ointments with analgesics. And if the pain worries much, worsening at night - then in this situation you have to resort to oral medications. Analgesics should not be taken for a long time. As doctors say, 2-3 days is enough to relieve acute pain: a longer reception can lead to undesirable side effects.
Among the most common analgesic preparations for oral administration are:
- Preparations-pyrazolones: Analgin, Renalgan, Tempalgin.
- Combined analgesics: Dolaren, Trigan, Fanigan, Pentalgin.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Ketorolac.
- Coxiba (a kind of NSAIDs): Celecoxib, Etorikoxib.
- Spazmolitiki with analgesic effect: Drotaverin, Duspatalin.
Midokalm at a stretching of muscles helps, thanks to its spasmolytic and miorelaksiruyuschim properties, but this drug is not able to remove inflammation. Midokalm is used in cases where the use of other medicines is impossible for some reason. The agent is taken on 150-300 mg daily inside, or intramuscularly at 100 mg twice a day. Midokalm is allowed for use in children, starting with the second year of life. However, the use of the drug in pregnancy is not recommended.
Ointments, creams, gels when stretching muscles
In closed-type muscle injuries, external remedies that relieve edema and relieve pain are often successfully used. During the first 3-4 days after injury, it is not recommended to apply irritating, distracting and warming medications that cause increased blood circulation in the affected area. In this period, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory as well as herbal absorbents are more relevant.
A good effect is not only ointments, but also gels, which have excellent absorbency and a pronounced cooling property. For example, many doctors advise using Heparil-gel, Troxevasin, Indovazin, etc.
A few days later, when the doctor will proceed with warming procedures, the following external preparations will be suitable for application:
- Espol - ointment based on pepper pods;
- Finalgon - vasodilator anesthetic drug;
- Nikofleks - a resorbant based on lavender oil;
- Sanitas - cream with camphor, eucalyptus, petroleum jelly and pork fat;
- Efkamon - a remedy with mustard and clove oils, as well as with cinnamon extract.
In addition to the above medicines, Especially popular are ointments Viprosal, Virapin, Apizarthron.
- Diclofenac when stretching muscles is actively used as an ointment, as it has a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Ointment removes joint stiffness, relieves swelling and painful sensations. It is enough to apply 2-4 g of funds to the affected area of 400-800 cm², two or three times a day. Apply the drug to clean, undamaged skin.
- Menovazine when stretching the muscles well relieves pain, but this remedy can irritate the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to use it not earlier than 3-4 days after receiving the injury. Menovazine can be used in pregnancy, if there is no allergy to the composition of the drug. Ointment is applied to the painful area several times a day, rubbing it until it is completely absorbed.
- Finalgon when stretching the muscles is used because of the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The drug may be used 3-4 days after injury, having previously tested it on a small part of the body (to exclude allergies). Finalgon easily and gently rubbed, using the supplied applicator. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to cover the treated area with a bandage or a warm scarf. Finalgon is not used to treat children under 12 years old.
- Troxevasin when stretching the muscles contributes to the rapid disappearance of the hematoma and edema. It is perfectly perceived by tissues and practically does not cause allergic reactions. Gel Troxevasin is used in the morning and evening, applying a small amount of funds to clean and dry skin.
- Dimexide, with the stretching of the muscles, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, since it can penetrate deeply into the tissues, contributing to the acceleration of blood circulation and the regeneration of tissues. The composition of the preparation is represented by the base component dimethylsulfoxide. This component directly affects the nerve endings and prevents pain. Dimexide is used in the form of compresses, not earlier than the 4th day after the injury. To prepare a compress, mix 30 ml of 30% diluted drug and 50 ml of 2% novocaine.
- Dolobene during the stretching of the muscles contributes to a complex effect, which includes the acceleration of tissue regeneration. Dolobene contains non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, therefore it effectively removes pain and inhibits the development of inflammatory reaction. The drug is applied to the affected area 2-4 times a day, with a thin layer. The duration of application is determined by the doctor. Dolobene is not suitable for treating children under 5 years of age.
- Turpentine ointment when stretching muscles is used according to indications, as part of complex treatment. Ointment warms, removes pain and inflammation, distracts, acts as a local antiseptic. The agent is applied under a compress, which is held in a sore spot for at least 2 hours, twice a day. Before applying the ointment, a check should be performed to exclude the presence of allergies.
