Treatment of elephant legs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of elephant legs is performed by a doctor, focusing on the results of the diagnosis. For treatment use several approaches, consider them:
- Medication Therapy
Depending on the stage of elephant leg, the patient is selected special preparations. Medicines reduce the formation of lymph, improve the nutrition of tissues and the state of lymphatic vessels. Medications help to remove metabolic products from the body and prevent the growth of fibrous tissue.
- Surgery
It is aimed at reducing the volume of the affected limb by creating new ways for the outflow of the lymphatic fluid. The operation is performed with progressive stasis of lymph and solid edema with pronounced pain sensations. Surgery is necessary for the formation of lymphatic sacs, recurrent erysipelas and proliferation of connective tissue in the limb.
With primary lymphedema, a tissue lymphoid complex can be transplanted. In the severe stage of elephantiasis, the possibility of performing operations is excluded, therefore tunneling is indicated. The surgeon creates moves to lead the lymph into healthy tissue.
- Non-pharmacological treatment
The patient is prescribed physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics, lymph drainage massage, balneotherapy and wearing compression knitwear. Particular attention is paid to nutrition and lifestyle.
Regardless of the chosen method, the treatment of elephant leg is a long process, requiring comprehensive medical supervision. Proceeding from this, no alternative methods of treatment (homeopathy, traditional medicine, herbal medicine) will not help restore the physiological functioning of the damaged limb.
How to treat elephant legs in the home?
Treatment of elephantiasis of the lower limbs in the home is done according to a therapy scheme composed by a doctor. The main goal that the doctor and patient sets for themselves is to remove excess lymph accumulation from the limbs or other organs, to restore its normal outflow.
For this, the patient is prescribed the following procedures:
- The course of manual lymphatic drainage massage.
- Wearing compression linen.
- Physiotherapy (hardware pneumocompression, hydromassage, laser therapy).
- Dietary food.
Particular attention is paid to the diet, as its results are completely dependent on the patient's efforts. With lymphostasis, first of all, you should limit or completely exclude the use of salt. This food product delays the body's fluid, including lymphatic.
The main diet should be products of plant and animal origin, providing the body with a set of useful micro and macro elements. Protein food and fats have a membrane-stabilizing effect, which enhances the lymph flow, and must also be present in the diet.
Fulfillment of all medical prescriptions in a complex with balanced nutrition and therapeutic gymnastics, allow to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of elephant leg.
Depending on the stage and form of elephantiasis, the doctor makes a chart of drug therapy. Medicines are needed to normalize the circulation of lymph and improve the state of lymphatic vessels, to prevent the growth of fibrous tissue and improve nutrition.
The use of drugs is carried out in combination with conservative methods. This contributes to the rapid improvement of the patient's condition and accelerates the recovery period. Medicamental therapy includes several groups of drugs:
Phlebotonics - their action is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Preparations are issued in the form of tablets, solutions for injections, ointments, gel.
- Detraleks
Medicinal product from the group of venotonics. Increases the tone of the veins, makes them elastic and expandable. Improves hemodynamics and reduces stasis. Stops adhesion of leukocytes to the walls of the endothelium, reduces the damaging effect of inflammatory mediators.
- Indications for use: venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, ulcer complications, treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.
- Method of administration: one capsule twice a day during meals. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease state and is about 90 days.
- Side effects: dyspeptic and neurovegetative disorders. Cases of an overdose have not been revealed.
- Contraindications: intolerance of the components of the drug, the last trimester of pregnancy.
The drug has a tablet form of release and is available in a package of 30/60 capsules.
- Trkezogen
Reduces the severity of edema in chronic venous insufficiency. Minimizes pain, eliminates cramps, trophic and varicose ulcers. Affects the rheological properties of blood, prevents the appearance of microthrombi of blood vessels.
- Indications for use: trophic disorders in varicose veins and trophic ulcers, venous insufficiency. Auxiliary agent for atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.
- The method of use depends on the form of release of the drug. Capsules are taken orally during meals in a dosage of 2 pcs. Per day. The gel is applied by massaging movements to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.
- Side effects: skin allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the first trimester of pregnancy, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis. With special care is prescribed for kidney failure.
Troxevasin is available in the form of capsules of 300 mg of active ingredients in each.
