What can you get from a dog?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Man, as a particle of nature, always strives to be closer to her. Maybe that's why in every second dwelling you can find a kitty or dog, a hamster or a rabbit. Home pets are becoming an important part of our lives. And the dog is also a faithful, reliable friend, which one else to look for. But dog friendship, alas, is not always as safe as it seems. And it's not even that the dog in a fit of anger can bite, but that it can infect the owner or another person with one of the dangerous diseases that the carrier can be. Therefore, before you start a pet, you need to ask not only how to care for it, but also the question, what can you get from a dog?
Man and dog
Diseases transmitted to humans from animals have a common name - zooanthropos. Such diseases in general there are about 30. And in most cases, cats and dogs become culprits of a person's illness, both street and domestic.
It turns out that having a pet, you must always be alert, regularly visit a veterinarian, make the necessary vaccinations, which will protect not only the animal itself, but also the owner. It is clear that with domestic dogs all is much more complicated. Our humanity does not allow us to deprive the life of a living being, but to take care of it, to heal, to bathe, to inculcate is not always available to anyone. So it turns out that by patting a homeless dog somewhere on the street, you can grab a bouquet of diseases that will become a science for life.
But not always the dog wags a tail and waits for the person caresses. There are aggressive animals, and the reason for their aggression is often hidden in the man himself. It may well be that the dog offended one person, and from his teeth suffered a completely different. There are simply aggressive breeds, which even do not need to be offended, so that they show their "inside". Aggressive animals can also be during estrus.
A healthy trained animal is unlikely to harm a person if, of course, it was not trained for this purpose. But the behavior of an unhealthy dog can be unpredictable. But what kind of illness made the dog so restless and how dangerous it is for a person, you can not always determine by eye.
The conclusion is this: you need to be careful and know what you can get from the dog, so if you do not warn the infection, then at least be guided, how to behave in case of suspicious symptoms. This information will be useful for women and men, the elderly and children, because no one is immune, for example, from the bite of a sick dog. And we will try to consider the most common zooanthropises and answer questions that are of concern to our readers.
What diseases can you get from a dog?
Before we begin to get acquainted with the diseases that a domestic or street pet can give us, let's talk about whether or not to blame the dog. Even we, the people, the most intelligent of the beings living on the planet, do not always care about our health, given that we have every opportunity to prevent the development of the vast majority of diseases. And the dogs do not have such an opportunity, except that the person will take care and in advance will make the vaccine vaccine. The dog in fact does not even know what danger can be borne by someone who considers her a best friend. Therefore, you should not blame the animal, it is worth considering your behavior and attitude to it, and, of course, about what you can get from the dog, if you do not follow the precautionary measures.
But this is all lyricism, let's return to reality. And it is such that animals can be carriers of the same types of pathologies that people suffer from. These are infectious, parasitic and fungal diseases. In turn, infectious pathologies can be both bacterial and viral.
Bacteria and viruses
Oh, these microscopic microorganisms can knock down both humans and animals, causing dangerous violations in the body. True, not all bacteria and viruses are able to migrate between humans and animals, but they are not always advisable to change their place of residence (conditions are inappropriate). Let's consider some popular examples, when "canine" disease is transmitted (or not transmitted) to a person, as well as questions relating to purely human viruses.
Bacterial pathologies
The very name "bacterial diseases" indicates that the causative agent of the disease is a certain bacterium, a pathogenic microorganism. So the question of what can get infected from the dog, you can say with certainty: bacteria. Let's try to figure out which bacteria are dangerous for dogs and for humans.
- Leptospira are bacteria from the spirochete genus. They cause such a dangerous disease of animals and people as leptospirosis. This disease can be called differently: canine fever, infectious jaundice, Vasiliev-Weil disease, etc. But the meaning remains one: under the influence of leptospira, the animal begins fever, the skin turns yellow, the appetite disappears, weakness and apathy appear. If the disease is acute or lightning fast, the animal most often dies. But the disease can be chronic, and some dogs can be carriers of infection for 3 years.
Detect leptospira can be found in urine, feces, milk, sperm, secretions from the nose and genitals, as well as in the exhaled air, and therefore can easily get on any surface with which the person will contact, or into the water. In the human body, they penetrate through any damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, bites, etc. The incubation period of leptospirosis varies from 2 to 4.5 weeks.
In humans, the disease is also manifested by chills, fever up to 40 of the C, headache and muscle pain, redness and swelling of the face, skin rash, urinary retention, drop in blood pressure, etc.
