Pain from overeating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Overeating is one of the most common causes of stomach pain. Unpleasant sensations develop not immediately, but 1-2 hours after eating, that is, as soon as the body starts the process of digesting food. At this point, there are bouts of nausea and vomiting, which are a signal that the body is trying to get rid of excess for its food.
If the stomach hurts from overeating, then this may indicate the stretching of its walls. The enlarged organ presses on muscles and neighboring organs. Because of this, the pressure rises and irradiating pains occur.
The appearance of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract after eating an excessive amount of food most often indicates such problems:
- Pain in the stomach and intestines with attacks of severe heartburn is a serious organ disorder, that is, dyspepsia. In especially severe cases, discomfort makes itself felt regardless of food intake, that is, at any time of the day.
- A huge amount of food leads to problems with digestion. Because of this, increased gas formation occurs. Strong flatulence provokes painful sensations.
- An upset stomach can occur with a stool. Most often, food dependence leads to diarrhea.
- Overeating fatty and oily foods requires the body to use a large amount of energy to break down fats. Increased secretion of gastric juice contributes to the appearance of pain and increased heart rate.
On average, the human stomach holds about two plates of food. Once this volume is filled, the body begins to expand and stretch, causing pain. To normalize the digestive process and eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to limit the consumption of food. Patients are recommended fractional diet, which gives the process of saturation, but does not cause discomfort. Small portions normalize weight and reduce the risk of development of pathologies from the digestive tract.
If the pains after gluteny all the same appeared, then to facilitate the condition, you can induce vomiting, take medicine with enzymes that speed up the process of splitting food. If you have severe discomfort, you should take an anesthetic.
Pain in the left lower abdomen after overeating
If after a meal there are painful feelings in the left lower abdomen, then most often it indicates a malfunction in the digestive system and the fact that the diet contains a large number of dishes that irritate the internal organs.
The discomfort that arises after regular overeating requires medical attention, since it can indicate the damage to such organs of the digestive system:
- Spleen.
- Stomach.
- Part of the intestine and pancreas.
- The left part of the diaphragm.
Pathologies of the digestive system are accompanied by such symptoms: heartburn, nausea and bloating, belching, vomiting, stool disruption.
In rare cases, pain in the left lower abdomen after an attack of gluttony is not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Discomfort indicates cardiovascular disorders, degenerative lesions of the spine (osteochondrosis). In women, this can be pathologies of the uterine appendages and other gynecological diseases.
To establish what exactly is the cause of pain - inaccuracies in nutrition or diseases of internal organs, you should seek medical help and undergo comprehensive diagnosis.
Pain in the right side after overeating
If after an attack of uncontrolled eating, there are severe pain in the right side, then the first thing you can suspect is the problems of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. Also, we should not exclude that the food itself can be a cause of discomfort or illness of internal organs.
Pain in the right side after overeating occurs when you use these products:
- Salty, spicy, fatty, spicy, fried.
- Too cold or hot dishes / drinks.
- Intolerance to dairy products.
- Eating high in cholesterol or gluten.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Substandard or improperly cooked products.
The main diseases that cause discomfort to the right, aggravated after lunch:
- Food intoxication - develops due to overdue or improperly prepared foods. It is accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. It requires treatment, and in especially severe cases of medical care.
- Irritable bowel syndrome - pain with stool, flatulence, rumbling and swelling of the abdomen. Gradually, the discomfort subsides, but another meal triggers a painful sensation on a new one.
- Appendicitis - initially discomfort appears under the spoon, but gradually falls lower, intensifying during active movements or resting on the right side.
- Dysbacteriosis - the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine cause changes in the digestive system, which leads to severe pain on the right side.
- Colitis is an inflammatory process in the large intestine. The pains are piercing and twisting.
- Violation of acidity - with reduced acidity and a lack of gastric juice, food can not be digested for a long time, provoking cramping pains.
- Heartburn - most often due to the use of gastric irritating foods. Can be accompanied by difficulty stool, eructation.
- Pylorospasm - manifested by spasmodic pylorus and pylorus. Discomfort occurs in the first minutes after eating and stops after 1-2 hours. Spasms can be accompanied by vomiting.
In addition to the above pathologies, the pain on the right is characteristic of pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, and ulcerative lesions. To alleviate the condition, it is first necessary to establish a diet and necessarily consult a gastroenterologist.
Backache after overeating
Regular pain in the back area after an attack of binge eating can be a sign of digestive system diseases. If the pain sensations have a reflected character, then this is a violation of the musculoskeletal system or internal organs.
Consider the main causes of discomfort:
- Ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract and heartburn - flow with vomiting and diarrhea, and also possible increased gas production.
- Violation of posture - if you take food in a hunched, that is, stooped condition, then the appearance of pain is justified, since the intestine is trapped.
- Infarction - back pain can be a signal of a heart attack. They are accompanied by additional pathological signals of the body: pain in the chest, neck, shoulder and left arm, increased sweating and attacks of nausea.
- Renal infection - pulsating symptoms in the back are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and painful urination. This problem requires serious treatment, as it can lead to serious problems.
- Diseases of the gallbladder - there are pressing pains in the back in the area of the right scapula or between the shoulder blades, as well as dryness and bitterness in the mouth.
In addition to the above reasons, pain occurs with arthritis, osteochondrosis and muscle tension, jamming of the spinal nerves, as well as with cancer of the kidneys and other internal organs.