- An asterisk with stretching muscles is used, both for treatment and for prophylaxis: for example, this is a well-known remedy often used by athletes with a warming massage. Children under 6 years of age this balm is contraindicated. If there is already such a trauma as stretching, then the balm is applied, starting from the 4th day, not earlier. The asterisk activates the local blood circulation, and with an earlier application it can provoke an increase in bruising. In the future, the remedy can be used twice a day, preferably - under the bandage.
Bandage during stretching of muscles
Elastic bandage is widely used for the prevention and treatment of various injuries. Such a bandage is multifunctional:
- densely fixes the damaged area;
- can be used repeatedly;
- suitable for fixing absolutely any part of the body;
- can be used by the patient independently;
- does not cause discomfort when wearing;
- can be used in combination with compresses or ointments.
How correctly to apply a bandage at a stretching?
- The dressing is applied from the top down, with a uniform tension, better - in the morning.
- The beginning and the end of the dressing should be approximately 15 cm from the affected area.
Bint is worn as needed, but before going to bed it must be removed.
Plaster from stretching of muscles
Plaster Nanoplast forte helps to quickly anesthetize and stop inflammation on the affected area of the body. This tool is effective and safe, so it is used for many problems with joints, spine, muscles and ligaments.
The plaster will help:
- with muscular pain in the neck, back, waist;
- with bruises and bruises;
- with closed injuries of soft tissues;
- with sports injuries.
Treatment with plaster is rarely accompanied by allergic manifestations - such as rashes and itching. If such signs also arise, they also quickly disappear after removal of the patch.
The manufacturer indicates that the product should not be used during pregnancy, and also glue it to open skin lesions.
Nanoplast is adhered to the dry skin of the affected area, for up to 12 hours. The subsequent adhesive can be pasted not earlier than six hours after the previous one.
The product is disposable and does not apply again. The average course of treatment with Nanoplast is 3-9 days.
Ribbons from stretching of muscles
The real salvation for athletes is "teip-tape" is an elastic device that has excellent pulling and stretching properties. The material of the tape is cotton, on one side there is an adhesive base. This allows her to stay on her body well. The tape can not be removed even during swimming in the pool: it will just as well hold and quickly dry out.
"Tapping" can be used, both for the prevention of injuries, and for alleviating the condition with soft tissue injuries. How does the tape work? It qualitatively fixes the skin, preventing possible displacement of muscles or joints. In this position, the tissues heal faster.
Immediately after fixing the tape has an analgesic effect, optimizes blood circulation and lymph drainage.
Restoration of muscle tissue occurs due to the complex effect of factors: it is very important to use the rest periods and moderate dosage exercises, to provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
For an early regeneration dieticians are advised to include in the food ration products with sufficient content of all the necessary useful components. These are vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, calcium, magnesium, selenium.
In some cases, the doctor can recommend the taking of certain vitamin-mineral preparations, which contain all the components necessary for recovery.
- Arthritis is prescribed for inflammatory and degenerative processes in the musculoskeletal system. Specially selected complex has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. The drug is taken in the morning and in the evening, with food, one capsule. Duration of admission is one month.
- Calcium is used to regulate calcium phosphate exchange, to strengthen bones, muscles and joints. The drug can be used for both treatment and prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system. Calcium is taken 1-2 times a day on a tablet.
- Antioxidants are used as an auxiliary source of vitamins and antioxidants in the complex therapy. Take the drug one capsule per day, for 1-3 months.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Without fail, the doctor prescribes a complex of exercise therapy: during the training the trained instructor demonstrates and observes the performance of all necessary exercises. LFK allows faster recovery of muscle tissue, and later the patient will be able to perform the proposed exercises and independently at home.
The basic methods of physiotherapy for muscle damage are:
- UHF - the effect of a high-frequency electromagnetic field - is carried out to improve blood circulation and accelerate the regeneration of tissues;
- electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications - provides direct exposure to the affected area at the cell level;
- phonophoresis with corticosteroids - ensures the removal of a pronounced inflammatory process by using ultrasonic waves;
- paraffinotherapy - warms the tissues at the stage of rehabilitation, for persistent restoration of muscles.