If the disease is not treated, it gives dangerous complications: severe liver and kidney disease with impaired function, inflammation of the meninges and brain (meningitis and encephalitis), inflammation in the iris of the eye (iritis), etc.
- Listeria is a gram-positive rod that feels great in the environment and is not afraid of the cold, continuing to actively multiply even in a refrigerator. It is believed to be the causative agent of listeriosis, a disease of animals and humans.
In animals, the disease manifests apathy, which after 3-7 days is replaced by uncontrolled aggression. Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms may differ: paresis of the limbs, convulsive syndrome, fever, development of mastitis in bitches, etc. If the CNS is affected, the animal dies.
Listeria is also found in any physiological excretions of sick animals and carriers of infection. Thus, the source of infection can be both the dog itself and everything that it contacts. The incubation period can be from 7 days to 1 month.
In humans, listeriosis manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea with attacks of vomiting, sometimes a rise in temperature, which recalls the course of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
The disease can occur in various forms and has dangerous complications: meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), arthritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia. These are inflammatory processes affecting the brain, heart, joints, bones, lungs.
- Staphylococci are gram-positive bacteria that can cause various inflammatory pathologies in both animals and humans. In animals, staphylococcal infection develops mainly against the background of other pathologies, which are accompanied by pruritus of the skin (dermatitis). The dog begins to itch, tear the skin, where the infection gets, which can be found literally everywhere. In place of wounds, suppuration occurs.
When asked whether it is possible to catch staphylococcus from a dog, the answer will be positive. But, alas, much more often people get a bacterium in reward not from animals, but from contact with dirty objects through unwashed hands or airborne droplets. The risk factors are wounds on the skin or mucous membranes.
Most often, the animals are infected with children or people of advanced age, as well as those who have greatly weakened immunity.
It is possible to get infected from a dog with a bacterial disease if you are in friendly contact with the animal itself, if you bite with skin damage, when you contact infected surfaces, but again, provided that there was a wound on the skin at the point of contact. It is not excluded that a person is infected by means of unwashed hands.
Viral pathologies
Since we are talking about contact with animals, we must understand that not always it can end successfully. Often, by showing aggression, a dog can bite a person. And immediately the question arises, what can you get from a dog bite?
We already know about bacterial infections and the possibility of getting them during an animal bite, but how about viruses that also provoke various diseases?
- A rabies virus or a neurotropic virus. It is considered the causative agent of all known pathologies - rabies (other names: hydrophobia, hydrophobia). This is an extremely dangerous disease that animals can not even cure. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dog is euthanized.
In animals, the disease can occur in 3 forms, which are markedly different in their symptoms:
Wild form : first the dog is either listless or timid, or overly affectionate and intrusive, then it becomes restless, alert, and then overly aggressive. The dog can react violently to bright light, screaming, noise. After the attack, lethargy and apathy begin. From food the dog can refuse, but gnaws and irones inedible objects. Saliva appears, the voice becomes hoarse, turning to howl. A distinctive feature of rabies is the inability to swallow water.
Silent form : the dog is too affectionate, always tries to lick the master, then saliva and anxiety appear, the lower jaw hangs, it becomes difficult to swallow, especially water.
Atypical form : signs of inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis or enteritis).
In animals, the incubation period can last from 5 days (in puppies) to 2 months, in single cases - up to a year.
The question is whether it is possible to catch rabies from a dog, has long been considered irrelevant, because dogs are the main vectors of the virus. Another thing is, how can you get rabies from a dog? Usually, infection occurs when the animal is bitten. But since the virus is contained in the saliva of a dog that can obsessively lick the master, it is possible that contamination can occur through lesions on the skin in a place that the animal actively licked or where it left its saliva.
Depending on the site of the bite, the incubation period for a person lasts from 5 to 40 days, and sometimes up to 1 year. The higher the bite on the body, the faster the disease will develop, which usually has 3 stages:
Stage 1 (1-3 days ): traumatic pain, itching and inflammation at the site of the bite, temperature within 37-37.3 о С, headaches, general weakness, depression, fear, sometimes hallucinations, nightmares, violation of appetite and sleep.