If back pain is the only symptom after overeating, it is enough to take the drug to speed up the digestive process and anti-inflammatory. If after a couple of days the pathology again made itself felt, then you should seek medical help. Consultation with a doctor is necessary when there are additional painful symptoms. In any case, one can not ignore such a symptomatology, since without appropriate treatment there is a risk of serious complications.
After overeating the body aches
A rather unusual symptom arising from uncontrolled absorption of food is pain in the whole body. A similar sign is associated with an increase in the volume of the stomach, the deposition of fat and salts in tissues and on the walls of the vessels. A painful condition can be associated with such factors:
- Decreased production of pancreatic hormones.
- The formation of cholesterol plaques.
- Excess weight: increased load on joints, vessels and locomotor system.
- Intoxication of the body with the remnants of undigested food.
- Formation of concrements from salts in the gallbladder and kidneys.
- Elevated levels of fats and carbohydrates in the blood.
- Attacks of gluttony before bedtime.
In order to get rid of the pain in the whole body, it is necessary to normalize the nutrition. If the problem is related to psychological factors, then you need the help of a psychologist. If the pain after an attack of binge eating appeared for the first time, then the stomach needs help, using such methods:
- Brew green tea or prepare a glass of warm water, but not more than 150 ml. In a drink, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice or a little ginger root, which will speed up the digestion process.
- To stimulate the production of gastric juice and eliminate intestinal spasms, dissolve in a glass of purified water a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and drink in small sips.
- Take enzymes that facilitate digestion and accelerate the process of splitting fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Such drugs can not be used on an ongoing basis, since the body will stop producing enzymes on its own. Also, painful seizures can be prevented by taking a pill at the time of the feast.
- Stimulate the production of enzymes and increased salivation can chew the cud for 5-7 minutes. This makes it easier to digest the food coming into the stomach.
It is strictly forbidden to drink a lot of liquids or alcohol, as there is a risk of injury to the stomach mucosa, attacks of nausea and vomiting. Also you can not go to rest, because lack of activity will provoke the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach, which will lead to intoxication.
After the first painful symptoms have left, it is necessary to lie down and massage the abdomen around the navel clockwise for 5 minutes. Such strokes improve digestion, stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Another option to minimize pain throughout the body is breathing exercises, which perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in the body.
Heart aches from overeating
Surely everyone at least once, but faced with such a problem, when after a plentiful feast and overeating the heart starts to hurt. The severity and pressure in the sternum can indicate complications of cardiac, pulmonary, vascular, psychological or gastrointestinal nature.
Constant gluttony causes digestive disorders, which leads to pain in the sternum. Discomfort arises from the abuse of food, which provokes increased gas formation and a feeling of heaviness. Most often these are flour products, sweets and spicy dishes.
There is also such a thing as gastrocardial syndrome. It represents the reflex response of the stomach and esophagus to various stimuli. The cardiac part of the stomach gets under the sight, the symptoms of the lesion are very similar to a heart attack or ischemia.
The main symptoms of gastrocardial syndrome:
- Feeling of heaviness in the chest after eating.
- Growing pains in the area of the heart, which resemble angina.
- Sense of anxiety.
- Slow heartbeat.
- Rapid heart rate after fading.
- Blood pressure jumps.
- Increased sweating.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Increased weakness.
The appearance of the above symptomatology is the reason for seeking medical help. Patients are assigned a complex of diagnostic examinations. The diagnosis is confirmed in the event that the pain in the heart appears immediately after eating or drinking a large volume of fluid. Another sign that confirms the pathology - painful symptomatology passes independently without taking medications.
For treatment is recommended complex therapy, which begins with the normalization of meals. Patients are prescribed soft sedatives and antispasmodics. Also, it is mandatory to visit a nutritionist to compose a curative diet. If a painful condition is associated with psychological factors, then a course of psychotherapy is indicated.
Overeating headache
One of the most common causes of headaches is malnutrition and overeating. Discomfort can be caused by such nutritional factors:
- Reduced blood sugar.
- Disruption during a diet.
- Frequent seizures with prolonged constipation.
- Intoxication of the body with poor-quality products.
The headache can be pulsating and bilateral, increasing with physical exertion. Some patients note that the use of excessive amounts of food provokes sharp lumbago in the forehead and temples.
Migraine after eating occurs when such factors act:
- An excess of retinol - increased doses of vitamin A, which are found in butter, liver, egg yolks, tomatoes, dill cause not only migraine attacks, but also abdominal cramps with nausea. The condition is normalized after restriction of products with retinol.
- Sausage products contain a huge amount of nitrites and preservatives. These ingredients contribute to the sudden expansion of the vessels, which leads to headaches.
- Foods rich in soy contains glutamate sodium. This ingredient is a part of cheap meat products and sausages. In addition to migraine, there is a feeling of squeezing in the chest.
- The use of ice cream or cold drinks causes temperature stress. The pain arises abruptly and rapidly increases in intensity.
- Alcohol intoxication - alcohol damage the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Discomfort appears 30 minutes after the taken drink or the next day.
- Regular use of drinks with caffeine causes real attachment. If you do not replenish your coffee in time, then there is a withdrawal syndrome, which occurs with headaches, nausea, irritability and anxiety.
- Abuse of foods with vitamin C - overeating citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits).
In addition to the above factors, migraine occurs when you abuse red wine, nuts, chocolate, canned foods and supplements. Another provoker of the headache is products with amine (tyramine, phenylethylamine). This substance is contained in smoked pork, celery, soy, avocado, vinegar, cheese, mayonnaise and mustard sauce, plums. Particular care should be taken when using foods with genetically modified ingredients.