Rehabilitation may also include mud therapy, sanatorium treatment, etc.
The Almag machine can be used for muscle stretching as early as 12 hours after receiving a simple injury, or 2-3 days after a serious injury. Inductors are located along the affected parts of the musculature, or around them. Almag promotes anesthesia, relieves edema, accelerates regeneration, improves blood circulation, restores the function of damaged structures.
Massage with stretching of muscles
You can not start the massage until the third day after the injury. Earlier initiation of procedures often leads to enlargement of the hematoma and aggravation of pain.
The first stage of the massage involves mostly spiral and concentric strokes. The area above the site of damage is also massaged, mainly kneading and squeezing is used here. This effect improves drainage of blood and lymph, relieve pain and provide optimal conditions for healing.
Over time, the range of massage techniques is gradually expanding. 7-10 days after receiving the injury, it is permitted to exercise caution with active and passive kneading of the joints in the affected area.
Massage should be done only by a specialist, so as not to harm the sick muscles. If everything is done correctly, after a few sessions there will be a significant improvement in the well-being: swelling and bruising will begin to gradually subside, and the pain will decrease.
Gymnastics for stretching muscles
Gymnastics for stretching aims to relax the muscles and remove the spasm, which in most cases becomes the "culprit" of all unpleasant consequences with the muscular system. In untrained people, the muscles "stone", for a long time not fulfilling their functions.
Gymnastics is performed easily and at a slow pace, so it is not necessary to have any sports training.
Restoration of muscle circulation is observed about a few weeks after the beginning of systematic training: the muscles become more elastic, the spasm goes away.
Specialists offer five basic exercises that provide adequate muscle stretching.
- Accept the lotus position: the back should be straight. Tilt your head to the side (how to lay it on your shoulder), hold for a couple of seconds, go back to the starting position. Do 6 repetitions on one side and the other.
- Stand straight, legs - shoulder width apart. Raise your arms up, stretch, stretching your shoulders and chest. Hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Do about six repetitions.
- Stand straight, spread your legs slightly apart (not to the width of the shoulders), squat slightly. Keep your hands on your waist. Raise your hand, as if stretching, "get out" the limit point, then freely lower your hand. Do six repetitions for each hand.
- Make a front lunge, hands behind your head. Lean the body to the right, hold for a few seconds, then lean to the left. Repeat six times in each direction.
- Lie on your back. Drag one knee to the chest, hold it for a few seconds, go back to the starting position. Repeat with the other knee.
Do exercises without rushing and sudden movements. Try to conduct the proposed complex on a daily basis.
Bath at a stretching of muscles
To visit a bath, or to practice any other thermal procedures is possible only after the end of the acute period, when the signs of inflammatory reaction go to "no", and the swelling subsides. As a rule, this happens not earlier than 4-5 days after the injury.
At the initial stage of injury (1-4 days of injury), doctors are not advised to use thermal procedures. It is possible to use ice compresses, cooling ointments and sprays. If you apply heat immediately after the injury, it will only worsen the condition, provoke an increase in edema and hemorrhage.
Bath with stretching of muscles
Take a hot bath after a muscle injury doctors strongly advise. But a cold bath, on the contrary, is recommended.
To date, even many sports clubs are equipped with special pools with cold water, in which you can swim immediately after a hard workout. How can cold water help stretch muscles? The cold stops the inflammatory reaction, and after that it is much easier for the body to repair the muscle tissue.
The cold bath has almost the same effect as a cold lotion or ice compress, which is recommended at the first stage of trauma treatment. To ease the condition, it is enough to collect water from the cold tap into the tub and lower the affected area of the body in it for 10-14 minutes. This simple procedure allows to reduce the recovery period by half, and also greatly facilitates post-traumatic pain.
Exercises for stretching the back muscles
Muscles of the back are particularly in need of periodic rest, not to mention that it is highly undesirable to overload them. Musculature can be damaged by lifting heavy objects, or simply, for a long time being in an uncomfortable position. In order to prevent the emergence of discomfort, experts advise regularly to do special gymnastics to improve the tone of the muscles of the back.
Exercise should be done gently, without crunching, starting with low-amplitude movements. The best time for gymnastics is evening.
The breathing should be smooth and deep, and the musculature relaxed.
- Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, head forward. Gradually, pull your chest to the floor, pressing your chin to your neck.
- Stand on all fours, alternately bend the back down and up (like a cat). For one move, take about 4 seconds, repeat six times.
- Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees (the feet are stably located on the floor). Hands pull along the body, palms down. The right knee is rearranged through the left leg, tilt the hips to the right, and both knees to the left. Hold for a few seconds at the maximum amplitude and repeat the exercise for the opposite side.
- Sit on a stool, legs bring together. Turn the top of the trunk and shoulders to the left, with an extremely comfortable amplitude, wait 20 seconds, then take the original position. Repeat the same, but on the right side.
Stretching for the back is very useful. If you carry out such exercises systematically, you can avoid many problems, both with the musculature of the back, and with the vertebral column.
Alternative treatment
In the treatment of stretched muscles this compress will help:
- stir 1 liter of water, 500 g of clay and 5 tbsp. L. Vinegar;
- the resulting mass is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the affected area;
- well pribintovyvayut and fix;
- change the dressing when the clay dries;
- repeat the application of the compress three times.
You can use this recipe:
- take a cotton or linen napkin, fold 4 times;
- 2 cm clay layer is spread evenly over the napkin;
- fixed with a bandage.
Such a compress is suitable for use before bedtime.
There is another proven method:
- let the purified bulb through the meat grinder, cover with sugar;
- the resulting mass is spread on a gauze pad and applied to the affected area, 2 times a day, until a stable improvement occurs.
To prepare a compress, garlic is often used:
- clean the teeth from two garlic heads, crush the press or meat grinder;
- pour 500 ml of apple cider vinegar and 100 ml of vodka;
- insist in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks, stirring occasionally;
- filtered, 15 drops of eucalyptus oil added;
- Used for setting compresses for muscle pain.
Herbal Treatment
To accelerate the healing of stretched muscle fibers, herbalists are advised to use the following method: rub garlic-eucalyptus infusion into the affected area. Garlic cloves from one head are cleaned and thoroughly ground, add 10 g of crushed eucalyptus leaves. Mass pour 150 ml of boiling hot water, insist until it cools. After that, it is filtered and used for grinding.
Successfully used and barberry broth. In a container pour in 200 ml of milk, and a full tablespoon of barberry, boil for 30 minutes, filtered. The received agent is taken orally, thrice a day for 1 tbsp. L. Between meals.
In addition, compresses based on lavender or chamomile oils (mixed with water), as well as compresses with arnica and camphor alcohol, are successfully used to accelerate healing.
With muscular, articular pains and with stretching, it is recommended to add a number of homeopathic remedies to the basic treatment:
- Acity 6 CH
- Arnika 6CH
- Rus toxicodendron 6SN
- Ruta 6CH
These drugs are appropriate to use in muscle pain, aches, numbness, tingling, and also with night pain.
Preparations take 1-7 granules (this depends on the age and constitution of the patient), up to 4 times a day for 3-7 days, to a sustainable optimization of well-being. Homeopathic granules have no contraindications to use, they are allowed to be taken at almost any age.
For external use, doctors advise buying 10% arnica ointment, or a complex homeopathic drug Traumeel. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the injured zone up to 3 times a day. With extensive lesions, you can repeat the application of the ointment up to six times a day. At night it is recommended to apply bandages with ointment.
In surgical treatment, as a rule, there is no need: the stretched muscle fibers come to normal on their own, under the basic conditions of which we spoke above: peace, cold, compression and elevated position. In some cases, conservative treatment with painkillers and / or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed.
Surgical intervention is a method that is used when the muscle is completely ruptured. In a similar situation, the sewing of a torn muscle segment is practiced.
Recovery after stretching of the muscles
Most cases of muscle damage can be cured, only adhering to a special principle, which includes only four factors: peace, cold, tight bandage and elevated position.
To fully return to sports training is allowed after the pain is completely gone and the movements are restored. If you begin to train before full recovery, then the probability of getting a re-injury increases.
How long is the recovery period? After a slight stretching, the patient can start practicing physical education after 2-3 weeks. In case of serious injuries, this period may last for several months.
To recover faster, you should provide the injured limb with the greatest possible peace, and the body - sufficient intake of vitamins and other nutrients.