- Eskuzan
Medicinal product with plant composition. Has anti-edema, antiexudative, venotonizing, antioxidant and capillary-protective properties. The anti-edematous effect of the drug is related to the ability of the active component to reduce the permeability of the plasmolymphatic barrier and to reduce the lymph flow.
- Indications for use: chronic venous insufficiency of different etiology, edema and convulsions of the lower limbs. Pain, heaviness and itchy feet. Expanded veins, spider veins and hematomas. Post-thrombophlebitic syndrome, trophic changes, inflammation of soft tissues.
- Method of use: the oral solution is taken 10-15 drops 3 times daily before meals. Tablets take 1 pc. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is about 90 days.
- Side effects: irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, dyspeptic phenomena, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions. In case of an overdose, adverse reactions increase, treatment is symptomatic.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, early pregnancy and lactation, renal failure, children's age of patients.
The escus is available in the form of drops for oral administration and tablets.
Enzymes are enzyme substances that prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots. Have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. Eliminate puffiness, enhance the action of angioprotectors and phlebotenics.
- Wobenzym
Combination of highly active enzymes of animal and plant origin. Has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, immunomodulating, fibrinolytic properties.
- Indications for use: lymphedema, secondary lymphatic edema, postthrombotic syndrome, vasculitis, thrombophlebitis. The drug is also used in rheumatology, urology, gynecology, traumatology, pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, dermatology, nephrology and neurology.
- Method of application: 5-10 tablets 3 times a day. The maintenance dose is 3-5 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
- Side effects: skin allergic rashes, stool disorders.
- Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug. High risk of bleeding, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia. Use during pregnancy is only possible by medical authorization.
It is produced in the form of a crayfish with an enteric coating in a package of 40, 200 and 800 pieces.
- Lymphomyosis
Medicinal product from the homotoxic series. It has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage, detoxifying properties. Stimulates metabolism, increases barrier functions of lymph nodes, improves drainage of tissues, enhances the elimination of pathogens.
- Indications for use: elephantiasis, lymphatic edema, drug and other intoxications, immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy, perineural edema, exudative-catarrhal diathesis. Dysbiosis, renal and cardiac edema, skin diseases, asthenia, malignant and benign lesions.
- Method of administration: The drug is taken orally and used for parenteral administration. Dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician, individually for each patient.
- Contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy and lactation. There have been no cases of overdose.
The drug is available in the form of drops for internal and sublingual use, as well as in ampoules for parenteral use.
- Фленызим
Combined drug. Contains a complex of hydrolytic enzymes for oral administration. The drug has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiaggregant and analgesic properties.
- Indications for use: acute inflammatory processes in the body, chronic inflammatory-degenerative diseases, traumatic lesions with inflammation of tissues. Inflammatory diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels, arteries. Rheumatological diseases.
- Method of use: tablets are used orally for 3 pcs. Twice a day. The duration of treatment takes from two weeks to complete recovery.
- Side effects: gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions, increased sweating.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, lactose intolerance, bleeding disorders, severe liver dysfunction. It is not used in pediatric practice and before surgery. Use during pregnancy is possible only for medical purposes.
The drug is available in the form of enteric-coated capsules. The drug is packaged in packs of 20, 40, 100 and 200 tablets.
Angioprotectors - protect vascular walls by increasing the resistance of the endothelium to the effects of harmful microorganisms. Increase the elasticity of the vessels and protect them from brittleness. Enrich tissues with oxygen and improve their nutrition.
- Aktovegin
Activates cellular metabolism and increases energy resources of cells.
- Indications for use: trophic disorders in varicose veins of lower extremities, ulcers of various etiologies, pressure ulcers, burns, radiation injuries. Insufficiency of cerebral circulation, ischemic stroke, craniocerebral trauma, peripheral circulation disorders. Damage to the cornea.
- The method of administration and dosage depend on the severity of the disease. The drug is taken orally, parenterally and applied locally to the affected areas. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
- Side effects: allergic reactions, increased sweating, fever, a sensation of blood rush.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation.
Actovegin is available in the form of a dragee, solution for injection in ampoules, solution for infusions, as well as in the form of gel, cream and ointment.
- Trental
A drug for improving microcirculation. Contains the active ingredient - pentoxifylline. It improves rheological properties of blood, normalizes the elasticity of erythrocytes, reduces platelet aggregation and blood viscosity. Reduces plasma concentrations of fibrinogen and improves fibrinolysis. Improves microcirculation and cellular respiration.
