Treatment of obsessions
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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Symptoms of the compulsive disorder syndrome can be caused by different causes, so there is no specific treatment. If mental illnesses are diagnosed, then it is necessary to treat them in the first place, and in this case, drug therapy can not be dispensed with. Psychotropic drugs can be prescribed for obsessive-compulsive disorder, drug therapy is considered the most effective and reliable. Such drugs can be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, the disease in most patients has a chronic form, respectively, there may be exacerbations. It must be remembered that you can not use psychotropic medications on your own. Even if in the past some drug was very effective, during the next period of exacerbation it can not help. Each episode of relapse requires a doctor and individual treatment.
Medicinal treatment
The drug of choice in the treatment of obsessions are antidepressants, which can selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. Preference is given to the preparations Fluvoxamine, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine. Choose a drug depending on the patient's tolerance, the severity of the ossssessia, the need to apply simultaneously with him other drugs, concomitant diseases.
Fluoxetine is the most well-known and used of the mentioned drugs; is not fast, it is excreted by the body for a long time (about three days), which contributes to the prolongation of the action and to rare cases of the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Oppresses the activity of liver enzymes, as, indeed, all the others, more often causes side effects from the nervous system - agitation, skin allergic reactions. Does not have a sedative and cardiotoxic effect. Depending on the severity of obsessions, one to three tablets of 20 mg per day are prescribed. If the patient takes the drug once, then you need to do it in the morning. Contraindicated in decompensated epileptic paroxysms and severe liver dysfunction.
Fluvoxamine is the most potent of the drugs, therefore it is heavier than the others in high dosages. The most common side effects are associated with a digestive process disorder, and quite pronounced. When taking this drug, it is advisable to stop using coffee and other products containing caffeine. This drug is taken with 50 mg per day, gradually increasing the dose to therapeutically effective (100-300 mg per day).
Paroxetine - of all drugs has the greatest likelihood of sedation, prolonged courses of treatment can lead to the appearance of excess weight, rarely causes withdrawal syndrome. This drug is preferred when the patient complains of panic attacks. Contraindicated in patients with hepatic and renal dysfunction. Can cause withdrawal syndrome, therefore, cancel the reception gradually. Begin reception with 20mg per day, gradually (once a week for 10mg) bringing to the minimum effective dose (40-50mg per day).
Sertraline - in comparison with the listed preparations practically does not influence the activity of transaminases and, in general, is considered the safest of them. This drug does not lead to weight gain even with prolonged treatment.
All drugs are not used simultaneously with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, have many side effects, the most harmless of which are nausea and vomiting. They can change the composition of the blood, cause effects that are not distinguishable from the underlying disease, seizures and hypomania.
All drugs affect the concentration of attention, can cause sexual dysfunction (least - Fluvoxamine), attempts and thoughts about self-harm and are not compatible with alcohol. Do not be assigned to patients who are sensitized to them. Diabetics need a dose adjustment.
In the treatment of obsessions, other psychotropic drugs may also be used - benzodiazepines (prescribed to patients with severe anxiety), neuroleptics (with pronounced compulsions), normotimics (strengthening effects of SSRIs), with pronounced vegetative dysfunctions, β-blockers are prescribed for their correction.
When appointing psychotropic drugs, the doctor is guided by the minimum effective duration of therapy.
Drug treatment is compulsorily combined with psychotherapeutic treatment, which is based on training the patient to control obsessive states. Used causal psychotherapy, which allows to identify the cause-effect relationship of the obsessions, distinguish elementary natural fears from the far-fetched, reduce anxious reactivity.
Under the guidance of the therapist, the patient will be able to study a number of methods that help reduce the tension of the nervous system and deal with obsessions independently, as obsessive conditions will periodically arise and resist their influence, often without the help of doctors and tablets. Used psychoanalysis, hypnosis, the patient is taught to master the basics of auto-training, other cognitive-behavioral techniques.
The feedback of the members of the forum, who were having obsessions, say that many and very successfully overcome this state on their own. Trying to help fellow sufferers, they tell how to deal with obsessions.
The main methods are the acquisition of skills:
- shift accents from obsessive thoughts to productive ones, for which these obsessive thoughts must be recognized and driven away from themselves, without attaching importance to them;
- to reduce the importance of obsessive thoughts, realizing that they are not objective and have no basis;
- Switch attention from obsessions to objective thoughts and reasonable actions;
- gradually reduce the time spent on committing compulsive rituals, not connect to their fulfillment of close people.
The patient must realize that he is not healthy and that mental health must be combated. In addition to it, no one will do it, so responsibility falls entirely on him.
A good effect can give meditative practices, breathing exercises, yoga.
It is recommended to evaluate the events taking place from a positive point of view, learns not to worry about trifles and to evade situations that cause obsessive thoughts.
Instead of medicines, you can use plant antidepressants - St. John's wort, hops, lemon balm, valerian, make infusions, drink teas with them. A practicing phytotherapeutist can help in selecting the appropriate remedies and draw up a treatment regimen. Pharmaceutical preparations based on herbs - Persen, Novo-Passit, Gelarium Hypericum, herbal preparations can make an alternative to synthetic antidepressants in cases of mild and moderate severity.