Stage 2 (2-3 days ): the appearance of rabies (a person can not drink, spasms in the pharynx arise even from the noise of water), rare convulsive breathing, convulsions in the body, groundless fear of every sharp sound or movement, dilated pupils, drooling, frequent pulse, hyperhidrosis;
The person is agitated, there are attacks of aggression and inadequate behavior (beats, bites, tears his hair, etc.), at the end of the attack the patient becomes normal and adequate.
Stage 3 (about 1 day) : impaired sensitivity, paralysis of muscles and organs, unusual calm, temperature of about 42 o C, heartbeat increased, pressure low. Then comes death.
Do not be scared, because usually it does not reach this point. After a dog's bite, a sober-minded person will certainly go to a hospital where he will be vaccinated (a modern vaccine for COCAV) on the same day. The main thing is not to delay with a visit to the doctor. If more than 2 weeks after the bite has passed, the vaccine may not help. And the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease suggests that no treatment will help a person anymore.
Readers can ask such an unusual question: is it possible to catch rabies from a vaccinated dog? Veterinarians say that the vaccinated dog can not get sick with rabies. It's another matter if she received the virus before (the incubation period can be prolonged), and the vaccine did not have time to act, or was in close contact with the sick dog, so that the saliva of the infected animal remained in the mouth. As we see, the probability of infection from vaccinated dogs is very, very small.
Moreover, doctors say that it is also unlikely to get infected from a domestic unvaccinated dog if the animal does not communicate with domestic dogs.
- Hepatitis virus is a microorganism from the adenovirus group. In dogs, it causes infectious viral hepatitis (Rubart's disease), which is characterized by an inflammatory process in the liver.
In animals manifested as: raising the temperature to 41 on C, of depression, anorexia, episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, increased redness and tonsils appearance whitish turbid spots in front, lightening of stool and darkening of urine, sometimes a yellowish tint to the skin and mucous membranes.
Young dogs usually die, and those who survive suffer from liver disease.
There is a fair question, whether it is possible to catch from a dog a hepatitis? A dog can get the disease quite easily, through a touch, but for a person it will be safe. So the disease is terrible for the animal, but not for its owner.
- HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus, which subsequently causes AIDS. The very name of the virus indicates that this virus affects mainly people.
Can dogs become infected with HIV? No, it can only be a short-term carrier of infection, which can not live long outside the human body.
However, according to many studies, insects can become carriers of HIV. So maybe dogs can reward a person with such a dangerous disease, which for them is absolutely safe?
We will not sin against the truth, the probability of such infection exists, but it is so insignificant that it is simply not taken into account. How likely is it that a dog, having bitten up to the blood of a patient with HIV infection, will attack a healthy person and infect infected blood in the wound? This is the chance to get infected.
- Rotavirus or rotavirus infection (aka intestinal or gastric flu) is a virus, various strains of which cause severe symptoms in different animals, including dogs, and in humans. The main symptoms: intoxication, diarrhea, dehydration plus all kinds of cold manifestations.
Rotavirus infection is very contagious and has a short incubation period (up to 12 hours). It is dangerous for people with weak immunity, children and the elderly. Can a dog get rotavirus from a sick host? Fortunately, no, because for puppies, with which the owners are especially involved, the disease can be fatal (for adult dogs rotavirus is not terrible).
In humans and dogs, the disease causes different strains of the virus, so transmission of the disease between them is impossible.
- The virus of the plague of dogs is a microorganism from the family of morbilliviruses, which causes a disease in dogs under the amusing name "plague." And what else can be called a disease that affects mainly young animals at the age of 3-12 months?
Chumka (plague carnivorous) is a very dangerous disease for animals, which affects the respiratory system, digestive organs, skin and central nervous system. Quite often the disease leads to the death of the dog.
Symptoms: high temperature (at 40 o C), vomiting, diarrhea, profuse purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, convulsions.
Can a person get a plague from a dog? No, for a human, the plague virus of dogs is not terrible, another thing is the measles virus, which also belongs to the family of morbilliviruses. But the human carrier, like a cat (it does not itself suffer from a disease), may well be if he was caring for a sick animal. In the external environment, the virus is able to survive up to 2-3 months. In this case, the owner becomes dangerous to his dog, if she was not vaccinated at the time and has a sensitivity to infection.
Well, finally, a question that has a direct bearing on a viral infection, which we often call a cold. So is it possible to catch a cold from a dog, because it both in humans and animals causes the same symptoms: sneezing, cough, runny nose, lacrimation?
