Gastroscopy of the stomach: sensations that shows results
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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By gastroscopy is meant a procedure in which the shells and cavity of the esophagus and stomach are examined. The area of the duodenum is also affected. In some cases, gastroscopy allows you to visualize the image and display it on the screen. For research use a gastroscopy, which is introduced through the mouth into the esophagus, then into the stomach. Gastroscope can be represented in the form of a flexible tube of small diameter, which the patient swallows. At the end or inside there is a special optical system, which makes it possible to inspect the internal cavity.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health, since 2010 all the offices of gastroenterologists should be equipped with two gastroscopes with the possibility of taking a biopsy. This requirement is explained by the importance and diagnostic significance of the procedure, which makes it possible to identify pathologies in the early stages and take timely measures, prescribe treatment. Many specialists recommend that such examinations be regularly conducted for preventive purposes. At least, you should not ignore the research in the event that it is appointed by a doctor. So, there are grounds for this.
It hurts to do a gastroscopy?
The study is not without discomfort and painful sensations. However, today there are many methods that make it less unpleasant and painless. For example, the use of anesthesia, the newest bezsondovyh methods of research.
Indications for the procedure
The procedure is used for the purpose of detailed examination of the walls of the stomach. Most often used when you suspect a tumor process or possible bleeding, ulcers. The method allows to visually convince in the nature of the pathological process, confirm or deny the diagnosis. On the basis of an accurate diagnosis, further research is carried out. It is often used to establish a clinical picture of other diseases of the stomach and esophagus. Can be used as an additional method of research for diseases not directly related to the digestive system.
Also it is carried out at occurrence of pains of various character in the field of a stomach, an esophagus. Allow to determine the nature of pain, timely detect a pathological process. With such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, gastroscopy is mandatory. If there is bleeding, vomiting with blood, stool disorders - gastroscopy is a mandatory procedure. Often carried out with a diagnostic purpose for suspected oncological process, for example, anemia, sudden weight loss, lack of appetite. It is carried out with other diseases, when it is necessary to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, and the lack of food. Can be performed with a therapeutic purpose.
Gastroscopy with gastritis
Gastroscopy can be a very informative procedure, used for gastritis and suspicion of it. Allows you to visualize the internal space, get a complete clinical picture of the pathology. It is carried out with severe pain in epigastrium, nausea, vomiting. Can be carried out with both curative and prophylactic purposes. For examination, the gastroscope is inserted through the mouth into the esophagus, the walls are examined, then moved to the stomach, the condition of the walls and mucous membranes is assessed. If necessary, take a biopsy. The results can confirm or deny the diagnosis, as well as identify other possible pathologies.
In order to prepare for the study, you need to consult a doctor, inform him of complaints, and also provide information about all medications that are taken. If you have allergies and diabetes, you should also inform your doctor about it. A few days before the study you need to eat only diet food, and exclude alcohol. The last meal is allowed 10 hours before the procedure, that is, you can eat only in the evening. In the morning, before the procedure, you can not eat or drink water.
The device for carrying out the procedure
For examination of the stomach cavity, special instruments are used, which are called gastroscopes, or endoscopes. The difference between them is the structure of the optical system at the end, which allows you to visualize the image. Also the device can be located on either side: on the side, on the end of the tube.
Technique of the gastroscopy
Gastroscopy is carried out in a special room. The patient needs to lie on his side. Preliminary treatment of the throat by local anesthetics is carried out. Often used a solution of lidocaine in the form of a spray. The throat is irrigated, while the gag reflex is reduced, and painful sensations are eliminated. This also makes it possible to relax the muscles, so that the probe will swallow freely without injuring the walls of the organs. Often used sedation. This is a procedure in which the patient is administered various sedative and anesthetics, which greatly facilitate the procedure. In some cases, general anesthesia is carried out. In this case, an injection is made, most often intravenously.
After preliminary preparation is carried out, the patient is laid, the patient is given a mouthpiece, which must be clamped in the teeth. It prevents damage to the teeth and lips, prevents the bite of the gastroscope. The gastroscope is slowly injected into the throat, then promotes into the esophagus. At this time, the gag reflex inevitably arises, the patient should breathe deeply and calmly. Then air is fed through the device, which makes it possible to straighten the walls. The examination of the mucous membranes, walls, cavities. The esophagus, the stomach, the upper part of the duodenum are examined. If necessary, a biopsy, therapeutic effects. Many modern gastroscopes make it possible to visualize the image on the screen, to make photo and video. After the examination and the necessary manipulations, the gastroscopy is extracted outward.