- Indications for use: encephalopathy of atherosclerotic genesis, ischemic stroke, peripheral circulatory disorders, angioneuropathy, Raynaud's disease, paresthesia, trophic ulcers, circulatory insufficiency.
- Method of use: injection for injection intravenously injected or drip. Tablets are taken orally for 2-4 pcs. 2-3 times a day.
- Side effects: violations of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperemia of the face and upper body, angina, disturbance of the heart rhythm. Headaches, sleep and wakefulness, skin allergic reactions.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hemorrhagic stroke, propensity to bleed, pregnancy and lactation, hemorrhages in the retina.
- Overdose: nausea, vomiting, headaches, tachycardia, fever, loss of consciousness, convulsions. There is no specific antidote. For treatment, gastric lavage and enterosorbents are indicated.
Trental is released in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of tablets with an enteric coating.
- Ventan
Angioprotector for external use. Its active ingredient is the dry extract of horse chestnut. It has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and venotonic properties.
- Indications for use: lymphatic edema of different locations, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, severe pain in the legs, hematomas after injuries and injections.
- Method of application: the drug is applied a thin layer on intact skin 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is individual for each patient.
- Side effects: skin allergic reactions, itching, rash, hives. Cases of an overdose have not been revealed.
- Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug, application to damaged tissues and mucous membranes. It is not used to treat patients younger than 16 years, during pregnancy and lactation.
Venitan is available in the form of a cream and gel for external use of 50 g in a tube.
Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs - are prescribed for infectious lymphostasis and the development of secondary infection. They are used in erysipelas, that is, severe damage to the subcutaneous tissue.
- Amoxiclav
Antibacterial combination with active substance - amoxicillin. Has an activity to a wide range of pathogens.
- Indications for use: infectious elephantiasis, sinusitis (acute, chronic), pneumonia, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, retropharyngeal abscess, skin and soft tissue infections, gynecological infections, infections of bones and joints. Prevention of purulent-septic complications.
- The method of administration and dosage depend on the form of release of the medication and the severity of the disease state.
- Adverse reactions: gastrointestinal disorders, skin allergic rashes, disorders of the nervous system. Thrombocytopenia, hepatobiliary disorders, hematuria, candidiasis.
- Contraindications: cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.
- Overdose: sleep disturbances, increased excitement, headaches and dizziness, seizures. Treatment is symptomatic, it is possible to conduct hemodialysis.
The antibiotic is available in the form of tablets, a powder for preparing an oral suspension, a powder for preparing a solution for parenteral administration.
- Oletetrin
Combined antimicrobial agent with tetracycline and oleandomycin. It has a pronounced bacterial activity and a wide spectrum of action.
- Indications for use: infectious and inflammatory diseases of different etiology and localization. Effective in pathologies of the genitourinary system, digestive tract. Used for meningitis, brucellosis, infections of soft tissues of an infectious nature.
- Method of use: the drug is taken on 2-3 capsules per day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, individually for each patient.
- Side effects: violations of the gastrointestinal tract (decreased appetite, epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, dysphagia), increased fatigue, headaches and dizziness, changes in the blood system and allergic reactions.
- Contraindications: intolerance to tetracycline antibiotics, severe renal and hepatic impairment, and leukopenia. Not prescribed for patients younger than 12 years, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
- Overdose: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, headaches. The specific antidote is unknown.
Oletitrin is available in the form of tablets for oral administration, 10 pieces per blister, two blisters per package.
- Azithromycin
Antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action. Creates high concentrations in the lesions, providing bactericidal action.
- Indications for use: infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the preparation. Infections of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas), upper and lower respiratory tract and ENT organs, infection of the genitourinary system, Lyme disease.
- Method of administration: 500 mg 3 times daily for 3 days.
- Side effects: nausea and vomiting, stool disorders, transient increase in hepatic enzyme activity, skin rashes.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to macrolides, severe impairment of kidney and liver function. It is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. With extreme caution is used for patients with allergic reactions in the anamnesis.
The medicine is available in the form of capsules, tablets and powder for oral administration.
Antihistamines are used for lymphostasis caused by erysipelas. Minimize the effect of histamine on the contractility of lymphatic vessels.
- suprastin
Antihistamine means blocking H1-histamine receptors.
- Indications for use: dermatosis, rhinitis, Quincke's edema, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma.