There is no need to worry about this, because, like in the case of rotavirus infection, the symptoms of the disease in humans and dogs or cats cause completely different viruses. So do not be afraid to treat a pet because of the fear of getting sick yourself.
These inedible fungi
Not only bacteria and viruses can cause dangerous diseases in dogs. This ability is also possessed by some fungi, which, settling on the animal's skin, cause him terrible anxiety. But is it possible for a fungal infection to live on the human body and what exactly is to beware of, one has yet to understand. So, what, having a fungal nature, can you get infected from a dog?
Mycosis is called a disease in dogs, the causative agents of which is the fungal flora. The most common of the mycoses is lichen or mycosoria. It is he who is most feared by people, and not for nothing. You can get infected from a dog by simply stroking a sick animal, which is often practiced by small children and ardent animal lovers.
In principle, lichen can have various forms that differ in the causative agent of the disease (and they may not only have a fungus, but also a virus), the nature of the rashes on the animal's skin, the localization of spots and the degree of infectiousness. A characteristic symptom of lichen is considered to be: colored or flaky spots on the skin, which itch, so the animal constantly itches and spreads the infection through the body, hair loss at the site of fungal localization. Sometimes the lichen manifests itself in the form of scabs on the skin and the lightening of the ends of the coat, which ceases to shine, looks untidy, sticks to lumps.
Fungus, which causes lichen, settles mainly in the epidermal layers of the skin of a dog or cat. Individual elements can be found on the animal's fur, especially after the dog has combed the itchy spot. It is enough just to hold a hand over the wool of a sick animal, and then touch your skin or hair, and the fungus will gladly accept the invitation to settle in the "new house".
In humans, the disease is called ringworm, and it is caused by zoophilic dermatophytes (a kind of fungus). It is called Ringworm because it is very fond of places on the skin, covered with hairs, which fall out under its influence. The incubation period of the disease, if it is received from the animal, is not more than a week. The risk of getting sick is higher in people with weakened immunity or wounds on the skin. Risk factor is the care of a sick animal. Treatment depriving animals for a long time, so if the rules of hygiene are not respected, the probability of getting infected is very high. It is especially dangerous if the animal was not isolated at the time of treatment. In this case, fungal spores can be found for a long time on any surfaces with which the sick animal has been contacted.
Numerous parasites
Yes, it is in a huge family of all kinds of parasites that the main danger lies in keeping pets, not to mention contact with the homeless. Parasites are micro and macroorganisms that live off others. It will not be distracted by the fact that there are parasites among people, but we will talk about those parasites that live inside or on the surface of the human body and animals, and about what parasites can be infected from the dog.
So, parasites are organisms that can not exist long outside the "master". If you think well, this group can include viruses, as well as some types of bacteria and fungi, but it's not about them now. We will talk about larger parasites, which can be divided into 2 groups:
- to endoparasites can be attributed to insects (ticks, fleas, gnats) and some protozoa that can live on the skin of a dog, feeding on its blood,
- endoparasites torment the animal from the inside, these are helminths and some kinds of protozoa that settle in internal organs.
Each group has a special subgroup of parasites. Among endoparasites are organisms that parasitize not on the surface of the skin, but in its internal layers (for example, some types of mites). Endoparasites include those organisms that live in open cavities (nose, ears, mouth).
The wealth of microflora in dogs can hardly surprise a seasoned dog breeder, who probably knows the secrets of fighting her various species. But the inexperienced owner of a puppy or adult dog because of the lack of important knowledge and inactivity can kill an animal and hurt yourself. Can suffer and those who do not have their own dog, but for the love of animals, people often contact them on the street or on a visit, without thinking about the presence of parasites in a dog or cat.
What parasites can be found in animals and what can be infected from a dog? We will try to understand this question now.
Let's begin the analysis of flights from worms, which are inhabitants of internal organs. A popular question, whether it is possible to get infected from a dog with worms, requires specification. Worms (scientific helminths) are a generalized concept that includes several groups of worms parasitizing living organisms that cause diseases with the common name "helminthiases". It would be more correct to ask, what worms can you get from a dog?
Let's start with the most popular worms from childhood - pinworms, which cause a disease called "enterobiosis." Only children suffer from enterobiasis. Immunity of an adult does not allow these small parasites to reproduce.
Enterobiosis is considered a disease in which infection can occur only one way - by contact between people. Dogs, cats and other animals are not carriers of worms, so in this regard you can be calm.