Sensations of gastroscopy
At a gastroscopy at the patient there are unpleasant sensations. There is discomfort during the swallowing of the tube. This is accompanied by an emetic reflex. If the patient is too nervous and afraid, the procedure can be delayed for an even longer time. So you need to behave calmly, try not to be nervous, then the procedure will pass quickly, and will bring a minimum of inconveniences. Many patients have unpleasant pain in the throat, which last from 1 to 3 days.
Gag reflex with gastroscopy
During the procedure, a vomiting reflex may occur. It occurs almost in all, since it is a natural protective reaction. Desires can be quite intense, but, as a rule, the content can be restrained. Thanks to modern pharmacological means, the gag reflex can be successfully overcome and suppressed. Anesthesia and muscle relaxants make it possible to relax the muscles of the esophagus, to calm the nervous system. Usually, local anesthesia is used.
How to breathe with a gastroscopy?
During the procedure, you should breathe slowly and calmly, in the usual rhythm. The tube does not affect the respiratory tract and does not block the flow of air. Moreover, the diameter of the tube is very small, so that the air freely circulates through the respiratory tract. The more a patient relax and less nervous, the easier it will be to breathe, because in many ways lack of air is a far-fetched mechanism.
How long does gastroscopy take?
Usually the procedure lasts 2-3 minutes. If this is a medical procedure, or during the examination, there will be a need for medical treatment, it can take up to 15-20 minutes.
Anesthesia with gastroscopy
Many patients dream of gastroscopy without pain. Today, this is made possible by the use of solutions of anesthetics and anesthetics. This makes it possible not only to eliminate pain, but also suppresses the gag reflex. At the request of the patient, even a gastroscopy is performed under complete anesthesia. The peculiarities of local anesthesia are that it acts in the region of the pharyngeal ring. There is local anesthesia and simultaneous relaxation of the muscles of the larynx. But while the person is in full consciousness, he can control everything that is happening, sees and realizes.
Types of gastroscopy
There are three main types of research.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or EGDS, makes it possible to examine the internal organs with an endoscope. In this case, the mucous membranes of the internal organs are examined. It gives an opportunity to assess the condition of internal organs, in the early stages to evaluate possible pathologies and to select the optimal treatment.
Fibroesophagogastroduodoscopy, or PHEGS, allows examination of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum with the help of a conventional gastroscope. This is a traditional gastroscopy.
Video endoscopes are also used, which make it possible to obtain a detailed and clear image from the cavity of internal organs. The image is displayed on the monitor screen, then can be printed using the printer. It gives an opportunity to put the correct diagnosis, choose a treatment. The main advantage of this method is the ability to save the result.
Gastroscopy with sedation under anesthesia
Some people are too sensitive, with a weak nervous system. They are too afraid, nervous, which makes it impossible to conduct the procedure. Therefore, there is a gastroscopy under anesthesia, during which the person is injected into anesthesia, he is in a state of sleep, and the doctor in the meantime can safely carry out the procedure. This method is also used for children, because often they find it difficult to conduct such a procedure because of their restlessness, fear, excessive activity.
Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe
The study can be conducted without the traditional ingestion of the probe. For this, the capsule method is used. The essence of the method is the ingestion of a special capsule, which contains an optical system. The capsule is washed down with water, then it starts to move along the digestive tract and transfers the image to the screen. It is released after a certain time in a natural way and does not harm the body.
Transnasal gastroscopy through the nose
Very unusual, however, an effective method that allows you to examine the stomach and esophagus. It is used for fear of suffocation or inability to insert an endoscope through the oral cavity. In this study, the tube is inserted first into the nose, then through the throat goes into the esophagus and stomach. The difference is in the method of reference and the size of the endoscope. It has extremely thin dimensions - no more than 6 mm. It makes it possible to investigate the gastrointestinal cavity no less effectively than when the endoscope is inserted by the traditional method. In this case, the urge to vomit does not arise, but there may be a cough as the endoscope passes through the throat.
In most cases, a cough only occurs if the throat is tight, and something goes wrong. With a relaxed throat and in a relaxed state, there is no coughing. At this stage, you just need to relax and trust a specialist who will perform all the necessary manipulations as accurately and harmlessly as possible.
The rest of the procedure is similar to traditional gastroscopy. If necessary, the doctor can take a piece of tissue on a biopsy. With the help of this technique, various pathologies can be diagnosed, including gastritis, ulcers, and cancerous tumors.