Physiotherapy treatment - drug electrophoresis, electrosleep, the effect of low-frequency impulse intermittent currents, and diadynamics have recently been increasingly used in neurological disorders.
Homeopathy can usually give good results even in cases when official medicine is powerless. This direction of medicine has a wide arsenal of funds for the treatment of mental disorders, however, for treatment to be effective the drug should be prescribed by a psychiatrist with experience with homeopathic medicines or a homeopathic doctor.
In addition, there are homeopathic medicines manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. They are devoid of individuality, but dilutions in small doses of the active substances do not have harmful side effects. These drugs have a mild effect and can be combined with medicines, help to reverse the side effects of psychotropic drugs, reduce their doses, the frequency and severity of obsessive paroxysms.
To reduce the excitation of the central nervous system, anxiety, anxiety, irritation or depression, the vegetative symptoms can be suppressed with the help of Valerian-heel drops. This preparation is intended for the course use. Drops in its composition contain eight components, including:
- Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis) - is used for anxiety disorders, neurasthenia and increased excitability, if the patient feels as if in a dream, it seems to be another person, with panic attacks, headache, nervous tic;
- St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) - the main homeopathic antidepressant;
- Ammonium bromate (Ammonium bromatum) - a means for meticulous, pedantic, idealistic neurasthenics, antidepressant, eliminates somatic manifestations;
- Potassium bromide (Kalium bromatum) - fear of mental disorder, paresthesia, anxiety, overexcitation;
- Sodium bromide (Natrium bromatum) - is used for asthenia;
- Picric acid (Acidum picrinicum) - it stops the effects of mental and nervous overwork;
- Humylus lupulus (Humulus lupulus) - is used with a darkened mind with preserved mental functions;
- Melissa officinalis (Melissa officinalis) - neurosis and neurasthenia, as an immunostimulant;
- Oats (Avena sativa) - nootropic effect;
- Hawthorn (Crataegus) - improves blood circulation in cerebral vessels, soothes;
- Chamomile pharmacy (Chamomilla reutita) - a sedative effect.
It is prescribed to children from the age of two to five drops, diluted in 100ml of water, after reaching the age of six, ten drops of water drip into the water, from the age of twelve - an adult dose of 15 drops, at night it can be increased to 20 drops. Multiplicity of reception - three times a day, half an hour after it can be eaten. If desired, you can take the necessary dose 60 minutes after eating.
Improve the cerebral circulation, normalize metabolic processes, inhibit mental and mental degradation will help such a drug as Cerebrum compositum. This is a whole homeopathic composition, including in its composition 26 components of different origin, among which:
- the substance of the intestine of the sperm whale Ambra grisea, Aconitum, the gonorrheic nosode Medorrhinum-Nosode, used in homeopathic practice as monotherapy for the treatment of phobias;
- The beans of St. Ignatius (Ignatia) are a constitutional drug for psychasthenics, a symptomatic remedy for a wide range of nervous and mental disorders caused by both normal discomforts and severe mental trauma;
- Thuja (Thuja) is a constitutional drug for anxious-hypochondriac patients, obtrusive obsessive ideas;
- Blepharon black (Hyoscyamus niger) - religious, sexual, contrasting obsessions, compulsions.
The composition of the drug other substances that help restore and normalize the functions of the brain.
The drug is injectable, used intramuscularly, sub- and intradermally, if necessary - intravenously. The injections are done one to three times a week. A single dose for patients from the age of six is a whole ampoule, for children 1-2 full years the ampoule is divided into four to six parts, 3-5 full years - into two or three parts.
You can use a solution for oral administration, diluting the contents of the ampoule in a quarter cup of clean water. The portion should be drunk within 24 hours, divided into equal parts and retained in the mouth before ingestion.
Nerve-heel tablets can help to be prescribed to a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The complex includes:
- Acidum phosphoricum, Psorinum-Nosode, Ignatia beans, Sepia officinalis substance - homeopathic antidepressants, are also used to treat obsessive-phobic disorders, emotional upheavals, schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental pathologies;
- Potassium bromide (Kalium bromatum) - fear of mental disorder, anxiety, overexcitation, convulsions;
- Valerian-zinc salt (Zincum isovalerianicum) - insomnia, convulsions, other manifestations of dysfunction of the nervous system.
From the age of three they apply sublingually for the whole tablet, the scheme for relief of acute conditions: taking a single dose with a fifteen minute interval, but no more than eight times in a row, then every eight hours half an hour before meals or an hour afterwards. For children up to three years, the tablet is divided in half for one procedure.
To eliminate the consequences of drug intoxication and to stop the side effects after treatment with psychotropic drugs, and also to strengthen the immune system and the nervous system, restore hematopoiesis, normalize metabolic processes in the brain cells, hematopoietic and excretory organs, homeopathic oral drops Psorinochel N and Lymphomyosot, injectable multicomponent drugs Ubihinon compositum and Coenzyme compositum.