The second most popular are ascarids. These are large round worms (up to 40 cm in length), causing pathologies called ascaridoses, which can affect both humans and animals. Ascarids settle mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, giving preference to the small intestine, which subsequently inflames. However, they are quite active and can easily get to the respiratory organs, climb into the organs of hearing, nasal canals, appendix, etc. Because of ascariasis, pneumonia, liver and pancreas diseases, peritonitis, bronchitis, intestinal obstruction and other dangerous pathologies can develop.
So far, it was about human ascaris. In animals, worms are completely different. They are used to living in completely different conditions, at higher temperatures. For example, the body temperature of the dog is approaching 39 degrees.
Can I get ascarids from a dog? Human - no, because they are transmitted only from person to person and can not live outside the human body. As for canine ascarids, the danger can be represented by a variety of ascarids, like toxocara, the probability of infection of which with reduced immunity is 80%.
Toksokary - round worms of about 10-18 cm in length, capable of active migration through the body, so that they can be found in the liver, heart, eyes, lungs, brain, pancreas, skeletal muscles. A person can become infected with these helminths from the genus of nematodes, both with the use of contaminated water and products, and in contact with a sick animal. Especially dangerous in this regard are considered dogs, infection from the cat is less likely, because they are sick with toxocarosis much less often.
A person can be a carrier of larvae of toxocar for a long time without knowing it. But with a decrease in immunity, they quickly turn into worms and begin to travel through the body.
Symptoms of toxocariasis : general health worsens, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees, appetite worsens, nausea and vomiting appear. Cough may appear. Body weight decreases. Patients complain of pain in the muscles and an increase in lymph nodes. On the skin often there are various rashes of an allergic nature.
The disease requires serious and long-term treatment. If it does not pass the parasite can live in the body for 10 years, affecting various organs and systems (inflammatory pathologies, hearing and visual impairment, etc.).
Another pathology associated with nematodes that can be diagnosed in humans and dogs is called dirofilariasis. This is not so common disease, because it requires an intermediary for its transfer. The role of mediator is blood-sucking insects.
With round worms like everything is clear, but how are things with flat types of worms?
Echinococcus is a ribbon parasite that causes a serious illness with a long period of latent flow called "echinococcosis." The adult worm has small dimensions (2-7 mm), but it does much harm, causing a disruption in the structure and functions of various organs, including the heart, kidneys, spleen, spinal cord and brain, liver, etc.
The main source of infection are hunting dogs and farm animals. The larvae, which are transmitted from the sick organism to the healthy, nest in the feces of the dog, from where they can get to the wool or various objects. Infection occurs by contact with the dog or infected surfaces.
In the host organism, the larvae form cysts filled with a liquid in which they are up until ripening. Such cysts can be found in various organs.
The likelihood of transmission from the dog to the person is also in the cucumber chain that causes diplipidosis. To infect a person from a dog, an intermediary is again needed, and fleas are his. Infect cucumber chain can only be accidentally swallowed a flea in the body of which is the larva of the worm.
Symptoms: increased salivation, vomiting, worsening of appetite, diarrhea, cyanosis of the skin. Often there are severe pains in the abdomen, dizziness, irritability, itching in the anus.
Unicellular parasites
But not only worms can be residents of the internal organs of dogs and humans. They can be and the simplest organisms.
Toxoplasma are just one of the simplest species that can be found in the dog's body. The disease that develops under their influence is called toxoplasmosis.
Is it possible to get infected with toxoplasmosis from a dog? Of course you can, and very easily, simply by contacting or courting your own or a stray dog.
It is estimated that approximately half of the population is infected with toxoplasma in the world . In some people with good immunity, the disease can be asymptomatic. In others (with acute form) there is a strong increase in temperature, an increase in the liver and spleen, vomiting, headaches, convulsions, paralysis. Chronic form occurs with low temperature, fatigue, headaches and an increase in lymph nodes.
The disease can be accompanied by the defeat of various organs and systems. In pregnant women, pathology causes miscarriages. When the brain is affected, there is a risk of developing schizophrenia.
Giardia is another fairly popular species of protozoa that is out of the body calmly in the form of cysts. Lamblias feel great both in the human body, and inside the dog or other animal.
Whether it is possible to catch ljamblijami from a dog? Why not? True, the probability of such infection is much lower than when using contaminated water. The fact is that only cysts are considered infectious, which can be found in the feces of an animal. The likelihood of getting cysts of lamblia from feces on food or a person's hand is very small, except that they will end up on the dog's fur. Therefore, infection with lamblia from animals is rare.