In addition to biopsy, chromoscopy and therapeutic procedures are carried out. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. Many patients who conducted this study, were satisfied, because you do not have to swallow the probe, there is no vomiting reflex. The patient also lies on his side, while the device is inserted into one nostril. The second remains free. The mouth is also closed and not occupied. In this regard, there is no panic and a sense of lack of air. Many patients note that with such a procedure, anesthesia is not needed, since it passes absolutely painlessly. To facilitate the introduction of the tube, a special lubricating gel is used. If necessary, anesthesia can be used. Discomfort can be felt for a short time, when the doctor turns the gastroscopy, but they quickly disappear.
Of interest is the fact that even a runny nose is not a contraindication for the procedure. But this procedure can cause nasal bleeding in the event that a person has a tendency to bleeding, or there is damage to the mucous membrane.
The procedure itself is much simpler. Complications almost do not arise, there is no need for anesthesia. Painful sensations also do not arise. A person can do his own business right after the procedure. The patient does not experience sore throats, which often accompany traditional gastroscopy, and are much less nervous. The risk of injury to the mucous membrane is significantly reduced, respectively, there is practically no risk of developing an infectious and inflammatory process.
Capsular gastroscopy
Under capsular gastroscopy is meant a new method of investigation, which is performed with a disposable capsule. The patient swallows the capsule, drinks it with water. The size of the capsule does not exceed 1.5 cm. In the middle of the capsule there is a color miniature video camera, light sources, and a mini radio transmitter. The device is designed for 6-8 hours of operation. At this time he moves along the digestive tract and transfers the image to the doctor's screen. Also on the move you can take pictures and video, save images. After the study is completed, the capsule will pass the remaining pathway and be excreted from the body with calves.
During the transfer of data, their registration takes place using a special reader. It can be in different forms: sometimes a patient is put on a device with wires, similar to an armored vest. Sometimes in the patient's pocket there is simply a device similar to a telephone. He perceives the signal from the capsule. The materials are downloaded to the computer with the installed program to decrypt them. Processing of the received data takes place. Preliminary diagnosis is automatically set by the program. Impulses and all the data on the basis of which this particular diagnosis was determined are also preserved. The doctor looks at the result. He can either confirm the diagnosis, or assign additional studies.
Using this method of research, the doctor determines what problems exist in the stomach and intestines. The peculiarity of this method is that it makes it possible to diagnose the small intestine. No other method has such capabilities, because before this site does not reach. The capsule makes it possible to identify numerous diseases of the digestive tract, which practically can not be studied by any other methods. This is the most effective method of diagnosing intestinal cancer, Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal pathologies and hidden bleeding. Also with the help of this method, it is possible to diagnose iron deficiency anemia, damage caused by taking hormonal drugs.
The disadvantages of this method can be attributed to the fact that if any pathology is found, the capsule will simply transmit a signal about it to the computer. No medical manipulation is possible. Also, you can not take a piece of tissue for histological examination, you can not take smears on the microflora and Helicobacter. It should also be taken into account that the capsule is evenly moving along the digestive tract, at a certain rate, and the doctor remains just an observer. He can neither deploy, nor slow down, nor accelerate its passage. However, researchers are working on improving the technique constantly, and in the near future it will be possible to control the camera from a computer, deploy it if necessary, adjust the angle and speed of passage.
Gastroscopy with a thin probe
A thin probe, whose diameter does not exceed 6 mm, is used for intranasal gastroscopy, in which the probe is inserted into the stomach and intestine through the nose. Also, a thin probe is used in the study of children.
Gastroscopy of the esophagus
The examination of the esophagus is carried out in the presence of indications. Most often, the need for such a study occurs when a person has a suspicion of any damage to the surface of the esophagus, mucous membranes. The study can give a lot of information on suspicion of an oncological process, in the diagnosis of esophageal cancer. Obstruction of the esophagus is the main indication for gastroscopy. The procedure is painless. Its duration ranges from 2 to 15 minutes. It can be tightened if there is a need for any additional research. Often when examining the esophagus, it becomes necessary to take a biopsy for further histological examination. Sometimes polyps, or other formations on the esophagus wall, are found. They need to be removed immediately.
Gastroscopy of the esophagus is the main method of early detection of esophageal cancer. Preliminary preparation includes preliminary adherence to dietary intake, refusal of alcohol. The last meal should be 8 hours before the test. Drinking water on the day of study is also not possible. For the study, a capsule or endoscope is used. Each of the methods has its own advantages, as well as its shortcomings. Therefore, the doctor independently decides whether to conduct a particular method of research.
