High fever for no apparent reason in the baby
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Temperature without a cause in a child can be a normal reaction of the body to environmental conditions, but it can also be a symptom of the disease. Most often, fever is the first symptom, therefore, as such, there is no reason for this. But it is important to find the cause of hyperthermia in a child, because sometimes it is an important symptom of serious pathology.
Statistics of the spread of this problem suggest that the fever in a child is the first frequent complaint when you contact a doctor. In 76% of children, fever is the only symptom, without other obvious and obvious reasons. According to statistics, the smaller a child, the higher the probability of a temperature rise against the background of an infectious agent, be it a viral or bacterial agent. In children, a systematic review showed that the infectious disease (37.6%) was the main cause of fever without cause, followed by malignant tumors (17.2%), various diseases (16.1%) and vascular diseases and collagenoses (14, 0%).
Causes of the temperature without cause in the child
Fever is a common complaint in children. In most cases, fevers occur due to self-limited viral infections and require no more than symptomatic treatment. Sometimes the fever is caused by common bacterial infections that are diagnosed by history and physical examination and require antibiotic treatment without a laboratory evaluation. In several clinical situations, the cause of fever is not easily identified. From time to time, every child has a fever, and usually there is nothing to worry about. But it is important to know what to do when this happens.
A fever is a temperature of 37.5º and above. To talk about the causes of increased body temperature, you need to know the pathogenesis of such a process.
The body has several ways of maintaining normal temperature. The organs involved in the regulation of temperature include the brain, skin, muscles and blood vessels. The body reacts to temperature changes as follows:
- increase or decrease in sweat production;
- the movement of blood from the surface of the skin or closer to it;
- getting rid of excess fluid or keeping it in the body;
- naturally, wanting to look for a cooler or warmer environment.
Risk factors
Risk factors for increasing body temperature due to serious systemic or malignant diseases are higher in families in which such a pathology occurs.
Such diseases are among the most serious causes of temperature, and therefore it is necessary to examine the child very carefully, if there are certainly grounds for this.
Of the physiological causes of fever without other manifestations is more common in children of the first year of life - teething. The pathogenesis of the appearance of fever during eruption may be that this condition in the baby can be caused by a decrease in the reactivity of the organism. After all, when the teeth begin to erupt, it is always perceived by the body as a stressful situation. This process is allocated a lot of biologically active substances and vitamins, which can cause a little activation of the center of thermoregulation. But such temperature should not exceed subfebrile digits, no matter what tooth is erupting. This must be taken into account by the parents, before thinking that the temperature without a cause in the child due to the teeth.
The pathogenesis of the process of increasing body temperature is a series of reactions from the body. Chemicals, called cytokines and mediators, are produced in the body in response to the invasion of a microorganism or other intruder.
The organism forces to develop and activate in response to this more macrophages, which are cells that go into battle. These cells actually eat up the infecting organism. The body is actively trying to create natural antibodies that fight infection. These antibodies will recognize the infection the next time it tries to invade.
Many bacteria are encapsulated. When this membrane is destroyed, the contents that can leave the microorganism can be toxic to the body and also increase the production of macrophages. Macrophages, to increase the intensity of their work, produce active substances and mediators that enter the brain. In the brain there is a center of regulation of body temperature. These substances act on this center, and thus, raise the temperature. All this is a protective reaction, because the temperature increases the organisms can not stand and perish.
The temperature increases for a number of reasons: infectious diseases, the effect of certain drugs, heat stroke, blood transfusion, physiological changes in the body.
Fever in a child less than 3 months old is unusual and causes concern. Fever in children aged 3-6 months has a higher chance of being serious. Most fevers in young children over 6 months are not serious and in most cases fever is caused by a non-serious viral infection. Many viral infections that affect small children cause fever lasting up to 48 hours before the onset of other symptoms. A small number of common viruses causes fevers that last longer. The actual fever temperature level is not a good guide to how seriously a sick child is when he is older than 6 months. Therefore, it is not necessary to judge how hard the baby is if the fever is small, but lasts about a week, as an example.
A longer rise in temperature without other symptoms and visible causes may indicate a bacterial infection. For such a cause of fever, the more common is the onset of the disease with hyperthermia without other symptoms. The bacterial cause of fever can be any localization - it can be bacterial pneumonia, meningitis, poliomyelitis.
If we talk about older children, they need to think about systemic diseases with connective tissue damage. Such diseases are often manifested by a prolonged rise in body temperature without other manifestations, and after a while there is a rash, joint pain and other characteristic symptoms.
In children, an increase in temperature without a cause can be in case of tumor processes, as well as malignant blood diseases.
Symptoms of the temperature without cause in the child
What are the symptoms that may indicate that my child may have a fever? Children with fever can become more moody or sluggish as the temperature rises. However, each child may experience symptoms in different ways. Your child may be inactive or less talkative, as is usually the case when he is healthy. It may seem more capricious, appetite may decrease or thirst may increase. Your child may feel that it is hot during hyperthermia or that it is cold when the temperature decreases. Remember that even if your child feels that he is "burning", the actual rectal or oral temperature may not be as high.
Symptoms of a cold may appear after a few days or hours, if the cause is a viral infection. Then you will see that the baby has a runny nose, cough, inflammation of the eyelids and other manifestations. Therefore, considering that the increased body temperature without a cause is often accompanied by the further development of the symptoms of infectious lesion, it is necessary for parents to be wary precisely in terms of this.
The temperature in a child without symptoms of colds often happens when the infectious disease is caused by a bacterium. In such cases, it all begins with a high body temperature, which can be a long time, and then there is already a cough. This is more typical for bacterial pneumonia.