The danger to humans from worms in the dog's body is that helminthiases can flow without significant symptoms. Losing weight and deterioration (or vice versa, increase) of appetite in a pet are often associated with other causes. A clear specific symptom can only be anal itching and the appearance of worms in feces or at the exit from the anus, which is not always the case with all helminths. It turns out that the owner may not even suspect what the danger is next to him and what can cause the hidden illness of the dog.
Lice and fleas
Many parents faced with how many unpleasant moments lice give a child who can safely migrate to the head of an adult. Watching how our little brothers are itching (and this is the main symptom of the presence of insect parasites), and finding small insects in their wool, willy-nilly you will think, whether it is possible to catch lice from the dog?
The answer to the question will be: you can get infected, but it's not dangerous, because lice in animals and humans - it's completely different insects. Human lice are attracted to our blood, while it is not to the taste for canine fleas. Having fallen on the head of a person, the flea will not stay there for long, and will seek opportunities to return to where it is tasty food.
The same goes for vagabonds, small, sedentary, semi-transparent parasites that can be found in animal hair. The change of place of residence from a dog to a man is fraught with the death of an insect, which simply freezes on the human body, because it has a temperature almost 2 degrees lower than that of a dog.
About these parasites, many do not want to remember, so many unpleasant moments can be associated with them. Not only that the insect causes an unbearable itch, penetrating under the skin of an animal or a person, so it's also not easy to remove.
The most famous disease of man and animals caused by a tick is scabies. True, not everyone knows that the cause of skin itching is a tick, and not at all uncleanliness. The association between scabies and dirt arose for the reason that the disease is very common among homeless people. But the reason is not mud, but that scabies are very contagious. Scabies mite - a night insect, and only during this period the female can be on the surface of the skin for coition. Transmission of the tick occurs with close contact of the skin of a sick person with a healthy body, especially at night, which is very popular among people without a permanent residence.
Now, as for animals. The question, whether it is possible to catch a scabies from a dog, has a very difficult answer. To begin with, the scabies mite has several varieties that settle either on humans or on animals. Everyone has their own preferences.
But one can not completely exclude the transmission of a dog tick to a person. If an adult or a child actively hugs an infected dog in the evening, it is possible that the tick mite will try to change the situation. But this will not work for her, since staying on the human body does not allow the scabies to completely pass the life cycle from the larva to the adult. In the end, both the mite and its larvae will die, so that the disease will not last long.
Another kind of mites parasites - demodex. The disease caused by them is called demodicosis and manifests itself not so much in the form of itching (it is rather a slight tickling), but rather the appearance of reddish acne on the skin, redness and flaking of the skin, puffiness of the eyelids.
Can I get demodectic from a dog? Opinions on this account diverge. On the one hand, demodex, like the scabies mite, has several varieties depending on the animal whose body is its habitat. It would seem that a dog mite should not live on a man. But you can meet many messages, when the cause of the disease in humans was precisely the subcutaneous mite of the dog.
So can I get a subcutaneous mite from a dog? It is possible, in the same way, as well as itch. But anyway, we can say with certainty that the disease will not last for long. After all, the conditions of life in the body of man and animal are completely different. A lower body temperature does not allow mites to multiply actively.
Can a child get infected from a dog?
When a four-legged friend appears in the family, who calls the district with a loud, joyous barking, when the owners pay him attention, children are particularly delighted. For them, a dog and a friend, and a soft toy that can be squeezed, hugged and even saddled, if the size of the animal allows. Let's talk about how safe this toy is.
Dogs, like humans, can have many different diseases, some of which are considered infectious and can be dangerous to humans. Bacteria and viruses, helminths and protozoa - this is an incomplete list of what makes a dog not so attractive neighbor and for adults, the ones that are for children.
The matter is that the immune system of the child still some years after a birth is in a stage of formation. The protective forces of a small organism are much weaker than in adults, therefore children (especially kids from 0 to 3 years old) are ill even with those diseases with which the adult body copes for one or two. And this despite the fact that babies are in close contact with animals (both domestic and vagrant) much more and more actively than adults who are mostly caring for animals, and do not embrace and kiss them, which is peculiar to kids.
It is clear that for a child a sick dog poses a greater danger than for an adult. What can a child get from a dog? Yes, all the diseases we wrote about above: leptospirosis, listeriosis, staphylococcal infection, rabies (if parents do not, but this is unlikely), a fungal infection (which is very popular in childhood, terribly infectious lichen), helminths and even ticks (even illness and will not last long).