Most often, however, they resort to traditional gastroscopy with the help of an endoscope, since this method makes it possible to carry out immediately and therapeutic manipulations, if necessary. Also, with the help of an endoscope, you can take a biopsy, scraping or smear for the study. In the process of gastroscopy all the walls of the esophagus are examined. In addition, the air and water are supplied by means of an endoscope, which makes it possible to examine more thoroughly the walls that will be straightened. Using the camera built into the endoscope.
Gastroscopy of the intestine
A full intestine can be examined only with the help of capsular gastroscopy. Colonoscopy is used to examine the lower intestine. But it makes it possible to examine only the rectum and partially the large intestine. When examining the upper sections with the help of gastroscopy, only the upper sections can be achieved. The study will end on the duodenum. With the help of the capsule, it is possible to examine absolutely all the sections, as it moves along the entire digestive tract and is subsequently discharged outward through the rectum with calves.
The essence of the procedure is that the patient swallows the capsule, which contains a built-in sensor. The capsule moves along the digestive tract and transmits the signal to the doctor's computer. Then, with the help of a special program, data processing takes place. The procedure is absolutely harmless, the patient does not experience any painful sensations or discomfort.
Definition Helicobacter in gastroscopy
If a person has a suspicion of a stomach ulcer, or gastritis, scraping is taken from the mucosa of the esophagus for further investigation on the content of bacteria of the genus Helicobacter. They live in the stomach and are the causative agents of gastritis and peptic ulcer.
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Gastroscopy with biopsy
During the procedure, it may be necessary to take a biopsy for further investigation. The material is taken for further histological examination if there is a suspicion of an oncological process. After taking the material is studied under a microscope, characteristic cells are found that can indicate the development of malignant growth. When such cells are found, they are sown on special nutrient media. Within a few weeks, the cells are incubated, then by nature and rate of growth, they confirm or disprove the oncological process. This study is the main method of diagnosing intestinal cancer, esophageal cancer. If a cancer cell is detected at an early stage, it is possible to remove the tumor without any consequences, and to prevent the development of a malignant tumor with further metastases.
Also, a fragment of the mucous membrane can be taken for histological examination in order to detect the depth and extent of damage to internal organs by bacteria. This need often occurs with peptic ulcer. With the help of this method, it is possible to determine the causative agent, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Also, the great advantages of this method is the ability to select the optimal drug in the proper dosage and as precisely as possible to conduct antibiotic therapy.
Gastroscopy in a dream
It is carried out in the event that a person is overly afraid of the procedure. Sometimes due to fear, or previous unsuccessful experience, the procedure can not be carried out. The way out is: gastroscopy can be done in a dream. The patient is given special medications that act like anesthesia. The person is in a state of medical sleep. The doctor at this time is conducting a study.
The advantage is that it does not use anesthesia, and not anesthesia, which have a negative effect on the heart, blood. Special short-acting hypnotics are used, during which the person calms down and sinks into sleep. Sleep lasts about 20-30 minutes. During this time the doctor has time to conduct a study. After that, the patient wakes up, does not remember anything. Such a dream is absolutely harmless to the body, does not have any stress on vital organs. Can be used repeatedly. It is often used when it is necessary to track changes in dynamics in the treatment of ulcers. With this diagnosis, the procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week.
The disadvantage of this method is that the doctor conducts all manipulations almost "blindly". In the ordinary state, the doctor monitors the patient's condition, depth and strength of movement, focusing on reactions and reflexes. During sleep, such indicators are not available. In this connection, the probability of damage is increased. Also after the procedure, you can not sit for a long time behind the wheel, as the concentration of attention, the speed of reaction decreases. Heavy physical activity is also contraindicated during the day.
Diagnostic Gastroscopy
Gastroscopy is used primarily for diagnostic purposes. It makes it possible to diagnose various diseases of the esophagus and stomach. They are used to confirm inflammatory and infectious processes, such as: gastritis, colitis, ulcers. It is the main method that can detect cancerous tumors in the early stages. Using this method, you can perform a biopsy and take a scraping from the mucous membrane. Determine the degree of contamination with bacteria of the genus Helicobacter, which are causative agents of gastritis and ulcer diseases.