- Method of administration: tablets are taken 250 mg 2-3 times a day. In especially severe cases, intramuscular or intravenous injection of 1-2 ml of a 2% solution of the drug is possible.
- Side effects: increased weakness and drowsiness.
- Contraindications: glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy. It is not prescribed for patients whose work is related to driving a vehicle or requires a quick reaction.
Suprastinum has the tablet form of release, and also it is accessible in the form of ampoules on 1 ml of 2% solution.
- Clarithin
Antihistamine, a selective blocker of H1-receptors. Contains the active ingredient - loratadine. The therapeutic effect develops within 1-2 hours and reaches a maximum effect within 8-12 hours. The antihistamine effect persists for 24 hours.
- Indications for use: skin allergic diseases, rhinitis, renorea, itching and burning sensation in the eyes.
- Usage: 1 tablet once a day.
- Adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, hepatitis. In rare cases, there are anaphylactic reactions and violations of the central nervous system (increased fatigue, headaches, drowsiness), skin rashes.
- Contraindications: intolerance of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation, children's age of patients.
- Overdose: heart palpitations, headaches, increased drowsiness. For treatment, gastric lavage, intake of adsorbents and further symptomatic therapy are indicated.
Claritin has a tabletted form of release, and is also available in the form of a syrup for oral use.
- Erusus
Antihistamine, a selective blocker of peripheral H1-histamine receptors. Has no sedative effect, it stops inflammatory and allergic reactions of different etiology.
- Indications for use: idiopathic chronic urticaria, persistent and intermittent rhinitis, pollinosis, dermatitis, eczema.
- Method of application: 1 tablet. Once a day, a syrup of 10 ml once a day. Dosage for patients of childhood is adjusted by the attending physician.
- Side effects: headaches and dizziness, hypersensitivity reactions, increased fatigue, palpitations, increased activity of liver enzymes.
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.
- Overdosing is manifested by increased adverse reactions. Treatment is symptomatic.
The drug has a tablet form of release, and is also available as a syrup for oral administration.
- Diuretics - diuretics are necessary for removing excess fluid from the body. But they can only be taken for medical purposes and in emergency cases. This is due to the fact that drugs promote the movement of fluid into the vascular bed, causing additional complications. Some drugs are dangerous because they wash potassium and other minerals out of the body.
- Immunomodulators - increase the protective properties of the immune system and positively affect the state of the vascular walls.
The effectiveness of drug treatment of elephant leg depends on the correctness of the treatment scheme. During the therapy the patient periodically passes a number of tests to monitor the condition of the body.
To improve the trophism and nutrition of tissues in elephantiasis, as well as prevent the proliferation of connective fibers, patients are prescribed vitamins.
- A - removes excess fluid from the body and helps to get rid of swelling. Retinol is found in oily fish, milk, eggs, liver.
- B1 - thiamine is necessary for the correction of circulatory disorders. Deficiency of this substance is manifested by severe swelling of the limbs, increased weakness, rapid muscle fatigue and paresthesia of the legs. Vitamin is found in meat, by-products, cereals and soy.
- B9 - regulates the processes of hematopoiesis in the body, stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Affects the level of hemoglobin and the degree of saturation of erythrocytes with oxygen. Normalizes the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood. Folic acid prevents the development of atherosclerosis, displays the products of the decomposition of fats. Vitamin is in vegetables, tomatoes, legumes, cereals.
- C - has pronounced diuretic properties. Ascorbic acid is rich in citrus fruits, black currants, kiwis, sweet potatoes, strawberries, broccoli.
- E - is a powerful antioxidant with antisclerotic properties. Supports normal blood pressure. It restores blood circulation, stabilizes the membranes of the capillary walls, regulates the sugar content in the blood and the functioning of the coagulation system. Tocopherol improves tissue respiration and prevents the frequency of convulsive contractions of the calf muscles. Vitamin is in sprouted grains of wheat and rye, legumes, soy, green onions.
- K - phylloquinone regulates the normal functioning of the circulatory system and improves the condition of the vessels. Deficiency of this substance leads to insufficient formation of fibrin, which is manifested by frequent bleeding. Takes part in the mechanism of blood coagulation, evenly distributes it along the vessels. Contained in the leaves of cabbage and salad, tomatoes, potatoes, rowan berries, green tea, beef liver.