If there is a high fever, and there is no cough or other symptoms on the part of the respiratory organs, then you need to look for other causes. Sometimes a child himself can not say what hurts him, so he needs to ask if his legs, tummy, head are aching.
The temperature can have different degrees of increase - from 37 to 40 without a cause in the child, regardless of age: from several months to 13 years and older. Typically, the pattern can be traced in the event that, for example, the age of the child is up to a year, and the temperature fluctuates around 37-37.5 degrees, then, most likely, the cause is teething. The higher the temperature in young children, the more serious the reason for this. As for older children, they can describe their condition in more detail. If there is a temperature, the child can talk about pain in the muscles, joints, and other manifestations.
Complications and consequences
The consequences and complications of fever may be significant. If we are talking about infants, then some children have a tendency to febrile convulsions. This type of adaptation, caused by a rapid increase in body temperature. Febrile convulsions and seizures due to infections, such as meningitis, can look very similar. If a child has a seizure for the first time, it is important to exclude serious conditions, such as meningitis, before deciding that it is a febrile seizure.
Diagnostics of the temperature without cause in the child
It is very important in the diagnosis - it's right to measure the temperature of the body, as well as monitor it and interpret it. If the mother started the baby to measure the temperature of the body in the armpit, then further measurements should also be carried out in this area. Children, in addition, can be measured in the groin, in the mouth, on the eardrum or in the rectum. Given the method of measurement, use different thermometers, but always remember about hygienic measures and safety measures.
When the doctor conducts the diagnosis, it is important that the doctor himself confirms the temperature by measuring it on his own. It is important to pay attention to the signs that usually accompany the fever - for example, tachycardia, chills. It is very important to conduct a thorough survey of parents. It is necessary to ask about symptoms from all major systems. Include common complaints - for example, fever, weight loss, night sweats, headaches and rashes.
Discuss the nutrition of the child, including the consumption of dairy products and the source of these products. After all, infections can be indulged through products.
Temperature without a cause and without manifestations of any other symptoms requires further evaluation, which includes laboratory tests or instrumental studies.
If the child has been fever for several days, and then everything is normal, then do not worry much. This can be a symptom of simple overheating or teething. But if the temperature has been increased for a long time, and no reason can be detected, then such a child should be carefully examined.
Analyzes that must be performed are limited to mandatory analyzes - general urine analysis, blood test, biochemical blood test, stool analysis. In the analysis of urine, if there is a change, then one can diagnose a urinary tract disease. In young children who can not complain of back pain or pain when urinating, this analysis can be very informative. Moreover, persistent infection of the kidney or bladder can give rise to temperature without other manifestations.
A general blood test can eliminate the infectious process of viral or bacterial etiology, as a cause of temperature. Biochemical analysis allows you to judge the liver and kidney function, the normal functioning of the immune system and also the presence of inflammatory agents.
Instrumental diagnosis can be performed to identify the localization of the process and the cause of the fever. Most often, if a pneumonia is suspected, an X-ray examination is performed. The most common screening method that can be used for children of different ages is ultrasound. Examine the internal organs - the heart, liver, spleen, abdominal organs, kidneys. This allows us to assess the condition of internal organs, eliminate developmental defects and possible inflammatory and other changes.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of temperature should be carried out first of all by parents, and it is necessary to exclude those states when temperature can be a dangerous symptom. All the symptoms associated with harmless viral fevers can also occur in more serious diseases. It is difficult to determine if the child is troubled by the symptoms of fever, or there are other serious illnesses. There are some differential signs of fever that can help you assess whether you need to seek medical help:
- your child is 3-6 months old and has a temperature of over 39 C.
- Pale skin, lips or tongue.
- Awaken only with prolonged effort.
- Dry mouth and lips.
- Poor nutrition in infants and a decrease in diuresis in infants.
Such differential diagnostics will help to some extent determine the extent of the severe fever and whether it is necessary to contact the doctor, and the doctor will already identify the cause.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the temperature without cause in the child
Treatment of temperature without a cause is, first of all, symptomatic therapy - this is the main thing that every mother should remember. It is not possible to give antibiotics or other drugs not prescribed by the doctor at the first or every temperature increase.
If your baby has a fever, you need to lower it to safe digits. The temperature above 38.5 requires a reduction, and if the temperature is below these figures, then it falls off on its own, it is only necessary to control this process.
If you do not have any medications at home, then, as an emergency aid for some time, alternative methods can be used. What is allowed to use in children to reduce temperature is physical methods.
You can strip the baby, open it, ventilate the room. If your child has cold hands or feet against the background of fever, you can rub them with your hands. Wipe the child with water only at room temperature.
What you can not do with children is wipe with vinegar, cold water, do not wipe with oils or animal fats, as this can cause additional heating.
Of medicamental treatment in children of any age are allowed only two drugs - ibuprofen or paracetamol. You can give them alternately, adhering to the interval in time. Paracetamol is given mono as a syrup every four hours. Dosage is 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Ibuprofen is dosed at 8-10 milligrams per baby's body weight. It is important to take the dosage not by age, but by the weight of the child, because the weight of the child may not correspond to age.
Herbal treatment and homeopathic remedies in children are used, but only taking into account the cause of the temperature. If the doctor has determined what caused such a fever, then you can use different etiopathogenetic methods of treatment.
More information of the treatment
The prognosis of elevated temperature is more likely to recover, if such a rise does not exceed three to five days. In this case, it can be a symptom of a simple viral infection.
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