Treatment Gastroscopy
Gastroscopy can also be used for therapeutic purposes, for example, to remove polyps, which are formations on the mucosa of the esophagus, or in the submucosa. They can also make manipulations related to the need to stop bleeding from ulcers. Gastroscopy is used to apply ligatures to damaged vessels of the esophagus or veins that have undergone varicose dilatation. Can be used to extract foreign bodies from the esophagus and stomach.
Also, the gastroscope makes it possible to inject directly into the tissues of the stomach and esophagus, inject medicines and irrigate them with mucous membranes. Treatment of the vascular and lymphatic system is also performed with the help of a gastroscope. The procedure makes it possible to solve the problem of narrowed lumen in the esophagus. If necessary, a special probe is inserted, by means of which a nutrient mixture is fed into the stomach. The therapeutic effect is achieved by inserting into the cavity of the endoscope various auxiliary instruments.
Virtual gastroscopy
A procedure known as virtual gastroscopy is known. The essence of the procedure is that special X-rays are used for the study. The image of the esophagus and intestines is displayed on the monitor screen. Usually the image is two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Virtual research is no less informative, gives a clearer picture than a conventional X-ray study, takes less time. The patient does not need help after the procedure and can immediately go home.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and gastroscopy
EGDS - a method of visual examination of the walls of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum. It allows to diagnose the most part of diseases at early stages, allows to visualize the clinical picture of diseases. There is also the possibility of carrying out a histological and cytological study, the results of which become known about after about 5-7 minutes. During the procedure, material is taken for this study.
The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, standard preparation is needed, which is in compliance with the diet and drinking regimen. Do not eat food and water 8 hours before the test. It must be remembered that the procedure has its contraindications, so the doctor needs to talk about the presence of concomitant diseases and the taking of medications.
The essence of the procedure consists in the introduction into the esophagus of a tiny device containing a sensor. Signals from it are converted into an image on the monitor screen.
A big plus is the ability to diagnose cancer at an early stage, which allows for timely treatment. According to statistics, approximately 80% of patients with cancer learn about their disease only in the late stages. With the help of EGDS and gastroscopy, it is possible to diagnose cancer in 99% of cases at an early stage, or at the stage of the onset of a cancerous tumor. Also, with the help of this study, it is possible to perform an analysis for lactase deficiency, for Helicobacter pylori.
Gastroscopy with monthly
It is better to postpone the procedure for several days, because during menstruation, a woman's sensitivity increases. This can increase pain and vomiting reflex. Also during this period the blood coagulability decreases, the risk of bleeding increases accordingly, even with minimal tissue damage. If there is a need to take a biopsy or remove polyps, there is a risk of bleeding.
Protocols of gastroscopy
First, the patient's age, a history of the disease, is indicated. Subjective complaints and results of objective examination of the patient are noted. In the protocol of gastroscopy, the status of the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract is displayed. There is a presence or absence of erosion, ulcers, foci of cellular transformation. It is noted whether there is leukoplakia, Barrett's esophagus, or tumor formations. A biopsy is taken, information about this should also be indicated in the protocol. If there was a need for medical measures, their essence is also displayed in the protocols.
Separately describes the state of the esophagus, stomach, their mucous membrane, pylorus, bulb 12 duodenum, postbulbar department.
Ultrasound after gastroscopy
Sometimes after a gastroscopy, ultrasound may be required. These studies open up to the doctor absolutely different pictures of pathology, give an opportunity to comprehensively assess the situation. Each of the procedures has its own shortcomings, as well as its advantages. The doctor makes a choice in favor of one or another technique based on the expected results and what exactly needs to be investigated.
Ultrasound examination makes it possible to study the structure of the stomach from various angles, allows you to study the features of the circulation of blood through the vessels of the stomach. It makes it possible to study the state of neighboring organs, which are located nearby, in the zone of action of ultrasound. It is possible to study the basic processes in dynamics. In addition, this method excludes the possibility of damage to the walls and mucous membranes. Allows you not to involve the patient in a state of stress, since the method is quite comfortable and natural for a person. There are no contraindications. You can even hold people with a weak heart and psyche.
The shortcomings of ultrasound should include the inability to take a biopsy and physiological fluids for research. With the help of this method, it is possible to evaluate only the external picture of the organ. The method is ineffective in the diagnosis of tumors, since it does not make it possible to detect the tumor in the early stages. It is not always possible to diagnose gastritis.