- P - takes part in key metabolic processes in the body. Used for the prevention of edema. Has analgesic effect, it stops inflammatory reactions in the body. Provides sufficient elasticity and strength of the vascular walls. Rutin is rich in horse chestnut, citrus, tea, coffee, mountain ash, cranberries, cranberries, and hazelnuts as a routine for the full absorption and metabolism of vitamin C.
The lymphatic system is closely related to the immune system, so it needs additional stimulation. For this, vitamins and natural immunostimulants are excellent. Useful substances can be obtained from pharmacy products and from a full-fledged diet.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The obligatory component of the treatment of lymphedema of the lower limbs is physiotherapy. This method has the following properties:
- Restores lymph circulation.
- Reduces signs of inflammation.
- Reduces the frequency of fibrous growths.
Patients are prescribed such physiotherapeutic procedures:
- Electrophoresis is the effect of galvanic current on tissues and the administration of medications. For the procedure, enzymatic agents are used that improve the circulation of fluid in the tissues.
- Magnetotherapy - with the help of bioelectric signals, the circulation of lymph and venous blood improves, which leads to a reduction in small vessels. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
- Hardware pneumocompression - for treatment use special apparatus that stimulates the lymph flow with the help of massage and squeezing movements. Massage is carried out with the help of undulating movements that improve the nutrition of tissues.
- Phonophoresis - to improve microcirculation and restore patency of vessels in the tissue, enzyme preparations are introduced. The introduction of drugs is carried out with the help of ultrasonic waves. Therapy is aimed at dissolving fibrin fibers and slowing the hardening of the edema.
- Laser therapy - physiotherapy is an effect on undamaged skin by low-energy laser radiation. It activates metabolic processes in the body, improves vascular microcirculation and reduces swelling.
- Lymphodrainage massage - for treatment can be used as a manual and hardware massage. Improves lymph flow, due to the effects on lymphatic capillaries, nodes and vessels. Massage begins with the toes, moving smoothly along the lymphatic vessels. After the first procedure, the puffiness decreases and the condition of the vascular walls improves.
Another mandatory physiotherapy method is exercise therapy. With the help of special exercises, the movement of lymph is improved. Physical culture should be carried out in compression jersey. The mechanism of its therapeutic effect is aimed at improving the work of the muscular system and evacuating the fluid from the tissues back to the vessels. Exercise is slow, 5-10 times each, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
In addition to the above physiotherapy procedures for the treatment of elephantiasis shows the wearing of compression knitwear. This method protects limbs and increases tissue respiration, removes excess fluid from the intercellular space, reduces swelling. Prevents formation of fibrin fibers. In the first few weeks, a tight bandage with poorly stretched bandages is shown. At the next stage, compression knitwear (golfs, stockings) is selected for permanent wearing.
Folk treatment
An alternative treatment for elephantiasis is folk therapy. To improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, the following tools are recommended:
- Amber acid - improves the absorption of oxygen at the cellular level, restores energy metabolism. Increases the body's resistance to aggressive environmental factors. It is used as an auxiliary in the treatment of lymphostasis, accelerates recovery.
- Eleuterococcus - has immunostimulating and toning properties. For the treatment use the extract of the horses of the plant, taking 30-50 drops 1-2 times a day.
- Bee products - honey and royal jelly are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Improve tissue respiration, relieve puffiness.
Folk recipes for lymphedema:
- Take 250 g of purified garlic and crush it thoroughly. Transfer the raw material into a glass jar and pour 350 g of honey. Stir the ingredients and allow to steep in a dark place for 5-7 days. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. Garlic contains active components, cleansing lymph, stimulating the muscular walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and strengthening the immune system.
- Mix a teaspoon of chicory with the same amount of ground ginger root. Pour the raw material with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Take the drink for 10 days. The drug has a vasodilator effect, removes toxins, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph in the body.
- Take a couple of tablespoons of chopped hazel leaves. Fill the raw material in the thermos bottle and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The drink should be infused for 2-3 hours. After percolation, the drug is taken for ½ cup 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Infusion improves the circulation of the lower extremities, accelerates the healing of trophic ulcers.
Before the traditional treatment should consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components used recipes.
Herbal Treatment
Another unconventional way to treat leg lymphostasis is the use of medicinal components of plant origin.