And if the body of an adult in most cases is able to resist the disease, then the child's organism with it is very difficult to cope with. The same deprivation in adults occurs less often and does not reach such a spread as a child. Not to mention caution. The adult person is unlikely to after close communication with the yard dog will smooth his hair or face, and the child is quite peculiar.
A sensible adult will not, after contact with the dog, take food with unwashed hands, but the child, seeing a tasty apples or cookies, is unlikely to think about caution and the possibility of infection with helminths.
It must be said that the infection of adults in most cases occurs for the same reason as in children. This is primarily a failure to comply with basic hygiene requirements. Unwashed hands become a source of infection, not just the case with dogs. Even if you have a sick animal at home, you can catch not a "dog" disease if you cook and take food with unwashed hands, if you take the same hands for the face, carry out cosmetic procedures (for example, squeezing out acne) and medical manipulations (skin treatment, injections, etc .).
Simply dogs increase the probability and somewhat expand the range of possible pathologies. So, when you start a pet, you must always remember this, accustoming yourself to cleanliness and your children.
It should be understood that the probability of picking up an unpleasant and dangerous "sore" from a pet is much lower than from a stray dog. And yet the dog is not a cat with his home-made tray, which from street visits can completely be abandoned. Dogs, especially large ones, are trained to cope with their needs on the street, where they can contact sick animals and surfaces (for example, grass), on which there may be larvae of parasites.
As for small dogs, and dwarfish breeds are not few now, and they are gaining popularity, then here it's not so simple. It would seem that I took a healthy puppy, do not let him out into the streets, and the problem of contagious diseases is solved. But even a puppy or a little dog that has never been outside is not absolutely safe. And the danger for them we represent, people.
Everyone knows how dogs like to play with shoes. But it is on shoes that we can bring home any infection. The dog nibbled the shoe, rubbed it with wool and, behold, it has problems that are quite likely to pass to us, and first of all to our children.
But if everything is clear with the hygiene of the hands and body, then somehow one can take care of it, then everything is much more difficult with shoes. After all, it's not enough to take your shoes away from the pet, you need to also wipe the floor every time you go into the house, which is already problematic.
The only reliable way to protect yourself and the dog is timely vaccination of the animal and regular examination by a veterinarian. In principle, the vaccine is available for virtually every disease, which can be contagious to humans. And veterinarians actively offer to vaccinate pets and regularly flaunt them and treat them with special means against fleas and ticks (you can use special collars).
But due to the fact that the medicines are not cheap now, the owners of dogs do not rush to buy them, not knowing about the consequences, which can be much more expensive. Especially if one of the owners of the dog is a child.
Some do not want to resort to vaccination, considering it a waste of money, which does not relieve the disease. This is facilitated by the mention of cases of infection of people from dogs who were vaccinated. But if you understand them in detail, it turns out that the owner of the dog who did not adhere to the vaccination regime was the one who was to blame.
Can I get infected from a vaccinated dog? It is possible, but only if the vaccination was not carried out in time, and the dog managed to catch the infection before the vaccine was introduced. Given that any disease has an incubation period, neither the owner nor the veterinarian could even have known about the infection.
The likelihood of catching a vaccinated animal is extremely low. After all, it becomes contagious when the disease passes into the open phase, and the vaccine at this time in most cases begins to act and the animal's organism is actively fighting the pathogens.
And now, as a bonus, consider a question that many will find ridiculous. Can I get cancer from a dog? It would seem, where does cancer to dogs? However, it is scientifically and in practice proved that our four-legged friends, it turns out, can be ill with oncological diseases, as well as their owners. And they treat cancer in dogs, like humans, with chemotherapy. But the dogs can only transmit cancer cells to animals from the order of the dogs. Other animals and people are afraid of infection, according to doctors, do not need.
As you can see, the friends of our smaller ones have not only dog disease, but also those that can be dangerous for humans. The list of answers to the question of what can be infected from a dog is not so small, and the diseases are not at all harmless. Therefore, first of all, it is not so much what to think about which "dog" diseases are dangerous for a person, but about possible ways to avoid infection. And this is primarily hygiene and sanitation, as well as the prevention of diseases in the animals themselves (at least out of love for their pets). After all, not only we, people, have the right to a happy healthy life.