Thus, each method has its pros and cons. To get a more accurate picture, it is better to go through 2 studies. Therefore, they are often appointed together. Ultrasound gives an opportunity to evaluate the external side, structure and functional activity of organs. With the help of gastroscopy it is possible to detail the image and examine the organs from the inside. Traditionally, first appoint ultrasound, then gastroscopy, which is justified by logic: from general to particular. First, we study the picture as a whole, then we can proceed to special cases.
Gastroscopy for children
The principle of the method does not differ from that for adults. The difference is in the size of the probe for swallowing: for children the probe is shorter and thinner. The diameter is 5-6 mm. Preparation is the same as for adults. Gastroscopy for children is much more difficult, since they are mobile, restless. Many refuse to swallow the tube, make hysterics. For the child is important the psychological preparation and support of a loved one, especially mother. The study should be carried out with extreme caution, since the mucosal and muscle layers are not developed enough, they are easily damaged. Children under 6 years of age undergo general anesthesia.
Gastroscopy during pregnancy
With various diseases of the digestive tract, there is often a need to conduct a study for a woman, despite pregnancy. The procedure begins with the application of a special anesthetic to the larynx and the back surface of the throat. After the onset of numbness, sedatives are given. The woman falls asleep, is half asleep, but at the same time with full consciousness, which makes it possible to maintain constant contact. To increase the efficiency of the procedure, air is introduced into the cavity of the stomach. This spreads the walls and improves visibility. The duration of the procedure ranges from 10 to 25 minutes.
When pregnancy is used, if other methods of diagnosis are ineffective. It makes it possible to clearly determine the location of the inflammatory and infectious process, to detect possible pathologies, in particular, cancerous tumors. The procedure is considered safe in the first and beginning of the second trimester. The main condition for safety is the correct choice of anesthetic. Lidocaine is most commonly used. Pregnant food should not be consumed 10-12 hours before the start of the study. For half an hour after the end of the procedure, you can neither eat nor drink. If a biopsy was performed, the food for the next 24 hours should only be warm and soft to avoid complications.
Also, many people tend to the expediency of performing the procedure in a dream. In themselves, drugs that provide medication sleep, do not harm the body of a woman. But the benefit from them is palpable - the pregnant woman is not nervous, is in an absolutely calm state, accordingly, anxiety is not transmitted to the fetus.
Contraindications to the procedure
Contraindications are determined by the urgency of the case. In emergency cases, for example, when there is severe bleeding, there are no contraindications, and gastroscopy can be performed even in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
When conducting a routine examination, there are contraindications. For example, it is impossible to perform people with heart attack, post-stroke condition, aortic aneurysm, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension and in case of severe mental disorders.
Normal performance
Preliminary conclusions the doctor makes directly during the procedure. Assessing the condition of the mucosa, he can with absolute accuracy diagnose gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis. By changing the color of the mucous membrane, the presence of swelling and hyperemia, one can assume the presence of tumor diseases. According to these data, a preliminary conclusion is made. If a biopsy was performed or a scraping was taken for bacteriological examination, the results will be ready after 5-7 days. Based on the preliminary conclusion and results of the analysis, an opinion is drawn up for a gastroenterologist.
What does the gastroscopy show?
Gastroscopy makes it possible to detect inflammatory and infectious processes, ulcers, burns of the mucous membrane, polyps, hernias, scars. Of particular importance is the ability to detect malignant neoplasms in the early stages of their development. With the help of gastroscopy, it is possible to detect zones of formation of ruptures, which later become a source of hemorrhage. In addition, it is possible to detect intestinal parasites, foreign bodies.
During the diagnostic procedure, there may be a need for removal of polyps. They are excessive proliferation of the mucous membrane, which can later develop into a cancerous tumor. Polyps are removed during the procedure, the total duration of diagnosis and removal does not exceed 15-20 minutes. Pain does not occur in this case. Blood can emit a small amount, but it stops very quickly without having to take any action.
Stomach cancer
The stomach is one of the organs in which cancer tumors are most often found. Usually, the symptoms of the tumor in the digestive tract is difficult to identify. With the help of gastroscopy you can find the shape, size, localization of the tumor. You can also determine the shape of the tumor: icteric, cachectic or painful. Approximately 65% of patients develop cancerous tumors in the antrum of the stomach. In the arch of the stomach there is a tumor in 1,2-2,6% of cases. According to the histological type, adenocarcinoma is most often diagnosed. Usually, tumors are diagnosed at later stages when they reach large sizes. But with the help of gastroscopy they can be found at early stages, and take appropriate measures.