Effective recipes:
- A tablespoon of dry leaves of plantain pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. Take infusion of ½ cup 2 times a day. At early stages of treatment, plantain stops the development of edema, helps in the treatment of lymphostasis caused by pathogenic flora and infections.
- Dandelion roots rinse well, cut into small pieces and dry. A tablespoon of raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Take ½ cup in the morning before breakfast. Dandelion reduces puffiness and minimizes pain in the lower extremities. Tones the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots.
- Two teaspoons of willow-tea, pour 500 ml of boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey and ginger. The drink should be infused for 15-20 minutes. Take the drug 2-3 times a day. Ivan tea restores lymph flow, relieves edema and reduces painful sensations.
- Take in equal proportions St. John's wort, turn, chamomile, millennia, tansy flowers and nettles. Mix all the ingredients and pour boiling water in a 1: 7 ratio and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. The product should be infused for 3-5 hours. Take ½ cup daily until the symptoms of elephantiases disappear. This recipe is most effective in the infectious nature of the disease.
- Take 1 large onion and bake in the oven. Once it has cooled, crush it to a mushy state, adding a couple of cloves of garlic and a spoonful of honey. The plant mixture should be applied to the affected tissue and wrapped in a flexible bandage. The drug is effective for posttraumatic lymphostasis of the legs.
When carrying out phytotherapy, it should be borne in mind that infusions, decoctions and compresses can not replace the complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.
There are homeopathic remedies for the treatment of lymphedema of the lower extremities:
- Apis Baryta muriatica, Fluoricum acidum, Apis mellifica - persistent stasis of lymph, solid edema.
- Baryta muriatica - lymph nodes are enlarged and painful, prone to purulent processes.
- Fluoricum acidum - the tendency to persistent edema of the legs of any etiology.
Graphithes - effective for lymphostasis in the early stages. - Hydrocotyle asiatica - edema of the lower extremities with lesions of the skin and annular scleroderma.
- Myristica - elephantiasis after erysipelas.
- Ledum - the elephantity of both extremities.
- Lycopodium - impaired lymph flow on the right.
The dosage and the way of application of homeopathic preparations are selected by the doctor, individually for each patient.
Surgical treatment of elephant leg
If conservative treatment in combination with physiotherapy proved ineffective and lymphedema progresses, then surgery is indicated. The surgical treatment of elephantiasis is aimed at creating new ways for the outflow of the lymphatic fluid and reducing the volume of the affected tissues.
Indication for the operation:
- Progressive stasis of lymph.
- The proliferation of connective tissue in the limb.
- Recurrent erysipelas.
- Formation of lymphatic sacs.
- Severe pain syndrome.
Before surgical intervention, the patient must be trained:
- Make a cardiogram and chest X-ray, pass a set of laboratory tests.
- If the results of the tests revealed an inflammatory process, then they prescribe a course of antibiotics and postpone the operation for 1-1.5 months.
- To compose an operation plan and clarify the patient's condition, magnetic resonance imaging of the affected tissues is performed.
- Before the operation, a special diet is prescribed, enriched with proteins and vitamins. Recommended restriction of salt and liquid intake.
The main methods of surgical treatment of elephantiosis of the legs:
- Lymphangiectomy - is performed with strong fibrotic changes in the tissues, limb deformities and frequent infectious processes. The surgeon performs complete or partial removal of lymphatic vessels with subcutaneous fat and fascia. The operation consists of several stages.
- Lymphatic drainage shunting - this method is effective in the initial stages of the disease with local hypoplasia of lymphatic vessels. With secondary lymphedema, surgery is not always possible, since anastomoses should only be applied to isolated tissues.
- Tunneling - is carried out with heavy elephant leg, when other operations are contraindicated. The treatment is based on the creation of moves to divert the fluid into healthy tissues.
- Liposuction - removal of adipose tissue with fibrous growths. The operation is most effective in the early stages of the disease, when the amount of connective tissue in the cellulose is minimal.
Surgery is contraindicated in diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system, for patients of advanced age, as well as with pathologies on the part of the kidneys, liver and lungs.
Particular attention is paid to rehabilitation after the operation. After the doctor has sewn up a wound, the operated extremity tightly bandage and limit any loads on it. To prevent purulent complications, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. After a week, the dosed load on the limb is allowed. Two weeks later, the seams are removed. To accelerate the healing and reduce the formation of scar changes, physiotherapy is indicated.